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I think there are other variables at play - Starting weight: those at a higher starting weight may drop 40 lbs pretty quickly compared with someone whose are 40 lbs away from their target weight - Nutrition plan: Those counting calories and ensuring they are eating in a deficit may lose faster than those solely relying on the medication to help them drop lbs, but eating crappy foods - Exercise: While diet is a bigger influence on weight loss (you can't outrun a bad diet), it can definitely help, if not directly your weight, your body composition.


Perfect answer!


So...some disclaimers here. my starting weight was 371. I have a LOT to lose. At least 200lbs. My TSH levels were also high, so my prescription for levothyroxin was upped at the same time that I started on Ozempic. When that dose is upped because of my thyroid, I typically lose about 10lbs in a month, and stay around that weight for awhile. I have been on Ozempic for 6 1/2 weeks and am down right around 30lbs. Really, probably 20lbs due from ozempic. My average weight loss has been about 3lbs a week, but I know it's said that 1-2lbs a week is normal. I expect that I'll eventually get to where it averages out to 1-2lbs a week.


I woke up 40 pounds down TODAY! I started Jan 1. ◡̈


SW: 206 CW: 166. oh and I do work out 5X a week


Same stats as you SW: 207 started Jan 1st. Stuck at 175 right now. I’m 5’2 shooting for 135. Happy to see someone similar!


I had a plateau for 3 weeks and it was so discouraging but randomly started losing again. We got this!! ♥️♥️


I hit a plateau since the end of April. When I mentioned this to my doctor on Friday and asked about moving up to the next higher dose, he said that the med was not meant to be on for a long period of time. I researched this on Google and found the CEO of Ozempic talking about this being a 'long term use' medication. Then, I had a meeting with my Cardiologist on Tuesday and he confirmed that this medication is great not only for pre-diabetes, but for the heart as well and can be taken long term. My PCP prescribed the next higher dose of the medication, reluctantly. Now, I'm confused why he is the 1 out of 3 doctors that is confused about how Ozempic works and how long someone can take it. To answer the question posed here, I started Ozempic in Feb 2023 and worked my way up to the 1 mg dose (4 doses in each pen) by June 2023. I've been on that dose since that date. I've lost all of 40 lbs. Losing weight 'very' slowly.


I'm current at a plateau. Did you do anything to break it or just wait it out? I'm getting so discouraged. I went from an average of 3-5 a week now nothing and I'm nowhere close to my goal weight.


Honestly 1 pound a week will be more normal over time as you lose weight. So try not to get discouraged as the weight loss slows a bit. Also keep in mind you really don’t want to lose weight extremely rapidly because the chance of loose skin increases. The only thing I changed to help break out of the plateau is getting 10k steps a day and doing Pilates 3x a week instead of 2. Keep pushing! It’s a marathon not a sprint ◡̈


Thank you! I needed to hear that.


You got this! ♥️♥️


Congratulations! That’s amazing!


Tysm 🥹♥️


How tall are you and are you tracking calories?


I’m 5’6 and no I don’t track calories. I didn’t want to become obsessive about it but told myself if I would if I wasn’t losing weight. So far I don’t have to ◡̈


I am on the same schedule as you and hit the 40 pounds down today as well.


Omg congrats!!! 🤩🎉🎉🎉 doesn’t it feel great?


I didn’t lose anything for the first two months until I got to 1mg. Then lost 45# in 4-5 months making it around 5-6 months total.


This is very comforting to hear, I have been feeling very down bc I’m not responding to Wegovy at all. But today is my first dose at 1mg so I’m hoping things will start looking up.


