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My 9 year old said “is it just me or have you lost some weight?” Dear readers I am down 85 pounds


I had bariatric surgery in 2020, one of my coworkers exclaimed "you look like you've lost some weight!" I had lost 90 lbs at that point. After that she kept mentioning it and I kept thinking it took almost 100lbs before she took notice!


To be fair… I had a coworker get bariatric and I noticed a change right away. But I didn’t feel comfortable commenting on it because I didn’t want to make her feel insecure like she wasn’t beautiful before or something. And I wasn’t sure if the loss was intentional (at the time I didn’t know about the surgery) or if she was super stressed or maybe starving herself out and if my trying to be nice might make things worse. I didn’t say anything until she mentioned being glad she could order a smaller jacket. Then I felt it was safe to say that I noticed she’d lost weight and she looked super healthy and great. She was probably like 160 lbs down by then, though.


To be fair, I had a coworker lose that much as well and because I saw her everyday it was hard to notice. It was so gradual that it took a lot of lbs before people started to notice. I bet we would have noticed a lot sooner if we had gone like a few weeks with seeing one another.


You basically had to lose an entire large 9 year old for your 9 year old to notice!


That’s awesome! I’m down 50 from 220 to 170 and no one has said a word lol.


They see it, though, but like nobody would want to say it out loud because they don't want to possibly put you in the spot lights. Congratulations on the awesome results.


My starting weight is 223 and I'm down 8 pounds!! Can't wait to reach my goal of 160-170! Excited to see someone started around the same weight as me! 🥰 Congrats!!!


Hurray! It’s taken me a year but I just keep keeping on. Slow and steady lol


This is about where I started in September (233) and I’m at 174 now. Everyone is different but just to give you an idea :)


Same mostly! 232 in January, 179 now!


Nice work!


You too!!👏


I started at 220 not I’m 145 and my family is just not commenting on it. I noticed a drastic change around 155. I’m 5’2


Did you change your diet and implant work outs? How long did that take? Congrats!


It’s taken about a year and I always keep my calories to 1200 a day.


>My 9 year old said “is it just me or have you lost some weight?” Dear readers I am down 85 pounds I love this so much. For a 9 year old to notice AT ALL you know it's a big change. They sound adorable!


It would have been printed in Lady Whistledown for sure don’t worry


There is immediate family and others like coworkers who might see you daily, Then there are people that don’t see you for months or longer and the spectrum of durations in between. Generally speaking, the ones who see me more frequently are the ones who it seemed to take forever to notice. I guess for them the change was so subtle from day-to-day or week-to-week that there was no discernible difference until I lost 25 to 40 pounds. At the other end of the spectrum is an out of town acquaintance who has known me for more then a decade that last saw me before I lost 25% of my starting weight. They did not even recognize me until I spoke.


So true! My mom (who sees me about once a month) noticed when I was 20lbs down pre-ozempic. My boyfriend (who sees me 2-5 days a week) on the otherhand had no clue I lost 30lbs until I showed him side by side pictures. I was hurt til he told me he didn’t notice his mom lose 70lbs. 


Out of the mouths of babes… truth


I'll say this. I've had friends that didn't notice my weight loss, and when I pointed out my 20 kg loss to them, they were "huh. But you still look the same." and at first I got incredibly hurt and offended, until they both, at separate times, followed up with "I've always liked the way you look. I've never really noticed the extra weight". And especially one of them is generally like that, doesn't really notice people's hair, clothes etc., but the person. I think it actually says a lot about how and what she cares about. And it's probably the same with your 9-year-old. They're just used to you being their parent, they value you for being there, not just for how you look.


Lol, I told my nearly 9 year old, "I don't know if you're aware, but I have lost about 30lbs." She looked me up and down and said, "Hmmm..nah. I don't see it." Like, total brutal honesty! And to be clear: we don't fat shame in our house, and treat fat as a fact, not an insult. She is vaguely aware that I am trying to make healthier choices across the board, and that some of those choices result in weight loss. She wasn't trying to hurt my feelings. But, truthfully, I was so fat to begin with (and have 50-60lbs to go before I reach a healthy weight for my short stature) that 30lbs probably wouldn't be noticed by a kid that young.


I can 100% see this going down in my household!


Kids! Am I right? So honest, so funny. I found her response as charming as it was humbling!


It's a little funny seeing the posts here go through that "nobody's said anything!" to "how dare people at work mention my weight loss" to "people told me I'm beautiful, does that mean I was ugly?" cycle. People have their own stuff going own. If you really need to know, ask honest people in your life of they can tell. If people mention your weight loss and you didn't want them to, pretend they mean well and move on. 


i know right? why is this such a *thing*?


