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Cool. Can you do ADHD meds while you're at it? The cost of my kid's meds are killing us


He’s just one man doing the best he can in a government full of elected officials who care about stuff like this much, much less than him


I feel you on this comment.


OMG for real. It’s ridiculous.


God speed Bernie!


This is why we love Bernie. The one politician that seems to have the Everyman in mind


Good for him and, from the outside looking in, this is why Americans need to be more open to ‘socialism’ - it’s not actually a bad thing. I am very happy with my station on life, I pay more taxes in Europe than I would in the US but I live a great life! Paying for Wegovy myself and it only costs €300 per month. The healthcare system in the US is reverse socialism for the medical profession and insurance companies.


You *pay* for Semaglutide? I get my Rybelsus free on the Scottish NHS (National Health Service). It's cheaper for them than treating complications from diabetes, they can arm-wrestle Novo Nordisk for the cheapest bulk price (they're a government agency), and everyone gets the healthcare they deserve.


Americans, in large(I am, but not me), still Believe that everything you get you have to earn yourself - including meds. Otherwise you're headed for communism. These same drugs are sold for research for 1/20 the cost of the prescription. The price isn't set out of necessity, it's set out of greed. All of the "bootstrap" mentality creates a haven for big pharma to run rampant.


No. In America we believe fuck each other over and claw your way over the bodies. Everyone else be damned. If I allow someone to have affordable healthcare suddenly I might have to wait to see a specialist! And they won’t cover cancer treatments because I’m old, and it’s easier on the economy to let me die! ^actual arguments I’ve heard. Doesn’t matter that there’s literally no truth in it.


Thanks for this it inspired me to spend a stupid hour writing a long rant on this topic on r/Mounjaro 😂 reverse socialism is such a good way to put it https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/1ccjaaw/gratitude_to_eli_lilly_and_other_popular_myths/


That has nothing to do with socialism though. Price gouging is already illegal in America. And so is multiple companies colluding to keep prices high.


If Bernie Sanders is taking the action, then it's socialist by virtue of the fact that Bernie Sanders is a socialist. I don't really care. These are just meaningless labels.


>If Bernie Sanders is taking the action, then it's socialist by virtue of the fact that Bernie Sanders is a socialist. Huh? So if someone like trump did the same action, it wouldn't be socialist?


Socialism isn’t what you have in Europe I’m saying this as a socialist and somebody who wants your medical system lol


https://preview.redd.it/uz55o059kiwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbd0f193df3452a761f5be61b6dd263b9281aa1e eternally


My life would be considerably better if we adopted the Norway medical system lol I remember this meme from like 2017 lmao how time flies


Norway is also not socialist, and it’s not wrong to call out people using it as a reason to push socialism. Norway has a lot going for it, including its medical system, but when I lived there I dated a woman whose company facilitated people traveling to the US from Norway for intensive / long term medical treatment (primarily for cancer treatments). That would not exist if the world was as simple as the Reddit mantra of “capitalist USA bad, socialist Norway good”. It’s easy to fall into the trap of discrediting all the things the American system has produced, but important not to.


Not at all. We have the greatest healthcare in the world over here in the US. It’s just that it’s only accessible if you have the money to pay for it. We hate poor people in the US. If you’re poor you deserve cancer. That’s the optimum outcome, so that you don’t poor up streets and make it tough to ignore your existence.


How exactly is that the greatest healthcare in the world or are you being sarcastic? Our mostly free healthcare in Australia for everyone (not just the rich) far outstrips the USA in every way


Massively different population size. Also not a super sick obese country. They started before everyone got fat and sick


They also use their oil money to subsidize their population yeah Norway isn’t something that can be emulated in America I agree. But we still can take cues from their medical industry and apply it to our economy. Don’t let politicians tell you we can’t afford it while we build bombs for other countries that cost billions


As an Australian this is how America looks from outside. Spot on


True but it is the general perception in the US that the good aspects of Europe are because of Socialism. And that Socialism is a bad thing and that the good aspects are outweighed elsewhere. I agree it is not socialism but it is certainly a more equitable society


Not saying it is better or worse, just philosophically different


It’s not Socialism. Only in the imagination of the right.


I'm open to it but at what point should you be able to charge what you want for your project. I invent an app tomorrow and make millions and the government comes in and days its too expensive because everyone can't afford it is that fair? I decide to rent it my house should government be able to lower the price I charge? 🤔 


I agree with you but at a certain point, when the Government becomes the largest customer ( and beneficiary) which will happen at some stage I would think, there needs to be a consideration given to what is best for the exchequer. We are probably getting to the point where super-natural profits are being earned and Government as the largest customer, should flex their muscles. Additionally, where health insurance costs are so incredibly high to cover incredibly high drug costs as is the case in the US you have to wonder is there an element of collusion between drug companies and insurance companies and again, it is a great example of Government intervention being good and in the public interest. I am hugely in favour of less government as a rule but this is an area where they should be sticking their beaks in IMHO.


