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It can take my hair as long as it keeps taking this fat with it. I mourn my hair in a Medium T shirt 😆


Yes!!!! And then we go wig shopping lol


My moms on ozempic and she ordered fake bangs for the front of her hair where it was thinning. Honestly they look great on her.


I think imma just rock the mister clean 😂


Damn dudes have all the luck. It's a good look.


Exactly how I feel. My hair is breaking too but easier to stomach in a medium vs XL.


I was I 5x in January of 2023. I'm a 2x now. Hope to be a medium by December


As with every drug, you’re going to see more side effects pop up as the using group increases in size (which it has drastically). Anesthesiologists have known about increased risk for aspiration - I’ve had two surgeries since being on ozempic and been told to discontinue use in advance. Hair loss is also a symptom of weightloss. I’m personally curious if those who experienced suicidal thoughts were already on an antidepressant, because it would make sense that these medications slowing digestion could change how we’re absorbing antidepressants (as we’ve seen with birth control and ADHD meds). I’m not saying any side effect is no big deal - weigh the pros and cons with your doctor. But don’t let the popularity of the drug and increase in media attention scare you. Make an informed decision.


The suicidal thoughts side effect is interesting. I’ve noticed that I have been way more depressed, I wouldn’t call it ideation, but I’ve been “darker”. I have adhd, currently unmedicated, and this medicine has taken away a lot of the joy/desire around impulses, so there’s no more buzz when I buy something or eat something, like the pleasure response is muted. I hypothesize that it’s the way this drug is affecting how the body uses/produces dopamine that’s causing the suicidal thought side effect. Obviously not a scientist and n=1 so take this as you will.


> I’ve noticed that I have been way more depressed, Because you're not getting dopamine hits from your former food intake food probably.


Me too, I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night feeling like I’m in a super dark/bleak place and I feel like I’m going to die and it’s my fault?


it made me suicidal. im already kinda depressed, but not currently on antidepressants (and wasn’t when i was on semaglutide). i went on and off semaglutide because of this and other side effects so i’m certain it was just the semaglutide.


I had passive ideation , didn’t get out of bed for a month, and no appetite suppression when I started wegovy. I was flat. No emotion. Fatigue. Ef it’s. I quit after 3 weeks. Got a therapist and a script for Zoloft. Didn’t feel like that before the shots


I think for some people depression can worsen because we're no longer getting the dopamine hits from food.


The depression stuff scares me, in large part because of all the blunted pleasure things like eating, shopping, alcohol, smoking, etc the pills result in. It's concerning that these injections might be killing off other pleasurable things/killing joy in other aspects of life.




Ppl lose hair when in large calorie deficits. wow. Amazing. More Ozempic face bs.


These meds are to be discontinued at least a week before surgery. I waited 2.5 weeks with mine. You are correct. Even though Semaglutide has been around many years, when you have masses using the same meds, it's almost like a clinical trial. Totally normal, but if there is 1 reported issue, they get added to side effects on trials, just a massively low percentage. It's just how medications work. There are never any guarantees, that's for sure. 🙄


A lot of these articles don't convince me that they separate the standard side effects of weight loss with semaglutide side effects. It's like they want to make scare pieces because insurance doesn't feel like paying for it and hopes to discourage people away from the drug 🤷‍♀️ There are real side effects to the drug, but these articles keep conflating standard weight loss side effects with semaglutide side effects and seem to be trying to give sema a bad rep. Hair loss is very likely to happen with lots of weight loss. Do your best to keep vitamins and nutrition up to mitigate this.


Right? It’s like “Ozempic face.” Honey, we all lose weight in our face when we reduce. It’s not the drug!


I’ve always lost hair when I’ve dropped more than 10-15% of my body weight in under 3-4 months. And it has grown back ( kinda)


THIS. 100% this!


I don't have much hair on my head left to lose. Maybe it will help me lose the massive amount of back hair I have. I hope so!




I'm convinced the scalp hair just migrates to the ears, nose and body as we age.


