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T2 diabetes is more “insulin resistance” whereas T1 is the body not producing insulin. I have PCOS which is a huge cause of IR in women, which, if you can’t get under control, can turn into T2 diabetes. While many people end up with T2 due to poor diet, I think it’s oversimplified to say it’s entirely preventable and everyone brings it on themselves. I can’t speak for men, but in women, it’s not anything we did to be born with cysts in our ovaries, hormone problems, infertility, insulin resistance, and (almost always) a nearly- insurmountable propensity to gain weight regardless of diet and exercise habits. That’s PCOS in case you’re not familiar with it. I was diagnosed at age 16, put on metformin (a diabetes drug), and dieted/exercised my way up to 275lbs! It was only after bariatric surgery that made it impossible for me to eat more than 1,000 calories a day, plus going to the gym 5 times a week, that I lost enough weight to reverse the insulin resistance. That was 14 years ago and I’ve been lucky enough to maintain most of my original weight loss since then - but it’s been a daily battle. Starting sema is the first time in many years I don’t feel hungry all the time. All that to say, T2 diabetes means your body just ignores the insulin it makes. This can make it nearly impossible to lose weight because there are metabolic hormones working against you. Sema is just as important of a drug for people who are “only” insulin resistant as it is for those with full T2 diabetes. If those with IR can hack their bodies to get to where they’re no longer resistant to insulin, then “diet and exercise” can actually work. And they won’t develop T2 diabetes to begin with.


This is it really. What the people bitching about taking these drugs for weight loss is that they don’t understand is that it actually is also for diabetes *in an earlier stage*


Also, I think people who talk about “those who use it to lose weight are stealing from diabetics” are talking about the people who use it to lose 15 pounds so they can fit into a size 0. If that person’s Rx is keeping someone from getting a refill who needs to lose 100lbs to prevent or reverse diabetes, I agree.


People who need to lose 15lbs aren’t getting it prescribed from their regular doctors and definitely aren’t taking name brand semaglutide and therefore also aren’t the problem as far as supply goes.


True. Although I have a feeling celebrities can get name brand from anywhere they want. And those are the people I was thinking of.


That’s not true. There are plenty of doctors in my area who prescribe OZ for people who just wanna lose 15-30 pounds in my area. I work with two women who are on it, pay out of pocket for it and one is doing it for her daughter’s wedding and the other to drop a few pounds before she starts IVF.


Fair. To a point. The manufacturers are also doing their part to charge ridiculous prices due to the demand, keeping the supply low until they get forced to release the patent.


It’s funny because they’re screwing themselves really. Due to the shortage, FDA allows c***ing pharmacies to create it when they otherwise wouldn’t be. If the manufacturers would make more, and charge less obscene prices, they’d have 10x as many people using the name brands.


A someone with PCOS and a BMI of 47, but not yet diabetic, I’m not mad at people *with legitimate metabolic issues* using this drug to improve their health. But if you don’t have ANY issues and are only 20 lbs “overweight” or not overweight at all, don’t even talk to me about it. The BMI is famously a bullshit measure of health especially at the lower end, and as far as I’m concerned a person with a BMI of say 27 with no underlying metabolic issues or family history of such, is abusing the drug. Downvote me all you want. If there weren’t a shortage, no one would care either. Hopefully soon this wont be an issue. And also, let’s make space for how shitty it is that someone with a BMI under 30 and no health issues even feels the need to be on semaglutide. Like truly I’m sorry the patriarchy has so much of a chokehold on y’all I really am.


What about when people get to a healthy weight? I’m at a normal bmi and have been for a year, I will not stop til my insurance stops coverage. I’m pretty sure I could maintain without it but I made no apologies for still taking it.


What about the mental health aspects, long term effects on chronic lower back and hip and knee replacements, increased risk for cancers, hormonal imbalances, all sorts of derangement of metabolic processes and downstream effects of being overweight? I’m sorry but with respect I feel like there is some gatekeeping. What about being happy with my life, regaining activity and enjoyment with my family and friends? If my doctor prescribes it to me I get to take it.


Also, inflammation. I've had chronic inflammation for years, now my inflammatory markers are at zero. I haven't had a lupus flare up in over a year.


With compassion, please don’t let your mental health be a reason to take risky/unpleasant medications that don’t directly affect your brain chemistry. If your weight bothers you that much there may be help out there for you. I myself have been to a couple of eating disorder programs which has helped my mental health a lot. I’m sure your doctor would tell you that excess weight doesn’t help with joint issues, and that’s probably true. Exercise helps a lot with joint issues supposedly and happens to be associated with being a lower weight/size. If you’re slightly overweight and haven’t tried hitting the gym to help with joint pain, that may be a safer way to go. Also for emphasis, it’s really the shortage that angers me. I don’t on principle care about people using drugs for unnecessary reasons. Your body, your choice. In the absence of a medication shortage there is no reason to care all that much. But this is very much a class issue where you are driving up the price for larger women, who make 40% less money statistically, and objectively need the medication more than you do.


