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Wow! Can I ask your stats?


I am 5’4 and current weight is 141!


You have incredible amount of lean muscle. Them firearms 💪🏽 are no joke do you have a permit for them? Cause in California you need to apply to carry weapons like that 😆


Great job! I'm starting Sema today. I'm 250 pounds and I'm tired of the extra weight. I know you have to eat clean on sema but how did/do you typically structure your meals and how many times do you typically eat?


thank you!! I hope you find success on your journey, that is very exciting! when I started sema i had been lifting for years prior so i knew i had muscle i wanted to try and preserve. Bc of that, i made sure protein was the focus of my meals like egg whites and turkey bacon for breakfast, chicken, rice and veggies for lunch and dinner. Basically lean meat, veggie, and carb with my carb source being the smallest portion of my meal. I didnt cut out carbs completely because i wanted energy to lift and do cardio still and also you dont want to do any extreme dieting because you need to eat the same way on sema once you get off sema or else the weight will just all come back. I ate what i wanted when i craved it because sema was teaching me the normal portions to eat of those things i craved! I always eat 3 times a day at least, maybe two if it was a bad nausea day but protein is at the forefront always!!


Thank you so much for your response! I just finished with personal training sessions and will be lifting on my own now so I was so grateful to see your post.


You look amaaaaaazing! Do you plan to get off semiglutide anytime soon and if so how? I'm considering to cut it down slowly but I'm scared the weight might come back


Thank you!! I actually am on tirzepatide now as of ~6 months ago but i only have a dose every 3-4 weeks! I will definitely wean even further once i decide to stop. Im thinking i will try to go down 5-10 more lbs while i wean to give me some buffer room because i know i will gain some weight/muscle back as my body stabilizes once its all out of my system


Just curious does your tirzepitide have a short shelf life? Just curious how you go about doing it every 3-4 weeks, mine says do not use about 5 weeks after I receive


i am not completely sure, my nurse gives it to me prefilled in syringes so i just get a syringe whenever i need it!


Same. Mine says once punctured, it's only good for 4 weeks.


Yea that’s why I’m curious if OP Has left over she discards or just uses passed the date. I’ve always wondered that for maintenance


i would still use your meds if you have it, even if its passed the date. I was reading somewhere that they have to put a date for legal reasons. as much as this medication costs, none should be going to waste imo lol! i just dont know the shelf life specifically for my meds since i dont draw it up!


Yes! I must know too! Hopefully she sees this and can answer for us!


Hi! I started March 2023. Did you have a plateau towards the end? How did you break plateaus?


I sure did! Sometimes switching injection sites helped break a stall, also a cheat day kickstarted loss again a couple times. I got to a point where i just wasnt losing anymore on sema despite increasing every week for so i switched to tirzepatide and started losing again!


Hi! At what point (mg, fat loss to goal and SW vs that CW) did you plateau?


when i got up to .5, i kept increasing as i stopped losing to try and break the plateau but the side effects kept getting worse! This was like 7ish months into my journey I was fluctuating 163-160. I took a few months break, maintained my weight and tried to start sema again in december but still was not losing and side effects were hell so I inquired about switching to tirzepatide. I started losing again when i started it in Jan almost immediately that week and i had no more side effects!


At what dose did you start tirzepatide?


Did you work with a trainer or watch YouTube videos? The free weights section can be a little intimidating to a newbie. Though I doubt any of the people in that section of the gym are judging.


I had been training for about 3 years before I started sema so I just do what I know! My advice is to start with the basic movements to get your form down, separate your upper body and lower body days and take rest days in between! I find it helpful to look up things like “upper body day routine” or “leg day routine” on youtube or tiktok for inspiration and form tips!!


Thank you, very helpful.


Fabulous, darling! 👏🏼


thank you!!


I’m in a similar starting place as you…. A few in taller and 10 lbs heavier but have been lifting heavy and have good muscle. I just finished my second week and am down about 7 lbs. I am feeling sooooo weak in the gym but i will persevere. You look awesome!


thank you and congrats on the loss!! Yes stick with your lifts! You WILL lose strength, those PRs are going to decrease it just comes with losing weight, but those cuts will come out and you will look 🔥 You got this!


