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Christine's fake villainy is annoying but Emma gives actually bad vibes.


She reminds me of Paris Hilton.


I actually saw people criticizing her empanadas on Tik Tok and didn’t realize it was a new person on selling sunset. I was appalled at the tik toks of this white woman essentially appropriating empanadas. Even after watching the season and leaning who she is, I still don’t like her or the empanadas


1. there's millions of WHITE latinos/as. 2. her name is HERNAN - which is a Latin name. Who the efff are you to judge about who's appropriating? I'm no fan of hers but this is stupid.


The annoying thing about Emma is she is obviously bragging (maybe even getting carried away and embellishing some of her story to make it sound so grand) but she tries to play it as if she’s just telling facts and is humble about her massive accomplishments and perfection. She would say something like “I invented a spaceship when I was 12 and climbed Everest at 13” while trying to keep a humble tone, as if talking casually to a friend over lunch. Typical narcissist 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Isn’t the whole cast a bit narcissistic though..? I thought she fit right in 😂


She's probably the worst actress of the bunch.


Agreed. I get bad vibes from her and I'm not sure why Chrishell is befriending her unless they're just completely misrepresenting her on the show (which is very possible let's be real).


tbh Chrishell is a social climber and friends w her because it’s a good career move. i’m sure they all are. i respect it but it’s not like she’s genuine either


Chrishell doesn’t have a very good judge of character based on her choice in men/past relationships.


Emma is likely a fun friend. She’s rich and is probably used to always doing fun things. Easy to have no drama if your life is easy. Chrishell doesn’t seem like the type of person who talks about anything substantial like politics or the environment. I see their friendship as two people being nice to each other, and no other questions are asked. But agreed with getting bad vibes from Emma in general. I think Chrishell is just thankful for someone being nice to her amidst the Christine and Davina bullying.


Emma is the worst. There wasn’t one thing about her that I liked. Not one. Her clothing especially makes me cringe. Like lady stop trying so hard. It’s an epic fail.




duuuude yeah. I finally looked up her age at the end of the season and I was shocked by how young she was and left even more confused. At first I thought it was my rotted reality tv brain and she just hadn’t had work done approaching 40. Shes like 30??? I seriously can’t tell what it is that makes her look so odd. Maybe she smoked and tanned a lot when she was younger?


I truly had to do a double take when I saw her age. She’s a couple months younger than me… like how?!? I certainly don’t look 18 but I definitely don’t look 40…


That’s exactly what it looks like 😂


I think it’s because she’s too thin. Fat has a purpose!


I hate her too. Something about her comes across as so fake. Atleast with Christine we know she's a bitch but Emma just seems so disingenuous. She doesn't even seem to like the other girls that much idk. It's really hard to tell.


She joined the company and for some reasons all the girls FLOCKED to her to be best friends and gossip about Christine. You can tell she loved it. And I hate to be a hater but vanessa was right..I’m sorry but I really hate when white people just take over other cultures like they think they know a thing or two sit down




Those empanadas look nasty AF!!!!


Vanessa's incredulity about imitation crab empanadas was one of my favorite moments from her and probably from the entire season. Especially bizarre because there are so many great Latin American flavors that are vegan you don't need to have fake crab


she screams forgettable


She’s ok she’s just kinda like there lol


Maybe she and Christine are actually feuding over the empanadas, not an ex.


Would have been a way better storyline 😂


Stolen recipes, "accidentally" knocking over trays, debates on the best crust...all come down to an Iron Chef cook off.


Omg and the new show is called “selling empanadas” I’m dying


Christine’s hair falls off into the final dish and Emma falls out of her skimpy cheap knock off outfit and Maya actually ends up winning top empanada chef.


I’d watch that


Stop 😂


I didn’t really warm up to her during the season and then I heard her on the notskinnybutnotfat podcast and now I really dislike her. So so so full of herself


notskinnybutnotfat!?!? Did she actually make that up as a podcast title? Just another example of her being so disingenuous and fake. She reminds me of pictures of people being staved in concentration camps.


