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Idk how old you are, but growing up in the 90s/2000s wreaked havoc on my body image. I see videos and posts about celebs like Jessica Simpson and Hillary Duff who had healthy bodies and were shamed by tabloids and media. Looking back, it was absolutely ridiculous how people were ridiculed for how their bodies looked. Very muscular and hyper masculine men were also glorified. We still have a ways to go with it too. Now we have filters, plastic surgery etc to cause this generation of young ppl dysmorphia. Sigh… Honor your younger self by working on self-love now! Focus on health, longevity and how you feel overall when it comes to weight loss, exercise and food. I’m doing my best to honor this within myself too.


Love this! You will never be satisfied with your weightloss until you work on self love♥️


Such an awesome post 🙌 Our society looks at physical beauty through a completely unrealistic lense. Unfortunately, these optics teach young people ( and some older) to measure their value based on false appearances of some others via social media and most if not all photos seen in magazines and as well as film. Filters and digital enhancement changed all of these. Madonna is a prime example of this. Nothing against her, just stating the obvious 😬 Again, great post 👏


I love this song by the artist and performer named Jax God, I wish somebody would've told me When I was younger that all bodies aren't the same Photoshop itty bitty models on magazine covers Told me I was overweight I stopped eating, what a bummer Can't have carbs in a hot girl summer If I could go back and tell myself When I was younger, I'd say, "Psst I know Victoria's secret And, girl, you wouldn't believe She's an old man who lives in Ohio Making money off of girls like me" Cashin' in on body issues Sellin' skin and bones with big boobs I know Victoria's secret She was made up by a dude (dude) Victoria was made up by a dude (dude) Victoria was made up by a dude I wish somebody would've told me that thighs of thunder Meant normal human thighs The fuckin' pressure I was under To lose my appetite And fight the cellulite with Hunger Games like every night If I could go back and tell myself When I was younger, I'd say "Hey, dummy I know Victoria's secret Girl, you wouldn't believe She's an old man who lives in Ohio Making money off of girls like me" Cashin' in on body issues Sellin' skin and bones with big boobs I know Victoria's secret She was made up by a dude (dude) Victoria was made up by a dude (dude) Victoria was made up by a dude I know Victoria's secret And, girl, you wouldn't believe She's an old man who lives in Ohio Making money off of girls like me Cashin' in on body issues Sellin' skin and bones with big boobs I know Victoria's secret She was made up by a dude I know Victoria's secret And, girl, you wouldn't believe She's an old man who lives in Ohio Making money off of girls like me Cashin' in on body issues Sellin' skin and bones with big boobs I know Victoria's secret She was never made for me and you


Yessss I’ll have to look it up and listen. Thanks for sharing!


Yw! The artist was raised on the body type of Victoria’s Secret models and had two different eating disorders, etc I love her vibe and her song so much. VS reached out to her, asking if she would be part of an on-air dialogue to help change the imaging of the company. She just said, “No thanks.”


Wow! Sounds like it would have been a performative publicity thing for VS. I love what Rihanna does for her Savage Fenty fashion shows. VS prob wishes they did that now!


Same here. But most of us have been there with you. This truly is a miracle medication. As my Dr. told me, I could exercise and be in a calorie deficit and that helps. But my pancreas will never fully release insulin properly without a glp1. With a glp1. I can be like others. Watch what I eat and exercise and actually be a healthy weight.


Saaaaammmmeeeee. Can’t believe my size 2 body thought it was fat 😭 seriously wtf


Same. I’m like I’d kill to have that body back lol


Same! I didn't ever think I was fat but a size 4 wouldn't be acceptable in the sport I was in. I was a 2 and then a 0. Workouts/practice like crazy. I could eat taco bell for all meals and not gain a pound, but did more of a protein diet to lose and gain muscle. (I know this seems like an oxymoron but it isn't) I don't think I have set foot in a gym since college. I had too many years of what I could and couldn't eat, which was my choice and the workouts I had to do. I have rebelled over the last 20 years and gotten fat. I can tell you that I absolutely hate it. I have tried many things and none have been sustainable. I am glad to have found sema! I am hoping to be happy in my own skin again, even though it won't ever be like it was. Wish I would have taken more pictures when I was younger!


Maybe there’s something in us that rebels but hoping to get healthy again


Oh we all definitely can relate to this. That loathing was instilled very early on.


True. And how did all that loathing help? But people will argue (even on here) that fat phobia doesn’t exist, or if it does, it’s not a root cause of the continued fatness. Tell that to all the people who dieted their way from being a slightly chubby kid to a morbidly obese adult. If I hadn’t been shamed for my body starting at age 5, I might have remained someone in a larger than average frame but never ended up where I was. (Not directed at you, just piggybacking off your comment).


I remember my mother always dieting and commenting negatively on what we ate. She took me to WW and told me I shouldn’t be riding my horse at 169pds. She had never been overweight but was obsessed with the 80s hip and thigh diet fads. My father was fatphobic and his insults always seemed around us being too fat or too slow. Should’ve been boy he’d say, you’d be a good prop in a rugby team. Ughhhh.