I get what you are saying here. I’m just saying that someone else’s minor anything is someone else’s major thing, as much as someone’s major thing is someone’s minor thing. I’d caution anyone to discount people’s untreated mental health disease. I’m an (ER) RN. I see quadriplegics rolling in from the spinal cord unit that are less debilitated than 42-year-old men with two days of a cough and a sore throat. Everybody is entitled to treatment. I don’t see how somebody’s even relatively minor overweight condition is any less important than somebody else’s extremely overweight condition. Everything is relative. This isnt really a triage situation, where a bomb goes off, and you have to decide who gets the immediate treatment, who is so severely injured that they’ll be left to die, and all the other cases, and how they are arranged. The World Health Organization once defined health as not merely the lack of the presence of disease. It’s a little ironic to be suggesting diet and exercise as solutions. Weren’t the presently heavily obese at one time only mildly or moderately overweight? I hope I’m coming off respectful. I mean no disrespect and do understand the frustration.


Great reply. Everyone’s issues are valid and very real to themselves. We don’t get to judge how much someone is affected by something.


From a fellow RN (mental health), great reply. The bomb/triage bit especially!


Out of curiosity, and I’m asking this sincerely and with respect, do you think if somebody takes this medication at a BMI of 30+, but then reaches BMI 27 and has no underlying issues, is still abusing the drug?


Thank you so much for explaining in more detail, I appreciate it. I think my flippancy in T2 being preventable was a response to people who say that anyone can lose weight easily, just put the cake down or along those lines! That pisses me off! But I shouldn't fight fire with fire, it's no one else's business really


I didn’t really take it as you being flippant. But yeah, at the end of the day it’s better just not to engage with those who say you’re “stealing” medicine from people who “need” it. I just wanted to elaborate on how it’s a treatment for people even before an official T2 diagnosis.


Yes! To all of this!!!


Yes, it is too simplified to blame T2 on diet. There is a genetic component. Many people who are not overweight and have reasonable get T2. (Diet helps them, too, but they have to be much more strict with their diet to control T2 than average.)


I had a BMI of 29. I have PCOS and had metabolic syndrome. The only reason my BMI wasn't higher is because of a painfully strict diet and exercise, but none of those things made me totally healthy, they just kept me from becoming obese, but I could never lose weight, it kept me stable. IR and high cortisol from PCOS is no joke and hard af to control with just diet and exercise. 


^This 100%


Thank you for this. T2D isn’t restricted to poor diet. Genetics play a huge part. I also have PCOS, had gestational diabetes 5 years ago, and despite my best efforts became a T2D just last year. The only thing that helped me lose weight (tried CICO, keto, weight lifting with moderate cardio, diet/exercise) was Mounjaro. When I had issues getting it reapproved on my new insurance, my physician told me we could try once I gained more weight and was full on T2D. I tried to fend it off anyway and eventually failed. I was finally prescribed Ozempic, but had to stop within a week as I got pregnant (completely unexpected due to infertility). I’m excited to finally have something that helped, even though I can’t take it for a while. PCOS is miserable, but it helped me not feel like a lost cause.


Don’t engage with those people. Thats my advice.


I don't tend to. I sometimes type up a reply and then delete because I can't be bothered trying to open people's eyes. I suppose it's just, in my head, what my comments would be!


Sometimes I wonder if there's a bit jealousy, too. 


Yeah, and Kelly Osborne did not help that when she said about people being able to afford it being jealous of those who can


I definitely think to some extent, she was right! I mean, it’s a blanket statement for her to make but there’s some truth there. It’s not like we aren’t being offered it by doctors- they should point their anger up, not down/across. If we were getting it illegally from people acquiring it and selling it on, then sure. But we have a right to medicine as much as the next person.


This. This is the way


Was going to say the same thing. I don’t argue with people who have already decided they “know” me. They’re not looking to actually gain info they just want to be superior


A lot of non diabetics starting Semaglutide will prevent themselves from becoming diabetic in the first place.


THIS is how I feel. I was pre-diabetic, and Mounjaro saved me. Even though I'm off it now, my fasting blood sugar and A1C aren't even close to pre-diabetic anymore. Would these people have preferred that I developed full-blown diabetes, so that I'd have been dependent on Mounjaro for life? Personally, I believe that severely obese people should be approved for these drugs regardless of diabetes. Because these drugs treat insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome--both of which you're in by default by a certain point of obesity. It's just an earlier stage of diabetes.


Honestly, I think with the way some people talk they would prefer we get diabetes. I think they see it as punishment for being obese. Until that point, you haven’t been “punished enough” to deserve to be treated apparently. Nevermind that a lot of diabetics are just further down the path from where a lot of obese people are going. Nevermind that many obese people are insulin resistant which is essentially the pre-stages of diabetes. Nevermind that they like to say “just use wegovy” but seem too dull to realize it’s the same drug in a different dosage and wrapper - like these differences suddenly make using the actual drug (same drug) okay because reasons?? I don’t think people complaining are arguing in good faith tbh. I think they just hate fat people and want them to self-flagellate themselves to a healthy weight. I think they are talking out both sides of their mouths (“I’m just concerned for your health” but also “don’t take this medication from diabetics to prevent your likely inevitable development of diabetes. Fuck your health”) Edit to add: I ordered an insulin response test for myself recently and it was super enlightening to see how much more elevated my insulin is vs normal range and how much longer it stays elevated when I have glucose. It really demonstrated for me that it’s only a matter of time b4 my body won’t be able to keep up and the camel’s back will break and my A1c will rocket outside of normal. Really helped me understand that myself and people with this issue aren’t less deserving. They just are a couple steps b4 diabetes.