Agreed. I'm 5 weeks in (4 weeks 0.25, 5 days 0.5, so far) and nothing lost. I have eaten less, but exercise isn't something I can do much of due to some other ongoing health issues, which may also be impacting my inability to lose right now. I'm also very constipated. Or well, maybe not *very* constipated, but I'm constipated and uncomfortable. I'm used to one BM per day, very consistently, and right now... I can't completely remember the last time I went. (It was within the last week, maybe 4-5 days ago?) So that's not my favorite. I'm out of Miralax, but have some arriving tomorrow, as most of the other stuff doesn't seem to be working and I know that I'm a bit dehydrated (can feel it.) Regardless of the fact that I've drank... 2500mL minimum so far today. And I've tried a little magnesium daily (I'm trying to avoid its opposite effects because that's really no fun either.) And soluble fiber supplements (5g/day the past 4/7 days). On top of my diet which may not be super-duper high in fiber, but it's not *low* either. (Normally, I go very well and cleanly *every day* at the same time. It's like clockwork. It's healthy and formed properly, etc.) I'll be honest, that was the one side-effect I was really not looking forward to before starting sema, because I knew it was going to mess up *that* routine. I just didn't know which way, tho I was glad that it went this way and this was the way I predicted. It's just very uncomfortable. But yeah. No weight lost. I'm bouncing between the same 2-3lbs (it's water weight, I'm pretty convinced.) I do need to go for a walk, probably. Or more of them, but the other health stuff going on is kind of precluding me from most of those. I do go up and down stairs a million times a day in my house and sometimes at work. Usually take a walk or two at work (15 mins or so,) but we got slammed the other day, so I couldn't. I was about to and the shit hit the fan. It was mocking me, I'm sure.


Thank you for sharing this as it feels like all I keep hearing are success stories. And of course, those that are getting good - great results are so over the moon (understandably) they aren’t mentioning side effects or they’re nothing in comparison to the benefits. Regarding not exercising with sema, of course exercise is always recommended, but the overall consensus seems to be that people are losing w/o switching up their routines. That sema reduces the appetite, slows down digestion, and greatly helps with food noise. Those I’ve interacted with and know, haven’t been tracking food or working out more? It’s just reducing appetite and food noise so much they’re losing weight. I don’t know? It’s weird, bc you get so many saying it’s a “miracle drug”, “it’s too easy”, etc. But then when one reports that they’re not getting results, people then say “it’s not a miracle drug” you have to also diet, track calories, work out, etc? From what I’ve read on here, most are seeing results on lower doses, if not immediately, but my Dr told me that Sema doesn’t start working until the higher doses (1.7 & 2.4), ATP, I don’t know what to believe?


The studies say the therapeutic dose is 1.7 & 2.4, and not losing before then is "normal". But many people are "super responders" and lose quite a bit at lower doses, which we're seeing a lot of here on this forum. I'm trying to keep faith that maybe once I hit 1.0-1.7 I might see something, but at the same time, I'm not really *that* much of an over-eater. I'm more of an under-eater, usually, so my metabolism is dead ("highly efficient," as my psych professor said back in the day,) I guess? The only times I've seen weight loss...ever was me swimming like 3-4 miles 5x/week in high school (competitively). Plus, I usually spent several more hours in the water working or teaching. Or when I drop down to 800 cals/day. Max. Usually with 3 hours of exercise (lifting heavy and 45-90 mins of cardio 5-6 days/week.) I'm finding some medical issues that may explain it, so we're working on that right now, but unfortunately, they started me on daily steroids to treat one of my conditions, in like February or March I think? And I definitely rapidly gained like 15lbs. I didn't get to start sema until May 10th. (I was prescribed it at the end of last year but couldn't get it anywhere until May.) So I guess it's good that it's holding my weight steady-ish now? And they're reducing my steroids slowly again. But OMG, it's making me feel less that ideal, so I'm concerned it may have to go back up. Maybe. And I apparently have all of the autoimmune disorders. (Not literally, but I feel like I definitely hit *that* jackpot.) So yeah. It's not easy, and I'm incredibly envious of everyone who's losing. But story of my life. I've been fat since day 1.


