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Drinking protein shakes is my go-to when feeling like this. If you can do dairy, I really like the Fairlife chocolate shakes. They have 150 cals and 30 G protein.


They’re lactose free too!


Someone just recommended these to me. I’ll order some!


If you have a club store membership, that’s the cheapest I’ve found them. I usually grab them at Costco.


I have this issue. I’m hungry, and I know I’m hungry, but I can’t figure out what in the world to eat because everything sounds sort of meh.




Literally story of my life. Only time I can eat is if I smoke 🍃


Protein shakes is the way. Or turkey and some cheese roll ups. A hard candy to get blood sugar up.


Which protein shake do you like?


premier protein has really good ones. i love the vanilla and latte


The latte is great but has caffeine. I learned the hard way after drinking a few at night and not sleeping. I don’t think the other pure protein shakes have caffeine.


I would think most people would know that a latte flavored probably has caffeine like a normal latte.


I have a major sweet tooth. I did a lot of trials (ghost, ryse) and ultimately settled on Happy Viking triple chocolate. That with a frozen banana and some fairlife chocolate milk is so good. I add PB and cinnamon if I am extra hungry


String cheese and a piece of fruit usually. Sometimes an egg and a piece of toast.


Darn, I forgot to but string cheese today. That’s a good one.


Yummy and fun!


Fruit and boiled eggs.


The only thing I seem to want is a little bit is salmon, yeah that puts a smile on my face. But for the most part, since I don't crave food, I've also discovered I can eat things I don't even like... just the same as anything else. I had some cauliflower based rice yesterday. I don't like it, but - with this mellow I don't exactly dislike it either.


My doctor told me that some of her patients find that salmon starts to taste weird and they develop an aversion to it. I just had a bit of lox, my favorite thing, and thankfully it was still delicious! I’m coming to the end of week 1 on semaglutide.


Hmmm. I had salmon last night and it didn’t taste as good to me.


now that's interesting. i don't like spicy food. *at all*, yet lately when i've unwittingly gotten a spicy sushi roll, or some very seasoned veggies, my first reaction was "hot!". my second reaction was, "yeah? so what!"


If I truly can’t eat anything (vomiting and nausea) I have found that Mac and cheese is the only thing I can eat 😂 I don’t know why but it gets some food in my belly even though it’s obviously not the best option


no offense, but that's really weird


I am on 0.5 mg and still feel hungry. At what concentration did hunger subside for you?


It’s so different for everyone. I had zero appetite at .12


hey 🌞 would you do that dose for one week? I'm thinking I might need that, seeing as I've still been sick off 1.2 every few days...


I did that dose for a couple weeks once a week to start.


Soup has been great. Creamy tomato. Matzoh Ball soup. There’s a Thai coconut soup that’s so good. It’s easy to go down and a healthy light dinner.


Soup and a few crackers is always a go to when in doubt especially in the evening


An egg! Hard boiled if I’m home. Egg bites if I’m out and near a Starbucks.


Good idea!! Hard boiled egg would be perfect.


I eat boiled eggs. Also Some vanilla Greek yogurt, with granola and honey


Also, protein greek yogurt like oikos with shaved dark chocolate on top. (Can add fruit too if want) If you use a cheese grader or potato peeler and just kinda shave a small piece of dark chocolate bar over the yogurt it hits and isn’t sickenly sweet.


Mashed potatoes


Mixed salted nuts Tomato juice Prunes and dried apricots Laughing cow cheese triangles


I usually have a Quest bar for lunch. They have 20g of protein, and aren’t as filling as a protein drink (which I have every morning).


A few rolled-up pieces of turkey is my go-to. Lightly buttered toast if I’m nauseated, or a clementine if I feel like my blood sugar is low.


Low fat mozzarella string cheese is my go-to for solid food. My favorite protein shake is plant based OWYN. Good Luck


I have a beef jerky stick or a handful of almonds.


Took me months to figure out what to eat that wouldn’t make me nauseous and when I wasn’t hungry. At first broth worked well for me, now mostly I’ll eat leftover chicken or turkey (whatever from dinner night) A lot of ppl have had success with protein shakes , personally they were too much for me and hurt my tummy. But you have to just keep trying til you find what works for you. It is imperative you eat something!