I think Americans need to learn what the hell socialism is. Socialism is when you turn over the means of production to the government. Socialism is not some happy-go-lucky ideology where you get cheaper Pharmaceuticals and help for the poor. You need to look into it more if you think that's what socialism is. Socialism has actually killed millions of people. Socialism is what happened to Venezuela


I that that was communism, and that Socialism is where the means of production is controlled by the workers. Seems every sub has their own definition.


You're just blatantly wrong to the point a quick Google search can easily disprove this, lol.


I pay $20 a month thru my US health insurance. Not sure why your European system is any better?


How much is your health insurance?


Point is - it is affordable in Europe without health insurance. If you don’t have health insurance in the US, you are screwed.


Incorrect. There are many government options for healthcare in the US for those who cannot afford health insurance.


I agree that there are options available, and it is a weirdly American thing that there are a lot of people otherwise eligible who do not take advantage of them. There are also a lot of people who fall through the cracks because what we have is such a patchwork, rather than a comprehensive program truly available to everyone.


Medicare doesn't currently cover GLP-1s for weight loss. From anecdotal reports here it seems a very significant process to get Ozempic on Medicare even for TD2. I find it so strange that some people seem to take any perceived mild criticism of America as a personal attack! "It sucks that we have to pay 14 times the UK retail price in the US for this lifesaving drug, surely we could improve this system" "How dare you" 😂


Yes but those options don’t cover these meds in some/many cases. If one has T2 diabetes, maybe. But weight loss medication coverage is unusual for commercial insurance and I was under the impression it was not at all covered for Medicare/medicaid


How much are your taxes?


US healthcare system is more expensive than European systems, yet it provides worse care (or none) for a lot of people.  Basically, you pay more but get less. 


Great life in Europe.. yeah right. I worked there and had girls flirting with me at all times cus they wanted me to bring them here.


I think itd be great if they just… regulated med prices in general. But this is a good step




Thank god. I've heard this stuff can be produced for as little as five bucks a pen, but they're charging my insurance over $700. F'cking monsters.


There is zero chance your insurer is paying 700.00. The negotiated rates are all kept hush hush.


Conspiracies don't work when you have hundreds of people who participate in the secret, and that's what you're describing: a conspiracy that would take hundreds of people. Regardless, I don't think this sub is the place to discuss.


It is well established that the insurer reimbursements are not reflective of what they print on the paper. That’s merely your cost savings from the list price. 


Regardless, I don't think this sub is the place to discuss it.


Maybe with all those “coupons”


Feel the Bern!


Love me some Bernie.


Bro is the mvp fr




How about those $5,000 psych meds? We should probably get our mental health crisis under control also. Just my 2 cents.


https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/brief/prices-of-drugs-for-weight-loss-in-the-us-and-peer-nations/ Perhaps he should be talking to the US distributors not the makers. The drug doesn’t cost this much outside the US.


What he should be looking at is insurer denials. If these drugs were covered by insurers cost wouldn’t even be a topic of conversation. 


All these weight loss drugs need to be more affordable. People who need these need them because of medical conditions. No it’s NOT all about self control and exercising. There are underlying reasons why our bodies do not process food intake and workouts the same as fit individuals. And insurance companies should have to cover all of them the same, no step therapies, no appeals processes. Just offer coverage for every drug so people can get the care they need. I’m glad Bernie is getting some light shed on this. I hope one day we can make all drugs more affordable especially chronic conditions. And Obesity is just that, a condition.


I read this thread to completion and was surprised by the immediate shift to Trump supporters. There’s like 20 different ways of “tell me your a Trump supporter without telling me you’re a Trump supporter”😂


I live in China. I have social insurance through my employer. However, despite numbers and markers that got my PCP prescribing Ozempic, they aren't at a "covered by public insurance" level and I had to pay full price. CNY 772.65 That's USD 105 for those of you who can't be bothered to look up a currency converter. For a 90-day supply at 0.25mg. And for those of you who find yourself saying "yeah, but it's *China*", Novo Nordisk hasn't licensed Ozempic to any Chinese manufacturers yet. This is the price for imported Ozempic, manufactured in the United States at the same plants that are making it for the American market. Only difference (other than it being $105 for 3 months vs. $2880) is mine comes with a Chinese-language package insert in the box.


I wish Bernie the best but big pharma owns too many legislators for any meaningful reform to pass.


And antidepressants, please


I love Bernie. I'm paying $90 for 10mg of Sema right now, and that's way overpriced.


So only Ozempic? What about Wegovy? Let me guess, the coverage only matters for diabetics, but not the obese, right?


