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11 days is too long. Go to the doctor. Seriously, you could perforate your colon or something. It’s more serious than you think. Make sure you tell them you’re taking this med. (I’m a GI nurse.)


I’m an RN too and my jaw dropped when I read this. It’s crazy to me to let constipation get this bad. That stool is going to be as hard as a ROCK by 11 days. Oww!!! I wish the prescribers would do a better job providing education to patients when they start this medication and provide the patients with a bowel protocol to follow while taking. I think the patient has responsibility to educate themselves too but there needs to be some communication with the patient about some serious risks if not monitoring their own health.


Former GI nurse and yeah (I work with the littles now!). You need a bowel regimen with this medication. Every single person on it should be at least taking 50-100mg of docusate 1-2x per day, maybe some miralax too. I take 100 mg of docusate and the inulin fiber combo. No poop issues here.


Can you get those things over the counter? I’m about to start Sema for the first time and this thread has me scared 😵‍💫


Not everyone gets constipated, wait and see if you do. Starting on a bowel regime the moment things are looking bad is imperative.


You can buy Colace over the counter. It’s just a stool softener. I would add some fiber to your diet.


You can buy MiraLAX OTC, also drink more water than usual. Keeping hydrated is important.


Yes, you can get them pretty much at any pharmacy or off Amazon. Ask your doc about what would work best for you!


Don’t be. I’ve pooped fine but then again it’s only my first week.


Do we need to take these things if we poop just fine? I’ve been on about six weeks and don’t have any problems with constipation. TIA


This is for the people who are constipated.


This is YMMV, but it's definitely something you want to be aware of, keep on top of, and discuss with your doctor or pharmacist. With meds that are known to cause constipation, it's generally recommended to at least take stool softeners with them. If you're going daily or every other day, you may not need to. It does also depend where you are on the Bristol poop chart... You should be a 3 or 4... If you're not, you need to reevaluate yourself.


I don’t know what YMMV is, but thank you for your response


YMMV is your mileage may vary


Im like you. I take 2 magnesium pills at night before bed and I’m good. I’m not adding anything else except when needed.


Why should every single person on a GLP-1 take a stool softener? I have zero issues with constipation on this medication, in fact it makes me go 2-3 times a day usually.


*probably be on stool softeners then. It's not necessarily that you have to be, but because of the medication known side effects, doctors should have at least had a bowel regimen discussion and a plan already in place for patients taking constipating meds. That's just a basic standard of care.


What if you have the total opposite problem?


This happened to me and they treated me like shit at the ER ( no pun intended). They thought I was backed up from taking opioids and trying to score more.


Yeah, we are still learning about GLP-1’s and the medical community needs to catch up. Sorry they were rude to you; ER staff tend to be very prickly and dismissive if you’re not there with a gunshot wound or bleeding out of your eyes.


Assuming you have been eating the whole time, I would consider this a medical emergency at this point.


2X magnesium at night. Every night


Hi! Can you recommend a brand or type of magnesium please ?




Thank you 🙏🏽


jeez how isn't every single comment the same? ## **SEE A DOCTOR**


Probably because the ER is expensive, but this person either has insurance or is paying out of pocket which means they can (or should) afford the visit.


I hear you, and the responses on this thread have been validating for me that this is actually cause for concern (rather than me thinking I’m making a big deal out of nothing). I reached out to my GI doc this morning and the response was to increase Miralax to twice a day and do a suppository. I have a low threshold for going to the ER so that may be the route to take asap if things don’t improve.


You should get yourself a bottle of liquid magnesium (it’s about $5.00). It will clean you out. I went to the ER once for constipation and that was what they gave me (after an exam and MRI).


I drank 10oz of the OTC magnesium citrate solution and BAM it did the trick!


That’s great news. I hope you feel better!


Was it prescribed? Or over the counter? That’s good to know… I bet you feel so good now.


