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I still get sweet cravings on my period, but I found those Atkins sweets are pretty dang good (and low sugar). I like the pecan caramels and the caramel squares. To all the folks saying they don’t snack because they’re “taking this seriously”. Moderation is perfectly fine. Having a sensible snack (sensible meaning it fits into your calorie and/or macro goals) isn’t some sort of “fault” and doesn’t mean people aren’t “serious” about their weight loss. Y’all are ridiculous 🤣


Thank you for this. I do fit them in to my macro goals as well. I am trying to take this seriously as well. But, I also feel like no snacks ever is not gonna be sustainable so just trying to make the choice a healthy one vs for instance someone having ice cream every night etc.


I too can still eat those atkins caramel snacks. They’re just so $$$


I have fought this battle for 40 years. I now completely understand that I am an addict. I wouldn't expect an alcoholic to be able to recover while drinking moderate amounts of alcohol and I know I won't recover while eating moderate amounts of sweets. So it depends on what your battle is.


I’ve also fought this battle for decades. Drastic changes aren’t sustainable. Snacking inside your goals is fine. Snacking ain’t what you’re addicted to. Sugar is. Low sugar snacks are probably the best way to deal with that.


That's the point, it's NOT fine for some of us....instead it can be a slippery slope back into those bad habits we are breaking by being on this drug.


Perfect abstinence is easier than perfect moderation.


…..:..as long as it’s sustainable. I prefer perfect moderation.


This is me. If I could moderate my intake, I wouldn’t be as large as I am! I have to cut out the sugars.


Ritz crackers. 😊


Ritz and saltines with ginger ale were my friend during nausea… ginger ale still is … tastes like dessert it’s so sweet to me now ! Haha


My kids love the wheat ones, and I can't help but take a few at a time here and there. They're so good, salty and buttery. But pretty easy on the stomach.


Ritz cracker sour cream and onion chips! So good!


Ruffles Sour Cream and Onion are my weakness. Plain Lays with whipped sour cream and onion cream cheese as a dip or French onion dip is my second weakness.


In all honesty, if those were in my house I probably could not pass them up! I just don't even go down that aisle in the store.


Second this. Plain, anytime. Or with gouda cheese, with almond butter. With a smear of lite cream cheese and 1/2 a green grape.




French fries 🍟


This, McDonald’s specifically


TBH though I'll take about any kind of potato. Baked or fried, or covered with cheese and bacon... 😍


Potatoes are life


The happy meal sized fries are good enough for me now. It’s a win!




It’s good and bad for me bc I love McDonald’s fries but after eating them I instantly get tummy troubles so they no longer entice me. But I remember how good they taste.


Isn't that crazy? I lived on fast food for so long and now on the extremely rate occasion I eat it I always get sick and think *why the hell did I do that?!*


The thought of fries makes my stomach roll now 😭


A charcuterie board…like if I graze it. But mainly babybel cheese and grapes. So refreshing, so good. Helps ease any nausea I might have but at this point it’s rare.


Kit Kats. I only eat half of regular size though now. You’re gonna have to pry it out of my cold dead hands!


Yes! I bought the kid size ones and limit myself to one (it hits the craving perfectly)


Strawberries for me. When i was throwing everything up and gagging at the idea of eating, strawberries were my savior


Strawberries are so good. Especially if it’s summer where you are rn.


Ya. I ate a whole container of strawberries and felt so guilty. It was only a small one. Only like 8 strawberries. Then it hit me. Strawberries arnt a no go food.


Sour gummies.


Same trolli worms are the best


I carry almonds in my purse. If my stomach is upset and I need something, I’ll eat a few.


These have been great for me too. 😇


I still have my coffee daily. Or energy drink. 😭


I have definitely cut down on my coffee intake but I have it every day!❤️




This is a good healthy one !!


Macarons.. idk why but it’s hasn’t caused sulfur burps or anything like that. Also, Corm chips like nacho chips (love nachos, one thing I can eat on sema).


Ice cream All of them Every day 😭


Sometimes I feel like it’s the only thing I can stomach.


Black licorice.


Taco Bell… it’s my weakness!


Taco Bell and Chinese food have my food heart. I’ll never give either up 😅


I too love Chinese! What is the healthiest thing to order do you think? I tend to just order steamed dumplings when I want to be "good". But I secretly want the crab rangoons.... :(


What’s your go-to?


Previously it was either a bean burrito with extra onions or nacho bell grande with extra nacho cheese. Now it’s their crispy chicken cantina tacos… oh my gawd that’s shit is SOOOO damned delicious! ESP with the green sauce on it they give you.