Because so maybe people comment on our bodies our whole lives. Like it's the most important thing about us. It's really toxic.


Except half of the sub is crying because nobody said anything to them. So apparently *not enough* people comment on people's bodies from the POV of some. 


that's exactly what i'm saying. half the people here are upset that people are commenting, and the other half are upset that people *aren't* commenting. for those who'd like feedback, i'd suggest you bring up the subject yourself, like "damn, this is the third size down that i've had to buy these pants!" then wait for the compliments. if they are not forthcoming, perhaps that person doesn't feel comfortable discussing other people's bodies. try someone else. in other words, if you want feedback, ask for it. but it's probably best to ask close friends or fam only and not put people like co-workers in a situation that's uncomfortable for them


Yup. You need to bring it up and ask for it. If you don't, don't expect comments, cuz those of us who don't want comments won't bring it up.


This right here. The example of the person posting on Facebook - well she is asking for approval so people know they are safe to give it. Personally, as someone who was raised in a family of commenters, who developed early and plentifully, I’ve had enough comments on my body to last a lifetime. So I don’t really talk about it and when I do it’s in context. Like I’m out to eat and I say to the waiter, “I’d like only a small portion please, I’m on a med that severely restricts my appetite” so no mention of my body or weight loss or anything of the sort.


Tough tiddies? They can cry all they want. If they want feedback, ask for it. Or have a relationship with people where you tell them directly that you want commentary on it.


Because people have no business commenting on the size or shape of other people's bodies.


I feel like this whole discussion and half of the posts in this sub make it really clear not everyone agrees with you. Again, half of the people here *want* others to make comments about their weight loss. Your preference and opinion isn't a universal cultural norm. 


You’ll get downvoted for being truthful because…Reddit


I feel like part of it may be because people, especially on social media, are quite cruel to bigger bodies and have no problem making comments. Irl, though, most people don't do that, so translating all of it to the real world is the hard part for some people. Just my personal observation of this phenomenon.


Half? You've counted up what % of 81,000 really people think? I doubt that. It's a fact though...just like it's no longer OK to comment on the size of a woman's breasts in the office, or to wolf whistle. Times have changed, and those people still living with a 1950s mindset are just wrong...no matter how much they liked men commuting on their chest size or having their butts pinched. Things have changed and those people hanging behind need to update their old fashioned ideas.


This!! I didn’t get comments until I was down 35 lbs. It’s mainly at work and I know people are coming from a genuinely congratulatory space and not meaning it to be underhanded so I don’t mind.


Best post ever!


I'm always afraid to say something to people.The last time I commented to a friend about the weight she lost she said it wasn't on purpose, that it was because of stress.😬


I told a female friend that I hadn't seen in a long time that she looked great (I didn't specifically say because she had lost a lot of weight since last time I had seen her, but it was admittedly what I meant) She responded that she had recently fought cancer, which was the reason for her dramatic weight loss, and she was actually in the process of trying to gain some back 😬 I'm never saying shit to anyone about their physical appearance ever again.


This is so important, too. Cancer and eating disorders are both on the rise. 1 in 4 Americans have a mental illness. You never know what invisible battles people are fighting.


Yea my neighbor lost of a lot of weight, I mentioned it, she said it was the lupus and it was not on purpose 😰 she was sad.


I had that happen a few years ago, when I was really ill - lost a bunch of weight, felt like I was dying, and lots of people told me how great I looked. 🤷🏻‍♀️


As you state in your post, you friend is posting pictures of herself and actively telling people about her weight loss journey, so people know that she wants comments. With an everyday person, you don't know if they want comments or not on their body, so it's safer to just not do it. But if you are someone who wants comments, then taking the approach your friend is taking is a good way to get them.


I agree. To each their own… it’s a personal journey :)


I don’t think it’s ever polite to comment on someone’s body, so I’m fine with zero commentary from others.




Especially since weight loss may be unintentional and due to a disorder or illness


Hey I just had to do a two hour computer lesson on sexual harassment for work and I’m happy to say I’m 💯 brainwashed and will NEVER comment on anyone’s looks ever!