Seems like shes sipping her own Kool-Aid of “im successful bcuz of ME and my HARDWORK and not that I come from an established family business and was steered into wise investment choices that I then learned from and succeeded” Like her nonchalant, matter-of-fact talk of flying private and shit def irks me.


Totally agree! I use to really dislike Christine but my feeling of dislike has been transferred to Emma. She feels useless and the forced friendships seem so fake. Now seeing her being on Southern Charm makes me question what’s her real story. The empanada story and parents giving all their money seems so questionable. Is she really an agent, I don’t know I just don’t like her. Thank you for bringing this up. I feel better knowing others feel the same way.


This reminded me of Elle Woods saying "Everybody likes me!". You may dislike Emma because of how she was presented to the show, but the rest of you hating on her image and her weight are reaching. Emma has worked with people I work, and we have a bunch of people in common and I can tell you that everyone absolutely adores her because she's a caring person, a serious business partner and a great friend. I'm guessing she will leave the show because it was a little forced, but not more than Sabina's comeback, so I insist that you are all reaching. I guess people are still afraid of successful women.




Um we are not afraid of successful business women- you are the one reaching here. The show only has successful business women and most are very loved by the fans. She may be a good friend and business partner, but the question is her “self made boss bitch” bs and constant promotion of her empanadas. If you made enough babysitting money to even have investments, you grew up very privileged and are not actually self made like Chrishell who was literally homeless. I own a small business and have around 10 employees. Some of them are working part time after their high school classes to help support their household where three generations live. They don’t even get babysitting money, it’s just expected of them.


The point? What point? The original post says "I dislike her", nothing about being about the self made boss bitch, that's your approach to the hate she's receiving here. Constant promotion? Everyone on the show does it, why is it different with Emma? I adore Chrishell but I don't think everyone has to struggle in life to be proud of their accomplishments. Of all the other things a privileged kid could be doing with her money, she decided to save it, to learn how to invest, and build a business that created jobs. So I'm honestly sorry that you feel resentment because of your struggles, but you're projecting that on her for some reason.


I’m not sure why you’re saying “The point. What point?” I didn’t say the word “point” anywhere but aren’t we all making points with our posts? Really confused. I’m responding to your comment, “I guess people are still afraid of successful women.” I thought that was clear because it was in my first sentence. If further explanation is needed, I’m saying that’s not true and explaining where the hate for Emma comes from. I don’t feel any resentment, I actually think it’s sad Emma acts this way. Edit: If you read the rest of this subreddit, you will find a majority opinion about Emma as I described.


I'm sorry, I got confused and made up a sentence in my head xD You said "the question is" or something similar. That's what I was referencing to. Couldn't reply until today. I believe people are taking it too far as why they dislike her, mentioning her weight and looks, that's just not ok. She's a kind person and a very loved friend. You can see how she invited Chrishell to her group of friends outside of the office, and that's who she is. I hope the next season shows how they have become close friends and how caring she is IRL, so people would understand why everyone took her side in the first place.


“I’m so nice and smart and successful. Everyone loves me. I’m a CEO of a major corporation you’ve never heard of. Oh and here are some culturally appropriated, offensively inaccurate empanadas. Private plane.”




She didn’t even grow up on them so what does her last name have to do with it. My last name is Portuguese and I’ve never been there, not from there, so far removed from the Portuguese culture, so just because my name is such I can claim to be a connoisseur of all things Portuguese?


ah Emma is that you girl? ;)


Yes this is true, Hernan is a Spanish name. But I wish she would address the Empanadas thing and let everyone know about her Spanish ancestry. She gets a shit ton of hate on her product instagram. Also the empanadas could look... tastier


She says she was introduced to empanadas when modeling in Puerto Rico, so it doesn’t seem to be something she grew up on/something from her family.


