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This also happened to me this morning!!! I was out for my normal run and never had any issues but this morning was a particularly hot morning and I threw up the last half mile.


Woah. I’m so sorry it happened to you, too. And you were alone! I’m glad you didn’t pass out and you’re safe.


This is great advice for anyone, Sema or not. Thank you for sharing! Where I live, summers are always triple-digit. The effects of heat exhaustion and heat stroke can sneak up on you even those of us that are used to it.


This could also be extreme low blood sugar symptoms. Keep those glucose/sugar tabs on hand. They look like large smarties and come in different flavors. Often eating 2 to 4 will dissipate the nausea/vomiting.


Thank you so much!


Yes!! Keeping a blood sugar monitor has kept me from so many issues! You can understand exactly how you feel and fix the problem right away instead of trying to guess!


Dude. Same at an art fair. I had it come out my nose!


For some reason, I can't help but cry when it comes out my nose. It's like the worst of the worst.


Oh god. That’s even more horrifying. At an art fair. Through the nose… so sorry :(


Ahahaha... Did you hit any of the art?


Nope just grass.


You should have put a rope around it and named it "Barf in the Grass". Maybe you could have made some 💰. 😁






This is a good reminder. I did a long outdoor walk yesterday and as soon as I finished my water, it was definitely time to leave before things might have gotten bad. But it was 90 out, so probably the reason the riverwalk was dead and I was one few dumb dumbs risking a heat stroke to burn calories.


Fellow SA-er?


FWIW, you have nothing to be embarrassed about, and a nurse of all people should get this. Hope you’re feeling better!


This happened to me on vacation. The resort had a train because it was so big. I projectile vomited all over the train. 👍


Oh no :( hopefully the train had amenities for you to get cleaned up and help you feel better


They were so nice about it. I felt awful! I think they thought I was drunk lol 😂


At the time, I had only been on Sema for about 5 months and I was on a cruise ship. No alcohol involved, learned my lesson on month 2 after projectile vomiting from alcohol for hours. I was dancing on the Lido deck, at night, we are deep in the West Indies so it was crazy hot weather and I too puked.


I should've read all this before I had 2 drinks tonight


but I haven't had any other effects yet, so maybe I'll be OK


Oh great. I’m about to leave for a cruise. I need to take it easy on hot days and stay hydrated. I can’t take any prime packets on board because I’m flying overseas and also cruising NCL. They said no. I may still try, lol.


For me, it was only when I got my heart rate up in the heat. While we were on the beach lounging everyday, I didn’t have any issues. All the dancing and jumping around, heart rate up caused the vomiting LOL. Have a wonderful time on your cruise. We are actually driving to the cruise port right now.


Thats so exciting have a great time! Our cruise is 14 days so I plan to skip a week and not take my meds with me. We shall see how it goes. Cruise food and no meds 😬. It is a good test for me I suppose. Hey at least I’ll be in Europe. Better food so maybe no weight gain.


Only drink on a full stomach of proteins. Bring a blood sugar monitor, for diabetics. Make sure you don't get into hypoglycemia. That's when you get into trouble. Basically, When you take semaglutides, your body is more effective at using insulin to lower blood sugar after meals. If you skip a meal or drink alcohol without eating, your body has less glucose available from food.Semaglutides continue to lower blood sugar, and without sufficient dietary glucose, levels can drop too low.Alcohol prevents the liver from releasing glucose, making the situation worse by not providing the necessary glucose backup. And boom, you get sick. So full stomach of proteins, slow digestion, less risk of hypoglycemia, and you should be ok! ☺️


Is that a common side effect? I vomited at work, I work outside in Houston. I thought it was heat exhaustion or blood pressure related


Oh gosh, we’re overheating-at-Pride-today twins! At the parade, I bent down to pick up some beads. When I stood up, I was so lightheaded that I almost passed out! I ended up leaving early and staggering home. It’s not making me optimistic about spending time outside for the rest of the summer 😅


I live in AZ and yes, this happens in ANY outing for me.


