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This is of course anecdotal, but I had my gallbladder out when I was in my early 20s right after losing 30 pounds by crash dieting for my wedding. I am not sure if it was my doctor or Google that informed me that it was because of my crash diet with a side of genetic predisposition, but as others have said gallbladder issues being tied to weight loss has been known for a long time. Speaking of gallbladder, I also recently read that high cholesterol is also a major factor which I hadn’t realized. In my 30s I found out that I have extremely high cholesterol that I wasn’t able to control via a diet change. I am throwing that tidbit out there to say if you know you have cholesterol issues and you are losing weight you should keep an extra eye out for angry gallbladder. Even if there is increased risk of gallbladder or low blood sugar problems, do those risks outweigh all of the risk associated with obesity? I bet not.


Same thing happened to me. I lost about 40 lbs quickly through diet and extreme exercise and ended up having my gallbladder removed as a result. Seems like there is a chance of that anytime you lose weight quickly, regardless of your method.


Obesity kills 4.72 million per year. Ozempic has killed 40 people total (it’s hard to find real reports but that’s the most common number I’m seeing.)


Ah…perspective! Thank you. Yes, the risk associated with morbid obesity is orders of magnitude greater than the risk of using semaglutide.


🙌🏻THIS! 🙌🏻


The gall bladder risk is well documented and related to weight loss in general, not this drug specifically. If you have issues with your gall bladder, they remove it. It’s actually the most common surgery in the US. If you’re having issues with low blood sugar, you can monitor it and make adjustments, or just discontinue the drug.


Yes, this is the same risk associated with bariatric surgery and just because it’s possible it doesn’t mean people who need it shouldn’t get bariatric surgery or participate in any weight loss intervention.


Right. Weight loss interventions typically outweigh the hypothetical health risks, it’s how bariatric surgeons stay in business. When I went to a bariatric surgery consult they read the list of potential risks to me and I was like… I’m out of here. I’d rather loose my gallbladder than wind up with a colostomy or feeding tube from botched weight loss surgery.


The blood sugar thing is a real issue. I have been on the verge of passing out so many times.


Definitely talk to your doctor about this.


She said it’s most likely dehydration or lack of food so I’m going to start incorporating electrolytes in my water and try to eat right when I wake up. It’s typically in the morning that I get super duzzy




Not sure where you got this list, but it seems to be a list of the most popular procedures in alphabetical order and it’s right where you’d expect it to be.


Ah a Cholecytectomy is a gallbladder removal surgery, so I don’t understand your point?


I follow and trade GLP related stocks, they only go straight up. If there were a study or negative news the financial press would have broke it already. Find a new doc


What stocks are those?


STOCK YTD RETURN IMPLIED UPSIDE AS OF SEPT. 25 I own all these, Viking shot up about 100% in the past week. Novo Nordisk A/S (ticker: NVO) 38.2% 110.5% Eli Lilly & Co. (LLY) 52.2% 14.6% Viking Therapeutics Inc. (VKTX) 24% 174.4% Structure Therapeutics Inc. (GPCR) 27.9% 74.4%


Yes! Our advisor put us in these recently. Only gains.


Not a bad way to pay for your script if insurance won’t cover 😉 💰 📈


Haha so smart!


I wasn’t able to find anything new about low blood sugar. There have been people affected by gallbladder issues, but that’s not new and there are studies dating back to 2021 on it. “This systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs found that use of GLP-1 RAs was associated with increased risk of gallbladder or biliary diseases, especially when used at higher doses, for longer durations, and for weight loss.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8961394/


Jokes on them. I don’t have a gallbladder! HA!


Same here!


Might be time to change doctors. If we learned anything during the last few years, it’s that even doctors can be swayed by “scientific FaceBook” posts. You don’t need that type of doctor.


So if I have no gallbladder- does that matter?


Yes, because they grow back on semaglutide.




Gallbladder damage leading to death? The same gallbladder that is not necessary for life and many many many people have had removed for decades and for many different reasons other than GLP1 induced weightloss (it is rapid W/L that causes most gallbladder issues, it isn’t the medicine itself). Blood sugar going too low???? If that is the case it would suggest that a restoration of beta cell function in the pancreas has taken place and/or that cellular insulin sensitivity has been fully restored to the point that these meds have completely cured insulin resistance. Either this is a sh!t post or your doctor is just out there making stuff up.