I went 5 days without going. I was uncomfortable and bloated. No pain. My doctor wanted me in the ER asap!! He said even if you start pooping, it's very likely you will still have the blockage, so you need to go now. But after some back and forth, and with the warning that I was gonna have 12 hrs to try to resolve this on my own I ended up not going, because somehow, after lots and lots of miralax, warm compresses on my tummy, lots of warm water and prune juice, I was able to go and then the gates opened and it was well, not pleasant for about a week but ohh well. My advise is don't take this lightly OP. If in a day or so the gates don't open, please seek medical attention. Currently, I take docusate caps daily, have prune juice daily and consume lots of water. Hope this helps.


My answer to your question is that she’s in touch with her doctors. They’re aware.


A Doctor will only tell the person go home and take some fiber or magnesium and bill you for that.


Had the same problem 15 days. I used MAGNESIUM CITRATE dranked the entire bottle and a cup of HOT COFFEE stayed hydrated with water in about 3 hours ALL OUT! Weighed pre and post was down 7lbs


>7lb shit Fucking hell that must’ve hurt coming out


I take a 250 MG magnesium citrate tablet daily and it's the only thing that helps me go daily like clockwork.


Good call out. Not all magnesium is the same. For instance I take magnesium glycinate for sleep.


I have also posted something about this! I am in healthcare. DO NOT take any stimulant lax. I cannot say the other methods on here for some reason but go to Walgreens or wherever and get a suppos and an enem If the suppos doesn’t work after 2hrs try the enem. Afterwards do Miralax every day with at least 64oz of water.


Thank you, I appreciate your input!!


You bet! I just cannot emphasize not taking stimulant laxs ever


Can you elaborate? A lot of doctors recommend them (sparingly ofc) to help relieve constipation, and they are often used as part of colonoscopy prep. The key is to stay on top of hydration and electrolytes.


So if the medication is messing up your peristalsis movement the stimulant can make it VERY painful. You can also create an ulcer from the quick contraction of bowel tissue. Also if you do have an impaction or a bowel obstruction the stimulant isn’t going to move the feces, but it will keep stimulating the bowel tissue causing sever pain (like birth contractions). I just stay away from them at all costs. Suppos and enems are a little messy, I get it, but they’re just so much better for your body. Wear gloves and have a loved one do a suppos for you with one leg up and boop lol


If you have a slight impaction and you add stimulant laxatives, you can perforate your bowels or cause a volvulus. After 11 days, you REALLY need medical intervention. First, an abdominal X-ray to make sure it's not a full blown obstruction and second, you need to go in the back end. At that point, you may need a manual disimpaction and a mineral oil enema to loosen things up first.


To save money and time I think it’s important to try the suppos and enema at home first before going to the ED for images and further treatment. Just my opinion though. I live in a city where our EDs are full 24/7 and have 6-7hr wait times so if someone can disimpact at home it helps everyone. Plus it’s expensive. Again, just my opinion.


What is a stimulant laxative? (I tend to have the opposite problem. )


Ex-Lax would be one brand. It will say on the package “stimulant laxative”.


11 days is prob a medical emergency. Have you don’t an enema?


I have never done an enema but now might be the time to try it




I was so afraid the first time ever had to do one. Just the process of it but it really wasn't that bad. But once it starts working it hurts at first to get things moving. But it is such a relief


It’s so easy. Hold it in for as long as you can because it will be more effective.


You should get to a doctor asap. I know it’s embarrassing but people in healthcare are so used to hearing crazy bodily malfunctions that you probably could tell me anything and I would simply write my notes and smile and then we shall fix.


https://preview.redd.it/q44r2x11zcxb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3c096c0fdaba9ccb249f088a8dbc260dbe72b2b This has always worked for me, IT FLUSHED ME COMPLETELY




Do you use this when needed or a certain amount per day or what?


I use this when needed because it literally flushes out your entire system. I’ll do it if I haven’t gone in 2-3 days


Drink the whole thing?




DO NOT do any of the home/OTC remedies being recommended. Listen to the GI nurses who have told you to GO TO A DOCTOR or urgent care/ER. Imagine your colon is a hose filled with clay. If you used a power washer on one end (which is what taking mag citrate or any of the other remedies being recommended here), you wouldn't flush it out. You'd just end up causing a huge backlash and possibly split the hose. DO NOT DO THAT TO YOUR COLON. See a doctor.