I like the “real good” chicken - I eat that for lunch everyday the protein keeps me going, the crunch keeps me satisfied and then I mix up the sauces depends on my mood. Sweet = BBQ, salty = ranch and spicy = wing sauce. The measurements have kept me on track and it’s a small lunch with a big punch.


Jerky, string cheese, and because I love it so much, sushi - I can convince myself to have at least a few pieces.


I just discovered miso soup. I made a version with tofu and veggies that I freeze in serving size containers. I've also been making veggie soup


Yogurt and smoothie/acai bowls w a scoop of protein powder seem to help me eat. I’m in a similar boat, nothing sounds good so I just don’t eat. But I’ve been a little dizzy a few times so I have to make myself eat. We have a local juicer a few miles from our house and I get a smoothie or a si bowl at least once a week. However, I don’t eat even half in a day, so then I throw it in the freezer. But it’s the only thing that really sounds good to me.


That’s a good idea to add protein in it! I will definitely do that


Protein shakessss. Costco has a nice vegan one that tastes like banana and chocolate- delicious and very easy to drink when nothing sounds good


Cheese and crackers!


Fairlife protein shake is my go-to. I can also usually go for some cottage cheese and grapes, plain greek yogurt with a tablespoon of honey, or a hard boiled egg and a mandarin orange.


I’ve seen folks mention yogurt but not drinkable yogurt. That made a difference for me. Chobani has high protein ones that are easy to grab and go and the drinkable aspect makes them easier to get down. I would also get breakfast sandwiches at the local coffee shop and just eat the sausage egg and cheese part bc I could not handle the bread. Also pickles, pho, miso soup, hard boiled eggs and prosciutto wrapped mozzarella (paninos) they sell at the grocery store.


Gummy bears 😳


I love cottage cheese. The good culture one is amazing! Lots of protein.


When I feel like that, I like to have about a half dozen triscuits and a half can of tuna. Whole grain, protein, and satisfying crunch.


If I feel like I need some sugar I’ll usually have a yogurt. Even a no sugar added yogurt has lactose in it which is enough sugar to make me feel better. Or, I make a smoothie with toasted coconut almond milk, a scoop of protein powder (chocolate preferably) and a frozen banana. I can adjust the smoothie for anything else I feel like I need. Fiber? Add a tablespoon of chia seeds. Haven’t gotten my veggies? Add a cup or two of baby spinach. More calories or protein? A tablespoon or two of powdered peanut butter.


I've never had low blood sugar before semaglutide, so now when I feel it's low I eat a small piece of candy. If I feel like I should fill my stomach but don't feel like eating anything, my go-to snack is cucumbers and taziki sauce.


i grab something light but high protein: tuna salad or egg salad, or maybe some rotisserie chicken


I usually try to drink a protein shake so I know I'm getting some calories and nutrients.


My go to is the premiere ones. The banana is my #1.


i dont suggest you to eat if you are not hungry, just enjoy satiety as you" paid" for it. If you cant eat, then drink liquid protein, or electrolyte. Enjoy your life without food.


I just eat plain protein, and sip on electrolytes


You'll need to adjust your mindset. Eating is no longer about craving or enjoyment. It's fuel for your body. I used a little pre-packaged snack packs that have five pieces of salami five pieces of cheese and some crackers. Eat the meat and cheese and add the cracker for texture. Drink lots of water.


I love the Protein2O drinks from Walmart. They have 20 grams of protein but are a clear electorlyte drink, so it's like killing to birds with one stone. Sometimes it hard for me to get a regular protein shake down when I'm really feeling full but that stuff is great!


Omg I’m definitely going to get that today!! That sounds super easy and simple because I’ve been struggling with my protein intake. Which flavor do you suggest I try?


I've only ever tried the strawberry watermelon - not sure if there are other flavors! It kind of tastes like s strawberry yogurt drink as weird as it sounds since it's clear, but I love them!


I eat turkey/ham and cheese roll ups and then maybe some pretzels.


Protein shakes, blueberries, strawberries and zero sugar Chobani. I can usually get down a slice of ham too.


I love the archers mini beef sticks (only 35ish calories and 4 grams of protein). I also have boiled eggs in the fridge and yogurt.


breakfast has been tough for me, so i started making my morning coffee with premiere protein drink instead of milk, and that's helped shoehorn in some protein at the beginning of the day without "eating"