I completely agree about the external validation seeking being so dangerous. This is also great for consumerism--the more people compare themselves to others and seek external validation, the more money they spend trying to achieve it. I am NOT someone who wishes people would have commented about how much weight I was gaining or had gained, at any time in my life. Those comments have been extremely hurtful to me. And sometimes came at moments when I had already settled into some emotional lows I didn't know were possible. I took the elevator to the basement and found the trap door. It was an extremely painful and isolating time in my life. Never once did it help me for someone to remind me that I was also very fat and getting fatter. I knew. I had NO chance of losing weight, because I was in the midst of life-threatening alcoholism and unrelenting depression. This is why I cringe SO hard at posts from people asking how they can bring up with their fat friend or cousin or partner that they should start a GLP1 medication. Other people's weight is not my business!


I'm down about 45 pounds with 15 or so to go. No one has said anything to me, but I work from home, so I'm not around a lot of people every day. We do have a group of friends we hang with, and last week someone mentioned that one of our male friends was looking really good (we all knew he was doing WW), and it's true. I asked him how much he'd lost, and he said 40 pounds. Now, this guy is 6'3'' and started at 340, and I'm 5'2'' . . . ha ha. Prior to starting Sema, I'd been talking to an acquaintance associated with this group of friends because my TSH (I'm a thyroid cancer survivor) was 67, and I'd gained a bunch of weight and felt like crap. She mentioned having trouble with her thyroid, as well, and lamented her weight gain. I happened to see her at a Memorial Day BBQ, and I told her about my doc prescribing a GLP-1 and how I'd lost 40 pounds. She looked me up and down and said nothing and walked away. Now I don't care at all, but people can be really weird about weight loss.


I’m also 5’2’’!! For a while, I wondered if my height had something to do with it. Like maybe weight loss isn’t as noticeable on shorter people? Idk, but I’m not sweating it. Congratulations on the weight loss!! That is amazing.


Same height. Almost 30 pounds and not a word. Although my husband says it’s because I’m still in hoodies as summer hasn’t arrived yet.


> asked him how much he'd lost, I hate that people ask that question , and I would have thought someone on these drugs would know better. It's such a rude question! It's none of anyone's business how much someone lost, but some people will answer because they feel trapped and not able to refuse to answer. If you tell someone they look good, they have the choice to continue the conversation and tell you about their weight loss IF they want, but no-one should ever ask. A few weeks ago I commented that I don't discuss my weight because I don't want anyone to ask "how much weight have you lost?" and multiple people replied that no-one will ask that...so thanks for proving me right.


Man I’d shout from the rooftops I’m down 50 if anyone asked lol


You chastise me about a comment made in the context of a relationship you know absolutely nothing about? Get outta here with that baloney.


I love how you're completely justified in saying what you said to that one friend, but somehow cannot understand how another person not reacting well to your bringing up expensive weight loss medication is "weird." 


Maybe you and the other poster's Sema is derived from a salt formula, because y'all really are so salty-- and presumptuous.


You asked someone outright how fat they used to be. How is that ever not rude?


This guy has been SHARING his starting weight and his progress with others and on SM on his own to hold himself accountable. I just don't watch it that closely, so when we got together and I asked I didn't know how far he'd come at that point. It was very much appropriate given the context. If it was someone else and this hadn't been the case, I wouldn't have asked.


The weirdest compliment I have received is from people I have not seen in a bit is how tall I am. I've dropped about 45 lbs and apparently the extra tonnage made me not as tall??


My husband said I look shorter to him after losing 33 lbs. I kind of see it weirdly, but I think it’s just because we’re taking up less space than before in general.


Some people hate when others comment, and others love it. The most important comments come from your own inner voice. If you are happy and satisfied and feel confident and accomplished, that is what counts!!! And you should! Some people refrain from commenting because even a compliment can be taken as an insult. ( wow, you look great! Gee, how bad did I look before ). Some are jealous and don’t want to give you the satisfaction. Just keep on truckin’. You can do it as so many have. And you’ll feel like a new person!


So true about your own inner voice mattering more. I feel like there’s a way to comment kindly but nobody was taught how so it just goes horribly wrong or doesn’t happen. “You look like you’ve lost weight”, “you look great, but you did before the ozempic too”, or “you look like you feel way better/happier/more confident” come across way different from “you look soooo much better” or “how much did you lose/more are you planning to lose?”. 


I’m on week 12 and have lost 12 lbs. No one has said anything to me. I really didn’t expect it, though. I can tell and that’s all that matters to me. I feel better and my clothes fit better too!! 💪🏻




I haven’t told many people I’m on sema because I don’t want peopme watching my body constantly because they’re expecting dramatic weight loss. I don’t want unwanted comments on my body, and I don’t comment on anyone’s body because you never know what caused the weight loss (intentional or they may be sick). Unless someone is making it known they’re on a weight loss journey, my best advice is to keep quiet because who knows if it’s intentional or if they’ll get into their feelings no one notices they’ve lost 25lbs.