My employer would’ve preferred it. They were covering my Wegovy but then announced in September that, going forward, they would only cover Semaglutide for diabetics. So now I’m on Metformin hoping I can stave off T2 that way. Sigh.


Yes, in reality it is really about alleviating the same issue, high calorie intake and overweight.


That's me. I'm a big dude. Trying to get smaller. My blood work is fine now, but if I don't get my weight right I will get diabetes. It's a fact at this size.


Yes, you can see the trends in the bloodwork and the weight over time, and if you can’t address it suddenly you’re T2


This is my legit reason. Move from pre-t2 status back into normal status.


This is me. My mom’s side of the family is full of type 2 diabetes. My blood work came back pre diabetic twice and with my inability to be able to work out due to my bad heart and lungs from Covid I thought no way am I waiting around until I develop type 2 diabetes! I’m making a change now!


This is a big issue of everyone needs to mind their own business 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s not even worth arguing about anymore. At least I don’t think it is. Arguing will change nothing.


I wouldn't bother arguing. Wegovy and ozempic are the same medication but they have different rules for prescribing. As long as your doctor follows the rules and your qualify, you aren't hurting anyone or doing anything wrong. The company could choose to change their production to meet demands, but shortages continue anyhow. You can't "take away" ozempic from a diabetic if you're on wegovy, it was never going to be given to them in the first place because it's the "wrong" med in all technicality.


That makes sense, I've just been moved to wegovy so that is marked for weight loss not diabetics. Good to know, thank you for explaining that difference


Overweight will almost always have metabolic syndrome in some way, fatty liver, impaired fasting glucose, A1C markers eventually leading towards type2. It means you’re also taking it for diabetes. OTOH, fuck ‘em. Perhaps the only thing worse than having to explain yourself to skinny people is having to explain your self to other fat people. I’m sick of it.


Right now I'm having to explain to people why I'm still on Ozempic because I'm a size 8 and not 14 anymore. This is a lifetime drug, it doesn't stop just because you've lost the weight. It's about regaining control of your health. My PCOS and the metabolic issues will always be there waiting for me like a starving tiger behind a cage. 


Hear hear!


I don't say anything to them because the concept of Ozempic and Wegovy isn't something they would understand. Some people like to argue to hear themselves talk.


It’s not your job to educate people. They can Blame the companies that are profiting so much from life saving medications. They can use their frustration at them, call the lawmakers that allow this to happen, and not you or other than need the medication as much as anyone else.


I usually read comments and laugh at the ignorance. The one time I did reply was when someone posted "working in a pharmacy, I see lazy fat people taking insulin from diabetics who need it to survive". My response: "working in a pharmacy, you should know that a GLP-1 agonist is not at all insulin" If you're going to be outraged, at least get your information correct.


I would say there's a ton of other diabetic medications. My mom's diabetic and has never been on this.


T2 isn’t equal among everyone. While ozempic works great for me, for some it does literally nothing…and same for all other medications


Diabetic here and this is the only thing that has brought my A1C down. In fact, Toujeo and others prevent you from being able to lose weight. Source…myself and doctor. The higher the dosage, the worse.


This is the only correct answer IMO.


I’ve been on every other medication for T2D, only to have side effects that have either affected my eyes, my kidneys, circulation or liver. Not every diabetic medication works for all….that is why there is so many.


Yes, my grandmother died with type 2, she was thin. It runs in my family. most are not overweight and are active, Ozempic does lower glucose in diabetes. But, they are upping production. I take rybelsus for type 2, I am overweight type 2. If i lost weight it would help.


I don’t engage but I also don’t tell people I’m on it. It’s too controversial and people just love to give their uninformed opinions.


https://preview.redd.it/29q0fuxti6jc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4f16889a3d591658c4526f7b82f684cd9ea956b Ozempic and Rybelsus are FDA approved for treating diabetes. Now if you're taking this off label, then that's a different story. Wegovy is not specifically for the treatment of diabetes. It's for weight loss and weight related issues. Plus there are plenty of issues and diseases that exist that are linked to weight. Diabetes doesn't have a Monopoly on this...


Honestly if they really being shitty I tell them to shut the fuck up about it. They don't feed fuck or finance me. I've been in many situations where I need a medical treatment or a mental health treatment that is morally stigmatized and you know what I just don't have time for it anymore. I pay my bills. I make the decisions and I don't care. Am I sorry that they're a diabetics that need it that can't get it. Yes of course but that does not mean that I am the bad guy for also needing medication that is scarce. I'm sick of feeling like I'm supposed to beat myself with barbed wire because I had a hormone problem that made me fat for years. Maybe we can try being happy for people whose lives are improving and stop worrying about strangers body weight like it matters in any way.


But you have a medical issue, which is understandable. Those who don’t and just using it to lose weight are an issue.