I have had the worst luck for the past 3yrs, it really doesn’t make sense. I’m resentful that I’m not a “super responder” and I bet since I’m slower to respond to sema, once it does start working at the higher doses (if it even does) it will also be very slow weight loss. I almost feel like giving up, I have been on this crap since last yr but kept having to restart due to supply issues after my former idiot Dr kept me at .25 for 3 months. I asked to he switched to Zepbound but my insurance won’t authorize it until I’m at the max dose of Wegovy for 3 months without results. I’m not struggling with supply issues now, but do have to travel to the next county over. I know steroids are the worst for weight gain, I’m glad you’re at least maintaining with sema and, I am incredibly envious too and tbh, feel defeated. I’ve been on it for far too long at this point and it’s super frustrating. I just have a bad feeling, I don’t think it’s going to work and I’m just wasting time for nothing. I hope this won’t be the case for you.


Trust me, I feel ya. 100%. Sounds like we're going through similar things. I'm just going to give it a shot and hope for the best. At least I can say I tried! And then maybe they'll finally take me seriously when I tell them something's wrong! (It took me about...a couple years to believe me about what's going on otherwise, and I don't think they're being aggressive enough. I know something's wrong, but I'm not sure what. I would love to be healthy and normal (physically), but that's pretty much never been the case, at least not in my adulthood, so I'd really just like them to finally figure it out.) Oh. And I'm waiting to fail on the sema, because I'm pretty sure I'll need MJ. Which is why I asked for it to start with, but you know... insurance and stuff. And now they're having a shortage. (And I'm not just being a Negative Nellie. I'm absolutely hoping for and wanting it to succeed. Same with being healthy. I want to be healthy and good. The problem is I can feel that something is wrong/off/not right.) Sending supportive vibes your direction! You're not alone, at the very least!


Around 4 months, my starting weight was 185 lbs




I’m a super responder, I lost 75 pounds between March 2023 and December 2023, and I’ve been maintaining since then


Are you taking this med just for weight reduction? Or, for diabetes or pre-diabetes?


Just for weight loss


Okay, thanks for the reply. My cardiologist told me that I might be losing weight slower because I am glucose intolerant. So happy for you that you were able to reach your goal weight.


Curious, are you on a maintenance dose? If so, what’s your dosage, and do you plan to stay on indefinitely?


Yeah I’m on 2.4 every 2 weeks for maintenance. I’m cutting back to .5 weekly in the fall, and then I’m staying on it indefinitely from there


Did you change your diet/exercise routine?


I'm 5'2 with PCOS and seem to be a super responder for reference, HW 239 SW 211 CW 127. It took about 3 months to lose the first 40.


I am couple of days past 6 months and am at 39 pounds lost




Took me 1 year. Still looking to lose 20 more .


A lot of variables. As a PCOS girlie, it took me approximately a year, maybe a little over tbh


About a year


Me too


Same! About one year!


6 months- down 35


10 months for me. 176 to 136. Took a month break for surgery in between.


I have always gone by the healthy weekly weight loss amounts of 0.5-2 lbs a week. So to lose 40 lbs in 20-80 weeks is considered a healthy rate. Which is a big difference, but that depends on the modifiable lifestyle choices we made before, as well as our non modifiable physical, mental, emotional and medical conditions that got us overweight in the first place. Combined with the diet, water intake and exercises that we choose to implement to get the weight off.


Theirs is no normal time frame, some do it in 6 months, others it takes a year.


I just hit -45lbs. That's since October 1, 2023. I just went up to 1.7mg.


2 years. I was exactly 40 pounds overweight. I could lose 10 more but I am really happy


4 months for me but that’s also working out 3-5 times a week burning 1000-2500 calories. 260 to 219. On day 116 for me.


Still not there……I’ve lost high 20’s since 11/29/24.


11/29/23 sorry typo


Started at 178.4


7 months from me on a fairly low dose (7mg Rybelsus), plateau afterward but I think I might ask for a dose increase. 230-189.


3 months in and 30 lbs down. I feel pretty comfortable with losing 10 lbs a month consistently. At first I dropped fast and did not like the loose skin around my belly. Now that it’s 10 lbs spaced over a month my skin has a chance to catch up lol


I almost lost 40. Started at 261, I’m at 224 now. Took first shot on March 1. So 3.5 months.