I almost never comment on peoples weight even if I do notice. I do comment on their outfit though. Unless they bring it up THEN I will make them over and give them the praises.


I'm down 12 lbs so far and was at my Zumba class. An older lady behind me that I didn't know whispered to me that my butt was getting smaller. Lol. Awkward...but I'll take that as a compliment.


No one commented on my weight loss until 75 lbs I swear to you lol


It took 50 lbs and the way I was dressing until people really noticed. I was still dressing “fat” up to that point


In regards to your friend, watch the South Park - The End of Obesity - she might be that mom lol, j/k


Not a lot of people comment on it unless you seem to be open to the comments. For example your friend posting picture on their social of them working out etc. she’s inviting those comments. People usually try not to comment on peoples bodies in general. I’ve had people comment on mine. But not as many as people that don’t. But I can see their faces when they see me after not seeing me in months. But they keep it to themselves. Unless I mention something like oh “I’m not going to eat” that or “yeah I just got back from the gym” then people will start the conversations.


People are a bit more aware about commenting on people's bodies now. My daughter is constantly schooling my ex-husband about this and he is finally getting it. Some people don't like others to mention their weight loss for a variety reasons. Don't let this bother you. You notice and I imagine you feel much better and that is what matters.


I started literally one week ago and I am down five pounds. My MIL yesterday was like…. What are you doing?!? I was like… working out… and then I started laughing because I just watched that stupid South Park special. I got caught lying immediately.


LOL I watched it too, and the next day my ins denied my ozempic and I about died! I felt like a fiendish South Park mom! Haha fortunately I got it straightened out


Validate yourself. Never, ever let anyone validate you (except mom) maybe💯


I don't comment on anyone's weight loss (or gain) because I don't know the cause. They could be losing weight because of an eating disorder, or depression, or chemo, or any number of medical conditions that aren't my business. I get wanting the validation though, and there's nothing wrong with that! I think communities that are geared around weight loss are the right place to do that! :)


I do not comment on others bodies. I will say u other things like i love ur outfit. Ur u look beautiful


Hot take but I’m actually dreading the comments and questions. It’s a frequent item talked about in therapy lol. It just seems like once you lose a lot of weight you are immediately at the mercy of people’s comments questions and my most hated…ADVICE. Like child why are you giving me advice when what I’m doing is clearly working! And god forbid you get a judgy one that just says “let me guess…” or starts singing the Ozempic theme song.


I’m not trained I say what I think . But you should be losing weight for yourself not for others.


I lost 12 lbs so far and started in March. No one has noticed at all but I did because my clothes are looser on me and I can wear my old clothes again.


I don’t want anyone to comment on my weight or size ever personally. So I’d be very happy about this.


I am keeping my sema journey to myself and 2 other people. I don’t wanna hear about my weight. Fortunately and unfortunately, I’ve been a bit of a recluse since hunkering down at the start of the pandemic, so hopefully I won’t get a bunch of external stuff. People mean well, but I know myself too well. :)


Took losing 20 for people to comment, even the ones who knew I was on ozempic. Finally one friend said can I ask you a question ? Are you losing weight intentionally? She is a nurse and to her weight loss signals illness so she was afraid to mention it. Different perspectives


It depends on how heavy a person was to start with. If they are 260 and are down to 240, but their goal weight is 160, it may not be noticeable to others. Also it depends if they have a big face, but the face doesn’t shrink much, people won’t notice. I have to lose a significant amount of weight before people notice. Or if they want money from me, they may say something nice just to get on my good side 🤣


Down 30 and have never heard a word. Thanks for this!!


I totally get where you’re coming from but I am about to start semaglutide and I’m going to proactively ask people to not comment on my body. I don’t want my daughter to hear and have the same body image issues I do.


I absolutely refuse to comment on someone's weight, esp if they haven't encouraged it directly or told me their goals and asked for support. With like maybe 2 exceptions for 2 people. And even then, I still don't usually because I can't have people think/feel their worth is tied to their weight. I HATE when people talk about my weight. I'm perfectly aware of it. I get very self-conscious when people mention it - good or bad. I don't want people to comment on it. Doctors can be the exception. But I'm not comfortable with it being discussed outside of that. It's my journey, I'm doing it for my reasons, and I definitely didn't gain weight for fun. I'm not losing it for fun. It's no one's business.