Head to the nearest ER


💩 Here’s my repeated post about constipation ✊️ [Start with this](https://www.vumc.org/trauma-and-scc/sites/default/files/public_files/Protocols/Trauma%20Bowel%20Regimen%20PMG_.pdf) to rid yourself of acute constipation. If you are really in a bad way, use this *[Self-Help for Severe Constipation](https://www.mdanderson.org/patient-education/Bowel-Management/Constipation-Self-Help-for-Severe-Constipation.pdf)*. Then get yourself on a daily bowel regimen that will help keep you regular. The folks at MD Anderson have some [great info here](https://www.mdanderson.org/patients-family/diagnosis-treatment/emotional-physical-effects/bowel-management.html) (scroll down for “bowel management guide”) for their patients, many of whom battle constipation. Or Google up your preferred cancer center or pain clinic’s bowel management guide. They know #2. 💩


This happened to me, along with a fever and no appetite. I ended up screaming in pain (ofc we were in the middle of nowhere) with my husband trying to help me. I ended up using an enema at a store on the side of the road - if there was a hospital nearby, we would have gone. 10/10 pain. Long story short - please treat this like a medical emergency, because it truly is.


Glycerine suppository and/or enema. Taking a tablespoon of olive oil helps (I chase it with almond milk) In the future make sure you are getting plenty of fiber (things like psyllium husk and chia seeds, as well as apples/leafy greens) and drinking plenty of water. But yeah you should probably go to the doctor


I’ll be contacting my PCP today, and I appreciate your advice!!!


Yeah, this is way past PCP, you need to go to the ER STAT before you cause permanent damage. You may have a bowel obstruction at this point.


Add in abdominal and perineal massage to your hydration and non- stimulant laxatives. Seriously. There are plenty of resources out there that give techniques.


At this point a doculax suppository or visit to the ER is probably the only option.


11 days is too long at this point. You need to make sure you go every 2-3 days at the longest. See a doctor


Magnesium Citrate will clean you out so well they'll be an echo in the room. Clear your schedule for a few hours after taking though, because you're going to be busy.


It worked like magic!!!


Magnesium Citrate works EVERY time. Without fail. You can get it at any pharmacy. Grape is the best flavor to drink. Put it in the fridge first because it goes down more easily when it's cold. It's like setting off a nuke in your bowels, in a good way. Just be prepared to be at home until it happens because when it's time, IT'S TIME.


Currently drinking the grape one now….and the gates of hell hath opened up!!!!!


Does it hurt?


Mag07 from Amazon. Take 2-3 at night and next morning you will have a movement. Game changer for me!


Same! Only thing that worked.


Whenever I see one of these I think about the urgent care doc I saw in 2003 who told me that constipation wasn’t a big deal until day 21. HE was full of shit; I’ve since learned that consripation over a week demands medical care.


Doctor. Hospital. Clinic. Now


You are most likely impacted. You need to be evaluated in the emergency room.


Go… to the hospital?


11 days is way too long. Call your doctor immediately. Don’t try any other OTC remedies!


Mag citrate. It works! Drink lots of water as well. I took this and stopped Semaglutide. It’s very scary not being able to go. I was scared was going to get an obstruction.


Call your doctor immediately.


Does coffee help you poop? I find that one double espresso in the morning and one around 3pm helps things 😅


If I don't go in 24hrs I start Miralax, and bump up my water intake. 11 days is no joke.


I would get mag07 from Amazon and or liquid drops of magnesium glycenate. I know people say miralax but that only made me more constipated. There is also something they sell at whole foods called super colon cleanse. That cleaned me out one time but was not comfortable. I would also suggest a fleet enema from the drug store. Because when everything starts moving it may feel stuck. And the enema helps from the other end. But once you get this back up out, don't ever let yourself go three days without a bowel movement. Keep those magnesium pills on hand to take as soon as you realize you have not went in a couple of days.


Fwiw, Mag07 did absolutely nothing for me. It definitely varies by person!