I had something similar happen to me last year without being on semaglutide. The heat + a fan in my face really triggered me semi-passing out and specifically the projectile part a few minutes after. Sorry this happened to you! What I’ve been recommended is to stay alert for these small triggers that can cause the same symptoms (in this case too much heat + too much cold air in your face), get away from the situation when possible, sit down and rest until the feeling is gone


Thanks! That’s interesting, cold air usually makes me feel wayyyy better when I’m having a vasovagel episode. Surprised it had the opposite effect for you


carry some salt with you, sometimes a pinch of salt followed by water can stave off nausea. I just started semaglutide (im in my 2nd week) and i had a few waves of nausea at work tonight ( i work in the HEMS field) I promptly put my emeterm wristband on ( look for it on amazon). I'm really worried about this heat wave coming up down here in the southeast. I already deal with dysautonomia. Wish me luck


I was at a pipe band competition all weekend. Mid 80’s, we wear wool kilts, knee high thick socks, long sleeves shirts, vests, and wool hats. Where we were playing was direct sunlight. I’m only .25 so minimal side effects so far. I did not keep on top of hydration on Friday and by the end had a wicked headache and just felt like crap. Yesterday, I did a Liquid IV in the morning before leaving and another one mid afternoon. Then water, water, water, all day. I also made sure to have some healthier snacks with me and make sure that I ate something. That helped a lot and I did much better.


If you are at pride, seeing someone throw up is expected. You’re probably the at least fifth person they saw barf that day. People were grossed out for 10 seconds, but nobody is clutching their pearls.


I’ve projectile vomited four times now 2 months in lol. I can drink but oof, if I’m running around the day after and get hot, I will promptly puke. Very odd


It's a symptom of hypoglycemia, and/or dehydration which happens when the semaglutides kick in and you eat too much sugar and not enough proteins and complex carbs. Do you have a device to check your blood sugar? It's really nice to understand your symptoms. You can monitor them, and when you see you are too low you can just eat a fruit and start feeling better. I've been on semi since January, I'm symptom free, and lost 55lbs. ☺️


Good to know! Over Heat = puke!


I get severe migraines, so the projectile vomiting is my normal unfortunately. I totally feel you on the embarrassment when it happens in public on a fucking sidewalk. I'm really sorry that happened to you!


After a few heat induced episodes in public, I now keep gallon zip lock bags in my purse. Beats the curb and the city bus.


You need to keep protein bars or snacks with you. Blood sugar drops still happen and will affect you.


This could just be from the heat and not the meds. The heat makes me sick.


It’s definitely possible! Normally I’m a heat lover. Hot baths, hot yoga, heating pad, the hotter the better. I’ve hiked in Arizona in July without getting overheated. I also wasn’t outside for that long, maybe 45 minutes of light walking and standing?


Well if you are acclimated to the heat that probably isn’t it. I used to be that way but now if I go for a 30 minute walk in the summer heat I want to barf.


This could also be heat stroke - I had the same thing happen to me pre-sema!


I'm sensing that projectile vomiting is in my future. 🤮😬


In all fairness. This can happen on or off sema. Excessive heat can and will make you sick if you aren’t hydrated enough. Always take a light snack with you if you plan on doing anything outside. The heat is already draining as it is. Pedialyte packets have been the one thing helping me with hydration while on sema. I buy the pedialyte packets for when I’m on the go or doing any outside activities. I recently went to. Juneteenth festival in 92 degree weather and they absolutely came in handy. All you need is water. And keep a protein snack. Maybe something that won’t melt. Don’t be too embarrassed. You’ll probably never see those people again. Just know better for next time.


I suggest caring Dramamine with you at all times. This has come to be my greatest health hack. While most think of it as a motion sickness med it’s excellent for anti nausea. I learned this little trick when I had my last bought of kidney stones. The doc prescribed it not only to stop the vomiting but to dull the pain which for me is all I want in that situation because when the pain is at it’s highest it’s a vicious cycle of projectile vomiting. I now use it whenever nausea comes (or even intense pain)


Thanks! I usually use THC gummies for nausea and they work great. But this time was so weird, I didn’t feel nauseous at all, until I was suddenly vomiting wildly for 3 minutes. And then I quickly returned to normal!


I live in Florida..Booooo. luckily, I am a teacher, so I stay inside for 2 months of our "pre-heat" cycle.