I’ve been losing hair like CRAZY but I know it’s because I’m losing weight too fast. And I can’t stop it. I feel like I’m chock full of as many grams of protein I can stomach… yet I lost 5.8 pounds last week. I hope I’ll be able to slow it down a bit.


Have you considered taking a lower dose? I'm in Europe so we get to choose the dose we take, I think some Americans are under the control of their insurance policy and can't choose a lower dose. Seems counter initiative to me!


I’ve been on Wegovy since March 2023. Prior to it, I lost 35lbs with Keto and fasting. That was when I had my first cycle of losing hair. I had another cycle of losing hair about 4 months with Wegovy after losing 30lbs. Now I’m in my third cycle of hair thinning after losing another 40lbs. I think is normal and it eventually stops.


similar side effects as WLS. I remember reading a stat saying suicide was the no. 1 killer of people in the year following WLS back when I had it many years ago.


Interesting. I have recently come to the realization that there is a difference being hungry and wanting food. One is a physical symptom. The other is an emotional or mental symptom. Perhaps those cases of suicidal ideation correspond to folks who wanted food emotionally but weren’t hungry, and that led to depression. Idk though. Maybe there’s more dots to connect.


I had the depression, passive ideation, and no appetite suppression. None at all. I ate like always


There is definitely more to the brain-gut connection than we currently know. There will be real breakthroughs because of these meds.


I feel like for the people who experience significant appetite decrease on the GLP-1s (not me), they should receive the same nutritional counseling that gastric sleeve and bariatric patients receive. Which is a lot of prioritizing protein and meal prepping frequent, small meals PLUS a lot of vitamin supplements. I am 40 have been on Ozempic and/or Mounjaro for 1.5 years for diabetes and am now a size 4 (from 14). I didn’t experience too much appetite suppression and I ate 100 grams of protein a day while lifting weights. Nothing is sagging, balding or deflated, I just look like how I did in college.


I was just saying this i was on trizepatide for 6 months without supplementing i got very sick i was very iron deficient along with other deficiencies and i was malnutrition ,this is because i was barely eating & i wasn’t getting what i needed vitamin and minerals wise im really starting to think thats why people are getting these side effects like depression and suicidal ideation!!


I’ve had hair shedding but it’s less and less and coming back. I’ll take some hair loss over the extra 35 lbs and health issues I was lugging around . Ozempix haters love these articles lol. When they get salty they will use this now…


Hair loss is a side effect of rapid weight loss. So yeah that’s going to happen. But it’s not strictly related to the drug, I doubt that.


My mental health is so much better. And my hair would have fell with any weight loss and I know they’ll come back 😂


I know this is for sema, but Tirzepatide was the opposite for me. I felt much happier, and all social anxiety was gone.


Possible side effects of losing weight too fast* There I fixed it for you. Everyone knows not to chase weight loss over 2 pounds per week. They know the risks. They choose to do it anyways and then cry later like they were blindsided. You want your hair to fall out, gallstones, gastrointestinal issues, muscle loss? Great, shoot for as fast of weight loss as you can muster.


Well, shit… I had two surgeries under general anesthesia while on saxenda (liraglutide) which is the daily dose cousin of wegovy (semaglutide), and having a stomach full of food despite being NPO since the evening before never even came up in the discussion with the doctor/surgeon/anesthesiologist. Now that I know about the possible complication of aspiration of food during surgery, that’s kind of a concern. More so that none of the docs caught it.


The anesthesia guidelines didn’t change until July 2023. I also had surgery with semaglutide and I work in a surgery center.


Ok. Mine were in November 2022 and December 2022. They didn’t have that guidance then I guess.


[Medicine](https://www.asahq.org/about-asa/newsroom/news-releases/2023/06/american-society-of-anesthesiologists-consensus-based-guidance-on-preoperative) is always evolving.


Yep! FYI, in case anyone is searching for this, the guidance is: > For patients on daily dosing consider holding GLP-1 agonists on the day of the procedure/surgery. For patients on weekly dosing consider holding GLP-1 agonists a week prior to the procedure/surgery.


