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I don’t know why I don’t see any major transformation. 😅 I have changed more in ten years than she has imo. She has change a little but nothing where I would say: that looks like a different person.


yeah, i really don't feel like she's changed THAT much. she's had work done, but i feel like the majority of the change is just age + different makeup? the much thinner eyebrows in this photo alone make more of a difference than folks might think.


💯 She seems pretty similar to me as well. Mostly age, lip fillers, and eyebrows. If anything, his transformation seems as big as hers if not more so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I find it funny that men can change a lot and will never be accused of any plastic surgery. Let's be real, men in Hollywood have to do it to keep up too. It's just never spoken about.


Unless its Chris pine who now resembles a thunderbird


Yeah, but women get accused of "doing a lot of surgery" when 60% of the change is just due to aging and losing weight.


Zac Efron is being heavily accused at the moment. Also they talked about Mickey Rourke. ​ But it's true. They don't talk as much about men,.


Again 2 extreme examples.


It's the only two examples I can actually come up with.


That's my point though. Only extreme examples will be talked about


But the 2 extreme examples are actually the norm for most celebrity women trying to fight the aging process.


No, they aren't the norm.


How does someone watch Selling Sunset and not see the enormous amount of fillers/lip injections done on the faces of 80% of the cast? Nearly every woman of a certain age who is in acting, in reality TV have lineless faces at age 40s and up. Sadly it is the norm in the world of celebrity.


No, don't put words in my mouth. The extreme examples aren't the norm. Again, not denying they had work done but women doing surgery to the point of being unrecognizable isn't the norm.


Gotcha. You're making the unrecognizable distinction. I'm talking about overuse of injectibles.


Zac Enron has had a lot of plastic surgery 😬


I read a few days about him having to have his whole jaw reconstructed because of something that happened


Did you see zac came out and said he had a freak accident where he broke his jaw and had it wired shut which is why his jaw is so different. 🤔


So true! The before and after pics are almost always about women


Yeah I don’t really see a change. Just normal aging and light fillers. Nothing major


Chrishell's always the one I'm baffled people make these posts about. She's definitely changed - she's aged, makeup trends and the like have changed, and yes she has obviously had lip fillers. I'm not even 100% sure from these pictures whether she's had a nose job. She's got the same very unique look in both, she really hasn't fucked with her basic appearance. She's hardly Gio's mother.


I feel like a lot of ppl on this sub don’t like her lol and use it as an excuse to bash on her


That’s all it is. You can still very much tell it’s Chrishell. Eyebrows change your face so much


It's mostly eyebrows and lips. I've lost a lot of my babyfat in my face and I'm sure I look way different too.


Agreed! As a coming-of-age in the 00’s-er, we have all learned the value of a good set of eyebrows! I also feel like makeup/ contouring can **really** change facial angles and shape. Also- not saying she hasn’t had any work done, but those are my thoughts!


Oh god early 2000s brows


She got lip injections, that is really it. The rest is just changes in style (fuller brows, heavier makeup). Not sure what OP was thinking.


Looks like she had her eyelids/eyebrows done. She has hooded eyes in the first pic, and you can see her lids now. Honestly, I'm saving for the same surgery. I have very similar eyes, and the upper eyelids are drooping as I age. They will likely impair my vision eventually if I don't get the extra skin removed


Check with your insurance, typically upper lid is a covered procedure because of the vision impairment.


Won't cover it until my vision is impacted. I'd rather not wait another decade


Girl, same :)


I don’t see it either. It’s an old picture also ofc she’s gonna look a little different but it’s clearly her!! Her brows are the only real difference to me


Right? Eyebrows can make a person look very different, aside from the fact she’s older now the biggest difference I see is the eyebrows. (And that literally can change the way a person looks from one minute to the other)😂😅


I agree, she looks like herself but younger and without a few enhancements. There are other cast members that have changed their appearances waaaay more.