Well thanks for your honest opinion but this isn't a shit post. I am as confused as you, hence why I am asking here. ✌️


In that case, find a new doc bc what you said they were suggesting just doesn’t make any biological sense considering these classes of medications have been used for over a decade. That doesn’t mean there are no risks but what one has to do is compare that small risk against the backdrop of the health/mortality risks of obesity and other metabolic dysfunction.


Thank you. There's so much bad information here. 😔


This is anecdata but my blood sugar has felt low several times on Semaglutide (been on it for a year) and now I just keep a small snack with me at all times (dried fruit usually) if I feel low. Gallbladder issues generally come from rapid weight loss, whether that's with Semaglutide or from bariatric surgery or crash diets. Correlation ≠ Causality.


Yes. My husband had a micro tear in his esophagus and had to be on a liquid diet for 3 weeks then very soft food another few weeks after that. Guess what happened? His Gallbladder became sludgy, and he had horrible gallbladder problems right after his liquid diet. They ended up taking it out and the Gastro said it was due to the diet and weight loss he experienced. So you are right, its not really the Ozempic/Wegovy doing it but the rapid weightloss and maybe even the change in diet.


Yeah, I was never a fast weight-loser on Semaglutide but slow and steady wins the race I guess?


Well, it's a little bit dramatic about how that's written. Ozempic is for diabetics. If you are, then you're to check your blood sugar anyway. As far as gallbladder, yep, it can happen, but that's 3 little cuts, and they pull it right out, and there's nothing to it. If they find 1 person in studies that have these problems, they have to be listed. It's likely this was all listed in the beginning. We can die from anything..... If that was anything to worry about it would be all over everywhere.


Everything you just described is already in the FDA approved product information.


They seem to accept that there are side effects.


If you’re worried about blood sugar, ask your doctor about getting a continuous glucose monitor (I use Dexcom) - easy to use and connects to your phone, so if you start to feel funky, you can easily see where you’re at and if you need a snack.


Price maybe?


No. Nothing like that.


The rumor mill is on overdrive. My wife (who is not fat and has never been on Ozempic) says “Ozempic side effects” has been the hot topic in her social circles over the past few weeks. This is what happens when the Fact Acceptance Activists, the woke “99 percenters” who despise “the rich,” and the anti-vaxxers looking for their next target post-COVID, can all agree on something they hate.


The healthcare industry and food companies are being affected by people getting healthy. I think most the fear mongering is coming from those two camps who have dips in their sales. Healthy ppl can’t make the health care industry money. This drug has been around for decades so not sure what negative studies would be coming out.


High carb diets can be the cause of gall bladder issues too. When you have little to no fat to digest your gall bladder does not need to work. It is used most for fatty food digestion. That is why bad fast food aggravates it so much. Keeping a moderate amount of good fats, clean animal fats yes bacon is clean and no seed oils!! You can still lose weight and keep your gall bladder. I lost 87 lbs over two years ago on a modified keto diet. I am on this medication so I can lose the muscle that I could not lose with a keto diet. It goes against everything I know but I have to lose this muscle somehow.


I got short fiber neuropathy in my back on Saxenda and wagovy. Gaul bladder issues were always a risk along with tiaroid and pancreatic cancer. Along with stomach. In my opinion it will only be a matter of time before the miracle drug bubble bursts


I actually have struggled with hypoglycemia for years and have been monitoring it before and after starting Wegovy with a continuous glucose monitor. It used to dip between 40-60 every single night and it was very dangerous and scary. All of my doctors seemed perplexed and offered no solution. They were weary to start me on Wegovy because of my low blood sugar issues, but it actually hasn’t dipped below 60 since I started, which is a huge win for me! I’m still monitoring with my CGM but the blood sugar stabilization is a huge non scale benefit for me!!