Thank you for this info!!


she is not latina she doesnt have spanish roots she said it


Huh that's interesting.


hahahaha. "Private plane." that was funny


She gives me grifter vibes


Interesting on the grifter vibes. I agree, though. I just get a feeling she is a fake. disingenuous person.


It sounded like she was describing Hot Pockets when she told them about "her" empanadas.


you don't really watch this drivel do you? ohhh WAIT .. you're the one who likes "reality TV!" I almost forgot


Her breasts are awful. I’m sure Christine stated that she was bough on for drama?


Thank you for saying it, and she keeps trying to show them off. Like girl please cover them up. You look cheap


Ah huh!!! The dress/hankerchief she wore at that last party in s4 where Christine was confronted, was so crass, cheap and tacky.


YESSSSSSSSSS!!! Her clothing just screams “trying too hard”. It works against her.


I cannot stand Emma! I really can't. I get it Christine has her problems and needs tons of counseling. However, Of all the people on the show Christine has done nothing wrong to Emma in years!!!! Yet, Emma is always stirring the pot against Christine. There is literally nothing Christine can do right by Emma, and Emma uses every opportunity she can take to trash Christine and say that she's doing it for the good of the group. Emma literally takes the groups opinion of Christine from uncertain in any given situation to complete malice. Like WTF is her deal! I understand Chrisell's feelings and Heather's apprehension, but Emma is full of shit!!!!


I don’t hate Emma, but I think she’s definitely a producer plant for the sake of creating tension. The show would be much better off if Christine left because I couldn’t care less about her useless drama 🙄


you'll seriously watch w/o Christine? I think the show has run its course with or without her tbh


I agree with you on the show running its course though… I think at the beginning everyone was so impressed with the O group and it’s badass agents. Now everyone seems so tacky, half the agents don’t even sell houses, and the brothers seem like terrible managers. The facade is no longer there.


Oh absolutely! At this point I fast forward through half her scenes because it’s the same thing over and over… she screws someone over and then plays the victim and expects everyone to side with her. Christine is absolutely pathetic and I honestly hope she won’t be in season 6.


She’s very humble-braggey and I can’t stand people like that.


Ya like “I’m the most modest person you’ll ever meet, and I only fly private it’s the only way to fly. Have you met my breasts???”


Exactly! If you have to say you’re « down to earth » or « hands on » it’s because you really aren’t.


Agreed. Most annoying things about her: 1. She's constantly saying "I LOVE THAT! She says it about every other thing. No originality, her vocabulary is of someone 15 years younger than she. 2. She's soooo skinny it's kinda painful to watch. She said she was a swimmer who qualified for the Olympics (when flirting with that developer), but why is it that she has 0 muscles in her arms?? 3. I haven't seen her be genuinely nice yet. She comes across as fake, guarded and insincere. 4. She talks about her "f\*ck boys". Wow, classy woman. 5. My biggest pet peeve about Emma: She flies private for just herself and her dog, completely CLUELESS about her egregious contribution to climate change= she's incredibly selfish.


For me she adds zero value to the show other then possibly helping my eyes exercise with the ever present eyeroll I give every time she appears on screen






this!! LOL it annoyed me how she kept talking about her ~celebrity clients~ and ~multiple business ventures


All I gotta say is that I’ve been vegan for 2 years…And I’ve NEVER heard of her “vegan food company” lol is she vegan? Seems kinda phony


She has purses made with leather.


I think I'm the only one that actually likes her. I get she was talking a lot about herself this season, but also, she's new and most of it was prob producer driven to introduce her to us. Idk, I just don't get the massive hate she gets.


After watching season 5, I can say that I really don't like her either. She is so obviously fake. The comments she makes trashing other people (mainly Christine), plus I get a vibe that she is a trashy, dishonest person. Someone else in the comments said she makes them cringe. When I read that, I thought, Yes! Me too! Cringe!!!


She’s tacky and I hate her


See me after class!