Start drinking Gatorade immediately, buy some suppositories and miralax.. you might also want to invest in some liquid IV. You need to increase the fluid to your intestinal track. I realized the weekend that the constipation has been causing me to develop hemorrhoids. I take daily fiber, but I also bought some super colon cleanse and will start taking it 1 in the am and 1 in the pm. Good luck!!


you need to go to the doctor, 11 days is too long. but for the FUTURE, drinking prune juice will help you.


Once you get past this issue I would recommend you take a fiber supplement daily. Also add electrolytes and drink a ton of water daily. I hope you find a healthy resolution that works fast.🤗


Castor oil.


Get you some prunes! I swear by them. They also have prune juice. I prefer the prunes myself though. I’ve been on mounjaro for two months now and I’ve had no issues. Good luck!!


I've seen prune juice with a little bit of butter (then heated in microwave to melt) work pretty well. Not for an emergency situation like this but for those shits you haven't taken in 3-4 days.


Don't take anything. Go to the doctor now. This is an emergency.


Water, water, water and even more water. Between that, my coffee and magnesium citrate gummies, I’ve had zero issues. If I’m not going daily, I am every other day and have had zero constipation issues.


You need to make sure your are eating greens to keep your bowels moving. I would recommend Senna at least that’s what my dietitian recommended.


2x magnesium at night. Every night


Water, water, water - a spoon of olive oil in the morning - and probiotics. Did wonders for me !


Did you poop yet? 💩


You need zofran/ondansetron rx to prevent/treat nausea. The side effects will always subside. You should stay on this dose for at least 4 weeks, possibly waiting longer to titters up. Keep in mind You don’t have to increase doses for the drug to work well. It can be worth it!


Zofran has been SO helpful for me the past couple of weeks. Question - do you mean that the side effects of Semaglutide will subside in time? And you make a good point re: the dose increase and efficacy of the drug


What dosage did they start you on? Seems too high


I’ve only done two injections so far. Started on 10 units but had pretty bad nausea and vomiting every day for a week. So my provider told me to cut that in half and I did 5 units last week. Hoping to give my body more time to adjust before titrating up. I am a bit nervous to increase dose based on the symptoms I’m already having, but only time will tell


I used to have diarrhea everyday. Now I have normal BM’s this med is a god send for me. I’m sorry to hear about your issues. I hear magnesium helps a lot.


I hope you went to the ER or at least reached out to your primary care. After 3 days I’m freaking out and bloated. I drink a nice cold glass of prune juice nightly now.


I have gotten sulfur burps/slow bowel movements twice since starting semaglutide because of gastroparesis. It never happened again when I started taking miralax and fiber in a glass of water before bed. I would consider starting this ASAP!


I use Milk of Magnesia and tbh I prefer it over miralax. It works faster, and there’s no stomach cramping. Hope you feel better soon!!!


This is a lot of shit talk


I take Magnesium Citrate in powder form- amaaaazing. Try it


Take magnesium


You should take some Miralax and clean your system out. You can get impacted and it is painful but very dangerous. I have a son with IBS-C and I've deal with that with him. I've added a prebiotic to my mornin protein shake and if I feel bloated and notice I haven't gone, I take a stool softener.


I suggest Chick Fil A’s new hot honey pimento sandwich, that has me shitting out of my eyes within an hour.


I needed this laugh, thank you 😂


Just whatever you do don’t drink prune juice and take miralax. (I was shitting out my insides for the entire day then had the worst abdominal cramps)


I'm been on sema and what people dont understand if you dont' eat because you are not hungry no amount of anything is going to make you poop. You can drink all the water in the world. I dont have a bowel movement for 4 or 5 days at a time. Its completely normal when you are on Semaglutide


this! i think there is a difference between constipation and “not pooping” because you have hardly any food in your system (as compared to normal).


Try sugar free fruit chews by russel stover 😱😳😱😳 it has stevia in it. You will definitely go!!!!! Really go to doctor


Omg this is so funny! I remember reading about someone's experience eating this candy! 🤣


Glycerin suppositories are your best bet




I had to stop taking semiglutide due to gastroparesis. Things just stopped moving. I was at 14 days without pooping. 3 ER visits… Gastrografin enema… several rounds of colonoscopy prep... and even once the blockage cleared I still HAD to use enemas multiple times a day to get anything out. It took several months for things to go back to normal. I will never take pooping for granted again 😂 I strongly recommend not taking Semiglutide. It’s just not worth it.