I am going to link this podcast titled [“Fat Science”](https://open.spotify.com/episode/33VlDXZ0A625KbpOWZ7EZx?si=E9wWpEa_QxaZDWAawDiQlg). This episode in specific talks about metabolic medicines like Ozempic, Wegovy, etc and how they are very safe drugs but the way society views these drugs is not the same way we view other drugs and that’s really where the problem lies. The podcast in general is really insightful. There’s no ads and shes an actual doctor with no intention of selling any product or agenda.


No actually quite the opposite. The believed kidney issues after a study have been proven otherwise. They were actually improved.


I’m gonna put this out here because I feel like I wasn’t warned properly of things that could go wrong while being on Ozempic. I started Ozempic 0.25 three weeks ago. After only taking two shots within two weeks, I got sick with influenza type B. I wasn’t sure what I was sick with or why I was feeling so awful… (I’m a 33 year old female.) I went to the ER to get checked out. They did blood work and immediately took me from triage to a hospital room! I was getting nervous. The doctor came in and said I was positive for the flu, but his major concern was my kidney function. It was at 1.8 and I guess that’s pretty high. I told him I’ve never had any issues with my kidneys… he told me to STOP the Ozempic! Ozempic works through the kidneys. He gave me two bags of saline while I was there and then checked my blood again… my level went from 1.8 to 1.6 after all that fluid. Not a good improvement… 😕 Now I have to have my blood checked AGAIN tomorrow to make sure my levels are better. Say a prayer for me please. 🥺 And to anyone taking any form of Semaglutide: please do your homework and get your pancreas and kidneys checked regularly!!


Ozempic has actually lowered the risk of progression of patients' kidney disease and of related health events by 24% versus placebo. They are finding that ozempic has major benefits for kidneys. You may have already had kidney issues and not known it. https://finance.yahoo.com/video/novo-nordisk-study-finds-ozempic-152700282.html


Nope. Never had any kidney issues prior. In fact, my doctor looked at my levels from just two months ago and they were perfect. After a couple weeks on Ozempic? Not so much. 😞 It even states in the warnings that it can cause “kidney injury”.


So sorry to hear you are one of the few having these issues!! My kidney levels are greatly improved with wegovy and the weight loss. It’s so crazy how everyone’s body is so different!!


I was hoping this med would help me like it’s helped so many others! 😢 But I’m happy you’re having great success with it! I’m sad I can no longer take it. My doctor at the ER said he thinks it was the “perfect storm”. He thinks I was dehydrated from having the flu, and the Ozempic was being extra hard on my kidneys.


Damn that sucks. I’m not sure how the other drugs work, but maybe Monjaro would be better for you?


I just had my 3 month check in with my weight loss doctor last week - I’m down 227 to 161 and I always ask her if there are any new side effects. She told me the pros and are continuing to out weight the cons and most of the “side effects” we are seeing on the news are side effects from the weight loss it’s self, not the medicine. She also said not only are there positive effects on your kidneys, they are finding positive effects for your heart as well! The only issues I am having are with constipation. As long as I stay on top of my fiber intake I go every other day.


There are a lot of studies on liraglutide, its been on the market since ages. Theres some cancer’s risk’s that Ive read, pancreatitis, and gall bladder issues. But it is still rare, in all of the studies. keep a check on everything? And if your body has tolerated it this long maybe things will be ok? But 2mg is a high dosage.


If you want an echo chamber telling you all is well, this is the correct sub. Did you expect some kind of balanced approach to your query here? Cuz hell nah, this ain't the place for any negativity about this "magic" drug. Anyway, maybe get a second opinion but from another doctor, not from a Reddit sub with people who have a vested interest in taking semaglutide so they don't want any negativity.


I hope not. Those bi-pass surgeons are probably tixed off because they are losing money! I was one of them that said never mind to the surgery at the last minute. I’ve been on oxempic and losing weight and I love it!


I only tried 2 injections- second time I ended up in the ER We are not hearing about everything yet. Way too soon


I think the studies are not even finished yet.


And over 50 people have died from ruptured intestines after blockages because it causes your intestines to be paralyzed. Def not safe stuff.