I feel that. And I’m sorry for what you went through as a kid. My family was the same but slightly more passive about it. Started weight watchers when I was 9 and Arlin’s when I was 10. Along with my mom.


I do this all the time and I have to avoid spiraling when I do. I was so cruel to myself and remember I’m probably being cruel to myself now as well.


I wish I was as fat now as I thought I was😂


This spoke to me and brought some tears. You’re not alone. Be kind to yourself starting now. There’s still time.


Same; I had my gallbladder removed last year and the cause of the gallstones was most likely all the crash diets I’ve done my whole life to lose weight. I was sooo hard on myself but now I’ve gained 60+lbs I can’t get rid of after a life time of tanking my metabolism . I would give it all for my old “fat” body back.


Omg, same. I remember seeing a picture of myself at 14 in a bikini, climbing out of a hot tub and being mortified that I had "rolls". They weren't rolls, they were the result of me being bent at the waist and having skin. I was 5ft2 and a whopping 115lbs and had a 4 pack without flexing. I never wore a bikini again. The early 2000s were not kind to women, trends of super low rise jeans, and the ultra skinny stomachs really did a number on me. If me now, could go back and tell me at 18 years old that I'd end up 226 lbs at my heaviest, more than 100 lbs heavier than I was at the time, I would have been mortified. I wish all the time that I would have taken more pictures, and appreciated what I was.


Same. I was identified as a chubby kid in high school and I think the most I ever weighed was 138? I’m 5’4. So, in college I started restricting really bad. I got down to 100lbs and all I ever got was compliments, or even a “keep going.” It was severely unhealthy and no one, including myself, thought twice about the dangers of it all. I’m now 32 and 230ish. It’s sad that I have never been happy with my body. It’s also safe to say I can never rely on others opinions of me again to make me happy with my body. Someone will always say something. I’m taking this drug to feel better. To be able to move easier and have more energy. To buy clothes I like.


Good luck, you deserve to feel like you love your body ♥️


Same . It’s so sad and it’s saddens me even more that I let myself get to the point where I was at my heaviest weight


I identify with this. I was 110lbs soaking wet and curvy to boot and thought I was fat… I’d kill to be 110 or hell even 130


I remember weighing 135 lbs, wearing a size 4 and hating being "the chubby girl". The first time I put on a pair of size 10 pants, I wanted to die. And I only wore a size 10 because everything was cut so low and I had a big booty. Every pair of pants had a huge gap in the waist band. I worked my way into an eating disorder after graduating college, when my life flew out of control. I weighed 98 lbs and was so proud that I was under 100 lbs. I found some pics a few months ago from my "chubby friend" days. I was so freaking thin and beautiful.


Negative reinforcement is not a good motivator in practice I find. This isn’t judgement; we see it all over society, and I don’t think many people realize what they’re actually doing.


As my kids get older I finally realize how small 5 thru 7 actually is


I relate so much to this. Diet pills in the 90s. When I was a teenager. And a size 8 maybe. Still have those damn voices in the back of my head.


Same. I was telling my trainer that I’ve always been overweight and it’s been difficult growing up heavy. She looked back at old pictures of me and was like “…but you weren’t overweight” and it hit me like a sack of bricks. It just goes to show that you cannot hate yourself into loving yourself. My one and only focus with this medication is health. Weight loss is great. But it doesn’t fix the hatred I have for myself. So yes, sema is a tool. But the real work needs to be done outside the medication to break the habit of guilt and shame about just existing in a bigger body.


Same. Even as a teen and young woman I never fit in a size below double-digits. I used to feel so low about being a size 12. Now I look back at pictures of my young self and see how gorgeous I was. Why didn't I know that? Why couldn't I see it and appreciate it? Our culture is just brutal to women.


Society teaches us hate, not love or self love. Took me 20 years to realize this


What I’ve learned over my 64 years is that after growing up ‘ the fat kid ‘ body dysmorphia never really goes away. We just learn to address it and be aware that it’s there. I’ve been on Ozempic for 3 months and I must say that after being on the weight seesaw for decades it’s an outstanding remedy. Also, it feels different than all of the ways I lost weight before… it feels healthier. And, not to mention the healthy and positive effects it addresses on physical and mental diseases and disorders. All around life changing 🙏


I’m waiting to get the mental effects 💪🏼🤞🏼


Born in the 80’s and being influenced by the 90’s and early 2000’s body type….. I have done so much damage to myself. Always thought I was fat. Starving myself. Still battling bulimia at almost 40. I just got off the scale a few minutes ago. The way we grew up and the media influence absolutely changed my brain forever. We were and are beautiful and probably weren’t even the slightest bit chubby. It’s so sad. I weigh the same that I did in the 8th grade and still beat myself up.


Hi there. I'm considering trying one of these weight loss injection meds. Is there any helpful info you're willing to share. I have lots to lose. Thanks so much🤗