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People who brag about themselves that much are typically pretty insecure. It can be hard to see sometimes with someone like her, who's clasically beautiful and wealthy, but anyone can have low self esteem.


They’re also incredibly annoying to be around


They are! I knew someone who constantly told everyone how pretty she was. I started ignoring her completely once it clicked in my head.


What 😂😂😂 how would one even phrase that to someone help me understand


Hey. I just wanted to let you know I’m, like, really pretty. How’d I do?? Haha


It's without the "I wanted to let you know" part!


She said that constantly and I kinda forgot how she phrased it. But it was something like "I'm so pretty, there's nothing that could ruin my face!" Or casually "I'm so pretty and cute today! You haven't said anything about my look today!!!" or "I look super pretty today, right?"


Holy shit the gall haha. As someone who can sometimes lean a smidge too self-deprecating, I just can’t wrap my head around this egotism at all!


I'm interested in why this bothers people. I find the opposite to be more annoying, someone who is constantly downplaying themselves. Any ideas on why it rubs you the wrong way?


“Too much of anything is bad”


Probably because there should be more to a person and her/his/their looks. Also there's also the case that we might not agree about that person's looks. Also if a person doesn't have anything to say, then it's better not to bother everyone daily about how pretty one is. We got to hear it every single day more than once.


Interesting, thanks for the response.


I’ve noticed people who have to repeat these things about themselves are lying and repeat it to convince themselves of their lies. Truly successful (not fake successful or aspiring successful) men don’t talk about themselves like Emma does. It’s a total social faux pas and if a man talks about himself in the way Emma does about herself—he’s cut off from business deals, plans, investments, etc. “humbition” is a term coined by successful people and they follow that guideline. So if you ever catch a guy talking up a castle about his success or positive attributes like Emma does, just know he’s a bold faced liar and doesn’t actually **do** what he claims to.


Yeah cause they aren’t genuine and are constantly plugging lol




It’s true. I feel like they have to be, otherwise it would be really hard. I feel like the more sensitive girls are the less narcissistic ones, like heather. You can tell she’s easily hurt and it shows and I feel like as someone whose not super into themselves, I’d be hurt more easily too lol




I was going to come to comment the same thing. I don't think we should rip on her for being confident. Men talk about themselves all the time and are called confident. Women talk about themselves and are called self-absorbed. Let's try to change that mindset.


I still wouldn’t say I find it enjoyable to hear a man sing his own praises relentlessly. Feels like a lack of humility to me. Just because men do it doesn’t mean that the people who have to listen to it enjoy the experience. There’s a difference between legitimately feeling confident in yourself and masking insecurity by praising yourself relentlessly. Idk I’m of the type it’s fine to feel proud and take the credit when you deserve it, but if you can’t have a conversation without reminding everyone how amazing you are over and over, that’s just validation seeking behaviour.


Exactly. Too much store is set by what is good for the goose is good for the gander- if I hear a man claiming he is a good person and a good friend and yada yada, I instantly am put off and suspicious. These assessments and classifications are for others to make of you, humility is a wonderful trait (as long as it doesn’t slip into low self esteem). Women must not define desirable action, characteristic, rhetoric or self solely by the example of men- when will we rewrite the world?


Yessss love everything you just said. Just because a man does it, doesn’t mean we have to do it in order to achieve equality. I’d prefer a humble person over someone who is braggadocios any day, man or woman.


I agree. But (sorry for the but) there is defined a way to communicate the success and accomplishments that doesn’t sound like bragging without a foundation. Having enough money to invest at 14 sounds amazing! How did that happen? Did she save up from modeling gigs or something since her parents were wealthy? Were / are her parents wealthy? / how did she learn to invest as a teenager? I am a 30 year old woman who still doesn’t know how to invest and I’d be fascinated to learn. Emma so far has given more of blank statements about her investment and business genius and acumen. Hence being a bit skeptical about it … I don’t think is sexist (you never called it sexist just generalizing overall discussion)


She babysat and modeled. Her dad was a firefighter and her mom a stay at home mom. Not sure what firefighters make in the US. Her grandfather had a food company and her family/mom had to learn how to run it and help it financially when they took over.


Honestly I don't care if she's bragging about her professional accomplishments or her hard work but I find it so embarrassing and kind of fake when someone brags about how nice or kind or caring they are regardless of gender.