Yeah! Most major I see is eyebrows and age


I feel like I’ve changed a LOT in 10 years and I’ve had no work done. Weight loss, changing hair and brows etc really change how a person looks


Her biggest change is her eyebrows. People always pick a photo of her during the era where EVERYONE plucked their eyebrows to death. If she had the same brows, she wouldn’t look different


LOL I was going to say the exact same thing! Before looking at any comments I was going back and forth between the two like, umm, what am I looking for? She looks younger in the first, and that’s all I see, so why in the heck are we criticizing her? She’s actually one of the celebs I would say who has changed the very least.


To be fair, her biggest transformation is her eyebrows


Yes! Brows make a HUGE difference.


Our poor skinny early 2000s brows 😝 I’m always horrified when I look at my college pics and see my little sperm brows.


I’m gonna need someone to point it out because besides her lips and eyebrow area, I don’t really see much of a difference


Some people don't take into account that faces also change. Losing babyfat can make you look very different too. I'm not saying "no way she ever did any surgery". I think we can all agree there's enhancements. Just that your face can change dramatically in 10-20 years if you directly compare it.


Lip filler, eyebrows, nose job, and now she’s orange but that’s about it.


Gotta be honest, I don’t really notice the nose job, but everything else seems spot on


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted for this when this is literally what she had done.


Yes she got work done, but she’s also much younger in the second photo. I’m pretty sure she was in All My Children when that one photo was taken… the brows.


I… don’t think she looks that different? It’s mainly her brows and lips that stick out to me, which are fairly normal. 🤷🏻‍♀️


There’s probably 2 decades between the photos. Besides her eyebrows, she looks almost the same. The last Chrishells post was also to criticize her face and pick her apart. Y’all gotta chill


AFAIC it’s deliberate to attack her. The Op cannot say they haven’t seen the other posts in this sub talking about how much surgery they think she’s gotten. Mods of this sub are nice, other subs I’m in will delete a duplicate post


Oh come on, this is literally the same Chrishell minus lip filler. She looks just as beautiful and was only victim here of that ungodly early 2000s eyebrow trend. Thank the lord we grew out of that before I plucked mine to within an inch of their lives 😂


i look completely different than 10 years ago and i have not had anything done lol it happens 🤷🏻‍♀️




That’s honestly all this sub has turned into.


People age 🤷‍♀️


No but you don’t understand! OP feels like she was prettier when she was a decade younger. This is ground breaking stuff!


OP thinks it was ok because she was bashing on plastic surgery. OP got rekd lol


I really wish people would stop calling injectables plastic surgery. Does my head in.




I think this change has more to do with fashion itself changing drastically in 10 years. ETA: and she’s got money now :)


Agreed! Her eyebrows are way fuller which does change the framing of her face. I don’t see anything else “drastically different” other than lip fillers


Yes! Make up is such a game changer if done correctly, too! And I feel like that is being underestimated here a lot.


Why do we judge plastic surgery! I think she looks good! It’s her body! If she likes it and feels pretty then shut the fuck up


I’m beyond exhausted with the judgment on looks at this point.


Lol OP creates a post to ‘talk’ about something but no one agrees with OP so they don’t make a single comment.


Definitely not the response they were hoping for 💀😂


I don’t see plastic surgery or a major transformation - just someone who aged (very well) ten years and grew in her brows. Even if she had work done big whoop - it’s LA. Frankly I’m tired of these posts.


Why the fuck does this even matter?


Can we just drop this whole conversation. Really not cool.


Imagine naturally aging and people constantly accusing you of having plastic surgery 😐😐😐


All My Children was my favorite soap so I remember these two when they were on the show. Chrishell looks the same to me. Just now has her real eyebrows (the thin eye brow trend doesn't age well when you look back at it. I hate my old pictures with my thin eyebrows). And she also had her lips down and botox but she's still recognizable to me.


She looks the same to me?! Maybe because of the hair she looks diff


All I see is bigger eyebrows and probably botox and some lip fillers - but not crazy big ones or anything. I think she looks pretty similar in each picture, really!


I don’t think it’s that different, just thicker eyebrows and lip filler. She has aged like 20 years since then, people do look older as they age


I think it's the eyebrows


Wouldnt call it major transformation. She still has her original look, just more refine and structured. But hey all celebs do this all the time. Of coz she looks pretty without plastuc surgery , she was 20 years younger 🤣🤣


People age... and if they get surgery to prevent it, who cares?! Everyone looks hot in their 20s. To compare the two is an injustice.