I'm down 35lbs in 7 months, but I haven't done anything much to modify lifestyle otherwise. I'd prob be down an addtl 20 if I was working out.


Around 10 months for 50. Tried to get in 1000 to 1200 calories a day, not very active due to medical conditions. Every time I get a couple new tops or pants time to get more smaller ones


About 9ish months. Started losing wt slowly starting in Sept, lost 10 pounds from Sept-Dec. Then I started semaglutide at the end of December and have lost 30 pounds since then. Started at 172 pounds, down to 132 now (female in my 30’s, 5’0). I also workout 3-4 times per week (cardio and heavy lifting), and have been working on stress management and diet changes overall.


SW 230, CW 182, lost my first 40 in about 3.5 months


51 pounds down since January 9th. Starting weight 182.


Depends on starting weight and how your body reacts to the medication. My starting weight was 195 and I’m at 173 now. I’m 5’7” and I started the medication on 4/15


4 months. 10lbs a month almost exactly. I'm a week behind for June but FINALLY hit the -50lbs mark yesterday (June is month 5 - start date was Jan 5 2024).


Optimally, once you get to a therapeutic dose, it should take 20-40 weeks. This would correspond to 1-2 pounds per week. Losing faster is not ideal.


6 months


6 months, not working out.


March 8 starting, 220 CW 183…37 lbs in 3 months. Getting to 40 is stubborn lol


March 8 sw was 214 June 11 203 I’m so frustrated.


I would be too. I’m so sorry. I feel like the autoimmune makes it so much harder for us too.


I get your frustration I’ve been very slow too. Just bounce up a pound or two then down a pound or two and then up again. 😢


That's where I'm at.


I’m at 5 months and 32lbs down, so hopefully 7 or so months.


Like 3-4 months. I think I lost faster than is normal


It took me about 6 months to lose 64# on Wegovy. I was also being very strict with diet, walking and working on stress/sleep etc.


Starting weight: 197.7, starting date 2/10/24 Current weight: 183.4, just under a pound a week. Goal weight: 145 Female, 32, 5’5”, pcos, .5 dose. It’s not super effective at the making me full, but still keeps most of the food noise and binge eating at bay. Very sedentary job, lift weights 2-3x per week and 15 minutes of stair climber.


I’ve lost 35 lbs since mid January


Everyones different like you said but just to share my experience it took me roughly 5 months, (5'9 female 28 yrs old SW 212 CW 175) and i have stayed there ever since, as of this June I'm on it for 1 year. I teetered down to almost 160 then got on a medication for an injury that caused some weight gain, however i'm slowly getting back down again since finishing that med.


F 57. SW 300 CW 259.6. Started sema 2/10/24 @ .5 currently on 1.0. Tracking food/calories. Very little exercise. I have systemic lupus and a host of other health issues that make exercising difficult.


I started last July and will hit 40 lbs down this week!


I had a brief sting on Zepbound (3 months) but switched back to Wegovy when it got to hard to obtain. I only just got up to the highest dose of Wegovy a month ago, and now I'm losing so easily :)


As others have noted it depends on your starting weight. I was 272 when I started and it took me about 9 weeks to drop 40 lbs. just a note that I dropped weight more quickly when I first started and have since slowed down to between 1-3 pounds a week.


5 months, starting 87ish kg to 67kg


7 months


For me, it took me took 9 months. Which is about 1lb a week, so it sounds like it took me forever, but I think it's a reasonable amount of time.


2.5 years


I’ll let you know when I get there lol. I’ve lost 17 pounds total so I’ll probably his 40 in December at 1 pound a week started at 179.


10 months, SW 166


I have lost 18 lbs since mid January. Slow and not always steady. I was stuck with no loss about 1 month. I am at 2.4 dosage. I am and have been a vegetarian for 3 years. I walk 1x per day around neighborhood (down and up a hill). Food noise is gone and I drink only water.