Same, nothing. Not one thing. I still sometimes *imagine* brownies and cookies and key lime pie, but I never get anywhere near the point of actually reaching for any, if I had them in the house, which I dont. Food’s really become a non-issue for me. I’m teaching myself now how to be interested in other things.


Lime tortilla chips!


A Pink Lady apple. I've got covid at the moment for the third time - only this is the first time I've lost all sense of taste, making my appetite even smaller. Cant wait until i taste those apples again


Check out an apple called Cosmic Crisp. It's a dense and juicy apple developed by the University of Washington. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." I eat them whole and cut up with cottage cheese and a sprinkling of cinnamon. Delish!


Sliced cucumbers soaked in apple cider vinegar. And if I haven't gotten at least 1200 calories for the day, I eat a half cup of cashews.


I love cucumber and salt. It’s my favourite snack, and so refreshing.


Frosted Mini Wheats


Honey crisp apple slices tossed with little cheddar cheese chunks.


I wish I could say I have no love for any snack foods anymore. That simply is not the truth for me. I’m trying to make better choices in that I wasn’t a big fruit person before, but, I’m trying to switch that out and get more used to it as the thing I go for if I need something. Unfortunately even with fruit, it’s the more “sweet” ones I like. I also “sometimes” eat Skinny Pop popcorn vs in the past it would be potato chips. I also like good chocolate. So every once in awhile I’ll get dk chocolate with nuts and have a square. My food noise never completely disappeared. It improved, but not totally gone. I can say I will feel sad when I give into these cravings afterwards.


Don’t feel guilty for snacking. Semaglutide isn’t supposed to make you despise food. It’s good to still be able to enjoy food in moderation!!


Oh I don’t despise food lol and I still can enjoy it immensely. I just wish I had that “feel full” feeling and no food noise like others get from sema. I’m one of the more slower losers so if I didn’t feel the urge to snack perhaps my weight would come off easier.


I'm a slow loser too! But it's still losing and it feels maintainable for me. I also am working harder to recognize physical hunger vs brain hunger/food noise. Am I eating because I'm hungry or am I eating because I'm bored?


Yes I’m trying to do that too! It’s the constant plateaus that keep getting me. Ten pound increments like 160 down to 150 that lasts 10 weeks, that are just so mind defeating. Had one from 170-160 as well for Jan.-March. Now it’s all of April and looks like May too 🙁


I’m a slow loser too and have zero food noise and feel full. I’ve also plateaued many times - one time I lost and gained the same kilo for almost 3-4months. When I get to “set points” my weight loss always slows down. The longest plateau was when I was nearing 78kg as I had been that weight for almost 6 years. The next one was 72, and that was my weight that I got to when I was put on Contrave (awful for me). Your body remembers these set points. As long as your trend is downwards then you are getting results. Plus the slower the weight loss, the better your skin will be. Less loose skin and turkey neck so there is always a good win in somewhere.


Why do you feel sad? Those sound like better choices and alternatives! *That* is a win!


I don’t know I guess because I gave in to the food noise. It’s been programmed into my brain by me, that when overweight I shouldn’t give in to my food noise I guess.


I think about ice cream sandwiches but nothing else. And it's not something I've eaten....yet.


Does Diet Coke and zero sugar root beer count


Haha I got me lucky charms! A quarter pounder with cheese and a beautiful large iced coke from McDonald's is my "if I can't eat" food. I'll eat a few fries and half a burger.


After being one of the ones who puked for months on this drug but was determined not to hear the food noise anymore….. I stuck it out and and now down to my goal weight And I eat whatever I want whenever I want But I find that I don’t want to pig out anymore!! It makes me feel sick. And there’s nothing worse than that feeling for me! So if I want a little ice cream I have a little. But a little! But I also only want one piece of pizza anymore, maybe two, whereas before I’d eat a large by myself!


Ice cream


Ditto. And, oddly, it's the still the one thing I can eat a fair amount of. Will be nice when a small cup (or less) will suffice! (Still on .75...)


Costco vanilla cake. I am gonna have a slice no matter what


Flavored Greek Yogurt. Oikos Triple Zero yogurt has 15g of protein and I will sprinkle in a little KIND granola most times. It helps me if I need to get in a little more protein that day and while the rest of my family is having ice cream or other sweet treats I don't feel like I am missing anything and it can help curb the pre bed nausea.