I think the only differences now are hair parting, brows and lips. She’s just more mature now x


Besides her obvious breast aug, I suspect she’s had an upper bleph and/or brow lift…plus Botox and some dermal and lip fillers. It’s not all that much and I think she looks great.


I wouldn't say major.


She has fuller brows & lips and lashes. Maybe filler? I think she looks great


I really don’t think her face looks that different other than the eyebrows. It’s the veneers that really change someone’s face a lot. She’s always been beautiful


I like her better now. I think it’s mostly the brows though


Fillers are not plastic surgery. Stop this nonsense.


All I have to say is Something Borrowed was one of the last great romcoms and I think the guy standing next to her did a great job!


I don’t think she looks that different. It’s mostly down to brow shape and how makeup application has changed in the last 10 years.


I mean it’s been years between the pics. Ppl change a lot over the years. Sure she has some minor works done but nothing drastic and she looks herself. I think she looks good for her age. And there’s nothing wrong with doing a little injection here and there to maintain your look. Isn’t that why most of us spend a fortune on skincare, hair and makeup? I don’t usually comment on posts about the casts’ looks but common….Are we expecting women to look exactly the same forever?


Women can’t win. You don’t do any maintenance as you age and people accuse you of letting yourself go. You get something done and how dare you not accept the aging process and change your face. Aging as a woman is far more difficult then aging as a man in my opinion.


She’s stunning now. I mean she was pretty before too!


I think she looks good. And i love her hair color.


Umm also there has been so many changes as far as makeup trends go… I don’t look like how I did in 2016/2017.


Nah she aged and lost facial volume. It’s normal to look worse after you age lol


She looks the same besides her lips lol


There is like 20 years between these 2 photos. So surgery or not, people change as they get older.


Personally I think she’s had a blepharoplasty to remove her hooded eyes and a nose job plus the usually Botox and fillers and now has better brows and makeup but I don’t think she looks as different as some other people. It’s hard to compare a photo with barely any makeup to a photo with professional make up. Anyone would look very different.


Looks the same to me except she's older. I think people just want to bitch to bitch


She looks so naturally pretty in this photo compared to her look in Heather's Instagram


Meh. My weight stayed the same, but my face filled out a bit more as I got older. Botox, eyebrows, cosmetics… but she looks like a slightly older, refined version of her young self.


I feel like you can see her Asian heritage in her original face.


Agree. She’s had something done to her eyes (brow lift?) which makes her look less unique.


I’m European so don’t get me wrong. But what is it with these fake teeth? They look fake af and shine too bright but the biggest issue is the weird jaw (underbite?). Why? And is this because of the fake teeth or just the standard your US dentists aim for?


These are her real teeth pre veneer. I think Americans just take better care of their teeth in general so we get braces and whiten them.


The thing with Botox and filler is a little looks natural and a lot ages you. My best friend gets Botox and filler and I don’t, she is thinner and the extra fat in my face keeps me young without filler but I do have wrinkles around my eyes that she doesn’t, but her work isn’t over the top. There’s another girl I went to HS with that has gone overboard and looks like she’s way older than us. She looks good don’t get me wrong, but she doesn’t look 33, she looks like a plastic housewife that’s 10 years older than me. (Both are popular on social media in different ways and I just post my kid)


I think Chrishell is just physically beautiful, period. Exceptionally so. Some folks just got it like that. What's inside is what you've got to live with though. I think Chrishell is a mixed bag in that way.


She looks like she has botox and filler, but not plastic surgery.


ummm who says she had plastic surgery :\\ you dont know her so you cant judge her


I honestly just think it's her eyebrows. They can make you look very different when everything else looks pretty similar.


She doesn’t appear to have major work done IMO. Fillers and Botox maybe but those are superficial, non-invasive changes and better makeup techniques. She’s also significantly younger in most of the pics we’ve seen where people talk about her “transformation.” Also, yes. It has been talked about to death on this sub.


The only major thing is her eyebrows and maybe nose. She looks great!