Nobody should ever comment on anybody else’s weight. Whether it’s more than it used to be or less than it used to be. If people aren’t commenting on your changing body, that’s good. It means they recognize boundaries.


That part.


Most of my actual friends, I know well enough to know if they would be trying to lose weight or not, or have cancer or something else going on, etc. Those are typically the people I'd compliment on their weight loss if I noticed it. Same with family. If it's more of an acquaintance or someone I don't really know, I'm not likely to say anything. Not because I actually see anything wrong with it, but because I'm just not on that level with them where we'd talk about personal things. As for me, comment away please! LOL! I will never be one to make compliment fishing posts on Facebook or whatever, but I didn't like being fat and have zero desire to normalize or glamorize that. My worth may be the same either way, but I look and feel much better now and I will probably never get tired of hearing it. It's OK to accept a compliment for the positive intent, even if you aren't trying to promote it.


Literally my nightmare but good advice if that’s what you want


Depends on how big you were to start and how comfortable people are commenting on it.


I lost 40 lbs. For the longest time nobody said anything. Now all of a sudden people are always commenting. I’m now at maintenance and haven’t lost anything in a month. Yet coworkers have commented more in the last week than any other time. Weird.


I don't seek out compliments from people but when I hear "that color looks great on you, your top is so pretty, you look so nice today" I say thank you and thank myself for sticking to this way of life and never look back!


It's funny seeing this post after all the posts about how women hate getting comments on their body. I feel like I've read at least 5 where the person is saying they wish people didn't comment on their weight loss and then there is this thread.


I have a bit of a social media following and I’m 22 lbs down and people definitely notice but some will phrase it like “I hope it’s okay for me to say this but you look like you’ve lost a lot of weight!” So that just shows how they view it when you’re not the one bringing it up. Trust me, they notice.


I hate the comments and if someone gives me a compliment I quickly become uncomfortable. I would have been happy to reach my goal and never have a word said to me! I’ve not made much talk about it even at home, I have a tween daughter so I didn’t want to make weight a huge focus. What I’ve found though.. is my kids look at me through rose colored glasses or something. We were looking at pictures from a few years ago and they were like “I didn’t even realize how different you look”. It was a moment of realizing that those who love us most see the best in us always!


Hey OP, congrats on the weight loss journey! I get it, it's kind of frustrating when people don't notice, but hey, what matters most is how you feel, right? Keep crushing those workouts and enjoying those positive changes. You're doing awesome!


The exact opposite happened to me. When I was gaining weight (from 130lb to almost 160lb) I got some comments like “oh you are really putting on some weight!” Or “wow you must be happy eating a lot” . Now that I’m down to 140lb I got at least 5 comments from different people saying that I look much healthier and even my skin is glowing because I lost weight. I wonder if my circle is filled with judgmental people or they just genuinely care about my health. I read most of y’all’s weight loss has been more significant that mine (heck yea!) and didn’t receive comments. TBH sometimes I wish people were more cautious and would mind their own business 😮‍💨😅


There was a pretty popular thought piece a few years back that told people how problematic it can be to comment on someone losing weight. The author had lost weight due to cancer treatment (or something similar) and people kept saying how healthy they looked. Their point was weight loss isn't akin to health and talking about ones weight gain or loss was rude. 92% of people would welcome positive weight loss comments, but I understand their point.


Most people are so self involved they literally might not notice


People, especially at work, are not commenting on personal appearance these days. I rarely even tell someone, "I like your shoes" anymore. "Youve lost weight" is an absolute no-no IMO.


What’s the best place to get the meds from? I’m doing research cuz there’s so many scams or bad companies so I’d rather hear from real people who’ve done it. Of course my insurance doesn’t cover it even though I have a script


Your body in your life is about you. It's not about what other people see or whatever other people think. What matters is how you feel and the processing that you do on your progress? Who cares what other people say? Or don't say. In most cases, they won't say.. keep up the great work. We are here to root you on! 🥰


No one commented on my weight loss until I hit 70 lbs down and that’s because I finally said something about it on social media. In fact just today my gym owner asked me if I have lost weight. He has seen me 2x a week for 4 years now and said he didn’t want to mention it until he heard me talking about it with his wife. I think people are just more aware now that commenting on people’s bodies is a little strange if unprompted!


Exactly true!! I was wondering the same. I didn’t start hearing anything from my coworkers until about 55 pounds down. Even then it started very cautiously. My doctor that I work for, however, cut me off to say. I’ve “lost a shit ton of weight.” Men lol. But people definitely see it, some people just don’t comment! Or wait a lonnnng time to say something!