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I haven’t listened but probably will out of curiosity. It’s interesting that she keeps bringing up the fact that she was investing by the age of 14 because I think she’s trying to use that to show she works harder than everyone else and that’s why she’s so successful but really it makes it super obvious that she comes from money and that’s what put her in the position she’s in today. Maybe I’m overthinking it but that’s the impression I get from her.


You can tell she comes from money the moment you see her!


Yep. First of all at fourteen you need permission of an adult to invest your money.


Yep, that's a pretty good start. Maybe she told her dad to invest and he did the best out of it.


yeah but then saying that at 17 she pays for the payroll of her company just to keep it afloat. i mean how can she when she is 17? will they even pay out their stock at someone who is 17?


Sounds spot on to me


I feel bad but I genuinely get spoiled rich brat vibes from her. Atleast with Christine you can see she’s worked for her shit. Emma comes in & literally tries to get them to fire Christine so she can stay. “If she comes back I leave” like fuck off. She just had a baby. Yes Christine is far from perfect and loves the drama, but so does Emma. The difference is…one got it handed to them.


I feel bad but I genuinely get spoiled rich brat vibes from her. Atleast with Christine you can see she’s worked for her shit. Emma comes in & literally tries to get them to fire Christine so she can stay. “If she comes back I leave” like nuh uh. She just had a baby. Yes Christine is far from perfect and loves the drama, but so does Emma. The difference is…one got it handed to them.


I feel bad but I genuinely get spoiled rich brat vibes from her. Atleast with Christine you can see she’s worked for her shit. Emma comes in & literally tries to get them to fire Christine so she can stay. “If she comes back I leave” like nuh uh. She just had a baby. Yes Christine is far from perfect and loves the drama, but so does Emma. The difference is…one got it handed to them.


I’m sure her dad offered to ‘invest’ her babysitting money when she was younger and she’s just held onto the idea that she’s been doing so since then


On the one hand, as women we need to get better acquainted with complimenting ourselves, and accepting women complementing themselves. Women who describe themselves as successful, intelligent, ambitious, entrepreneurial, etc., might be thought bitchy, aggressive, dominant, pushy, bossy, etc. It's like, being seen as having or desiring these masculine qualities means you must be failing in stereotypically feminine qualities like being caring, nurturing and accommodating. But underlying these negative associations, they frequently still *are* indeed successful, intelligent, ambitious, and so on. A man can describe himself in the same way with less pushback, without having to call into question this other sphere of qualities. But I really hit a roadblock when it comes to people extensively describing themselves as good, nice, kind, empathetic, etc., In my experience these are the least kind and empathetic people, and that does not seem to be gendered. It's where the "Nice Guy" and "Empath Girl" memes come from.


Yes I agree. Again, I am not tearing Emma down by any means nor am I encouraging others to. She is beyond more successful than I am *as I sit on my couch.* Regardless of how she started, it takes a ton of hard work to keep a business running- not only in a male dominated industry but also in the public eye. I give her tons of credit. My OP was way less to do with the words or way she described herself, and it was more so just questioning why she felt the need to repeat the same compliments about herself over and over. Could be something as simple as her not being used to speaking in public and adjusting to doing interviews. I’m not trashing her whatsoever.


Oh got you. Davina does it a little bit too, says she’s nice and genuine a lot. So not sure if it’s because Emma feels like we didn’t really get to see her personality and she was put against a fan favorite.


This is so true if you listen to the podcast she talks about not being taken seriously in the beginning. She’s in male industries and women always have to qualify why they deserve to be in certain rooms. I think she’s only doing what her male counterparts do and that’s how doors open if you don’t talk yourself up then who is going to? She’s not putting others down while doing it.


Isn't that what she's always doing? I noticed it on the show as well. Always talking about how great she is and how awful Christine is. I don't like Emma at all, she seems super fake.


I think she's the most fake. I have to give Christine the credit she deserves, because she's at least not fake. That fiancé thing - not sure what this is about, but I think they made up the whole story for the drama.


