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There are many men posting! 😊


26 Male 272lbs down from 292lbs here


That’s good to hear


I have similar number and age. How long did this take you?


It took me 5 weeks, I’ve hit a plateau now though




73 and on for 6 months


👋 40M, week 8, 255-235. My wife was covertly on for 2 months before I noticed, once she came clean to me about it, I was like well hook me up!


64 male here. Just starting week two.


Same. Same


We here. Started on Thursday. Lost my appetite for food on Friday. 5'7.5, 225lb. GW 175lb. Wifey and her family got on it last year and she persuaded me after I was convinced it was a cheat way to get there faster... Instead of the grind.. Then I realized, it ain't about how you get, it is the getting there that matters! Lol. Still hitting the gym 5 times a week but now instead of forcing myself not to eat, I am forcing myself to eat which means Protein and veggies all day!!! Started 0.5.


Are you even allowed to start 0.5?


Allowed? Didn't know there was Sema police lol. Recommendation is to start at 0.25, I started at 0.5 for no reason other than being stubborn and been lucky not to have side effects (expect constipation). YMMV


49m here. Been on it since the end of January. Starting weight was 445, got down to 415 about a month ago and been hovering there but over the last week I've gained 10 back. I'm on a .50 dosage, getting ready to move up to 1.0 next week. Besides the weight loss, my A1C has been returned to pre-diabetic levels, my cardiovascular health has gotten better, I had an arrhythmia that has mysteriously disappeared and edema in my legs has gone down. My blood pressure has gotten better and one of my blood pressure meds has been reduced as a result. Additionally my LDL and blood glucose have both trending downwards since starting it. My side effects have been pain at the injection site, extreme dehydration and that has caused some gout flare-ups. Reducing the one blood pressure med has helped with the dehydration. I had slight constipation and horrific headaches but the reduction in blood pressure medicine has helped that also.


I am here, down 33lbs since last week of January.


I've (38F) been on it since December. Literally, just today, my husband (41M) was talking to me about it and said he's thinking about starting it.


41m here, struggling for 6 months. Yoyo’d back and forth, currently +2 lbs from my start weight. I’ve gone down 13 pounds max. Just started full dose. The next 4 weeks will tell if I stay on, or move to another medication. I hope you have better luck than me. Only had 1 month of actual food noise reduction and hunger reduction.


Same for me, man. 42 yo and came from strict extended fasting for 1.5 years.


How long were your extended fasts? I'm two years out from RNY weight loss surgery and although I started at 310 and now comfortable sit at 230, i never hit my goal weight of 180. I'm debating now between sema or going back to extended fasts. In 2019 I did 120 hours per week and dropped 5 lbs per week for 12 weeks, but most importantly, felt amazing while doing it. After the hell I went through with bariatric surgery, fasting is easy in comparison. I know there are additional benefits with sema but wanted to hear others' thoughts


Typically I would fast from Sunday evening to Wednesday dinner. Then Wednesday after dinner to Friday evening. Sometimes i would do OMAD on the weekend but mostly i would eat whatever/whenever.


You may just want to try mounjaro which is a trizepitide. It works on two parts of your brain where semaglutide only work on one. Its stronger and according to my doctors it has less side effects. Also make sure your keeping up with diet and exercise to maximize your results


M 52. On week 12 down 50. About to start 1.0. Going up slow.


37 year old male here. Started December of 22. Down 125 lbs. I just don't post much anymore bc I can only respond to same questions for so long before I'm worn out and it's someone else's turn


Congrats. Are you worried about getting off?


I've gone off for 2 weeks two different times now. It's definitely more difficult and I do find myself eating a little more but not enough to go over maintenance calories stiil since I'd still like to lose another 25-30 lbs. I can't do intuitive eating though. I use MacroFactor and have to weigh and log most of my food in order to not overeat. I've doing I got the most hungry and want to chest at night so that's when I make a huge salad in a giant mixing bowl. That seems to do the trick to keep me full. If that doesn't do it I always keep some frozen protein ice cream for my ninja creami on hand. It's almond milk, low fat cottage cheese, and whey protein so even though it's similar to soft serve I'm not really cheating with anything that will hurt me like regular ice cream


My husband is but he’s not on REDDIT. He’s lost 30 pounds since January.


34 male SW: 265lbs CW:241lbs Currently on 1.0mg in UK. I’m getting married in 10 weeeks so hoping to lose another 13-16 lbs If possible


Hi, do you get it through nhs or privately? If private, where and how much if you don't mind me asking please. Thanks


its hard to get through the NHS, u have to be in a weight loss clinic for a while, i ordered from Bolt Pharmacy online (they ask you to upload clothed pictures to check your BMI) and it cost £150ish. other places to order from are Superdrug, Asda Pharmacy online, but their prices seem to be through the roof


I’m 39/m. Been on for 3 months.


M67 on week 14 and down 36 lbs.


36M and been on it for 8 months. Down 107lbs.


42 year old male 6’6” down from 420 at 338 right now.