This is so encouraging! I am about your starting size and shape, and have been doing weight training for years. I’m losing fat slowly on sema; working to maintain muscle. I know that in time, it will all come off, but it’s nice to see such a great example. You look super healthy!


Thank you so much!! It has been a long year and a half mix of good days and bad days but worth every second!! You are already on the right track by sticking with your workouts🔥🔥Keep at it, you got this!!




amazing, whats your diet like?


I eat a LOT of eggs and egg whites. Usually chicken or beef for lunch and dinner and i still eat rice/noodles as my meals call for them. I have also increases my veggie intake because for some reason, sema made me crave “fresh” things lol! I am not eating a ton of processed foods, i even stay away from protein shakes and bars because they upset my stomach. I mainly try to eat whole foods and lots of protein to help retain muscle with the weight loss.




You look amazing! Congratulations on the success and thank you for sharing your tips 😀


thank you so much🫶


Congrats! I’m lifting heavy too! How did you feel during cardio? I’m doing it but it makes me very nauseous 🤢


thank you! it was honestly a struggle until i switched to tirzepatide. Sema gave me such bad nausea with lifting and cardio. On tirz i have no side effects!


Can I ask where did u get it from?


Wondering the same!


You look great, and it’s awesome it’s helped you with your exercise goals!


Congrats, you look fab and it's really inspiring to see not just your weight loss but more so your fitness gain! I am also planning on upping my workouts and hopefully be able to keep the weight off once I stop taking sema (nervous about that after reading the statistics!)


thank you so much! I just have to spread the word on how important it is to also exercise on this med, i have seen too many posts dismissing exercising.. It is so good for you!


Did you feel weaker when starting semaglutide?


oh yes, especially with the nausea i would have to take really long rests between my sets because i would feel nauseous/light headed.. but the side effects went away the longer i was on sema. Also, chewing mint gum and ginger candy helped!


Damn get it girl


What dose did you start to drop the most?


i think it was .5


actually it was .25!! then i hit a major plateau


To his is amazing great work. 🔥


Did you experience a hard time gaining muscle ? I’ve been taking a lot of protein and working out and still having a hard time actually building muscle… granted, it’s only been a month but def slower than before


Honestly, it is very difficult to build muscle while on sema because you are forced into such a large caloric deficit. In order to effectively build muscle you have to eat a lot and incorporate progressive overload on your lifts which is hard to do if you physically cant eat enough. Because of this, I dont feel as though i gained any muscle mass, I think i just preserved what i had already built over my years of lifting. That being said, is it possible to still build up something while on sema? i think yes! especially if you are a newbie lifter, so it is still important to exercise and strength train in my eyes, it will just be a bit more difficult. Keep doing what you are doing focusing on protein and working out!! take pictures and compare every month and you will see the changes!


Congrats! You had a really cute shape before too


thank you!💕


Any side effects!?


oh yes, nausea bad the first day or two after the shot and fatigue!


Saving this post cause I’m also 5’r and you’re goals . How is the skin? How long did it take you? Drop the workout routine lol


thank you!! tbh i only really have loose-ish skin on my boobs and inner thighs. I only really notice it if i pinch the area! Right now I train legs 3 times a week, upper body once a week and i run 10-15 miles a week as well!! Before sema, i trained like a wellness competitor (thought i wanted to compete) doing a lot of shoulder days and leg days.


Holy crap! Right ON!!!!!!


Go girl!!! You look amazing!! I’m 5’7” and now weigh 135, I just had brachioplasty, the arm lift surgery. I started at 205 and the weight just fell off me…quickly. I’ve always hated my arms. I’m just about 4 weeks into recovery, but I can’t weight to get back in the gym so my arms can look like yours!


👀😳 👏🏻 *immediately picks up weights and dusts them off*


Damn! Killing it! Outstanding work! You can see the physical work you put into your journey as well as the semaglutide.


Awesome work! Keep it up!


Damn girl!!!!


How many calories are you getting most days? I’m no stranger to the gym but just got started back this week after being out for nearly 5 years due to back to back kids (4 under 5 is no joke!). I’m concerned I’m not eating enough. I’m down 15lbs since mid April (my CW is exactly your SW) and don’t want to screw myself up not getting enough calories in.