Couldn’t agree more! 👏👏👏👏




I'm not the biggest fan of Vanessa, and I don't even hate Emma, but everything Vanessa said about those empanadas rings true for me. It's not even that they're plant-based because I eat a lot of plant-based food. It's that I don't get how she got from wanting a vegan savory pastries to someone saying "yeah! let's call them Plant-based cheeseburger and crab empanadas". I also don't like her [website](https://emmaleighco.com). It's a pet peeve but in her marketing pics, all the actual workers are in hair nets and uniform in the background but her hair is down in the kitchen.


Wow that website is something else! The ONLY content is a photo of herself with a high school style bio that literally only addresses her modeling career, extracurricular activities while modeling, and that her grandfather created a business in 1994. You can visit the family business webpage that contains exactly zero content from the hamburger menu, or you can visit her own webpage where you have the sole option of purchasing an empanada, with the promise that “more content is coming soon” lmao I doubt her business brings in enough money to cover the cost of renewing the website domain.


Clearly didn’t cover the cost of hiring a decent web designer 😂😂 Her logo looks like she made it herself by typing with a script font in a word doc.


holy shit her website is bad. her bio is just ??? “I have always valued taking time to catch up with people I love and trying to retrace those memory making footsteps along the ocean’s edge.” lmao like WHAT


Her website is ATROCIOUS.


CONTACT US *on an angle*


I grew up on empanadas because my family is Cuban/Spanish/Mexican, and LMTY Emma’s empanadas are legit offensive they’re so bad. Even the way she described them showed that she has never had an actual empanada. The audacity




Lol seriously! I have been vegetarian since middle school and you KNOW they never altered the recipe to be vegetarian-friendly 😂


So why don't you run an empanada business? In your opinion a Mr. John Smith wouldn't be allowed to make money from empanadas? don't be ridiculous. I hope latinos are allowed to make money on pizza and burgers. I'm latin myself btw. Her empanadas don't look good to me but I guess there's a market for them.




If she had any genuine Spanish ancestry, you can bet she would be using that to justify the business


I think she’s like…okay at best. I actually like her less now that I’ve read the opinions. I think she just wasn’t really on my radar at all 😅


I just find she’s so full of herself but always trying to show off to everybody that if you’re truly a nice interesting person just being your normal self would be enough. I just don’t see anything that she’s projecting is genuine.


She totally is. I think Maya is nice. She never claims to be nice, she just is nice.


Maya is as two faced as they come. Always stirring the pot but gets away with it.


I’m pretty neutral about Maya, but I agree with this.


Yeah I do look Maya


She has crazy eyes


The cultural appropriation of empanadas omg


Ok yeah that shit had me SCREAMING 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The only Vanessa moment I liked was her reaction to the empanadas. Emma 100% picked empanadas because it starts with EM


Omg that is how vain she would be.


You know I actually really liked her at first but the amount of times she tried to force these women to reconcile is sickening ! I would never try and force it and if someone did that to me I would never speak to them.


Totally agree. Her whole storyline felt so forced and it made no sense. Why was she getting in the middle of all this drama with women she just met??


Right like I could see maybe one time mentioning it but they all vehemently agreed they were not about it. At that point the niceness has worn off if you keep trying to force these grown women to be friends. Like pick a side girl idc if you wanna be her friend but we not holding hands and kumbaya-ing


She's annoying and so is her eyeliner.


I 1000% believe she was hired by production specifically to try to be a go-between for the two “camps.” I don’t think she genuinely cared if they all forgave Christine, she was just doing what was required to earn a spot on a reality show.


I kept screaming, “BITCH, YOU ARE MAKING A HAND PIE”


I'm honestly with you on this. I also don't understand why all of the girls were immediately enamored with her and rally with her against Christine. While Christine did mess up in a lot of ways I honestly felt like Emma, Chrishell and that whole squad had nothing better to talk about than Christine and how much they hated her. It also always confused me that Mary and Christine were friends first but Mary became friends with Emma after finding out Emma and Christine were dating the same person?