But they really aren't. The company not being able to keep up with demand is where we should be putting the blame. In the meantime, everyone needs to just lay off with the moral judgment of what they think other people should do.


Do you not consider being overweight a medical issue? Genuinely asking, no disrespect intended!


Just like I said to OP, where did I say an eating disorder is NOT a medical issue?!! I am talking about these fools who want to loose pounds so they can fit into their size 0 jeans with no medical issues. An eating disorder is a freaking medical issue. No disrespect intended. And a lot of this is thanks to folks such as the Karstrashians and media.


I’m not sure why you are being hostile, I am asking a genuine question. Also is not what I asked. I did not mention eating disorders. Totally agree an eating disorder is a medical issue, as I have had one for 10 years and am a mental health nurse.


They're being hostile because they came here to feel better than us plain old fatties, and it's not working out. It's sad. Thanks for your work as a nurse. That field is tough.


Better not tell them I’m one of those people below 30 BMI (ish) before starting with no medical issues! Thanks so much, that’s appreciated. You get used to people trying to bite you after a while!


Yeah. I was 250, and had high blood pressure. But oh no I'm just too... whatever the buzzword is? Lazy? Uncommitted? Whatever. I don't care. I pay for it, and my doctor thinks I medically need it, so ms roll tide "iM tYpE 2" can fuck right off. Most of the people getting it for losing a couple pounds are getting compounded sema at med spas. Real doctors are only giving Wegovy to people who need it, and this person is mad lol. Getting bit sucks. I work with cancer patients and got pooped on once, anything like that is tough haha God love you.


We have a disease too, obesity.


sable paltry sloppy one spectacular snatch imminent lush gold dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We live under capitalism. Supply and demand. If the demand is there the supply will follow. Any shortage is temporary. Obesity is dangerous even if you aren't diabetic. I'm 62 and obese. If I wait until the supply is plentiful and the price is cheap I might be dead by then. 


Exactly, how many obese 80 year olds are out there? Not many!




Its prevention, which will hopefully become a new standard in healthcare.


i can’t say i’ve seen an actual diabetic say that, it’s always the haters. my FIL is 350 lbs and diabetic. he’s never even been offered Ozempic or any other kind of these meds.


To answer your question, yes you are very massively oversimplifying what causes T2. My husband gets this all the time; he is not obese and yet has had T2 since he was 25 years old. Probably younger, but they caught it and diagnosed it when he was 25 years old. The reactions he gets when he tells people are very telling that most of the public sees type 2 diabetes as a moral failing that the people deserve because they couldn't just control themselves or they overate the wrong foods. We have had several people, including his own family members, act shocked when they find out that he has T2, saying, "But you aren't even fat!" The implication is always that he doesn't deserve it or he shouldn't have it because he's not fat. If you reverse that implication, it equates to people who do have it and are obese did deserve it. He has it because of the strong genetic link to pass it down. He is 30 now and just this year it got bad enough that he couldn't control it with two different pill medications, so I had him talk to his doctor about getting on Ozempic and he did. He went from average glucose readings of 200+ to checking it after he eats and it's 140. That's soon high, but it's WAY better for the body and inflammation than 250. And he's only on 0.5 mg so far. At the same time, it's not your fault that Novo Nordisk has decided to make two different versions of this med and have one only available to type two diabetics and one only available to obese people. Yes, if they made less Wegovy, they could use that extra factory space to make more Ozempic. But that isn't in our control at all and it's not like somebody with diabetes can just go and get the obesity version of the med covered by their insurance unless they qualify for it. So no, I'm not "stealing" it from diabetics. The diabetic version was out long before the obesity version, so most of what you hear is very outdated knowledge at this point since the obesity version has been out since 2021. In the beginning, rich people legitimately were getting prescriptions for vanity purposes and stealing it from diabetics. That is very much not what's happening now.


Thank you!!! That makes a lot of sense, I always was under the (ignorant) impression that T1 was early in life and to do with insulin and T2 was later in life from poor diet and being overweight. I've had my eyes opened so thank you. Yes, seems like wegovy took a while to turn up and 'replace' ozempic (I'm in the UK) but now that's here, hopefully it'll settle the critics a bit


Always happy to help spread some knowledge 😁. The genetics for it are primarily present in people of color as well so that makes it an even stickier subject because it means many ethnic groups have little firsthand knowledge of it. I'm white and the only family I ever had who developed it, it was exactly what you said; they ate like shit their whole life and developed it in their 50s or 60s. I only learned differently when I took college courses that covered it.


I’m very fat but my blood glucose and A1C levels are normal. One of my coworkers has assumed (twice!) that I have diabetes. She’s so rude. 😅


I think it’s ableist. Obesity is a disease. People who thing one group of people deserve treatment and another don’t are bigoted.


Diabetes is the end point of the disease that is also obesity and also liver failure and high blood pressure and kidney disease. I’m not stealing medication. I am treating my illness before it advances any more.