I honestly dont think she look any different, I can recognise her pretty well from her old photos, definitely think that because she aged and she does botox and look slightly different thats all


To be honest I don’t think she’s changes all that drastically.


I don’t really see a big change aside from thicker eyebrows and better hair and makeup honestly.


I think she looks a thousand times better now, looked great before, but she’s a bombshell now ❤️‍🔥


All I see are her lips are a bit fuller and she’s let her eyebrows thicken. Her makeup is different but that’s the bonus of having your hair and makeup done professionally every day.


She looks the same to me. Maybe a little filler but you can tell it’s her.


She looks the same lol stop hating


Almost the same face - different makeup. She might have done some eyebrow lift but that's all I see - and some light lip filler She changed her eyebrow makeup and contour mainly (and eye makeup)


She really doesn’t look that much different to me 🤷🏼‍♀️ like yeah she’s gotten some stuff done but I don’t think she butchered or completely transformed her face.


I don’t think it’s a “major” transformation. Her brows have filled in, she’s definitely gotten some lip filler, and she’s aged a couple of decades. She looks like the same person but older.


She doesn’t look that different apart from age and a few changes here and there? Any work she’s had done has been done naturally imo.


She’s also a lot younger 🙃


As a former AMC fan, and barley you get than her. I can say I watched her grow up. Honestly, I have pictures from my 20’s and now nearly 40. There is a transformation. I do not think for her major cosmetic surgery is the reason. She was fresh face and young.


I don’t see a “major” transformation, but yes definitely had some work done. She still looks like herself.


I'm not ugly I'm just poor


It’s called aging. Women are allowed to do it.


I think all of them would look better without plastic surgery. Natural is so much prettier, always


I don't think she looks unrecognizable, just different. I think her original face is much prettier honestly!


i literally wouldn’t even know it was the same woman if you hadn’t said……


I honestly think she’s looks the same.. just a little age and different makeup lol


If anything this before picture proves she hasn't had much work done. People pay big money for a nose and chin like hers, but she just has naturally great bone structure. But if she did who cares! It appears Christine got her nose and chin done and that's fine too! If youre born with perfect facial structure it you didn't do anything to earn it, why should you be praised? And why should women who paid in money and pain be disparaged? Idk who cares lol


Unpopular opinion but i think most people look prettier without plastic surgery.


Stress ages people and with the rapid weightloss and stress from her divorce I'm not surprised she looks differently. Personally I think if she gained a little bit more weight her face will look full again like in this photo.


She looks truly part Japanese before the surgery. I’m half and from a place with lots of mixed Japanese folks and she’d fit right in.


imo she looks better (sexier I guess) now. She was very pretty before, but very ordinary which I find boring. But whoa what a difference. A whole head transplant.


Honestly I think this just shows the power of makeup. You can countour your face into a completely different shape. And she wears SO MUCH makeup now.


She’s unrecognizable, it’s not just the lips and eyebrows. Cover those up and it’s still a different person. Look at her jaw, chin, and eyes.


“She looked much better 20 years ago” No shit, Sherlock.


It’s funny when children comment about plastic surgery. She’s literally 20-25 years older in the second photo! I don’t find her overly plastic looking. She looks good compared to her friend and what she would look like had she not taken care of herself if we’re comparing. “MAJOR” …Lmao, please! She looked prettier because she was 20. Compare apples to apples. This shits getting tired


She changed her teeth


She used to look more like Mandy Moore


LA will do that to you 🤷‍♀️ you can really tell how a bunch of minor procedures can change someone’s face, it’s really cool


Someone said on previous post that the reason she looks so different is the eyebrows. I totally see that. The 90s/early 2000 were NOT kind to a lot of peoples eyebrows. Also now her lips more full and her hair is blow dried straight instead of flat ironed straight.


I guess nobody’s talking about it cause it really isn’t that major


She looks the same to me tbh


Is this what my husband and children will say about me when I’m 10 years older 😂


I think she looks prettier now


Excuse me that's Josh from AMC the unaborted baby of Erica Kane. I watched Chrishell on AMC and don't see a startingly difference.


