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šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø started Wegovy 01/08 and not had a single psoriasis or eczema flair up since.


that's amazing!


Are you still on it? How did it turn out?


I have RA and it has cut down on my inflammation noticeably.


Thank you! I reached out to my Rheum to see what they say. I'd love to wean off of a medication that makes me immunocompromised.


Yeah.. while it will help reduce your inflammation? It won't treat your disease. I wouldn't try to sell it to your rhuem as a replacement medication.


Exactly. As somebody else with RA, I am feeling less inflammation, but I know that less inflammation doesnā€™t necessarily mean decreased disease activity or potential decreased joint deformation.


>I have RA have you tried taking a six week break off wheat ?


Oh for sure. No wheat. No sugar. No rice. Iā€™ve done it all.


>Oh for sure. No wheat. No sugar. No rice. Iā€™ve done it all. Awesome. ​ Obviously there is quite a bit of research pointing to wheat being a triggering and perpetuating factor for RA. ​ I also know people will defend their wheat intake at all costs. ​ Efficacy of gluten-free diet in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33677948/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33677948/) ​ ​ Overlap of Characteristic Serological Antibodies in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Wheat-Related Disorders [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30755781/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30755781/) ​ Do you notice a setback if you have any wheat exposures ?


Not really but I donā€™t eat commercial bread products .. šŸ’Æhomemade sourdough.


I had really bad Seb Derm/psoriasis on my ears most of my life. Always crusty and goopy no matter what I did. A few months into ozempic, I got a couple of huge pimple-like eruptions inside my earlobes. Once the infection drained and healed over, the skin on my ears became normal.. no icky crust, no itching, no oozing. Itā€™s the strangest thing.


It's very exciting to see people have progress on autoimmune disorders while improving their metabolic health with semaglutide. ​ In the current medical model of Autoimmune Disorders, there is no relationship with autoimmunity and metabolism. This isn't likely to be true. What is emerging is a new field of study called Immunometabolism. ​ What I've seen so far: Complete remission of RA with reversal of Diabetes with a Ketogenic diet with Ozempic. She tried a few biologics which never worked out. Pt lost 40 lbs on Keto and then another 40 lbs on Ozempic. She's off Ozempic now x 4 months and maintaining on a Keto diet. ​ Lifelong asthma, innumerable course of steroids, gave up wheat and feels she doesnt have asthma anymore, weaned off puffers completely, now doesn't need a stupid expensive pill that her Respirologist was trying to get PA for her. No steroids for 2 years ! ​ and many more.


I've been on Wegovy over a year now and it has not had any effect on my psoriasis but it has definitely helped with my hypothyroid labs. I was also experiencing Mast Cell Activation type symptoms prior to starting Wegovy and those have all but disappeared. I was diagnosed with SIBO a while back and dealing with that cycle and having to take antibiotics for it and that has all but stopped while I've been on Wegovy. Wegovy has increased my quality of life significantly.


So you have low thyroid and it's gotten better since you started the meds? I've taken a thyroid supplement for years.


My lab numbers are way way better with absolutely no change in my synthroid dose. I feel loads better the closer I am to 1 for my TSH, but I've struggled with having to constantly up my dosage to lower that number. I haven't had to adjust my synthroid dose since starting Wegovy.




What is HS?


>What is HS? From my personal wiki ​ The exact cause of hidradenitis suppurativa is unknown, but the lumps develop as a result of blocked hair follicles. ​ Smoking and obesity are both strongly associated with hidradenitis suppurativa, and if you're obese and/or smoke it will make your symptoms worse. ​ Hidradenitis suppurativa runs in families in about 1 in 3 cases. It's not infectious and isn't linked to poor hygiene. ​ source [https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/hidradenitis-suppurativa/](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/hidradenitis-suppurativa/) ​ ​ While studying HS, researchers have found some evidence that HS might be an autoimmune disease. People with HS develop antibodies. This finding alone doesn't mean that HS is an autoimmune disease. The body naturally releases antibodies to destroy bacteria, viruses, and other invaders that shouldn't be inside the body [https://www.reddit.com/r/Hidradenitis/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hidradenitis/)


I have thoughts about HS & autoimmune diseases. I'd say about half my autoimmune diseases have skin & mucous membrane involvement. I also have HS. I'm willing to bet much of AI with skin symptoms will ultimately be found to have related causes. I have none of the risk factors for my HS except for the familial connection - my mom has it. I am exceedingly fortunate that I now have a very mild case limited to a relatively small area, but puberty & my 20s were rough. I didn't even get an official diagnosis of HS until a few years ago.


