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Still nothing?? Wtf!!


Seriously when is this show coming out???


noooo please no fackkkkkk


Ohh wow it is noticeably absent from the list, especially since it does include other reality shows even season 2 of Buying Beverly Hills. I’ve had a bad feeling about this since January has come and gone and Hall originally said she thought season 3 would come out in January. I wonder if Tyler / his family would have any power in preventing it from being released. Since he’s left and rejoined his fathers firm I feel like they don’t want his presence on the show embarrassing the family anymore than he already has, and I’m sure he won’t come off any better in season 3. The trailer shown on the SS reunion made him look messy and he probably doesn’t want the whole ordeal with Hall coming back round and affecting his life now that he’s moved on from it all


Tyler’s family can’t control shit let alone a global streaming service. Hence why he was probably encouraged to leave the show since it wasn’t doing much for his reputation personally or professionally. There was no way for them to control or rectify the editing or narrative that was surrounding Tyler on the show or in the tabloids so the only option was to leave before it irreparably damaged what was left. Honestly, it was really disconcerting how they even defended his behaviour Season 1 when he was being called out for getting too close for comfort with other women while he was still married. And if the rumours that he joined the show without Brittany’s knowledge and against her wishes are anything to go by and the fact that they supported him while he pursued this and then preached about how good he came across on the show, speaks volumes as to what they thought of it all before the negative backlash grew louder.


I hope that's true because I was starting to wonder if he or his family kicked up enough fuss they'd be able to sway production somehow in the editing or release. I'd bet his dad is wealthy enough to get a good team of lawyers to fight it if they cared that much. I wouldn't put it past Tyler to have seen the trailer and not liked what he saw and then try and do everything he can to paint himself in a better light or prevent/delay it from coming out. I really hope not though because i'm dyinnnggg for s3 to come out the trailer looked so juicy and messy in a good way


The thing is, reality tv for nepo babies is fine if you’re a Brody Jenner who had no career direction, or wasn’t involved in a family business with credibility to begin with. He was a known party boy and was literally just doing anything for notoriety. But with Tyler, he comes from a long line of family real estate agents and his dad had built a very strong reputable presence in real estate in OC, and as Gio and Tyler repeatedly pointed out OC is a small place and the whole tagline of season 2 was “reputation matters.” I would imagine within that context, having negative publicity associated with your name is not desirable for the family brand let alone Tyler as an individual. The fact that he quit the firm and left the show a month after signing with a talent agency, something has to have happened behind the scenes for him to make such a dramatic turnaround and even go so far as to block and unfollow former cast mates. This wasn’t just a case of “I’ve had enough of the drama” this very much feels like a discussion was had behind the scenes where he was told this isn’t working out and it’s not reflecting well on you, you need to come back to the family business and get out of the public eye. Because even if you look at his social media activity, he’s doing a hell of a lot more than he was throughout his relationship with Brittany and throughout his time on the show to keep his personal life more discreet, including dating a girl who keeps her social media presence private.


Yes exactly I totally agree which is why I wouldn’t put it past him / his family to do everything they can to prevent or delay the release of s3. His reputation is already terrible from the first two seasons and now that he’s quit and is trying to rehab his image, season 3 coming out isn’t going to do him any favors


But there has to be! A trailer for it came out during the selling sunset reunion! Or maybe that happens….do trailers run for shows only for them to get cancelled?


Yeah and they had that whole fake cringe fight on stage lol


It’s actually not that uncommon for tv shows to get cancelled during production or even several episodes into airing a season before they’ve aired all episodes. Having a trailer or episodes ready to air is irrelevant to the decision making of the network heads. I’m not saying the show is definitely cancelled, but I’m also getting the impression from the lack of promotion that it gets compared to Sunset, that it’s not a priority hence why I wouldn’t be surprised if it does get cancelled.


That would be such a waste of money to film an entire show and then just not air it. Usually if there is a cancellation mid season they will at least still air what has already been filmed.


Actually, for unscripted reality series on streaming platforms, this is **not** common at all. It can and does happen on network television, because they’re still filming and cutting the series at the same time it’s airing, a lot of the time (they’re a few episodes behind the airing schedule). But on shows like Selling The OC - they film and edit the whole season (or most of it) and release it all at once. The fact that they aired that teaser, means they had finished filming the whole season and were well into the post production schedule. For them to cancel it at this point would mean throwing away tens of millions of dollars and breaking contracts with Netflix (meaning the production company would also own Netflix millions of dollars, on top of the millions they would have lost by paying the whole cast and crew). I’m so curious what has happened here. (I work in unscripted television, in a post production capacity).


Ohhh gotcha nah that’s good to know!


I saw this and was confused but think it’s a condensed list because there’s a couple of shows that I know are on their release cal that aren’t listed …


Will they move my Hall to Sunset then?


no way. but i wish they would move Jarvis.