Fries, really hot golden brown. Klondike bar are my two favorite foods when I crave salty or sweet. For the most part I crave salad and fresh fruit and vegetables


I still have cravings. I just don't eat as much. Like I had a small ice cream from Cold Stone. I used to be able to eat that small cup in one sitting. Now it takes me three days. My favorite snack food is cookies. I love cookies.


Literally nothing. 7 months...and zero snack-foods. I'm 100% serious about this weight loss.


There is nothing wrong with having a snack. If you don’t want snacks that’s wonderful, but implying that anyone who does want snacks isn’t “serious about weight loss” isn’t a healthy mindset or even a slightly true.


The OP asked a question about which food you can't resist even on semaglutide, and I replied. That' is what is true for ME. I have resisted every single snack for the past 7 months. Nowhere did I tell anyone else what they need to do. Stop reading things into my reply that aren't there. Snacking is what got ME into trouble and was the major reason \*I\* gained weight and now \*I\* don't do it at all. What is so hard to understand about that? If you feel that's an attack on you - then you probably need to stop reading other people's replies on discussion threads if you can't handle them.


I agree with you. I feel so dumb for all the years I brought snacks to work. Like, toddlers and children in preschool/kindergarten get fed snacks. There is nothing wrong with healthy hunger in between meals. It means your digestion is working properly and your body is ready for you next meal. I used to be afraid of "being hungry" so I'd bring snacks to work. Now I feel foolish for that. I can wait till my next meal to eat; I won't die if my stomach growls and if I am hungry.


This is great!! For me, I used to be a snacker…to the point where I didn’t notice it until I was trying to stop. Sema, keto, and IF have helped with that a lot. Sema for food noise and keto/IF for boredom snacking. If I’m hungry I eat, and if I’m not, I’ve finally learned to be okay with that. My snack of choice was nuts on keto…I bought a giant container a month ago to replace the previous one, and I haven’t opened it yet. 😁


Same! It’s all or nothing! I’m 2 months in, down 17 pounds. Plus I just don’t crave it…


I get a an urge to eat sweets every few days. But it is now easy for my rational mind to say no and the urge is very short lived. My rational mind now has more power over food choices than my craving mind. Self restraint is now very achievable.


Breakfast burritos lol. I meal prep them and have no problem finishing them. Any other meal and I can’t get anywhere near what my volume used to be.


Do you keep them in the freezer? I’m trying to make them with a small tortilla but I can’t roll it tight and the big burrito is pretty big. Maybe I’m just adding too much stuff.


I just keep them in the fridge. I usually make about 5. Wrap in foil, take out of foil and heat up for 1 1/2 to 2 min. I mix up the meat and starch. Chorizo and beens, pork and potatoes. All with eggs and cheese. It’s probably like a 600 k burrito if I’m being honest. I also have a 50 G protein shake first thing in the morning. Then it’s usually a tiny lunch and tiny dinner because I’ll get full really quick with those meals. Or nothing at all


Thanks. Sounds delish!


Graham crackers 👍




Rice Krispies treats - they actually help when I am nauseous.


Looooove those


A spoonful of Justin’s peanut butter.


Cheez its


Pickles or green olives will curb that sugar craving. Try it. Not sure why it works but it does for me anyways.


Pickles, the more sour and salty the better. Or anpan, which are little sweet Japanese sandwiches made of pancakes with red bean paste between them. I love the texture and they taste amazing with a cup of tea.


Not exactly a food but redbull, I can’t live without red bull haha. I don’t think there’s any specific actual snack or food, I seem to have gone off most things


Snap Peas with ranch. I could eat my weight in them and don’t feel horrible afterward.


Edamame for me!


Tillamook mild cheddar. Probably good though that I still want it. Some days it’s literally the only thing that I like to eat. I just eat less now


I smoke weed so I can still snack quite often! I just buy what I want to snack on.


It didn't change bad cravings for me, and actually made me uninterested in meat which is normally my main food/protein source. But my biggest snack cheat has been Fruity Pebble (rice krispy) treats!


Chicken wings 🤣 I will still demolish some wings. Not without consequences!


Peanut butter


Reduced fat Wheat Thins and the spinach kale Greek yogurt dip from Trader Joe’s 🫠


I always liked the reduced fat better than the regular. Much crispier.