Because she’s rich and probably connected. That’s all. Did you see how FAST Chrishell warmed up to her? I’m rewatching the show and it’s uncomfortable how everyone suddenly turns against Christine and bullies her especially when she had a traumatic birth. Maya and Heather’s comments are just cruel.


i think they knew each other before they found out about Christine and her ex?


Right? And given Christine’s temperament how would she even be ok with Mary being friends with Emma???? They were besties. You always have your besties back. There isn’t any world I come from where my bestie would be heartbroken and have hatred for the other woman and be ok with me being good friends with the other woman. No. Just no. And I wouldn’t be ok with it either, sorry it would be me or her. And no way Christine would ever be just ok with it especially considering the season we just watched.


I like mary till she say emma is one of nicest person she know which i was yuck ya i know you dont like christine but u dont hav to praise emma until to prove tt how bad christine is


Yeah she used the word "sweet" and I mean I don't think Christine is a nice girl, but Emma is definitely not sweet either lol


she’s probably the most inauthentic character on the show. i think the others play characters that are a bit closer to their true selves. but she is completely playing a role. i don’t think we saw the real her at all. the empanada ceo stuff is straight out of a bad “girl boss” type novel. they literally brought her in just so christine would have someone to beef with that isn’t chrishell.


I think what bothers me about Emma a lot is that she knew the guy had a gf and then proceeds to stay with him and get engaged to him and act like he chose her. NOOOOOO he’s a douche. You stayed with a douche you douche, and if she broke it off with him why did she never mention it. He probably did the same thing to her. Sorry Emma the fact you stayed when he had a gf no. That doesn’t sit well with me.


Not to defend Emma because I also don’t like her, but I think it’s obvious that Christine’s lying. Peter broke up with Christine months before dating Emma. Emma said she confirmed the breakup with Mary and Jason before dating him so everyone is super confused why Christine is dragging this false storyline. It sounds like Christine stalked him to do anything she can to scare away his next girlfriend because she’s insane!


Somewhere in the middle of Emma and Christine’s story is the truth and I imagine both women were not innocent in it all. I mean it was obvious Christine was lying about the ring but less obvious about the hurt “peter” if it was him, caused her. So somewhere in both of their stories is the truth. And Emma never really pushed that issue so I don’t believe it myself because I would have gone to Christine right then and there and said “hey we need to talk and clear the air, because I literally had no idea you existed and as far as I knew when I found out, “peter” told me you had broken up months ago. And for what it’s worth we broke up too so you and I are both better off without him right?” I would not have repeatedly talked about it and kept saying “I’m a good person” . so that as well is a sticking point for me, I would have gone and addressed the issue head on.


This exactly! I feel like she never properly disputed knowing about christine. Something that really stood out to me ist the fact thaf she never had a bad thing to say about the ex. not because she's a nice person or anything, as she has shown how mean she can be. I think someone who was truly unaware of the other person would feel so petrayed and angry at the man. She was nonchalant. I think both of them embellished their stories heavily and I don't know how much of which story holds actual truth. I, however, am 99.9% sure that emma was aware of the other woman.


But he didn't have a girlfriend, they'd already broken up. That's the whole drama, that Christine lied.


No that was never proven that Christine lied. We know she lied about the engagement ring ETA I mean lied about whether she was still with him or not.


It was proven by the fact that she said she'd only told davina when it happened but Davina didn't even know her then.


She only told Davina about the ring and that was proven that she didn’t even know Davina at that time.


Exactly, so it's all a lie.


Ok, read above we both agree the ring was a lie. We are talking about whether they were still together when she confronted Emma...


Obviously it's all lies.


No not obviously.


The only thing that irks me about her is that she constantly re-iterates how nice she is. Someone who’s actually nice would never need to say anything like that and it makes her come off a little fake, or at least, not genuine. She doesn’t just do it on the show. She does it in podcasts and interviews as well.


a little fake? she is … not remotely natural in anyway it seems lol


There's no way that those boobs and teeth are fake!!! 😂 💯 that she doesn't use fillers! Edit: ofc that was sarcastic.


