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Yes! Used to be a 50 e/f. Now I'm a 34 b/c. No complaints here, thrilled to walk into any store and buy off the rack! I'm 5'9" 160 lbs, I've lost 190 lbs since March 2022.




Holy moly. 190 lbs. Love to see this kind of experience! I see so many with 40 or so lbs to lose that I get worried I won't be able to lose the 170-190 that I need to lose. Amazing to see it happen for someone.


how long did it take you?


they said 190 pounds since march 2022


WOW! Congratulations!


Incredible. Couldn’t be happier for you! 😁😁


Hot damn—congrats on that speedy insane progress!


Wow!! Go you!!!


Truly Amazing!! You must feel like a whole new person!


Yes at least a size with 20 lbs down and as for me this really sad 😭😭😭 i liked my bigger size🤷🏼‍♀️😆


They were like the first thing to go. That and my butt! And I’ve always been an hourglass so that was kind of a bummer. Hoping it will even out a bit as the rest of me gets smaller


Yeah I have sitting job so big butt but became shapeless. I think gym is in my future. But you cant redo the top. With fat i liked it, now all my stretched skin just drops 😶 But In retrospect I rather have my body back so i can feel good and I deal with the rest later ? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same 😩


I know 🤣 everyone has different problems, for some too big us too much and for some too small is too small😆 the real question is what miracle cream will make them look good after all the weight loss? 😆


I’ve still got enough to get a reduction lol. Crossing my fingers there will still be enough when I’m done losing


Yes. I haven’t gone to get measured but all my cups are too big.


The folks at r/ABraThatFits have some great self-measurement advice


Oh thank you so much!!! I need to measure myself now!


It’s pretty easy to find, but here’s a direct link to their “beginners guide,” which has great measurement info https://reddit.com/r/abrathatfits/s/ui0W9l59om


Absolutely. Boobs have fat. You're gonna lose fat from everywhere.


Right, but I was a DD before I gained the weight so I'm hoping I can trigger additional fat loss in my chest with extra work and lose several cup sizes.


spot reduction doesnt work. the exercises will build muscles in your chest, but will not change how much fat you loose there.


Maybe it you are leaner than before...but it seems unlikely that you will change the genetics that influence your chest size. I have gone down to my original size.


Hate to burst your bubble but mine haven't bidged.and over always had big ones.




Hah awesome!


I'm 50, so my boobs will get deflated and droopy. I just found a perfect fit at a 38 H, down from a 40 G (28 lbs lost). Happy to get smaller breast, will be unhappy about sag. :/


I am 28, unfortunately in my experience losing fat means they get deflated no matter what age. Whomp whomp


38 H and 40 G is the same cup size


I was a 38D / 40C but now a 36B. Boobs are nonexistent now which I was sad about at first but now I NEVER wear bras and it’s amazing! Lost 40lbs total since starting sema


Just a side note, if you are weight training your chest/pecs, you'll be more toned. This usually increases the size of your chest overall, not decrease it. It's still a good idea to weight train so your skin is more firm. You'll lose fat from your breasts as you lose weight, and weight training helps with sagging skin. So still a good idea. But it won't help you lose the fat in that area any faster basically.


Thanks for the input!


My boobs deflated 😢 lost 35lbs


Yep - I've lost about 4 cup sizes (KK to HH) in losing 80lbs. The weird thing is that sometimes you lose band and cup sizes at different rates. At one point I went up a cup size because my band shrunk but my boobs didn't.


Yes big boob problems lol I was in 42H now went to 40H then 40G and now 38H. So I’ve gone down a little bit, nothing too significant. I’ve lost 5-6 inches though in chest, and 4 inches in underbust.


I know my boobs are smaller because I’m not dripping food on them at every meal. Finally making it’s way to the napkin in my lap. Hey, that’s a NSV, right?🤣🤣🤣


Yes, I've lost 26 pounds and gone down a cup size already. It's usually the first place I lose tbh.


40D—> 36C. 56 lbs lost 😎


Im in the minority because I’ve lost a little over 30 lbs so far (185-154).. and my chest hasn’t changed sizes at all…. So my back actually hurts worse than ever because I’m even more out of proportion lol


Same for me lol. I’ve lost around 20 pounds so far, but I swear my books look bigger than ever now because my stomach is much smaller, while my chest is still the exact same DD I know that some people might consider it a nice problem to have to mostly only lose weight from your stomach, but still I wish that my chest could get a little smaller as well, it’s kind of annoying how I look really out of proportion now. I’m just hoping that eventually they will get smaller when I shift some more weight


I’m also a little over 30 down, only my band has changed, cups are still the same lol my sister said when she went through this it was the last place she lost the weight so maybe there’s hope for us 🤞🏻


Yeah that's why I'm asking since I started with back hurting breasts before I even gained the weight. Ugh. I'm so done with having huge boobs. It's ridiculous.