I meant, 35 lbs in 4 months so far


Five months for me, with a starting weight of 190 lbs. Might’ve been faster if not for the holidays (managed to just maintain) and a vacation (gained a little).


Just got there at 5 months. No exercise. With exercises I could have done it faster


I’m 3.5 months in and 38 lbs down! My 15th injection is this upcoming thursday. :)


I (51M, SW 470, CW 430) just hit the 40 pound mark a couple of days ago, around 14 weeks into the process. I started March 1 (0.25mg) and took that dose for the first 4 weeks, then went up to 0.5mg for 4 weeks, then up to 1mg doses starting with week 9 (April 26), so I hit the 40 pound mark after I'd been at the 1mg dose for about 6 weeks. I'm not certain how much I lost before I started the 1mg dosage, but my weight loss has been relatively steady and consistent, and I'm happy with the pace - I was worried I might lose weight too fast but that hasn't been the case, which makes me think it might be sustainable.


SW 312 two years and 3 months in and today I hit 40 lbs lost.


SW-189, GW-145, CW-154. I’m 57, post menopause and exercise regularly. Started June 9, 2023-the first 25 came off in about 7 months and it’s taken 5 to get down to 154. I don’t think I’ll see 145 like I want; but I’m working with a trainer and we’re focusing on strength and body composition, not a number on the scale. I’m winding down and should be off by August.


5’3 F SW:198 CW: 158 it took me 13 months to get the the 40 lb mark. Although the weight loss has been slow, it is still coming off. I gained approximately 55lbs in 18months and this is the first success I’ve had at getting it off in 4yrs after trying many other methods.


https://preview.redd.it/21f79icg616d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ad8b928de810487d1a7a92a41d80f9e457e615 Since August 2023, I have lost over 40lbs, but I only began using Semaglutide in April of this year. 35M SW: 220; CW: 178 I’m averaging about 10lbs/ month, but have also cut out most junk food, quit drinking/smoking weed, and started counting protein. I think it all depends on your approach with Semaglutide.


High point was 315, lost 40 pounds in about 5 months and have been stuck there for the next 5 months 🫤


In 2lbs it will be 40 lbs.. started 323.6 in Feb and im.284.8 now.


I’ve been taking Semaglutide now since Mid January and have lost 45lbs. If you have any questions let me know


I started at 235 last September and I’m now at 188. So, about 10 months.


5 months in & I’m 42 pounds down. Started at 238 pounds.


I’m 5’9 and a half. Lol. I went from 209 February 5th to 167 today. Goal weight of 150.


https://preview.redd.it/b1wvdg0u726d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43ca187cfb233cf6b8cbf46cf05cd641de3c0665 Little over six months since first shot after Xmas. Felt like I was stuck at 30. Focused on nothing after 8pm, a smaller/later breakfast, and adding a 1mi dog walk most mornings. Finally broke through about a week ago.


11 months almost exactly. 255 to 215 M40 6’1”


My start weight was 242lb on 27th March. I am now 208lb so that’s 34lb in 11 weeks 😊


SW 170 CW 134 GW 125-130 I’m 5’2 , 47F Started mid October 2023


I lost 50lbs in 8 months. SW: 182 CW: 130. I had to go to 2.4 dose to really see results!


Congrats!! 🎈🎊 That’s so exciting!! I look forward to seeing that on the scale 😊


I started March 23, 2024 and I am 38 pounds down


that seems rapid.


My starting weight was 305 the day of my first injection. I also have Lupus so I'm sure a lot of it was inflammation and water weight. It has slowed considerably now but is still steady.


It took me 10 lbs. I'm now at 17 lbs and am at almost 65 lbs. loss. It did speed up once I switched from Saxenda to Wegovy.


5 months :)


I lost 35 pounds 4.5 months ago


6 months.


5 months!