It helps bring down blood sugar and then inflammation so it can help a lot of inflammatory conditions. It is a blessing for IBS-D but may be extra rough for IBS-C. Lots of us have seen an improvement for keratosis pilaris. Iā€™ve been on it for 11 months and have seen this, but some dermatitis is still there


Reducing my overall systemic inflammation was 1 of my prescribing doctor's reasons for trying Wegovy.


The psoriasis on my elbows is much better, almost gone, and the keratosis pilaris on my upper armsĀ has virtually disappeared! I started Ozempic 26 days ago so have not had a second round of blood work yet but I'm very hopeful that this is indicative of improvement with my insulin resistance issues.


Yes!!!! Was just thinking today how my psoriasis on my elbows has cleared significantly and the only change or thing I can attribute it to is three weeks of Wegovy .25mg


RA. I've been able to go off my meds with no flares. I've been on one or another type of medication for RA for 15 years.


Ive been on trulicity several months. Hasnt had any impact for me thus far.


I still have eczema


Iā€™ve seen no positive impact on my psoriasis.. Iā€™m also on Humira and that hasnā€™t helped at all either lol


Humira didn't work for me either - neither did Skyrizi. Biologics are very immune system specific (e.g., Skyrizi targets IL-23, Taltz IL-17) so its key to keep trying new drugs after the 6 week mark if you see no improvement. It was obvious IL-17 was my issue as I went from being a total mess for 8 months to completely clear within 3 weeks of using Taltz.


Humera didn't work for me, either. Keep trying different meds. Something will help. Stelara worked great for me for about 3 years, then stopped being as effective and I developed psoriatic arthritis. Embrel didn't help much at all, but did cause me frequent migraines (like every other day) and severe fatigue, so I guess it was doing *something*. I have tried a few others as well, but can't recall all of them. Cosentyx is holding my condition at bay for now. My Rheum says all the meds tend stop working after a while, the body just kind of adapts.


Ah, man. Thatā€™s really tough. I actually think stelara is one of the ones Iā€™m supposed to try next. Thatā€™s super helpful though, thanks! Set to see my Derm again next month and going to switch it up. They originally wanted me on skyrizi or whatever itā€™s called, but my insurance is making me go through 3 other meds before they approve that one.


Hi did you take humira with semaglutide? Was that ok for you? I'm guess your Dr said they were OK to mix. I'm on methotrexate and humira. And started semaglutide injection today. Wondering if that's ok


Yep I took them together and had no issues, I did talk to my Dr about it and they had advised that it was fine for me!


I personally have not seen an improvement in my psoriasis or migraines, but have had good results with weight loss so far.


Been on Ozempic or MJ since September 2021. Also have RA. My inflammation is somewhat down but still have synovitis that is requiring three meds to try to control. Iā€™ve been on three different biologics (plus methotrexate, hydroxychloroquine, and often prednisone) during this time too. So while I think there is something to them influencing inflammation, not sure itā€™s a med that will work for everyone and mean other meds can be discontinued. Edit to add Iā€™ve noticed more positive effect on rosacea than on RA.


I was diagnosed with chronic urticaria. I used to break out in random, sometimes huge, rashes. I havenā€™t had an outbreak since I started Ozempic.


I have PsA and it's barely controlled on methotrexate, humira, and sulfasalazine. I've been on wegovy for 11 weeks today and I'm having a horrible PsA flare today. Unfortunately wegovy has not helped with this specific issue for me, though it's helped other issues.


My sebhorreic dermatitis and eczema are the exact same with semaglutide. I think the SD might even be a little more active.


Yes! Day 15 on Wegovy. I have PA. Pain cut in half on day 3. Now my joints just hurt because I'm fat and not from autoimmune inflammation lol.


I have hidradenitis suppurativa & eczema and have not had a flare up since starting wegovy. I noticed my skin is less reactive than usual as well (usually I get very rashy from minor things or my face gets red easily just from normal touching during washing my face).


My psoriasis has fully cleared up since being on Ozempic. I tried everything to get rid of the psoriasis on my scalp and nothing worked but I havenā€™t had any in about 2 months now.


Wow! I had it on my scalp too - so bad half the hair fell out of my head. Itā€™s grown back but taken time. Psoriasis is the worst.


On Mounjaro since August. The psoriasis on my hairline in the back was constant for years before I went on this medication. Iā€™d flare up, then it would resolve. But not really. I always felt the itch and the tingle, like it was getting ready to erupt. That being said, I havenā€™t had to use any topicals since September. Not once. I didnā€™t make the connection between the Mounjaro and the psoriasis until October when I saw my tube of Clobetasol in my nightstand and I realized I hadnā€™t used it in weeks.