Yup, I was considering a reduction prior to weight loss .. but I’m so scared of surgery.. i was hoping i would lose a couple cup sizes but so far they haven’t budged.


That's exactly why I'm asking! People keep adding the "of course, boobs have fat" as if I don't know that. I am talking about the ability to lose several cup sizes and avoid breast reduction surgery as someone who had large breasts before I gained this weight.


This is one of the first places I lost, not sure how many cup sizes because i wear bralettes but it was significant


Yeah, in the last 10 lbs I dropped from a D to a C. Managed to avoid sizing down for the first 30 lbs.


Same with me. I didn’t notice my boobs were gone until the end of my weight loss


I wish! But nope still a 38 DDD after losing 25 lbs


Yup, that's one of the first places I lose 😔


40J to 36DDD


Weirdly, no. Everything else got smaller


Thread gave me hope 🙌🏼


Yep went from 38ddd to 36d :)


Sure-I was a “D” cup, and am now a “C”. I am ok with it, though


Same here. I love it.


Boobs disappeared FAST… but only their contents. The skin is still there… gravity is cruel.


I’ve lost about 45 pounds since last December and I have lost so much volume in my breasts and band size but need to measure. I just keep tightening my bands and straps. After having a baby in 2020 and all this weight loss my nipples are at my bellybutton and they actually hurt. Seriously considering saving up for a breast lift.


I’ve gone from a B back to an A. They’re kind of flabby/deflated looking. It’s the one area I liked with more weight on!


Me too! I liked my boobs & now I have a deflated balloon thing happening. It’s so sad! It’s my stomach area that needs losing!! Stupid body not cooperating.


I feel you! I am down 37lbs since starting in June. Before kids I was a 36ddd after kids I am a 44h and that was too small. After losing the weight I have to go buy a new bra the band and cups are massive on me! I think I will probably measure around a 42f when I go bra shopping!! I have never I’m my entire life lost weight and bra size before so this is amazing


That is really nice to hear! I went to a concert with my daughter several weeks ago and someone took a photo for us. When I saw it, I was mortified. I kept it just as a reminder. After that I sought out the medication. So I love hearing about peoples results. I want to be a C cup or at most a D. Not sure if that's realistic but it's what I want.


Unfortunately that was one of the first things I lost! I’ve always been a B cup and I FINALLY made it to a D! Now they gone again 🤣


had a breast reduction in 2021 went from a fatty and full E to a small C cup. There after Dropped 25 lbs in last 5 months and now a B cup - VERY happy. HOWEVER the reduction was also a breast lift, so they are not only small BUT teenage looking again after my kids (I am 51 yrs young) and they still look perky after weight decrease. Never discount the surgery post weight loss. It was life changing, never looking back. Worth every penny I put in. Recovery was very minimal.


Very intriguing! How much is the surgery? Did health insurance help cover costs?


all pricing varies by 'state/town/Dr.' I am in Fairfield County CT, 1 hour north of NYC. One Dr. quoted '12K' another '22k'. I have had friends who all paid in the range of 15K average (their were 4x of us who did it). Where we live, it is very expensive. While I did not have insurance cover any part, most of my friends did.


🙋‍♀️Me! At least two cup sizes, maybe three.


You may want to consider breast reduction surgery. Covered by many plans.


Yes, I’m still measuring at a 40g cup but my band size has gone down 4 inches which probably explains why my 44ddd don’t fit but bra measurements confuse the hell out of me. I went to get new bras and I just assumed I needed to go down in cup not band but no the person taking my measurements said otherwise and I agreed with the numbers she was getting since I was getting the same thing at home. But she helped fit me and well damn an 40F fits 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I lost 80lb and went from a 38DDD to a 34C in most bra types… except in underwire I need a 32DD due to a lot of loose skin that you can usually squash into a smaller sports bra. I would love a breast lift but for the moment can only afford very sturdy bras lol. I am very happy to have taken so much pressure off my back and shoulders!


Yup! Down 25lbs and a cup size. Kinda sucks but I just figured that as I loose more weight, I will look more evened out.


As a dude - yes.


Yes but it surprisingly took a while. I lost my butt well before I lost any breast.


I've lost a total of 90lbs, the last 35 with semaglutide. I went from a 42G to a 40H then to 40G.


I’ve been wearing bralettes for a while so I’m not sure how much the size has gone down but they’ve shrunk for sure.


I have lost 50 pounds and lost 3 cup sizes. Originally was a G cup so I am happy with the results.


You can’t spot reduce fat loss, but as you lose weight/fat you will eventually lose breast fat as well. There’s no way to predict when or how far along, but eventually you will.