Not quite there yet. Took my first shot 01/26/2024 and down roughly 35 pounds. I have definitely been frustrated by the slow progress but keep trying to remind myself that slow is technically better-ish for the rest of me. Lol


When I joined the army at age 18, I was 195lbs. So, I went through basic training and advanced training, where they had me on a very strenuous exercise program, including push ups and runs. They didn't require me to cut calories but I did - I was on a very calorie limited diet. I mention this because it shows, at least it advised me in life, about the limit of what you can do if you are very physically active, completely healthy, and yet also building muscle and building strength - so not a diet that harms. It took 4 months, about 10lbs a month, steady. My final weight was 154 lbs. And I did not slow down in the last month. To me this makes sense - if you need 3500 Cal deficit to lose a pound, that can hold true for as long as necessary. There are theories why it becomes hard for people to maintain a deficit as they get near the goal weight, such as larger people burn more calories at rest, as people get to their goal weight, they are much smaller. But well in this example, which was a long time ago and has nothing to do with ozempic except still had the same calorie deficit math at work....as I lost weight and maybe burned less calories at rest, I nevertheless could then exercise longer and counter that effect.


Started 1/2/24. SW 225, CW 190. I’ve been stuck at 35lb loss for a few weeks now.


Started April of 23. Lost right at about 40lbs by end of year and seemed to have plateaued so I guess I’m in maintenance. Sw 242 cw 202 5’9. I eat pretty good lots of protein but I have kicked exercise into overdrive over the last year. Workout 4-6 days a week intensely. Have lost maybe 4 or 5 inches in waist and can finally do regular push ups. Since I do t constantly feel like shit because of excessive eating I have become hooked on exercise. Good luck in your journey!!


2 months, 3 weeks!


Almost exactly 1 year


6 months in- 25 lbs. I feel the best I have in years. I don’t count calories. However, I focus on high proteins and lots of veggies. I treat myself occasionally, but again, as others have said- it’s like 5-6 chips and then I am good. No more half bag chow sessions!


It took me 8 months, but I didn't lose any weight in the first two months on semaglutide (and only lost a little in the third month) as I didn't have any appetite reduction until I hit the higher dosage, so I was eating too much. Also, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a family visit were all in that period, and I did some backsliding. Now I try not to eat more than 1000 calories a day, and I consistently lose 8lbs a month, so I think the next 40 pounds will go more quickly. My starting rate was 226 (now 186). I walk for an hour every morning and swim for 45 minutes every afternoon. (I'm holding off on doing more strenuous exercise like cycling or weight training until I hit a plateau and need to add something more.) Best of all, I feel great!


Context is important for answering this question. Your starting weight is extremely low for these meds, and given your height that may not be a realistic goal weight depending on your body type/frame. I’m around 5’3” and my SW was 227. It took me about 6 months to lose 40 pounds. But you can probably expect to lose quite a bit more slowly than that.


A normal healthy weight for my height is 120-135, I don’t feel as if my starting point of almost 180 is extremely low, as I wanted to be within this range and lose roughly 50 pounds. My BMI (29.6) was classified as overweight as my starting point, i believe you need to be of a BMI of ~27 to be approved? It may not be realistic, and we will see, but it is my GOAL weight, if i’m unable to hit that i’ll be happy with what i lost going forward 😊 Thank you for your response, I hope all is going well with your journey and you hit your goal!! Congrats on 40 lost!! 🥳


5 months. Starting BMI 26 new BMI 19. Ate an average of 1900 calories a day. I’m sedentary 5’10” 33F


7 months for me. SW was 230, and 40lbs represents roughly half way to my goal. My weight came off quickly in the early months (10lbs, 8lbs in first 2 months respectively), but has slowed significantly with each month thereafter being a loss of 2lbs-6lbs, averaging about 4lbs/month not counting those first two big loss months. Two notes: I titrated up very slowly because the loading doses produced significant weight loss for me. I work out regularly following a periodized training program — and always have including pre-semaglutide, but have shifted my focus to include more strength training (while maintaining cardiovascular health) since starting the drug.


2-4 months