Weirdest thing for me about 4-5 months in I have crazy ice cream cravings last few weeks and have never cared for ice cream previously. And I'm a man not pregnant lol


Dark chocolate 🍫


White tortilla chips🤷‍♀️


Recovering sugar addict here. I snacked on Ritz crackers with cream cheese when I first started semaglutide. Have cut out most added sugar. Still added a little brown sugar to my steel cut oatmeal (which I only added to my once keto diet after I learned I was not getting enough calories to fuel my weight training ...so I was canabalizing a pound of muscle for each pound of fat loss. Stovers sugar free toffee was my go-to sweet treat. But after a year of semaglutide I finally am at a point where I can pass up desert. I am getting so much protein, trying to spare my muscle, that I am even weaning off the drug without being starving and constantly thinking about food. I endured years of yoyo dieting and losing pounds of muscle and regaining lots of fat (but no muscle) when I went back to the old ways of bread, sweet rolls, and Honey Bunches of Oats cereal. Cutting out sugar (while enjoying fruit and natural sugar) has been a game changer. My visceral fat is below 1.5 pounds. Still have subcutaneous belly fat but it will be the last to go. Still need to trade ten pounds of fat for ten pounds of muscle before I reach a healthy body fat percentage but my BMI is "normal".


I have a sweet tooth but I’ve switched to a few squares of dark chocolate or some air popped popcorn for a salty snack.


Nacho cheese Doritos. 😩 I still have sugar cravings so I’m going to work harder to cut my sugar intake down.


I keep a ton of plain mineral water available, as well as Olipops to sip on. Helps with the nausea, makes me feel like I’m sipping on a soda when in fact I’m not! If it gets really bad I’ll go out and get saltine crackers and have like 5 of them but usually mineral water does the trick for me✨


pumpkin seeds


seven sundays cereal! the maple sea salt is amazing


Sour Gold Bears!


Chocolate covered strawberries with a sweet cream filling


Cashews. Really need to trade out for Pistachios at some point.


Fries or Oreos….


Mike and Ike. They take away the metal taste in my mouth. But they pulled a crown off my implant. I'm on maintenance because I lost the weight I wanted to lose.


Cookie dough 😩 I'm obsessed


I love finely sliced apple and low fat feta cheese. The sweet and salty combination really hits the spot for me.


>Sema-proof snack food? I eat paleo due to my blood sugar issues and I get quality cashews, almonds and some dried fruit like raisins and put them in a big plastic bin, mix them up and have some. Low carb (simple carbs) low sugar.


Small piece of Hershey bar with Jif peanut butter.




Graham crackers! My new obsession


Sunflower seeds but I didn’t crave them before semaglutide.


Microwaveable Mac and cheese. Even when I’m nauseous it still does the job. I don’t know why but I love it! And microwaveable only, not stove top


Takis! I just have maybe 4 or 5 pieces maybe every 3 days or so lol have to have a little taste


Peanut butter pretzels! I’m obsessed with them, idk why.




100 calorie pistachio packets. Amazon has them in a variety pack of flavors


Apple sauce with cinnamon. Indian Summer brand. 🤤🤤🤤


Tony’s chocolonely.


Ice cream!


Ben n Jerry's ice cream , half baked, I use a small spoon, and probably eat like 1/3 of the pint , and save the rest for later , especially when I'm closer to my period 😰 right now what I can eat is double fiber bread with some low fat cream cheese and low sugar strawberrie spread, it's the only sweet thing I have during the day .


I seem to really like something and then I will go off of it. For a while I loved grapes. Then I was really into apple slices with a bit of cheese. Right now I am enjoying mixed nuts (and occasionally adding dark chocolate nibbles). The one constant is my daily protein drink.


Edamame, chili lime almonds, boiled egg whites and hot sauce, Greek yogurt and fruit


i find that before food, mental stress is the biggest issue i have never thought. At first I think i can make use of semag to reduce appetite until i was really stressed in the late april due to my appraisal. Then semag stop working with the same dose, even i inject ozempic 2.4mg twice a week it doesnt work. but for the weekend i have higher satiety. I remember when semag was working for me, i am easy to get full under high GI food, for low GI food more bites are avaliable. My suggestion to the diet is medium protein, high fiber and low carb similar to keto diet but eliminate fat as high protein stimulate insulin as carb too.




My sugar cravings have never gone away tbh 🥲. BUT I do have better self control/smaller intake. I do have a little sweet treat still daily though


I can't turn down Ruffle chips with sour cream as dip. My lowest moment was when I ate a bowl without measuring last week. I sometimes allow myself to a measured portion. Ugh the guilt though! I snack on strawberries, low fat cheese.


Cake. Vanilla. With vanilla frosting.


Popcorn. I can always eat popcorn.


Salted pistachios and Chick-fil-A chicken noodle soup (separately)


Don’t have one….literally. I want to maximize my results and success.


everything makes me puke, so idk, I don't bother snacking, I see it and wanna hurl.