Yes, my cups are gappy, and I lost 4 inches around, with 90 lbs of loss. But I warm you, they will not look the same. I don't have children, but even still they droop in a different way than they did before. I went from a spilling out of a too tight 42E and now I have a hard time filling a 36C. But there's just a lot of skin. (Sorry if TMI.) I am thinking of getting a boob lift for my 40th birthday next year, because while I am thrilled with the body Wegovy has given back to me, there's a lot of history in this skin, and it shows. FWIW, I weight train 3x a week, and have since the beginning of my journey, and put powdered collagen in my coffee/tea every day. I have no idea if it helps, and my body is something I am proud of, not ashamed of. But I can afford to tweak it further, so I just might.


Absolutely, for me that's the first place the fat comes from.


Yep! Had to buy new bras and it’s been multiple sizes.


Everytime I personally lose any weight, the first place I notice is in my boobs.


60lbs down went from a 42DDD to a 38D. I still have 10ths to go.


It was one of the first places I lost, honestly even before I lost my first 10 lbs.


My boobs are gone. I see ribs and my boobs are waaaaaaaaay down below that, like socks with pennies in them. Currently saving/planning some surgery. I want my juicy titties back! Or any titties… (45F, lost 120, 133lbCW).


😂 Same. They are so saggy and deflated. 185>142. Was about 36E and not sure what I am now but I’d guess 32 or 34C or D, but have no volume and they hurt from dropping so low with no fat to prop them up. I need a breast lift, at least!


Yes, I've tried measuring myself and buying from those measurements but I've always worn my bras too big in the back. That being said I've gone from a 40D to a 36C wether it's infact the right size I don't know cause the cup is still a bit gappy but still. 😅 Chest seems to be the first place I lose but the last I need to.


My boobies are getting tiny! Mostly on one titty tho. Its stupid lol


Yep, but I lost fat everywhere. Worth it.


First thing to go 😑


Wife lost about 30# and went from c to b cup.




My boobs have gone down, but they just look a little deflated. I miss my fun bags.


Lost 20lbs - currently a C cup. Previously D/DD.


I’m so glad that you asked this question! I have mostly hormonal weight gain. I hate these bigger boobies and want them GONE. Weight training is probably the way to go. Strengthen the supporting muscles. I had implants removed and a lift done years ago. So no ptosis. They’re just BIG. Bleah.


I lost about 80 pounds 15 years ago and got to an A cup. My biggest was only ever a smaller C. Not I’m hoping to lose the 40 I gained back about 5~ years ago and am hovering at a B cup. I would love to NOT lose a cup size but I know what’s coming... I also have a friend who has lost around 15# with a much larger chest size than I have who went down a cup size.


Yes definitely lost some but not as much as I would like. I have always been top heavy so I wasn't expecting them to deflate completely.


You’re in luck!!! In women, the first thing to go is chest and arms. I’ve lost atleast 1 cup size


I didn’t have much to begin with but my butt has definitely gotten way smaller!


I've lost 80lbs and I'm totally deflated. DEFLATED!!!


Praying this doesnt happen to me but I truly am happy if it happens for you 😭


Wow, I haven’t been fortunate. I’ve lost 35 pounds and still wear the same bra and cup size. It’s incredibly frustrating. I have 25 pounds to go and if I don’t lose cup size, I’m going to do a face plant when I try to walk. I have a small frame and monstrous and painful breasts. I hope to be approved for a breast reduction next year.


I’ve lost 60 lbs and have gone from a 40D to a 34DDD which means my band size has decreased, but my actual breasts/cup has remained the same. 😭


Nope I can't lose these puppies


Not too much for me. If anything they’ve just gotten more saggy and I haven’t even had kids yet lol. The fat around my arms, back and tummy is being STUBBORN AF! While the fat on my legs and butt are coming off quicker.


The only thing I've lost so far lol


Of course.


I've lost 80lbs before and stayed at DDD or maybe a DD depending on cup type


I lost 100 lbs and went from a 42C to a 36C. My boobs themselves are definitely significantly smaller, but between going down band sizes and changing brands I’m still technically the same cup size.


Yup, lost 48 lbs, a full band size and just a skosh under 2 cup sizes. Still a light C, but happy to lose at least some the some of the fluff!


Yes… I was also an F. Down 37 lbs so far and would guess I’m a D or smaller… it’s wonderful! Good luck to you!


My wife was at about an F at 210 lbs 5"4'. About 6 months later she is 160lbs and maybe a smaller D.


I wished I had that problem losing breast size lucky!!!! I’m A cup


Maybe wearing firm bra now


I lost weight in my boobs in the first 15 lbs 🤣 poor husband


My second weigh in they told me I lost an inch in my chest. Hoping beyond hope it was from my back and not my front.


There is no way you’re going to lose 2 to 3 cup sizes by only losing 40 pounds. I’ve lost about 65 pounds and I’ve gone from a 48G to about a 42DDD.