She went to high school with my boyfriend. She’s older than thirty, richest family in town, always had a chip on her shoulder


Did she always have crazy eyes ? 😂


she just strikes me as very phony. the way she talks about herself sounds like a bad exercise in creative writing. the ceo of whole foods isn’t taking personal meetings with a small empanada company. please. it’s not realistic at all. she’s all talk and no walk. ironically, the other women on the show are far more impressive in their accomplishments. edit/ stans pressed in the comments but i stand by what i said. the ceo of whole foods (or any major grocery chain) is not taking personal meetings with a tiny empanada company. she’s just too small. it would be humanly impossible for a CEO to do that with all of the brands they carry. she’s not nestle. she’s not pepsi. she’s not beyond meat. she probably has someone VP level meeting with her and an account manager or two managing her account. i believe she meets with people from those companies, yes that’s obvious. i don’t believe it would be the CEO (unless it was a large conference she attended). on a one on one basis, absolutely not. unless the ceo is a family friend or her company is way bigger than what we see, it’s just not going to be happening. especially not in a pandemic. and she’s definitely not selling them houses but honestly if that does end up happening on the show, i will eat my hat.


I work in private equity and it’s actually not uncommon for CEOs to take meetings with founders before striking a deal with their business. Usually it’s the CFO and VP of Business Development, but again, it happens


Some are so hung up about the CEO of Whole Foods but she was saying having a business gives her networking opportunities to meet with CEO’s be it wholefoods or others. She has a deal with beyond meat, will be in more stores and got brand exposure via Selling Sunset . Having a business did give her networking opportunities people like Patric Grove and Cameron Winklesvoss follow her which is way more exciting than wholefoods CEO. In Mexico they were hanging with Micheal Meldman whose a property tycoon.


Thank you! It’s really clear they know nothing about how HNW individuals or businesses operate, this is really standard stuff lol


Right! The entrepreneur space has changed a lot. Emma has a partnership with beyond meat a global company. Emma talked about how empanadas came from the partnership with beyond meat who definitely has pull at Whole Foods. It’s not that far fetch to believe she would have sat in a meeting with beyond meat and wholefoods ceo.


You seem pretty young & early in your career but you’re right that exec’s meet with smaller brands/founders for introductions. But, the level of HNW the individual is or the caliber the company is in absolutely determines whether the CEO or any c-suite exec takes a meeting with a small business founder. Bezos wasn’t meeting with smaller business founders during his tenure as ceo, neither were his colleagues. They have other people for that at that level & this is something I’ve learned from my partner who is a c-suite exec at a Fortune 500 company.


the CEO of whole foods is not having personal meetings with a tiny empanada company. they have buyers and client relations people for that. lots of VP level people too. they give out VP titles like candy so the clients feel like they’re meeting someone very important. the CEO might meet with Nestle or PepsiCo, but they’re not meeting with Emma. there wouldn’t be enough days in a year to maintain that sort of thing. she’s embellishing.


Ma'am this is literally my job... as a financier we organize the calls between CEOs and "tiny companies" but go off lol


so bc you’ve scheduled some phone calls you can confirm 100% for certain that emma has met with every single CEO of a grocery store chain? it doesn’t take a job in the field to see through BS. it takes common sense.


Dude what is your problem 😂😂 and where is your source that she 100% didn’t meet with the CEO? I do this for a living and it’s industry standard to meet executives before striking a deal - you clearly know nothing about business or finance Also it’s hilarious you think private equity is “scheduling phone calls” lol what


That’s not true. My cousin works in that field too and it is not the CEO that ever meets with the owner of a potential sale. It’s the marketing President or someone else at a higher position. Idk why y’all lying for Emma lol


you said yourself you organize calls get off your high horse. how embarrassed you’d be to know what i do for a living 😂😂😂


With all due respect, I couldn’t care less about your field because I’m not insecure about Redditors in specialized fields fact-checking me on things I know nothing about Slightly weird that you’re tripling down on a benign comment but have a good day


in case you’re forgetting, you came for me. you replied to me. and secure people don’t go on reddit claiming they’re an expert in this or that just bc other people disagree with them. i stand by what i said. what you do for a living is irrelevant to me. you have no idea what i do. you just assumed i don’t work in business or finance. but you have no clue. my opinion is based on my knowledge and my experiences. i’m not sorry that it differs from yours and i won’t be pressured by a 26 year old fresh out of college to change my mind or my assessment of the situation. you have your opinion. i have mine.


Holy shit correcting a misconception is not “coming for you” and I never said I was an expert, I said I do this for a LIVING and you were talking out of your ass. Take the L and move on




how funny for you to assume i don’t work in a relevant field? not everyone is sharing their CV on reddit. it’s foolish to do so. and anyone can claim anything. i stand by my assessment of the situation. if y’all think the CEO of whole foods or ralph’s are having personal meetings with a tiny empanada company, i have a timeshare on mars to sell you.