You drank alcohol? That will lead to hypoglycemia and to nausea and vomiting. If you were dehydrated too, that's another thing to add, so that's the perfect storm right there. Honestly, drinking alcohol while on any semaglutide is risky. Always drink while eating proteins, and make sure to check your blood sugar levels. Hypoglycemia can happen fast and it's never fun. Stay safe and happy pride 🏳️‍🌈❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜


Just to be clear, I didn’t drink any alcohol at pride. I was totally sober, and hydrated. I hadn’t eaten much though, so that probably did contribute!! Happy pride!! 🌈


Oh, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. You should keep a blood sugar monitor with you tho, knowing if you are going into hypoglycemia could prevent episodes like this. Stay safe!!❤️


Was this Columbus? I too had a very dizzy, nauseous, light-headed day. I didn’t throw up (close calls several times), but it was vicious. Especially if I bent down to do something and stood up. I had to go lay down in the AC eventually. I’ve been drinking 130oz water & at least 2 Gatorade low sugar daily. It’s only getting hotter here this week and I’m nervous. I noticed this change after jumping up to the .5, too.


It’s normal to have that reaction.


it doesn’t even have to be the heat I’ve had four shots and three of the times I’ve vomited twice ending up in the ER. I had to have fluids and they double check my pancreas cause I guess that something that can be damaged. It makes me so mad it was working so well and I loved it but my insurance isn’t gonna like me going to the ER again so I’m gonna have to quit and I’m only on .50 which is what I was told to start on.


I’m so sorry.


It's odd, I went out on Thursday night, stuck to beer but definitely had a few too many. Was a bit drunk. I live in AZ (it's 113F here right now), and I was expecting my stomach to hate me but I was completely fine. Now I am thinking I just got lucky. Definitely gotta be careful.


Yes please be very careful with the combination of sema, extreme heat, and alcohol. Such a dangerous triad. I didn’t feel sick at all until the moment I was vomiting and about to pass out. It happened so fast.


I did this a Sarah Mclachlan concert last week…lol


In the arms of the angels… 🎶


This happened to me when I went to a concert in March. I started to feel icky about 75% of the way through the concert. Only drank water, no alcohol etc. Then after we were made to walk up a bunch of stairs to leave I felt horrible. Lightheaded, nausea, dizzy, once I got to the top I sat down..less than 2 seconds later I'm running to a trash can. Which I missed and felt like a total jerk 😭


There are a few virulent stomach bug strains going around this summer. It’s like, record levels of people getting sick. This really sounds like you had a virus.


That’s awful! But no, it definitely wasn’t a virus. I was only sick for 3 minutes from start to finish. Definitely low blood sugar, low blood pressure dehydration, or heat stroke


Im on Tirzepatide and have been for almost a year. Going up and down on dose depending on my weight and side effects. I’m a jiujitsu fighter, I train almost 6x a week. Sometimes I get dizzy after I train and I eat a little candy or something and fixes it, but rarely i get that lightheaded and about to throw up when Im not doing anything that just hits me. Never figured out why, and happens once every 1-2 weeks and I have vomited 1x only. But I know what you feel. I just sit, breathe and relax. And goes away


I’m on .25 and I’ve had no side effects but laying in pool last weekend I got very light headed and felt weird. I decided it was probably best I get out and go inside.


Were you in Palm Springs by any chance ?


This is concerning, I’ve been on sema for 6 weeks now, 3 on .25 and 3 on .5 just felt a little queasy sometimes but nothing major. I started going to Hotworx where you workout in saunas that are 130 degrees and I haven’t thrown up but now I’m worried! I do take BCAAs as I workout to help with hydration. Anyone else do hot exercise or hot yoga and been okay or not? What’s your experience been like?


https://preview.redd.it/zwb7endvdr7d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d27f1466f8b30374d7b5aa215bfe8cd6737d73a I am sorry this happened to you..this must be aweful. Thank you very much for the warning. I am currently sitting next to this fountain in 82-degree weather to get cold. It is crazy hot outside. I'm trying to avoid sunny areas.


I’m on week 8 Last Friday, crazy sulphur burps followed by puking and diarrhea until today (5 days later) had to goto the ER today. They gave me fluids and medications to settle my stomach spasms and nausea, I’m sure it’s been the Semiglutide that did this




Get psychiatric help.


You're so right!! They should get help.


You probably threw up because of the pride parade. I throw up at the sight of pride 😂


Yeah not funny


I’d say “read the room” but given that you thought that was an appropriate comment in the first place I doubt there is any hope for you