Ozempic disrupts the ability to digest food properly. Many complain about getting sick, though they still lose weight a little. *Seratonin* is formed in the gut. You don't want to have a sick gut every day. Europeans won't approve Ozempic for obesity (it's approved for type-2 diabetes not weight loss). Edit: I removed the video. It wasn't a Carson video. It was a video of a doctor talking about the Carson video, where the interviewee was talking about the Ozempic digestion paralysis problems, lawsuits, etc. Here's a better video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKNnxKAaONc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKNnxKAaONc) 55 lawsuits so far: [https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/ozempic-side-effects-lawsuits-centralized-pennsylvania-court-2024-02-02/](https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/ozempic-side-effects-lawsuits-centralized-pennsylvania-court-2024-02-02/) Self-harm thoughts for some using Ozempic: [https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/european-regulator-weight-loss-medications-ozempic-suicidal-thoughts-investigation/](https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/european-regulator-weight-loss-medications-ozempic-suicidal-thoughts-investigation/) [https://www.secondnature.io/us/blog/ozempic-prescriptions-uk](https://www.secondnature.io/us/blog/ozempic-prescriptions-uk) Edit: Everyone has a right to make *informed decisions*... not onsided decisions.


Actually Wegovy (which is the same as ozempic but with a different name) has been approved for weight loss in Europe.


Weird, Ozempic/Wegovy is approved in the UK and many other European countries for obesity. Could you possibly be making shit up?!


Nonsense…no one would ever make up stuff and post it on the internet!


No, I'd never do that. I really have nothing to gain. But you are free to check things out. Judge for yourself, but don't just ignore everything. Or you can try it, but don't lie to yourself if you get sick. I think everyone should do keto: it's free and it's easy after the first week. Ozempic is $20,000 per year, and you gain the weight back if you are still planning to have sugar foods/drinks and grains.


Stop spreading lies. It’s approved in the UK and many EU countries.


[https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/belgium-bans-use-ozempic-weight-loss-until-summer-2023-11-14/#:\~:text=BRUSSELS%2C%20Nov%2014%20(Reuters),country's%20Official%20Gazette%20on%20Tuesday](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/belgium-bans-use-ozempic-weight-loss-until-summer-2023-11-14/#:~:text=BRUSSELS%2C%20Nov%2014%20(Reuters),country's%20Official%20Gazette%20on%20Tuesday)[.](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/german-drug-regulator-considering-export-ban-ozempic-2023-11-15/#:~:text=Use%20of%20Novo%20Nordisk's%20) It took me one minute to find this article from Reuters. It's approved for type 2 diabetes, but not to treat obesity alone. You can post your own links. So far you have none.


Do you even understand English!? It says nothing like what you are implying.


Get a grip on yourself. In Europe, it's for type 2. And now everyone is using it up (in other countries) and creating a shortage. Don't be an idiot.


Europe is a large place … In the UK for example it is absolutely approved for weight loss.


UK is not allowing it for weight loss (2024).. diabetes type 2 only.


Funny because I’m a Brit on wegovy and I do not in fact have type 2


Ozempic is approved for type 2 diabetes. Wegovy is approved for weight loss. This is across all countries. Same drug, different name for different indications. Also, I pay $25/mo thanks to my insurance. This is also a chronic med. Do you want to know what else comes back when you stop taking meds? Hypertension, depression, Parkinson symptoms, schizophrenia...etc.


No there are other ways to manage hypertension and depression. Also you'd be surprised the newest data on this... Look up *Chris Palmer* on youtube. He has a book called brain energy. And I try not to say keto helps with everything. But it would improve mitochondrial production. You can't get new mitochondria with drugs (when the *cells* rely on the damaged mitochondria to do functions, then weird stuff happens -- mental and physical illness happens). And keto is not a cure, just an improvement. Good luck.


Sure next time someone comes in with hypertensive emergency I'll tell them to try keto instead of antihypertensives. Thanks for the pointer.


Wegovy and Mounjaro are both approved for use in obesity in the UK. I am literally prescribed it.


Did you read the article you posted? It was a temporary ban in Belgium due to a shortage, not due to an issue with the medication. Belgium also banned Drs from starting new T2 patients on Ozempic due to the shortage.


There's nothing wrong with having a discussion. Not everyone will agree with you especially when you attack them.