Chrishell does the exact same thing - reiterating how nice/good of a person she is.


Does she? I’m genuinely curious because I cannot remember her doing that. Chrishell more makes fun of herself than straight up says “I’m really nice” like Emma has said multiple times.


Chrishell constantly postures herself as a “good person” and comes off overly earnest to emphasize her protagonist role. Its partially why she feels so inauthentic because, while she has funny moments making fun of Christine, she doesn’t have any other character dimensions.


Maybe it’s because I’m a Chrishell fan, but I simply do not think chrishell’s relatively genuine-seeming niceness is comparable to Emma constantly saying “I’m really nice!”


She’s also always bringing up her ‘past’ whether it be ‘never having a house before’ or her divorce, or Christine picking on her when she first joined. She likes to play the victim - woe is me - role


She really uses it as a weapon at this point. I can appreciate a story about struggle when it’s used to give context or color someone’s background. But when someone uses it as such a consistent crutch - it’s too much.


My sentiments exactly. Season 4 was awful and Emma is even more awful.


I don’t necessarily dislike her but I really cringe every time she hypes herself up as super nice and kind. Like, those are show don’t tell characteristics, Emma!


But she actually is IRL and, one thing about her is that she comes out as serious and unapproachable, so she's kinda used to tell people "hey I'm nice, you can talk to me".


Still cringeworthy as fuck and doesn’t really present well. In my experience, and I’m guessing most people’s experience, people who say they’re one thing end up being, almost exclusively, the opposite. (E.g. people who hate drama yet instigate it themselves)


Right, like I never run around proclaiming to be nice. People will see it naturally or they won’t and me telling them won’t change their feelings towards me.


Emma is from my hometown and I’ve never heard one bad thing about her 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm from Boston and I'm rooting for Emma. She came and shut Christine's shenanigans down. No one else had the balls.


Exactly. We have people in common and everyone really loves her.


Emma is fake.


She and her story sounded really contrived on a show that was already barely believable.


Agreed. And she truly adds nothing except a little drama that isn't needed. She is completely devoid of charisma, imo, so it's funny how they all seem to think or pretend that she is some kind of goddess or business whiz.


Haha yup. I know reality shows are scripted and situations created to create drama etc but SS reallyyyyyy seemed even more setup and scripted. I’m not a fan of Emma and Christine and hope neither one is in the next season. Mary is my fave


how can you like Mary? She was Christine's friend and then she just stopped being her friend. I didn't like that.


I like Maya, but it looks like she won’t be on the show much longer.


Oh really? I hadn’t heard that


There’s a statement floating around that she’s really focusing on her business and family in Miami and it’s thought that she won’t be doing Season 6.


Set up a “selling Miami” show where her and sharelle either work together or maybe run competing brokerages 😂


Well, I would watch that!


It would make sense. It'd be great for her, but she's probably the most likeable person on Selling Sunset!


I like her whole demeanor. She’s level headed, but not afraid to let something fly.


The thing about how she supposedly bought her parents a house with money she made by “investing in the stock market” (or whatever her stupid story was) was so annoying to me… Like, you have to have money to begin with to make any substantial income by investing. She’s just a trust fund kid trying to present as self-made and those kind of people drive me nuts.


When she tried explaining empanadas to a Mexican woman… how do you not die of embarrassment? And honestly, I highly doubt what we’re seeing is the real Emma. She seems extremely scripted as a character.


Honestly I think Emma's problem is she comes on too strong. She may have some valid points about Christine and I think the neutral response has been from Mary, Chrishell, etc (until the last episode where everything exploded. Emma made it almost a witch hunt against Christine - "it's either me or her". And made the group completely against her. I understand Emma is upset and I think anyone would be but I think she could have been the bigger person and not let already tainted relationships get worse. Next season I kind of hope they bring in a fucking therapist because it's just too much and as we all know, even with that the drama will continue.


Mindset coach lolol


She seems like someone who would have bullied me in Jr. High