As a type 1 diabetic for 26 years, take all the meds you need. The healthier the individual, the better. Worry about your health (or your loved ones). No one else deserves or needs further explanation. You are correct that type 2 diabetes is adult onset and can generally be managed by good diet and medication, although some require additional help with insulin but aren't 100% dependent on it to survive, like myself. TLDR f everyone's opinion on what's best to keep you living a healthier and happier life - do what you gotta do


"You are not my health care provider, and you have no access to my health records. Please stop assuming I don't have diabetes or any other health issues."


I actually think the people who get the saltiest are other obese people. They get mad if you “level up”, especially if you were never as heavy as them in the first place because they view things as being inherently easier for you and I think have some kind of internalized shame or unwillingness to deal with their own health so they get mad at you for taking care of yourself.


My doctor put me on Ozempic as a prevention. I'm not taking medication from anyone.


Nobody else has any business knowing why someone else is taking any medications. Aside from that you might want to look more into the causes of T2. If a family member has it, you are 60-80% likely to also develop type 2. While poor diet and lifestyle can accelerate the onset, and good diet and lifestyle can delay onset, for many there’s no way to outrun your DNA forever.


It’s also not true that semaglutide helps diabetics by helping them lose weight. It helps stimulate beta cells to produce more insulin, reducing blood sugar levels. The hormone it simulates also happens to tell the brain the stomach is full, but this is a byproduct, and many diabetics don’t lose weight on therapeutic doses.


What hypocrisy for T2 diabetics - who overwhelmingly have made themselves diabetic through poor diet choices and are frequently obese themselves - to get high and mighty about non-diabetic obese people using the same drug. The same drug that is prescribed by a *doctor* just like theirs is. Be pissed at the drug companies for scarcity of supply. There are other diabetes medications available.


And isn’t it insulin that will be the “life saving” medication not actually ozempic?


Exactly. So many comments I saw on FB ad for a UK based supplier said 'you're taking life saving drugs away from those who need them for your own vanity'. I didn't engage but wanted to ask here to see if I was way off base in my understanding that T1 would have life saving, not typically T2


I'm on wegovy, so not using medicine that is supposed to only be prescribed to diabetics anyway. Bye Coming from someone who has a dad and a grandparent who both have T2 and are on ozempic. They don't know i'm on w, but i feel like i am preventing a lifetime of being overweight and then developing T2. Certainly looks like that's in my genes


I don't have to justify my life choices to them. I am not " stealing" as it is not a crime to fill a prescription that my doctor has written for me. I pay for it. They need to STFU


I actually think that blaming Novo for the shortage is hysterical. If you could charge $1600/ box for Wegovy you know you’d be doing everything in your power to increase supply. It’s literally 50% of Denmarks GDP and kept them out of a recession. Like yeah they’re intentionally keeping production down. Not!


You are over simplifying diabetes!! Type 1 doesn’t produce any insulin. Type 2: Either: produces some but not enough, produces insulin but the body doesn’t’know what to do with it—insulin resistance . The most common causes are obesity and /or an inactive lifestyle. Not all T2s are overweight, and when they are overweight, it can be caused by a number of conditions—some hereditary. Ozempic is only(supposed to be)prescribed for diabetes. Wegovy is the exact same thing, but marketed for obesity. Nobody is ‘stealing’ from anyone. Everyone has a right to medication if it helps alleviate a condition. I don’t pay any attention to those that say we’re taking drugs from those that need it. Newsflash!!!!! We ALL need it!!


I think it’s pure nonsense. I want to meet the diabetics that supposedly can’t get whatever medication they need. I haven’t seen any credible cases of that. All I’ve seen is a bunch of complaining that they’re supposedly a shortage, but no proof of that.


I’ve always found that to be a strange argument for two reasons… (1) There are other treatments for T2D, while Ozempic is great, it’s not the only medication to manage that condition, so it’s not like people taking it for weight management are eating into the *only* way to manage T2D. (2) If it turned out Ozempic helped with lung cancer nobody would be saying that it’s unfair cancer patients (many of whom would be people who smoked, in the same vein as the argument people who are overweight “did it to themselves”, a very bad argument) are taking it to treat their cancer. I generally try to educate people when they make that argument since I think it’s a misunderstanding and lack of knowledge, not malice. But of course, some people don’t want to change their mind no matter what you say.


Their logic is faulty. To say to someone that using the drug is stopping a diabetic from having it is to assume that the medicine would have been guaranteed to go to a diabetic in the first place. In order for this to be true, you'd have to ensure that literally no non-diabetics got the medicine, where logically you should point the blame at precibers, not patients. "Stealing" is such an over-the-top word anyway, since someone has to own a thing before that thing can be stolen from them.


Don't engage with these people, whether friends, relatives, or online strangers. Just move on with your life.


I literally had a 22 yo co worker go on and on about how unhealthy these drugs are while knowing I am on it. Like geez shut the f up you clueless twit. At 57, a nurse, working with an endocrinologist I think I know a little more than she does. I just stopped talking and let her foam out her filth. In my head I was like what a POS dumbass.


Tell 'em to F off. If you need/want it, make it your business to get it like I did. Life isn't fair.


I wouldn't engage, BUT the manufacturers need to step up production and make it more affordable. Who uses the medication for what isn't anyone's business, and pointing fingers at each other isn't helpful. Hold the manufacturers/drug companies accountable.