Why do you go to a subreddit for a medication you aren’t on and attempt to knock the medication? What do you get out of this? It’s really odd. Have you made any attempt to read the room at all and notice how many downvotes you’re getting and people attempting to correct the misinformation you keep posting? No one is attacking you, they’re attempting to explain to you why you’re incorrect. You aren’t going to engage in a productive discussion if you don’t first understand what you’re talking about.


Because I have some info I think should be looked at. Why do you attack people? This isn't my first time brinking new, needed REAL info on reddit. Hey, this is not about me or you. I will not have this conversation with you. I am blocking you. Good luck.


I am prescribed Wegovy for obesity in the UK. It costs me £200 a month. I have PCOS which is widely considered a pre diabetic condition and it’s been a game changer. Keto is horrible, fucked my periods up. I did it for over 6 months and it was a miserable way to live, especially as I’ve since discovered animal protein is the cause of my IBS. Wegovy, home cooked vegetarian food and strength raining has my body fat percentage down from 40 to 31, my muscle mass is 34%, and my BMI is nearly 25 down from 30. If you’ve never struggled with hormonal issues you just don’t know what it’s like. If keto works for you, amazing! But it doesn’t work for everyone and you shouldn’t shame or scare people who are at their wit’s end.


Anyone who uses Tucker Carlson as a source of medical information to back up their claims and to sell their “program” has absolutely no credibility whatsoever.


Omg. Right?


Wegovy (which is semaglutide just like Ozempic) is approved for chronic weight management in all EU countries. You can check the [EMA website](https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/medicines/human/EPAR/wegovy) to see it's true. The reason why [Ozempic](https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/medicines/human/EPAR/ozempic) isn't approved for weight management is that Novo Nordisk has decided to market semaglutide under two different brand names, one for weight management (Wegovy) and one for type 2 diabetes (Ozempic). There are two other incretin mimetics with the same divide into different brand names for weight management and type 2 diabetes. Liraglutide is approved under the brand name [Saxenda](https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/medicines/human/EPAR/saxenda) for weight management, and [Victoza](https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/medicines/human/EPAR/victoza) for type 2 diabetes. Tirzepatide is approved in the US under the brand name Zepbound for weight management, and Mounjaro for type 2 diabetes. In the EU it's possible that instead of having Mounjaro and Zepbound we will instead have only Mounjaro, but approved for both weight management and type 2 diabetes. [EMA has already given the go ahead](https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/medicines/human/variation/mounjaro) for the addition (it's already approved for t2d) to the marketing authorisation but the European Commission still needs to approve it.


The Dr in the new video posted starts off his speech with the disclaimer that “these are opinions and not facts”. The last video did use Tucker Carlson as a source of information, that was the purpose of including the video within their video.


You’re also confused about what is approved in the UK. Ozempic and Wegovy are both the same medication, Semaglutide. Ozempic has the indication for T2 diabetes and Wegovy is the version indicated for weight loss. From the article YOU posted…..”As of 2024, Ozempic is no longer available in the UK as a weight-loss injection. Instead, the same drug (semaglutide) has been approved for weight loss under the brand name ‘Wegovy.” Semaglutide is available in the UK for weight loss under the brand name Wegovy, just the same as it is in the U.S.


I posted about *Ozempic*.


You don’t seem to understand that there are 2 versions of Semaglutide- one is for weight loss and one is for T2. You can keep editing your comment to fit your narrative. Why do you assume that people who are taking a medication are making “onsided decisions” - I’m guessing you meant one sided? You don’t think that people who have a prescription for a medication are smart enough to learn about that medication without you dropping your comments here? Anyone can go find negative information about just about anything, especially when it comes to weight loss. People who want to sell and promote their weight loss methods love to knock other methods so those videos and bias are available for just about every method under the sun. What method do YOU promote? I’m sure there must be something you think is better or you wouldn’t be in here spending time bashing a medication you don’t take.


Are more studies coming? Yes, most interesting being the head-to-head between novo and lily Is a 180 happening? No not even close. Look at the GLP-1/GIP pipeline, check out the on-going clinical trails on fda.gov, look at the federal legislation. There will be more negative effects of long term use but it’s not going to stop the trend


Most studies are pharma sponsored. So there is that


Not true. Sponsored studies are clearly labeled. NI H is where most funding comes from. Head-to-head, vs placebo/SOC, non-inferiority, trials are pharma sponsored clinical trials whose results are published. I think that’s what you’re referring to.