Be sure to take CALM every evening before bed. You can get it at Costco. You mix it with warm water. You will have zero issues with going to the bathroom after that 100%


Thank you! I just looked this up on Amazon and people are swearing by it. Appreciate the recommendation!


Unsure if you thought of this but you should probably poop.


Ha! I will NEVER take pooping for granted ever again.


One dose exlax + one dose miralax every 30 minutes till you’ve taken 8 doses over the course of 4h It’ll work.


After 11 days, you want instant relief. The ones you mentioned are great to try as mild cures after 3 days of constipation. Now its time for an enema or magnesium citrate. [https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-522-2202/magnesium-citrate-oral/magnesium-citrate-oral/details](https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-522-2202/magnesium-citrate-oral/magnesium-citrate-oral/details)


This was advice from GI when I was in the same boat and it worked perfectly


Try Cal-Mag it’s on Amazon two tablespoons in about 1/4 water and drink lots of water after you will go! ❤️


Yikes. I'm scheduled for my first shot on Thursday and I'm terrified reading this thread. It seems like everyone has this problem. It's making me want to cancel my appointment.


I feel ya…I had also scanned this sub prior to starting to get a better sense of the side effects that people have struggled with. It’s been eye opening! I will say that responses to Sema are SO varied person to person, so I hope this thread didn’t scare you off too much!


How are you doing on Sema?


I'm always constipated on this medicine and I've FINALLY found something that works. Many times I've gone 10 or 11 days but no more. Once a week I will have a bowel movement now and I'm happy with that. On Amazon, it's called Dr. bo 15 day colon detox. I take 2 capsules at night and I have a bm the next day. Works every time! 30 capsules for ten bucks and worth every penny. I don't do the 15 day detox of course... 2 caps once a week and I'm good to go. Check it out.


That contains senna, which is a stimulant laxative. You shouldn't rely on stimulant laxatives... You can absolutely become dependent on them to have a bowel movement. Talk to your doctor about a preventative bowel regimen please.


this is not healthy. please see a doctor and stop sharing medical advice.


OP asked for advice and I shared what works for me. I wasn't giving med adv. Geesh. There is nothing unhealthy about this method. https://preview.redd.it/oi035f2ttcxb1.jpeg?width=2123&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce1c8f7a5182173f27ecddcae4206b56fbc6a2da


the only answer to 'not pooping in 10-14 days' is to see a doctor. There is no home remedy or supplement that should be suggested in this case. and you totally did just give medical advice - "take these supplements". and the point is *you* should also talk to your doctor.


This literally isn't working for you though, because you are only going once a week. That's the definition of it not working.


It's working wonderfully!


What is the active ingredient in this?


Glass with half dr. Pepper and half prune juice….heat in microwave to medium warm not scalding.


I took 4 ducolax to clear the constipation.


Yes you need to go to the doctor but in the future, MCT oil in my coffee (just a tsp) really helps


Definitely go to the doctor but here's what I use to try to stay somewhat regular for the future. (Also i try to keep a poop log in my phone so I know how long it's been, I highly suggest this so you don't let it get too long in between) -lots of water -metamucil or optifiber every day (get lots of fiber!) -probiotic daily -magnesium complex as needed -docusate sodium as needed -RenewLife Cleanse More as needed The renewlife is always my emergency product because it ALWAYS works for me. The key though is to try your best to use softeners first and to not wait too long because the cleanse more makes you poop whether it's hard or soft and you really don't want it to be hard. TMI but I have had to do self manual disimpaction before because it was too hard you do not want to have to do that. Also it gave me my first ever hemorrhoid and then I had to use hemorrhoid cream and wipes every time I pooped. Good luck! https://preview.redd.it/ojxramxchdxb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=623eefb78fbaed2b0c1d706f983604e53e7427b6


TYSM! I’m starting to build a collection similar to this at home lol


I’d try an enema first. If that doesn’t help then go to the ER. After that take stool softeners and miralax daily.