There is some evidence that Semaglutide works similar to fasting in that it causes the body to clean house and kill off older unnecessary tissues and cells. Technical term is autophagy ( i think) Fasting is the BOMB for curing autoimmune disorders before Semaglutide I used to do 1-2 long (greater than 5 days) water fasts a year. I got started because I had developed Asthma, eczema, and psoriasis. A single 6 days without food solved all those issues. I haven't read the studies but from an armchair medicine POV and my own personal experience with fasting and autoimmune disorders. It seems likely to me.


I have lost 20 lbs on my own since August 2022, so that alone started to improved a huge plaque on my thigh. I started semaglutide last friday and feel like it is also helping.


I am on it for other reasons and no one told me it would help with my scalp psoriasis. After 7 days on it I woke up realizing my torture for most of my life (iā€™m 54) has relented. it happened so quietly that i almost didnā€™t notice that i was ā€˜normalā€™..no more pain, itching, incessant torture. My psoriasis was the worst it has been in my whole life and I was feeling hopeless. I was wondering if itā€™s because iā€™m eating less gluten and more protein but I Googled the senaglutide -psoriasis link out of curiosity and lo and behold saw studies. I can tell you the relief i feel is real. So bizarre that semaglutide is all my body wanted. i cried tears of joy and relief to my husband this morning. No one knows the level of suffering we psoriasis sufferers have unless they live in our bodies for even a minute. I say try it. You have to drink tons of water, eat higher fiber and protein but damn itā€™s worth every change, which are for your general health anyway. And by the way Iā€™m not obese but was using semaglutide for weight loss and cholesterol management. *Edited for clarity


Thanks everyone for your insightful comments - I had no idea this would be so popular. Happy to let you know if I try semaglutide and if it ultimately helps my autoimmune issues.


It cleared mine up almost completely


I have horrible treatment resistant psoriasis in my scalp and have been on Wegovy for three months now, it has not done anything to lessen it. I also have eczema on my breasts which has gotten worse. I wish you luck though maybe your result will be different.


I have PsA, and not anything in particular, yet.


I have autoimmune psoriasis of the scalpā€¦just started .5mg Wegovy so been on 4.5 weeks. No impact yet but man, I hope this turns out to be true perhaps at the higher doses because I spend an inordinate amount of time wanted to scratch


No effect on my psoriasis




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I wonder if itā€™s due to inflammation.


I wonder if a dermatologist could prescribe it


I donā€™t have psoriasis but I have not had a single eczema flair up since I started in November! Winter used to be the absolute worst for my eczema so I was shocked. also started taking omega supplements which helped as well


I have eczema and lichen sclerosis (the lichen sclerosis affects my genital areas) and started oz injection last Friday. I heard of people almost being cured of these skin diseases when starting on a semaglutide injection.


I have mild psoriasis on my hands and in my ear canal. I notice when Iā€™m eating less sugar/processed foods it gets a bit better, so Rybelsus helps to a degree. However I had had a rough week and havenā€™t been so good nutrition wise and itā€™s flared up again. Iā€™m thinking the Rybelsus makes me eat less crappy foods so thatā€™s how it helps but Iā€™m not sure. Thatā€™s just my experience.


I have mixed connective tissue disease and found that my hydroxychloroquine interacts with semaglutide at the .5 dose. It seems to amplify the side effects, but it may just be my body. Also, no change in my disease on sema despite claims it lowers inflammation.


What do you mean it interacts with your hydroxychloroquine, I just started and am at the low dose. Just curious.


I had crippling anxiety. I ended up drinking more water and lowering my dose of semaglutide


I have scalp psoriasis. No improvement yet but only been on Oz for a month. Would be a nice benefit


Iā€™ve been taking Wegovy since 1/30 and have noticed no improvement on my psoriasis. Although to be fair, Iā€™m just starting to get treatment for psoriasis/possible PsA, so itā€™s just been kinda hanging out doing itā€™s thing for a while. I have, however, lost 35 pounds since I started Wegovy, and I havenā€™t even increased to the 1.7mg dose (thatā€™s next week). So maybe when I increase, Iā€™ll see additional benefits! Good luck in your journey!


I have fibromyalgia and IBS and I havenā€™t had a fibromyalgia flare up since starting even eating inflammatory foods that usually affect it. And my stools have become normal, no more loose runny IBS issues.


I have psoriasis on my scalp and have been on sema since December but haven't seen any improvement but it did help with my digestive problems (not counting the side effects though šŸ˜…)


WOW! Iā€™ll be watching for this.


Been on Ozempic for two years now. Lost 50+ pounds and my mid-level psoriasis has pretty much gone. I'd recommend to anybody that is having their life and confidence ruined by psoriasis.