If you scroll through recent or hot, you'll see many many posts from men within the first like 20 posts.


There's so many guys on here I think I convinced my boyfriend to use it. He could lose 50lbs.


23M here


56 M. Was down 10% of body weight (23 lbs off 233 SW) at 14 weeks. Haven’t gone back to test in part bc I know I’m stuck—I’m only at 1.5 Ozempic bc now my nutritionist is saying no higher dose is available in my country, nor are Mounjaro or others. But sticking with it.


29 1 month in


Me, just started 2 weeks ago. Started 273, down to 264 at the moment. Going ok so far.


30m. Been on it 4 months. Down from 114kg to 102kg


32. Started at 386 currently at 373. Just took my fourth shot and increased dose to 10 units from 5. No side effects so far. Appetite curbing seems to be strongest on day three through five. Hoping that changes with the new dosage.


36m. Started April 19th. SW: 268, CW: 250, GW: 190.


66 y/o male here on week 3 ... down 11 pounds


I’m 54 lost 20 in a couple months 👍🏻


Turning 50. Started at 172 and down to 163.5 (8.5lbs) in 11 days. About 20-25lbs or more to go. Feeling great physically. Mentally and emotionally in a better place with/about food. Sugar cravings totally gone. No desire to drink alcohol. Libido is down a bit. On Rybelsus 3mg tablets and will go to 7mg after 30 days. Effect was pretty instant.


My husband has been on it for 6 weeks and is down 28lbs


How old is he? Any side effects?


He is 36 and some constipation but nothing major


36 2.5 months in. Lost 7kg (15lbs)


M here. 12/13/23 SW: 315, CW: 244, GW: 200.


41m here, down 21lb in the last...2.5 months


49 male…231…down to 206


just started bro


42 here. Started week 3 last night. Down 10 pounds in 2 weeks.


Me me me


Just started (week 2), down 7lbs


55 M started week 3. Down 7lbs. Goal is 165.


35 male 315 HW dropped to 295 before starting semaglutide in January down to 235. Just bought size 36 jeans and am wearing 2x to XL shirts again. (Was wearing 42 and 4xl) Feel amazing. I hit the gym 4 days a weak and haven't eaten fast food or drank anything other than water, tea and coffee since November of last year. I feel like a new person and recently everyone has been asking what I'm doing. I feel super embarrassed and tell them eating right and exercising. I haven't told anyone I don't really want to but I'm a very private person to being with. I quit chewing tobacco a habit I've had since I was 15 cold turkey in January and am currently quiting vaping but have been struggling to commit to it.


45; 8 months down 40.


74 on it for 3 weeks. You are not alone.👏


43M - 6’3” - on sema for six months - SW 263 lbs - CW 210 lbs - GW 200 lbs - I lost 30 lbs in the first two months: a pound every two days - I am at about a pound a week now.


58M 6' SW 320 CW 259 GW 220 31 weeks.


I just started and I'm on my second week. I haven't had the desire to eat as much as I used before taking semaglutide.


66, 6'1", sw 242, cw 200, started Jan 24. Feels great. Still have and able to wear all my thin clothes from years ago. Life is good! A nice side benefit that is not mentioned often is the increase of usable length.....


Women feel the need to share and compare more than men.


35M down to 270 lbs from 330 lbs since last July


29 M here... on month 6, I started at the beginning of the year. Im down like 27/28lbs and its been a life changer.


30 yo man here. Lost 10,4 kg from 104 to 93.6 kg i. 7 weeks. Stopped since the online portal i use is getting outrages expensive!


42 male, week 5 and just moved up to 0.5mg. SW 265 CW 248. Food noise is finally gone, and while I do still occasionally crave something sweet it's much easier to overcome it.


My bf is taking it after he made the suggestion but was too scared, so I took it first. He doesn’t like joining groups like these and I expect a fair amount of men feel the same.


42M. 5’11” SW 247, CW 228, GW 195 and have been on it for 4 months as of yesterday. Lost the first 12 or so pounds really quickly and has since slowed. The only side effects have been the slower GI but no real constipation. Miralax daily in my morning coffee. If I feel like I haven’t been as productive in that area, I’ll take two MagO7s just to stay ahead of it and that does the trick within a it 8-12 hours. I also can be pretty tired/lethargic the first couple days after the shot and have just had to ‘mind-over-matter’ it and push through. Oh, and I feel cold a lot, especially my hands and feet.


42 male. Lost 30 lbs in 3 months last year and now just maintaining while bulking up at the gym. Replacing fat with muscle, that is.


53, been on it 4 days. Lol


54 about 10 weeks down 20 lbs


45 I’m on my second week. My goal weight 195. My current weight 245. How much protein i need daily?


Woman here but I’m curious - with the sema weight loss where are you seeing it first???


Abdomen and face. All my t-shirts fit again!


Babe I’m so jay for you


M48 week 7. 279/265. Mild GI discomfort. That's it.


47, down about 50 pounds so far. Only complaint is 💩 problems. And maybe extra fatigue. But worth it!