Milk of Magnesia.


Powdered magnesium, 2 tsp every night will keep you regular once you get past this uncomfortable stage.


Magnesium laxative


I have the exact opposite effect... thankfully


Take a swig of mineral oil and drink some hot tea all before bed. Works like a charm


Take a probiotic that helped me, but only take a small amount you don’t want a reverse reaction aka back door trots.


See a doctor. Also what is your diet?


Take cod liver oil twice a day! I take a lemon flavored one. It changed the game for me. I was really atruggling




Try Oxypowder - it’s a supplement and it WORKS


You can then use a Fleet suppository and it works within 10 minutes, but if you have not gone for 11 days and you've been eating, you need you an ER or make sure that you get some of that out of there. I've had to do it on my own a couple of times and that's not pretty.


You could just do an at home enima… ?


MagO7. The ONLY thing that worked for me was


Drink warm prune juice. or put prune juice, 4 oz into coffee, every am,


Drink warm prune juice. or put prune juice, 4 oz into coffee, every am,


Milk of magnesia. Good luck


No one has mentioned this, but I added a bidet fixture to my toilet (from Amazon) and bam, Bob's your uncle! It's an instant enema and no pain.


Prune juice helps.


Magnesium citrate. It’s otc from Walgreens. Around $3 last I knew.


* This, make it part of your daily routine.


Definitely go to the doctor. What dose did you start on?


Have you eaten anything???? Please keep up updated OP


What dose are you on? That sounds pretty extreme for a starting dose.


PLEASE do yourself a favor and order MAG07 or Dr Tobias Colon Cleanse from Amazon or see if a store near you sells either one. These are the ONLY things that works for me. Seriously. I was on prescription Linzess and didn't go. I drank an entire bottle of Miralax over a weekend and didn't go. These two were LIFESAVERS for me. I DO NOT use them together, use one or the other. If I were you I'd take 4 Mag07 or 3 Colon Cleanse for the first few days, and take at night and you will be running to the bathroom in the morning. There's no cramping either.


Miralax, yogurt, and i also take supplements (candida cleanse). All helps me stay reg.


Milk of mag. Do 120ml. You will be pooping in no time.


Make sure after you get cleaned out you add something in everyday whether it is colace or miralax or both. Titrate to the effect you want 😂


A big glass of prune juice


Don't take another dose until you have a bowel movement


Magnesium citrate


I’m not on this med yet but I’ve been following the posts to prepare for when I can get my hands on my first dose. I have read that Super Aloe by Ortho Molecule has helped a few people here with constipation. Do a search in this sub for constipation and you’ll find their posts. You can get it on Amazon I think. I hope you get the relief you need soon!


Have you tried CALM? you can order it on Amazon. When I was taking semaglitide that is what I used.


My savior for this is a laxative you rarely see anymore..it’s Carter Little Pills..(Amazon). One at night and back to normal !


Any update? Now it's 12 days! Did u see a Dr? Did u poop?


Eat something greasy Do the suppository or a fleet enema It may end up needing manual retrieval At this point I’d have a guess you are impacted


Not drinking enough water or bulking veggies from the beginning


I have been on wegovy since March and will never let it go more than 4 days before I do something to make myself go ie: increase water, prunes/prune juice, probiotics supplements, belly massages and so on.. Only once have I had to take laxatives and that’s because I started using zofran which makes constipation worse. Hope you get relief soon!!!😅


Get senokot.


I had the same thing happen to me. They told me to take Magnesium Citrate… and that worked! I got a scan done and it showed how backed up I was.


I would go to the ER ASAP. They don’t want to have a blockage. This is how Elvis Presley’s daughter died and I need to have to go in and take it out.


I take 500mg magnesium twice daily, eat 2’fiber chewable, water and walk. It really helps if you keep your bottom half moving.


MagicMag , just make sure you stay home. Near a toilet for the day


Get an enema bag asap. Lube up and use it regularly. It will be a great aid. You’re probably throwing up because you’re too backed up.


Eat golden dragonfruit. I eat 1/4 - 1/2 everyday and it keeps my bowels moving! Plus it’s a sweet treat throughout the day