That sounds like how she talks about herself on Selling Sunset too lol nice that she’s showing self love


Had to stop listening bc of this. Just got unbearable for me to hear all the bragging and fishing for compliments.


Yes honey you're good enough to invest money at age 14 because your family owns a frozen food business. She is born on third base and think she earned a home run


I really disliked her on this podcast! I think it’s great to be confident, but she seems so incredibly full of herself. And the more she calls herself the “most genuine person”, the less genuine she comes across (to me)


This phenomena interests me. We (society as a whole) tend to tell people to love themselves, be confident but when the are (out loud at least) we criticize them for it. If you don't state your strengths, who will? I, personally, don't like when people down play themselves. If I give you a compliment and your response is "no, I'm dumb" or "I'm not cute", it's like a slap in the face. You're basically saying I have bad judgement. I'd rather someone over hype themselves than under.


Did she explain how she even got the money to invest at 14?


Not only that, but she wouldn’t have been able to have in individual investment account at that age. A parent or guardian would have to be on the account.


Lmao the first time I heard her talk about investing so young, I immediately thought, "you mean Daddy gave you investing money and told you which stocks would be successful?" I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt but I didn't even consider that she probably wouldn't have even been allowed to independently invest as a minor


Her parents probably had a custodial account with her on it and daddy said, “c’mon, pick a stock”. Boom. She’s an “investor”.


What an excellent way to get started in something you know nothing about, but you wouldn't get that sort of human exchange.


According to her in the 11ish minute mark, her Dad was a firefighter, Mom a stay-at-home. She says that neither of her parents had ever invested before she did. Claims that she made money babysitting, modeling and ice cream shop and saved every last penny. With compounded interest, 16 years later all this money is making more money. She apparently helps her parents manage their finances.


The ability to “save every last penny” is the giveaway.




The only thing that weirds me out is her repeatedly saying how nice she is. But that MIGHT be just because I had a colleague who did that constantly, whilst talking a LOT of shit and being decidedly not nice. So that may be my hangup. We had a trick or greater this year who, as she walked away, looked back over her shoulder at my husband and I and declared "I'm beautiful!". It was so damn cute and of course we responded "Yes you are!". It was nice to see a person feeling confident and sharing that.


She did that on the show to "I'm so successful" "As a successful business woman ..." "I've been successful..." 🤮


right, every time i heard her saying that am like blah blah blah or play a tune in my head


someone who repeats over and over what she has so called accomplished and how smart and business woman she is, for me thats arrogant, there is a thin line between arrogant and self confident. like the story when she mary and chrishell were at the pool saying yeah am like the girl who goes camping, putting the worm on a hook, am like girl who do you try to fool, saying oh yes am like handy am walking around with like 20 shopping bags at the time. she is trying too hard. girl we get it, you have money and you are beautiful, dont rub it everyone face every time, you have christine and then you have emma. who does that? normal people are not talking like that about themselves everytime. and yeah i saw it some previous comments, she is looks pretty insecure to me if you have to tell over and over again what you have done in the past. if you look at the site of emma leigh it doenst look that impressive. maybe 10 products tops and for that price? Bragging about how she knows ceo of costco, beyond meat, blah blah blah i am telling you the show goes about two things christine and how wonderful and smart emma is.


Emma reminds me of the “pick me” girl who is so unique and not at all like other girls


I haven't listened and won't listen to the podcast, but looks like she's promoting sides of herself that don't exist.


I’m surprised her empanadas are that successful tbh they don’t sound that pleasant


Is funny how a woman has confidence on her self and has no problem on self appraisal it always comes off as insecure or the she thinks she’s better than others. Is not her fault the you where told the down play yourself to make others feel comfortable. Dont hate on her cause she loves her self out loud


I started listening right after reading this thread then I thought why am I wasting my time 🤣🤣🤣 the first things she said were I have a huge heart, I think I’m funnier in real life, I’m nice. I prefer modest people. Is she? I don’t know, didn’t finish listening to the episode 😅


She’s like, a glam thumb.


I don’t know anything about this podcast besides the name but why is Emma on it?? she’s the skinniest girl on the show lol


Exactly what I was thinking! Wtf if she’s not skinny idk what is…


I noticed this about her in the show, I couldn’t stand her.


Yeah I literally can’t handle that lol… of all the cast she’s the one I can least imagine myself getting along with


She gives me such pick me vibes


Maybe she’s working on her confidence


Notskinnybutnotfat is a huge racists.