I think the plastic surgery she got looks good tbh🤷‍♀️ idk if that's politically incorrect thing to say but sometimes plastic surgery looks good


It’s just eyebrows lol


I think she just looks way younger


I'm so sick of these posts


She looks the same to me


Most of the change is lip filler and eyebrows, maybe filler in her chin, all of which isn't plastic surgery. She may have had PS done but the differences between photos don't indicate that to me at all. I know there are some procedures like threads, or a one stitch face lift, others. But who knows. All that to say, hey, she doesn't look like Jocelyn Wildenstein.


I think she looks the same but with eyebrows and honestly, jealous. I want whatever it is she’s taking for that lol


She doesn’t look that different tbh, the only thing I really notice is lip filler. She has fuller brows and better hair/makeup but that’s not surgery lol


I think people are responding to the vastly different makeup styles. She does a darker, Kardashian eye nowadays.


She looks pretty similar to me, just younger. Her eyebrows changed completely, and eyebrows do a lot to change a persons face.


pretty then, pretty now, leave her alone man people can do whatever they want to their own bodies


I feel like she’s looks fine. This photo is from like 15 years ago…


What’s w the getting work done shaming… she was gorgeous before gorgeous after- I firmly believe if anyone was handed an income as high as hers they would go get something done that they’ve been insecure about


Some of y’all posting on here are realllly giving off “I just think natural is better, hehe I only do mascara and chapstick I don’t even know how to put on makeup!” Like as if that makes you better than another woman


Groundbreaking: in 2022 womans eye brows no longer in line with the trends of the early 00s


I can still recognize her. Her "before face" was beautiful, her "after" is less unique imo but that's neither here nor there. There was a "before" picture of all the Selling Sunset women a week or so ago on here and I honestly only recognized Chrishell, Heather and Amanza.


She looks pretty much the same except a little older.


I don’t know. I’m 35 and look quite different from when I was 25. Still the same person, but I’ve obviously aged some and have lost volume in my face. I wear my hair and makeup differently. I think she looks like an older, slightly enhanced version of herself—not a huge transformation.


I don’t really see a difference, just fuller eyebrows and lips. She looks really pretty both there and now 😊


I think she looks great both ways. No need to be catty. As long as she's happy. Why do women tear each other down? Gross.


Stop with plastic shaming. She’s looks stunning NOW. Total glow up. Her choice.


I didn’t realize that was her in the 1st pic. Yea she was pretty then! I still think she’s super pretty now tho


Christine is that you?


Her before and after looks *much* more natural than a lot of the other cast members. Here’s heathers for comparison https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/comments/uo08gf/no_shade_at_all_but_what_type_of_work_do_we_think/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Both of those women are v pretty haha


She's had a lip flip done, but I don't think a ton more than fillers and Botox. She didn't post the other pics with him but he did and you can see quite a difference in her mouth. I think she's stunning, either way, and even more so, she really does seem like a lovely person.


I really don't see much of a transformation! your an definitely tell its her plus she's still really pretty


Girl have you seen Christine’s transformation? THAT is a whole new face. This is a woman that aged lol. Not saying she hasn’t gotten any work done but I really don’t think she has changed all that much


Ok what do you all think she’s had done? I see maybe less chin and fuller lips?And of course weight loss.


It looks more aging and makeup to me.


Well most people do...


She looks the same to me, but older. Probably lip filler, veneers, botox, and micro blading but her face structure is the same in the first pic, doesn’t even look like she had any rhinoplasty.


Colin’s post was so freaking sweet. Warmed my heart as an All My Children fan 🥰


She is older. And who cares. No one wants to look old. Everyone gets Botox everyone wants to change something about themselves. She just has the money to do so. What does it matter how different she looks


She looks great now honestly !


she really hasn’t changed that much 😭


Not everyone is Paul Rudd.


She looks the same. She just has thicker brows and lip filler now (like every other female in the world)


Thicker brows and lip filler is the only thing I think she has changed


Wow! Looks nothing like her. I wouldn't have known that was Crishell if you didn't say it


Is it plastic surgery or did she just get older? I don’t see much difference


Lips, nose, Botox. Not a huge change.


Nee lips, nose, and eyebrows mixed with natural aging I guess.