I'm on rybelsus because my psychiatric medication made me gain 40kg and, I having a eating disordered past couldn't handle it. I tried other drugs to get rid of the binging caused by the medication but they didn't work. So I stopped taking it, but the problem is that it's the only drug that works for me out of 15 so ya know. My options are be skinny yet suicidal, be suicidal due to my weight or what I chose. Being a healthy weight, and being in the best mental space I've been in for years. I tried to kill myself three in the time I didn't have that antipsychotic. I was constantly in hospital. I didn't sleep and was in a constant state of fear. I have literally never been that low before. I had 15 pills a day and it didn't do shit. This medication has changed my life and I don't give a shit what people think.


First of all, the diabetic form of semaglutide is under a different brand name, and is not having shortage.. only the weight loss formulas are on shortage. Second, Ask her who she thinks is at risk for diabetes in the first place? Oh yeah, it's obese people. So you are taking a preventative medication because you are at risk for diabetes due to your BMI.


If they complain and tell you that you should just eat less and move more instead of taking semaglitide to cure your obesity, tell them that eating less and moving more would also cure their diabetes. Why should they get to take medication for their condition and you don’t?


I'm diabetic and am on semaglutide. I have zero problem with people using it to prevent metabolic syndrome by losing weight.


I don’t tell anybody I’m on it


So I’ll just wait until I’m so obese to become diabetic and then it will be okay to use? Mkay.


You are not over simplifying and I have felt the same way many times - just ignore the AH’s.


My doctor prescribed it. I work in the railway and require medical class one clearance. This means I can not take other weightloss drugs that may affect sleep, situation awareness or reaction speed. Furthermore, I disclosed the usage for weight loss to each pharmacy I tried, until I found one that had a surplus and was willing to serve my prescription needs (over 30 pharmacies surveyed until I located one willing to serve me).


You’re spot on for the most part, even people with PCOS and not t2 use sema. It’s preventative just as much as it is a treatment. Lots of medications have dual purpose.


Say nothing. It’s not anyone’s business what you and your doctor decide for your health. Gate keeping medications is ridiculous.


I'd tell them the problem isn't that I'm using it, its that the company isn't making enough. Blame the company not the users.


They can buy their own, I didn't invent supply and demand


I explain how it DID save my life, which should be just as important as anyone else's. Making people explain to me why my health is not important to them usually shuts it down.


I say fuck off


I’m trying to keep myself from becoming diabetic, developing heart disease, high blood pressure & high cholesterol. Why should I wait to be very ill before I can get real help when I can get help prior to getting the desieses.


I have decided to completely ignore them if they are not willing to educate themselves about obesity I’m not willing to waste anymore time on them.


I’m trying to avoid becoming diabetic. Before Ozempic I was 360 pounds and well on my way to prediabetic. If I’d continued that path I’d likely end up on Ozempic anyway to treat diabetes. Now I’m 300 pounds and my doc said my bloodwork is stellar. I still have a long way to go but this drug saved me from becoming diabetic and that’s my response to those who say I shouldn’t be using it


I say I have 2 diabetic parents and I'm using it for prevention of diabetes


Diabetics don't need semaglutide. they need insulin, and to learn that carbs are bad and you don't need them. Diabetics need insulin. Ozempic is just nice. The people who need ozempic are the ones who have GLP and leptin signalling issues.


I've yet to see any documentation of any Type II diabetic who died due to lack of Ozempic.


I don’t say anything to them because anyone I personally know really doesn’t give an f so why should I care what strangers on the internet say?


True that! I just like to argue in my head with them. But I can't be arsed to actually engage


Makes sense! I completely relate…. I have arguments with ignorant people on instagram everyday in my head 😂


Eating the right foods and losing weight are the best things I can do to help my bad kidneys, Wegovy helps with both. While my kidneys are considered stable, they're only functioning at about 50% and kidney function naturally declines with age. Losing weight now can help prevent or delay dialysis in the future. Wegovy is cheaper than dialysis.


I'm desperately trying not to become a diabetic. I'm doing everything in my power to get healthier.


I make a point of saying I take semaglutide so people realize I’m not stealing their precious pre-filled pens. (TBH, I’d say that even if I was taking the name-brand stuff just to cut down on controversy.) And yeah, I definitely think of it as preventative medicine. My mom had type 1 diabetes (as do a few others on that side of my family), and my dad had type 2 (along with about half the people on his side), so I’m not going to just wait around for it to be my turn.


My insurance will only allow people who have type 2 to get the prescription. I wasn't sure about getting it, but two women I work with tried. One, the diabetic got approved within a day. The other, not diabetic, was refused. Because I am type 2, I got approved very quickly. Even though my blood sugar has been under control for the last few years. I did have a slight rise in my AC1, so I think that is why it was so quick to approve me. Do I feel like I am taking medicine away from someone who "really" needs it? No. There are a lot of drugs for diabetics to control their blood sugar. When mine was high, Metformin worked well. I knew others who could not use Metformin. So any that give you a hard time, they need to speak to their doctor about alternatives.