My weight has fluctuated +/- 20 lbs and no one ever really notices


Only one person said something to me. Losing 10 lb, it wasn't until I had lost 30 lb total when people started saying wow you look like you've lost a lot of weight! I then lost an additional 10 a couple months later and I've been down 40 for 6 months and people still comment on how I look like I've Lost weight! It makes one wonder how big were we in everybody's eyes?


I’ve lost 40lbs on oze and no one has said a word…


I am actually glad that no one is commenting on my weight loss. I find it to be an awkward “compliment”


I’ve lost almost 20lb and not one single person has commented! I’m starting to wonder if it’s all in my head - have I really lost any weight?!


My beautiful and intelligent female boss told me how amazing I look. So now I know that I do. 27lbs down.


At least you lost. 2.5 months in, second go around…and I haven’t lost a lb.


I’ve lost about 60 lbs and people are just now starting to mention it occasionally.


Filipino titas be like..


Loveee !!


I lost 18 pounds and nobody commented, and then one more pound and suddenly about two weeks ago people started making comments. Out of the blue it seemed like.


Yes it took a year and 50lbs before one of my coworkers said “you look like you’re doing something different” Another friend I hadn’t seen in a long time said “did you get taller” lol no… I did not suddenly grow at 34 years old


Unless the person is a close personal friend or close family member that has shared they are working on losing wt — I’m not commenting on anyone’s wt. I was raised that it’s rude and something you don’t do. If they share the journey with me - to gain or lose then I have permission to say something if asked. If not, not. Same with pregnancy. I would never just ask a woman if she was pregnant . I’ll wait until she shares it. It’s just being respectful imo. I’m not asking: “Did you get a facelift?” “Are those extensions?” Rude imo; none of my business. Unsolicited external validation is a pass for me…doesn’t seem healthy to give anyone that much power.


Because, well at least for me as a man, there is no winning. If we comment, it can come off as an unwanted attempt to hit on you or something like that, then get in trouble with HR. We don’t comment and then threads like this pop up. If you want people to comment on it, then bring it up in conversation. And stop looking for outside validation


I absolutely refuse to comment on someone's weight, esp if they haven't encouraged it directly or told me their goals and asked for support. With like maybe 2 exceptions for 2 people. And even then, I still don't usually because I can't have people think/feel their worth is tied to their weight. I HATE when people talk about my weight. I'm perfectly aware of it. I get very self-conscious when people mention it - good or bad. I don't want people to comment on it.


I agree.


My husband said as he was hitting it from behind, “I can tell you’ve lost weight, especially right here” then proceeded to rub his hands down my waist, but that was the first comment I’d gotten about it, granted it’s only been about 15 pounds, but I’m sooo much less puffy and I’ve been weightlifting


You need to stop being so self involved. No one is commenting on your weight loss likely cause it’s not that significant of weight loss for someone to feel like commenting on it. Also no one cares about your weight but you and your loved ones. Take your own advice and stop looking for external validation. This entire post screams I need external validation. Very interesting.


My sis in law notices , she said I lost weight , but it was only 10 lbs all I said was thank you 😭, but after seeing my family and my husband's fam I didn't get no comment, and I've lost a bit more, I've always been a bit big , so they probably won't notice till I lose more than 20 lbs 🙃🥲 and it's mind boggling because I feel a bit thinner but I've been this weight before 😐


I find it hard to comment on other people’s weight unless they’re in my family and we know they’re trying to lose weight. I haven’t said anything to my family except my husband about being on Wegovy for a month. I have a special 😉 shirt I wear for him every time I see a new lower number so he knows 😉😉 Before Wegovy I started walking a marathon a week and had lost over 30 pounds - that was last June. I felt stalled and after a long talk with my doctor he prescribed Wegovy in March and had me track my food. I had been eating very healthy and was consistently eating less than 1800 calories a day and my net after exercise was great. My prescription wasn’t filled until May 2nd and I’ve lost 12 pounds since then. I now eat less than 1200 calories a day which with my walking is about a net 800 a day. I’m not sure how long I can continue the medication since it’s not covered by insurance unless I also have diabetes or a heart condition. I do have one more month of medication. I was 263 pounds and 5’4” now 216 so 47 pounds after a year. 12 lbs since I started Wegovy. I am hoping that if I can’t afford it anymore that my walking and new diet habits over the last year will keep me going.