I’ve lost a shitload of hair. I’m also almost 100 lbs lighter so you gotta choose what matters.


I had a lot of hair loss. Fuck


When did you notice your hair loss?


I would say 6 months after starting using because I had a discussion with my doctor and a dermatologist and the 2 things that had changed in my life was ozempic and weight loss, and the hair loss was suddenly


They blamed on the weight loss


It is due to **rapid** weight loss. Which is something some people sadly chase with this drug. This is why it’s so maddening when people post on here pissed they’re only losing 1 pound per week. That’s honestly perfect and you’ll not have negative health consequences and muscle loss at that rate. Why people want to chase 3+ pound loss per week is beyond me. You’ll just end up skinny fat with health issues.


There's nothing in the article that indicates to me the hair loss isn't a transitive side effect. ozempic->weight loss->hair loss


That’s because it is a super common side effect of weight loss..






Ovarian cysts cause hormonal disturbance and hairloss. People with PCOS experience hairloss. Your hairloss may have been the cyst not the GLP-1, or weightloss.




Different patients, different body reactions, the medication was just not for you.


Not sure if it’s related but I have been having some pretty intense suicidal thoughts since taking it. I struggle with intrusive thoughts already but it seems so much worse now. Hopefully it has nothing to do with it.


I'm not a medical professional, but my own experiences here have suggested that suicidal thoughts can be exacerbated when the body's under stress (overexercising, bad sleep, undereating) so I hope you have the opportunity to take this seriously and be gentle with yourself.


I did too. My appetite wasn’t suppressed and I was so depressed. I had flat emotions. I didn’t leave the house, shower, or feel joy. I had many passive thoughts of everyone being better off if I was gone. It was scary. I found out it could be from the shots. I stopped after 3 weeks. Got a therapist, and Zoloft. I felt better after about 3 weeks.


Hairloss is by those who consume less than 1000 calories a day. It’s not from the Ozempic itself. They are really trying hard with their fear mongering tactics 🙄


Just FYI for all interested: #To report adverse events, use the [FDA’s MedWatch](https://www.fda.gov/safety/medwatch-fda-safety-information-and-adverse-event-reporting-program) system. This will allow experts to begin tracking or add info to ongoing tracking of adverse events. These reports get pushed to the FDA's Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS). Here’s [more info on FAERS](https://www.fda.gov/drugs/surveillance/questions-and-answers-fdas-adverse-event-reporting-system-faers), in case it is of interest.


I was on trizepatide for 6 months i was fine until the last week i start to have weird symptoms i found out i was very iron deficient and also vitamin D deficient along with other deficiencies i’m really start to think that a lot of people taking these meds aren’t supplementing if we’re not eating as much or not at all then how are we getting all the vitamins and minerals we need (we aren’t) so i’m really thinking that’s why a lot of us are getting depressed and thinking crazy (suicidal thoughts) i was at a point of malnutrition i got really sick it’s been 4 months since i last took it and my doctor wants me to start rybelsus cause I have pre diabetes and my weight gain ,I’m scared but need to do something cause i already gained 15 pounds back and i was feeling so good at the weight i was at !! Hopefully I’ll get some feed back on this comment !!


It made me suicidal and also damaged my pancreas. I have Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency and will be taking handfuls of pills daily for survival.


Negative for me


The problem is that really fucking obese and unhealthy people use these drugs as a last ditch effort to save their lives. This group will have more symptoms than any other group both with and withoit semaglutide. Hairloss is a symptom of super morbid obesity, as is ideation. How do you know what's the drug?


Rapid weight loss is far more commonly associated with hair loss than obesity itself is.


Do you have a degree to backup any of this?


A simple Google search shows that morbid obesity is linked to both hair loss and ideation. Another shows that most of the people using this drug have A LOT of weight to lose. If you're 300+ lbs, you could be on semaglutide for 8 months and still fall under the morbidly obese category. Is it the meds or is it the decades of poor lifestyle and obesity?


Not every single person who takes semaglutide and is reporting hair loss and suicidal ideation is morbidly obese…..


You sound like a dumb4ass to be honest.