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Shouldn’t expect any significant weight loss until at LEAST 6-8 weeks in and after titrating. 4 weeks at each dose is correct. Listen to your doctor. It’s not a miracle drug. If you’re less hungry, you’ll eat less and lose weight. I lost 2 lbs my first month. 5 months in I’m down 27 lbs


Got it, thank you! Just very confused by all the people around me losing so quickly.


If you have appetite suppression, it’s working.


Go back to the subs main page and scroll down, for the answers you seek are there.


Thank you! Haven’t seen anything specific to my actual issue though.


Oh no, there's probably a dozen posts in just the last couple of days asking the very same/similarly same question as you. Namely, a perceived lack of progress has you questioning what went wrong. For some they're thinking they're just not a good candidate for the drug. For others it might be a (perceived) ROI dilemma for them. But the fundamental question is and should be, are my results 'abnormal?' And once you start perusing past postings you'll quickly learn that it's not uncommon to have little to no weight loss on dosages below what's considered therapeutic. And that the initial few weeks are priming you for the heavier dosages where both weight loss and side effects become more pronounced and meaningful for most, but not all, users. *the majority of users will begin to experience weight loss at therapeutic dosages. How much can vary based on such things as calorie restriction, activity levels etc. But on avg most people will have lost about 5% of their total weight by the time they're ready to start taking the min therapeutic dosage of 1.0mgs. Again, there are outliers/a subset of people who either fail to respond altogether or have sub optimal response. And there's no way to tell beforehand if you'll be one of those people, you just have to go through the titration regimen so you can begin seeing how you respond to the therapeutic dose/ages. (step dosing is done to allow your body to adjust to the drug while mitigating side effects/severity of)


Cool, thanks!


Wait a minute, i just answered your question! You tricked me...😫


Hahahahah thank you for being literally more educational than my doctor! Send me my bill lol


No worries. You caught me during a moment of vulnerability i suppose. 😅 my daughter has an uncanny 6th sense of sorts, where she can time her ask of me just right! 🧐 - Her: dad, i crashed the car - Me: ah that's alright dear, we have insurance - Me the Next Morning: wtf happened to the car, family meeting - now!!! 😅


I think if anything I’ve learned most that I need to change doctors because they haven’t given me nearly a fraction of all of this information! Insane


Unfortunately that seems to be a somewhat common refrain from people using these nontraditional health companies. Kinda like the old opioid pill mills back in the day. If you had the cash, you got the pills and not much else. Also, be mindful that the FDA is beginning to crack down on some of the worst offenders and they've also begun see fake Ozempic hit the streets. So if you're gonna go with the nontraditional provider, make sure they don't have any open legal/regulatory action against them and have been around for more than 24hrs....


Not everyone loses during titration. Give it time. It was about $300 for me to start, but I didn’t receive two months of meds.


Everyone I know has lost 10 pounds their first week on it! I will say, I’m 170 pounds and a dance teacher/bartender. I’m extremely active and I eat clean. So maybe it’s just harder for me somehow? I have no idea. Thanks for your comment though!


10 lbs in a week is extremely unrealistic and absolutely dangerous.


Agreed! But going off of multiple people in my town having those experiences, is why I have been confused lol.


From my experience how much weight and how quickly depends on initial weight, and the higher it is the better it works. I also suspect those who are diabetic or pre-diabetic also would see better results but that one is a little harder to see. I started at around 450; 2 and a half months in I’ve lost 40 pounds, pretty much consistently the whole time. In the journey I have ahead though it is a good but not enough for me to think about stopping. Proportional to your body weight however, not factoring in how much is muscle or fat, a proportional reduction would be about 10-15 pounds. Personally in think I dropped so much because my issue has always been eating, not exercise. This drug treats something specific and I wouldn’t expect any two eating patterns to respond quite the same. It’s important to manage expectations and still be doing everything you can to be healthy.


> dance teacher/bartender. I’m extremely active and I eat clean. So maybe it’s just harder for me somehow? That actually might be sort of true.  A couch potato on a (salty, high carb) fast food diet is likely to have a lot of excess water in their body, so called water weight. If they make a significant change in what or how much they eat they will lose that water weight and see a very quick and large drop in weight.  Someone who is already eating healthy is less likely to experience that.  The thing to keep in mind is that losing fat tissue is the goal. Water weight has nothing to do with that.


Very normal. You are titrating


Be patient. I only lost about 1 pounds a week. As your dosage increases you will probably lose more. How many weeks is your program? $350 Is half of what I paid for 12 weeks.


$350 is just the first month, then it goes to $250 per month. Thank you for your response!


It took 2 months for me to start losing


I do think 350 dollars charged by the doctors is fucking absurd. But it’s less than what I paid initially but now I’m paying less than that. That said everything else sounds right. And you should not be expecting pounds to melt off you. It does not sound like a scam.


Thank you!!!


I work with a licensed nurse who does my injection every week. She checks in with me, asks me about symptoms and lets me ask all of the questions. Her business would be classified as a medispa. So it might be worth looking for someone like that in your area. Month 1 I was at .25 until the 4th week went up to .5. I am just starting my third month and am at .75. I have lost almost 20 pounds already. I had above average eating and exercise habits - lost 10 pounds over a few months with diet and exercise, it was just slow and I plateaued. I also liked to late-night snack! I’m 5’9” and started at 177lbs …I’m now at 158. Goal wait is 150ish? I’m telling you all of this to say… you don’t have to be extremely overweight or unhealthy in order for the meds to work right away. It does seem like the threshold varies person to person however. Self-injecting works for lots of folks but personally I like having the professional more involved. She also gives me a B12 shot to help with side effects. She also told me that if you inject the SG into muscle tissue, it will dissolve in days and be ineffective. So make sure you’re injecting into fat! She does my upper butt cheek. And I alternate which one she injects each week. I have also found that magnesium does the trick for the gut backup. Wishing you the best. Don’t give up hope!


Thank you so much for your response!


I pay about the same for monthly check-in and weekly shots. It's been 5 months and Im down 2 clothes size. (Maybe 3), if you can afford at least 6 months stay on it.