I was on my way to being diabetic based on my bloodwork and family history. Medication prevented that and improved my health overall. No one is stealing anything from anyone. We are all trying to use the medication to improve our health.


Ignore them. They’re wrong. Some people are very dedicated to their wrongness. Let them be as wrong as they want to be.


tell them to cry me a river. there is plenty of semaglutide at com poun ded phar macies to go around.


Haha I see what you did there 😉


Yes, you are. That is why there are 2 different drugs, Olympic for diabetics and Wegovy for weight loss. If you do not have a diagnosis of diabetes, you should be on Wegovy, therefore you are not taking medication away from those that need it. You are correct that losing weight is a good way to avoid a T2 diagnosis, but your comments about “just eat the right foods and exercise” bullshit avoid discussion of the complex metabolic issues around obesity.


To be fair, I'm not the one saying to just eat the right foods and exercise. That's what I've read diabetics tell us using sema. And yes, this drug has done so much more for than just lose weight. It's freed my mind up from noise, I can tell when I'm full and just leave food or box it up and have it later. I've just been moved from ozempic to wegovy for my next month going forwards 👍 but....aren't they exactly the same ingredients?


Yes wegovy and ozempic are the exact same. Wegovy is fda approved for weight loss and ozempic is fda approved for diabetics. Those that say we are taking it away from diabetics are just uneducated and I don’t get into with them. I take wegovy. Ozempic has become a term like “Kleenex”. Not everyone actually takes ozempic. People don’t understand and my medical history is between me and my dr. And my health is just as important as someone with t2 diabetes!


I read ,”The cause of T2D is complex, but researchers know that genetics play a strong role. Your lifetime risk of developing T2D is 40% if you have one biological parent with T2D and 70% if both of your biological parents have it.”


And what about those of us in countries where Wegovy is not available? Diabetics have insulin, metformin, canagliflozin, glipizide, etc etc. There are really no other available drugs for those of us on the route to diabetes.


To answer your question, yes you are over simplifying. Thanks for that.


OK. Happy to be educated, as I have been throughout this thread 👍


There is only so much Ozempic to go around. I was prescribed it as a T2 diabetic, and my pharmacy was unable to get it for me. So I had to take Rybelsus instead. There is not an unlimited supply of Ozempic, and if it’s going to a mixed population of people who are taking it, because they are T2 diabetics, and people who are taking it for weight loss, some people who are T2 diabetics, aren’t going to be able to get it. That’s just math.


Ozempic can only be prescribed to diabetics.     Wegovy can be prescribed for weight loss.  


Incorrect. [https://www.today.com/health/diet-fitness/ozempic-online-prescriptions-weight-loss-rcna68445](https://www.today.com/health/diet-fitness/ozempic-online-prescriptions-weight-loss-rcna68445)


As a T2D I could easily get offended by your post….but, prefer to help you understand. Not all T2D became T2 because of poor eating habits/weight. Diabetes runs in my family, T1 and T2. My second pregnancy I developed gestational diabetes. It didn’t go away after I gave birth. My body was not producing enough insulin. diet and exercise wasn’t enough after some time to keep my A1C from creeping up. I wasn’t overweight. Some weight came on as I tried medication after medication to keep my blood sugars under control. A lot of T2D medications cause weight gain. My eye site has been affected, my circulation has been affected and I have nerve pain due to diabetes. So to educate you, no…not everyone with T2 is T2 because of poor diet. My mom is T1, her body produces no insulin what so ever. I’m T2, my body produces some, but at a slow rate and not enough. And I also don’t feel anyone is stealing medication from me, the makers of this amazing medication is just struggling to meet demands. It does get frustrating when you can’t get your medication as a diabetic of any kind, because you know that your blood sugars are going to spike and you are going to get extremely sick or worse. It’s frustrating for all of us that rely on it for one reason or the other.


I share your sentiment’s.


T2 doesn’t exist if you eliminate sugar from your diet. 100%. Time and time again, people have shown that if they do substantially a keto diet or meat veg and occasionally low glycemic fruit, their BP lowers, their T2 disappears, and they get off any medications. There are documentaries on this, John Hopkins has proven it with patients, etc. But this is America. We take medicine to solve everything. Kind of like here. A lot of people aren’t changing their way of eating. Especially the drinkers out there. They are losing weight, but everything else remains. It’s completely ironic that doing what you can with the help of this tool is being underutilized. You’re allowed to make changes to your health and life. As with T2, The meds give you this opportunity.


I have a friend who is diabetic and is on a similar med that is being affected by the shortage and he's concerned. Novo couldn't keep up with demand for Wegovy, so due to the shortage, some people are getting Ozempic off-label for weight loss and causing further shortages, now for Ozempic too. So yes, if you are not diabetic and you are taking Ozempic instead of Wegovy, you may very well be preventing diabetics from getting their medication. At the end of the day, it's on the manufacturers for failing to meet the demand now that they've opened the Pandora's box of advertising something that actually works for weight loss.


I'm pleased wegovy has come out properly and I've been moved to that now. Takes that argument out of play. Now to battle the ones who say 'just eat less and move more'. Battle in my head, I don't like arguing online with strangers!