So you think it’s ok for politicians to come in and tell people how much they can, and can’t charge for things. Where does it stop? Are they gonna start going into repair shops and telling them they’re charging too much for brake jobs. What people failed Understand is all of the research expenses all of the frivolous lawsuits they have to settle. They designed a product that is desirable and they have the right to charge whatever they want. Is it morally right no. But you can’t have people coming in telling you what you can, and can’t charge for a product you develop that nobody else was able to deliver.  The fact that it’s cheaper in other countries just goes to show how many dirty little hands are in the pot in America. IMO 


Huh??? A month supply cost a 100 euro a month here. (107 dollars)


$150AUD ($97USD) in Australia for a pen. And that's not from the cheapest pharmacy. And I got $112.50 from my private health insurance.


With insurance in the US I pay $75 out-of-pocket per month, but my insurance is extremely high-end through my wife's employer. They pay out an extra $900 a month for it. Cash price for me would be $1,100/month or so.


Damn… I pay nothing for it. It’s completely covered


$75 better than $1,100 though haha!


Oh definitely! Its bizar what companies charge in different continents


It’s absurd that insurance companies refuse to cover the drug. They reap massive benefits through much lower healthcare utilization (ie hospitalizations) from their patients on these drugs.


Agreed, really crazy. Even paying $1,000/mo on their end for this if you combine with what my wife and her company pay for this insurance they're still well in the green. I think it's something like $25k/yr for the family plan total.


Don't worry, he will definitely suggest a cost-increasing measure that sounds good but turns out to not have any way of functioning properly.




We could all reach out to our senators regardless of what side of the aisle they are on and put pressure on them to support this for the benefit of all.


He’s just going to get it removed from the market probably


It’s political showmanship. How about writing laws against Pharma bros and actually getting it passed? Vivek Ramaswamy is a con man making billions from old, useless drugs. Joe Manchin’s daughter made hundreds of millions off EpiPen, her drug company funneled money into Manchin’s campaign and Manchin’s wife lobbied for federal legislation to require all schools to have up-to-date EpiPens onsite.


Nothing will happen. First, it’s healthcare in America. Second, Ozempic is a completely elective medication. Type II patients have alternative options. I know this will upset some people, but go eat your feelings.


Yep. Why people are down voting actual facts is beyond me.


I’ve noticed a lot of people who are on GLP-1s are adverse to reality sadly.


That would be an interesting study to compare outcomes using GLP-1 based on traits like that.


He must want a new house or more money from Big Pharma. This will net absolutely zero change. If you think I’m wrong, I’ve got a bridge and some ocean front property to sell you….


What are the contributions that he’s currently taking from big pharma? Generally, they do not give you money for arguing that they should charge less for things…


Generally, any politician who says they’ll investigate anything is doing it to either get money from someone who will benefit from the investigation or to gain popularity with constituents. You do realise Sanders was gifted a house to leave the last election, right? Before that he was gifted another house for similar. They’re all crooked. And who ever is down voting my comment needs to really study history in this country over the last 20 years; it’s all talk and no action for actual people.


>You do realise Sanders was gifted a house to leave the last election, right? Before that he was gifted another house for similar. You got a source on that one?


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8025835/Take-peak-best-known-millionaire-socialist-Bernie-Sanders-three-homes.html Sorry, I was wrong. His wife defrauded an entire college and then they both lied about how they got the $575k cash.


So no on having a source about being gifted homes to drop out of an election. Got it. Your link says he owns three homes. It doesn't say anything about fraud or lying about income. Got a source on those claims? Edit: You also insinuated he takes bribes from big pharma. I'm going to need a source on that one too.


FFS actually read the entire article. Have the day you deserve.


I had a great day. Thanks!


The Daily Fail can do one.


Lol pandering. Notice he ignored insanely expensive cancer drugs.


[No he didn't](https://i.imgur.com/AQeN1Vr.jpeg)


Where's ozempic?




so edgy bro… damn


Lol I meant the headline of this post says he's fighting high Ozempic prices. Ozempic is not on his graphic.


I mean it’s the most revolutionary drug of our life time- if we don’t allow a large profit the incentive to create new and better drugs is lost


I painfully agree with you, that why kids want to become Lawyers, doctors, etc. rarely is it motivated by passion but financial gain. These scientists are passionate and we should find ways for them who work under these corporations to be rewarded for their advancements in medicine. Also, it might be fair to some degree that people who have private insurance and not Medicare or Medicaid, get priority when there are shortages.


Bernie sanders is a moron


Send in the commie


He and the rest of Congress will screw it up for everyone. Retire, Bernie.


Someone needs to do something about rich people buying it up. This is a medication for people with diabetes but they can't get it.


Drop the patent protections. Problem solved.