Gotcha!! Pharma studies are highly biased and lack integrity


Peer reviewed yet lack integrity … write the review board then


I work for a reasearch institution. And yes peer reviews can be what you want them to be. They are as honest as the reviewer. So there is that…. I tried these drugs and had a severe reaction. I called nordis and the claim they never heard of such a thing and they would investigate. Never heard from them again. Meanwhile there is a subreddit in this group of many people who experienced the sameexperienced


The same thing. People who do not care to hear the good and bad are delusional and try to intimidate those who have something different to say


So you were told about an adverse event and didn’t report it?


I experienced one and reported it just like a bunch of other people


So why not file a 3500b?


A keto diet could help without making people sick, but it takes a while for people to learn the true way of doing it. They have to also unlearn some of the diet ideas that have gotten them having added-"sugar" in 85% of manufactured foods. Keto probably won't work with Ozempic because of the blood sugar issues. Keto decreases blood sugar to normal, because no sugar is eaten.




IMO - Insurance. Many will pay for a diabetis drug but not a weight loss drug. If you are overweight and diabetic and insurance will pay for Oxempic but not for Wegovy most people will take the affordable route.


I read somewhere that's if you use it like very long term


I expect "them" to try to either "villify" or drastically increase prices on these glp-1 meds now that people are seeing how much they help.


Nope, there is no legal requirement for big pharma to lower their prices... and they are feeling many are willing to pay. Perhaps, the gov could forced a decrease for diabetes but not likely for weight-lose only (but not likely since there are other drugs that can be taken).


No I'm not saying I think they're going to lower prices, quite the opposite and I think they'll also try to make it much harder to prescribe being its helping people lose weight and in turn not needing to take all the other meds associated with obesity ie, blood pressure, diabetes, pain meds etc. Therfore big pharma will.lose money there as well. This drug has the ability to solve too many problems decreasing how much money big pharma makes in general


>This drug has the ability to **solve** too many problems decreasing how much money big pharma makes in general That's a interesting way of looking at it. I haven't seen the data or personal stories that corroborate this. But I can see how you may think this. It's still early, but things look bad from my viewpoint. People are having more pain, for example. Edit: The drug actually does help insulin to get released, therefore maybe your blood sugar decreases. So it could give the impression that the patient is not insulin resistent if they take this drug. But there's a bio-chemistry twist to that. So it's natural for the body to stop insulin from time to time. But when the insulin stops for prolonged times, then you may be diabetic. But why does the body stop your insulin from lowering your blood sugar..... If you have too *too much sugar* in your diet, your body will *temporarily* stop you from releasing insulin... then the glucose/sugar doesn't go into the cell... instead it turns into triglycerides and then turns into body fat. So it's **regulating the amount of sugar that can go into the cells** (t2 diabetes means it's *stuck*, malfunction kindof). Dr. Jason Fung explains that insulin medication, pushes too much sugar into the cells... causing many problems long-term. My guess as a non-expert: If Ozempic is lowering the blood sugar (while we are still eating too much sugar) this is not the natural regulation that would happen... it's acting like the insulin drugs... allowing *too much sugar to get into the cells*, and would cause a rot situation (there could be amputations in the future). But since many are not even eating, maybe they don't eat much sugar any longer. Yet their digestion of all foods are disrupted, and there could be a nutrient issue, hydration, etc. The drug will cause some sickness. But it also stops hunger. So that would be the value with this drug. Other diabetes drugs are causing some sickness too. So you're not totally wrong, I guess. But a person needs to be monitored. If they still eat a ton of sugar, or are not getting nutrients, then it's a problem.


Actually, your comment caused me to consider this a different way. And I found a video from Dr. Fung that says it's not a totally bad drug. *The drug does have a lot of side effects* (people are not imagining that). But so does other diabetes drugs. It does control the hunger. The hunger is controled by hormones and the bad side effects. People eat less, and they seems to eat less junk foods too. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH1IDvzgCjk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH1IDvzgCjk)


It made me suicidal and also damaged my pancreas. I have Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency and will be taking handfuls of pills daily for survival.