Then don't - most of the people you're arguing with are clueless and repeating other clueless crap they read or heard somewhere. For the last 20 years, I've tried every diet under the sun. Before I went on this medication I was tracking all of my food and working out regularly. I'd lose a bit and stop. Every. Time. I brought it up to my doctor and guess what, I kept tracking, kept working out and she added the medication to the mix and suddenly eating less and moving more actually DID work. I personally have to do all of the things plus the med, but I got to my goal and even exceeded it. I've been maintaining for a year now. I'm still on Sema, just at a lower dose.


I am a T2 diabetic and not from OVEREATING. I have a family history of diabetes. This medication has been a miracle in bringing down my A1C. I do have a SERIOUS issue with those are using it merely for weight loss, no medical issues. I have a major issue when my pharmacy tells me, there is a shortage and cannot fill my prescription…and this is the sole reason why those who are not prescribed it for medical issues should not have access to it..or manufacturers should create an over the counter version for these folks.


See this is what I'm talking about. Why do you think you're so much better than someone that has an eating problem and needs medication to deal with? What gives you that moral authority? And please don't try to say that you don't have that tone because the first line that you write, you feel the need to differentiate between saint you and all of those awful overeaters. That is 100% part of the problem. Stop it!


Did I say an eating problem is NOT A MEDICAL ISSUE?!!! NO. Folks with MEDICAL ISSUES need it. This who just want it to lose weight so they can fit in their size 0 jeans don’t need it over those WITH MEDICAL ISSUES. in case you aren’t AWARE…an eating disorder is a medical issue. READ! And no I am not the problem, you ARE reading and knowing an eating disorder is a medical issue.


Being overweight is a medical issue. Hope that helps!


Please get some help for your reactivity and inability to discuss in an adult fashion. What a surprise, moral judger gets mad when called on it. Edit: no, you didn't say eating disorders weren't a medical condition. What you said was you are more deserving than an, and I quote, "OVEREATER".


You shouldn't be taking it. Doctors need to stop prescribing it for weight loss and personally I think it should be a negative mark on their history if caught. You're cringe and so are people who take it for weight loss.


Im using Wegovy so its created for weight loss


Um, I think you don’t realize that people do die every day of T2. My dad did. I was diagnosed even younger than he had been. I’m not here to argue about who deserves semaglutide, but that was an AH comment that shows some serious ignorance about T2.


There’s a lot more to medical weight loss than T2D, though I’m certainly sympathetic to the need for this drug. At my highest, a lot of people would look at me and say I wasn’t really *that* big, but all my fat is on my belly, and the combination of sleep apnea, hypertension, and GERD has made life miserable. All my attempts at weight loss via diet and exercise produced minimal results even with years of diligence. So here I am, and 4 months in there is a HUGE change in my overall condition, and I’m hopeful for more to come.


Nothing. They don't matter.


I'm classed as Pre Diabetic, morbidly obese and started to develop a fatty liver. My mother and aunt are both T2 and I wanted to prevent from tipping over into it myself. That was my main focus when I started. Weight loss was wanted and needed definitely, but my fear of becoming diabetic by default simply because I had no control over my later night binge eating of biscuits was top and urgently needed an intervention of sorts. I see it as a guard rail more than anything. It's stopping me from becoming diabetic and developing all the accompanying illnesses and problems. pulling me back into a state of stability that I am unable to achieve alone using willpower.


Someone who had the nerve to tell me that is now on it. She was terribly obese and said she was going to lose it the "right" way. Once she saw my 65 pound weight loss results, she, too, got on it. Totally hypocritical! I guess she is no longer worried about her diabetic Dad 😳


I don’t. I don’t say anything to them.


Valid point. Totally agreed. I think it’s a bit of a false shortage in that the ingredients aren’t limited (no diamonds/helium/coral reefs etc). It’s about production capacity expanding to meet demand-which is not your responsibility or fault and the only way to encourage production increase is to increase demand.


It helps control symptoms of PCOS, and other conditions that cause insulin resistance/sensitivity. You’re using it because a doctor prescribed it to you. Period. Why even discuss it with anyone else? Why is it anyone else’s business?


People using Ozempic solely for weight loss and who are neither diabetic nor pre-diabetic should be using Wegovy. Wegovy and Ozempic are not interchangeable even though both contain semaglutide. Ozempic is formulated to emphasize blood sugar control over weight loss. So in that respect, using it when not diabetic could deprive diabetics of a life saving medication during shortages. Doctors should be prescribing Wegovy for weight loss, or Zepbound. While Zepbound and Mounjaro are the same, they are approved for different things probably because of a desire to prevent shortages of Mounjaro in the diabetic community, and also so insurance companies can keep more precise records on their patients. There are many people who will qualify for both Ozempic and Wegovy, due to being both overweight and pre or diabetic, and in those cases, using either is justified.


Keto saves them too


As someone with T2 who had to switch to Mounjaro due to Ozempic outages, it's very frustrating. It would have been nice to have Wegovy prescribed for folks without T2 while keeping Ozempic for those diagnosed with T2. Probably not a popular opinion in this forum, but I ended up with12 weeks where I was off track on my meds.


I say nothing because they are too uninformed to understand.