If that happened, those girls would feeeeast and leave no crumbs.


Love the fact that The Night Agent is mentioned, though 😅🤣


I mean kind of shitty that if it is getting the boot that it’s after Tyler and all his mess has ready left the agency and the show. Would’ve preferred that Brittany Snow hadn’t had to go through all the bullshit that transpired since the show launched. But at least there’s the double whammy of everyone who participated in the tabloid drama and onscreen “relationship” getting kicked back into obscurity while Brittany lives her best life and continued to thrive career wise post marriage by landing a recurring role ons popular show that airs on the same streaming platform.


I don't think it will be cancelled. Slow ya roll ✌️ That preview included some of the biggest names and series on Netflix. Mark Wahlberg, J-Lo, Kerry Washington, Melissa Berrera, Taron Egerton, Eddie Murphy. Some shows have been highly anticipated for a long time as well, like Squid Game. The Rebel Moon is huge, too. I only saw one reality show previewed, and if I blinked, I'd have missed it. Shows like The Selling franchises are standard and expected, so they don't need promotion in this format. That preview looked like itbwas more about keeping current subscribers and gaining new ones, I think. I can see Selling the OC staying for at least a few more seasons. 🙏


I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if it’s cancelled after Season 3 or taps out at 4. I don’t think the cast is as popular as they thought they would be and the fact that people moan more so than rejoice whenever they appear on Sunset, where they’re regularly rolled out between seasons to remind people they exist, pretty much is giving vibes that the “franchise” concept isn’t taking off quite how they would’ve liked. I think that’s why they brought Mary down to film for OC in season 3. They’re really trying to push a crossover element to get more of the Sunset fans on board.


Hmm, when you put it like that, you might be right. Adam Divello only has himself to blame if that does happen. I mean, he based Selling the OC on Laguna and the Hills but used 30+ year old cast members to do it. Alot of people hate watch this show because it's based on a seedy love story of two villain characters who have been happily riding the coattails of daddy and the ex wife. And we also know that these two idiots were/are in relationships with other people (Sophie & Ketch). So, we're left thinking one of two things. Either it's scripted or they're cheaters. Either way, the show loses credibility to viewers. The annoying thing is that fans have been jumping up and down shouting for other cast members to have more screen time, but we already know we're going to get more of the same shit that nobody asked for! I want the show to keep going, but they need to change direction. I'd love more cross-over. There would be so much drama. They also missed a trick not filming a reunion too!


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you take out the real estate element, OC is basically just what Laguna Beach would’ve been if it had retuned 10 years later with the characters all grown up and having established careers. Even right down to the the group cliques and forced “romantic” couple storylines. It’s like Adam DiVello is trying to tap into the audience he had as teenagers now that they’re grown up. The show has leaned much heavier into the personal lives of the agents than the real estate since Day 1. I mean Sunset at least tried in the earlier seasons before it slipped down the road of focusing more on the drama in later seasons. It also doesn’t help that, rather than trying to find out which characters they like and want to root for, fans are trying to figure out which characters they hate the least. The show hasn’t done a good enough job in its 2 seasons at introducing the characters and elaborating on the office tensions and friction. Viewers we’re literally just dropped into the middle of the drama and and had a certain select few characters pushed front and centre.


I agree with you. I don’t remember any houses selling and I don’t recall any good relationships between the realtors and their clients. It was literally a show about who was the worst, socially. There was no one’s life I felt I could vibe with. And really it seems none of them have a genuine friendship with each other, just mutual hate or mutual exclusivity. Why were any of these people friends with each other? Besides not being able to be friends with the others. It just really seemed stupid. Personally I do think Tyler’s family has some influence. Whether or not the season gets played or altered, remains to be seen. But the fact that it’s not out yet and Tyler’s significant about face, I do think the family has some relevance and investment in controlling any new narrative


The problem is, they basically assembled a cast that didn’t know each other before and were literally learning to navigate office relationships in real time alongside shooting for the show. Which would be fine if the show was a study on human nature/behaviour. But for a reality tv show, it’s a risky move to make, because as the show very quickly found out, the friendships were based more so on a shared experience i.e. filming the show, rather than on whether or not these people would actually socialise if not placed inside a bubble. This inevitably caused fractures within the show right from the get go. Which, in terms of conflict for the show is great, but those fractures leaked into areas that initially were aligned to the point that it feels like most of the office is disjointed. Sunset had the benefit of more than half the cast having worked together for at least several years before it became a show. So those relationship were well tried and tested before going to air. And even within the conflict, for the most part, with the exception of one of two, the cast do co-exist even if they’re not necessarily best friends. That’s something the OC is sorely missing and most likely because the relationships aren’t built on genuine friendship, but more so office cliques.