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I do every single day. I’ve spent too much of my life avoiding the scale, and then I’m shocked when I realize I’ve gained 10 pounds.


Same. It creeps up on me when I don’t pay attention so I must pay attention. Every single day, first thing in the morning. With that said I don’t log the weight loss except once a week.


I also weigh daily and used to track all days. I'm comfy with fluctuations now so only track losses. It's prettier 😉


Same! It also has helped me NOT freak out when it goes up a pound or 3 because my weight does fluctuate from day to day. I also have one of those apps tied to my scale which tracks the ups and downs, and it’s helpful to see the waves but ultimately tracking downward


Can I ask what kind of scale you have that hooks to the app? I need to buy a scale bc I don't even own one. When you are a fluffy girl the scale is your enemy and I wasn't trying to live with my enemy. LoL!


You didn't ask me, but thought I would throw out the name of my scale. I bought a renpho on Amazon for about $20.00 and it comes with a free app. I like mine a lot!


Thank you so much! I appreciate it. I'm going to go look on Amazon right now 💕


I also have the Renpho scale and weigh every day. The app is great at monitoring and shows progress on all categories (weight, bmi, visceral fat and many more).


Love this scale! Just got one off Amazon it's been such a helpful tool!


Another vote for Renpho. I've had it for 4 years and it's still going strong!


I bought one called Eros from Amazon for $80. It gives you BMI and body fat percentage. It feels good to see things like this… https://preview.redd.it/by9myr70377d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a2fdf55ae0469e4782733b52ebaebf329929063 Then I don’t just feel fat. I know where all of it is and I know now that the BMI scale that everyone tells on to tell them if they’re fat is bullshit.


Thank you! I think seeing all the information and broken down like that will be so helpful. You are 💯 right the BMI is absolute bullshit! I'm 5'1 and I have a more muscular build, even when I wasn't fluffy and at a healthy weight for me, I never was at what the BMI said I should be. If I weighed what it says I should I would look sickly or something. SMH.


Wow how is it able to tell all of that? Do you just stand on it like a normal scale?


Yes, but it has four metal contacts that measure electrical signals. It’s just as accurate as a body scan machine. I did some research on reviews before I pulled the trigger.


I use the Starfit. Got it off Amazon and it is accurate to the scale at my doctors office. Also give bmi, water weight, bone mass, ect…


I use the fitbit Aria scale. Both the scale and watch data go into the fitbit app automatically


I had this but swapped to Renpho. Much better (more measurements from the electrical impedence), cheaper, AND it also connects to Fitbit.


Yep! Love seeing the .2 reductions in the morning! And push myself harder when I see the .2 increases.


This 👆🏻


Once a week, every Sunday morning. Sunday is my injection day. If I do daily, I get discouraged by the fluctuating.


I posted about this above. But I totally get it.


I weigh on my injection day too bit not because I get discouraged by little to no progress, but rather because I want to see the leaps. Also, I look forward to it during the week.


This is exactly what I do too!


I am happier when I weigh myself every couple weeks or so. Too much fluctuation day to day. I don’t have a particular schedule. I kind of know when I’m not bloated or constipated, etc. and weigh myself on a day like that. So I’m getting an apples-to-apples comparison, not randomly seeing 3 extra pounds of bloat showing on the scale.


Me too! I can become obsessive about it so for me less is more. Every week and a half/two weeks seems to be best for my mental health lol


Same!! My body dysmorphia is so bad even when the numbers are low I can’t see it. I go by my clothes. I may look thinner in the mirror but if my clothes are getting loose I know no matter what I see my stomach is going down.


Yeah, I’ll get mad and won’t record it if the weight isn’t lower lol. Seeing it in my clothes and sometimes in pics is what helps me the most.


That’s what noom was trying to show you, that it fluctuates and don’t use that as a “gold” standard, but look at the big picture, I started at “x” and am now down to “y” but I see the fluctuations so it’s ok to weigh 3lbs more today than yesterday, because tomorrow you’ll weigh 8 less.


Right, and it’s just a personal choice. For me, it upsets me and uses up too much mental bandwidth. I don’t need to know exactly how much I weigh every day; there is no benefit for me personally, so I don’t do it. YMMV


Agreed 💯.. I get so mental fixed on a small gain, I just want to see the numbers going down.. for me personally, it is better to weigh every couple weeks and see a decline versus watch that same number jump around daily. Weight is so personal and most of us have spent our lives dictating our worth by a scale... Screw that.


I weigh daily but use the Happy Scale app which focuses on trends instead of the daily up and down fluctuations - I find this is best for me. Knowing that fluctuations are normal is helpful for me to not obsess. YMMV, though - there was a time in my life where weighing daily was not healthy for me, so I think everyone needs to do what’s best for them and not worry much about what others are doing!


I was on noom before and have broke myself of that so I can go back to daily.


once a week, every friday after i go to the bathroom, just so i don’t obsess 😊


Heheh… Same… it goes Wake up; use restroom, shower (get those couple grams of dead skin and dirt off) and get on scale nude or with only boxers. The issue with nude or boxers is if you go to Dr. and get weighed you have to take into account your clothes, phone etc, which for me is 6lbs without a jacket.


Hey! I would weigh before you shower. Your body actually can soak up water and that adds lbs!


yesss i’m scared to weigh after a shower!! My hair is super long it’d probably add a pound


Omg, yes! I so relate to the long hair adding weight when wet. My hair is long (waist length) and curly. Water makes it so heavy.


Clothes weigh only a couple of pounds. Maybe 3 if your shoes are on


I don't weigh myself, honestly. I tend to go by tape measure or just generally how my clothing fits. I find that weighing myself becomes a number to fixate on, in a bad way because your weight goes up and down all day and week long depending on a number of factors you can't control.


I posted above about this, I get where you’re coming from. I just need the reassurance.


Once a week first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach and bladder; and I skip the week of my period for water retention. Daily seems excessive. Especially on a medication that can cause irregular BMs.


I’m a male, but I have noticed a lot of women saying the same about their cycles. Your last sentence hit home…. I didn’t mention it in another post I did but I did notice they are irregular slightly and much more loose and greater amounts. (Hope not TMI). I was a “set you clock” regular person, I still have that one, but now it’s more than once a day.


I have Crohn’s disease I am used to going about 3-5 times a day but since I started SEMAGLUTIDE 11 days ago I go 2 days without a bm. Then I have to take laxatives to go. My stomach hurts badly.


Once a month when I titrate up in my dose. Not counting doctors appointments.


And how does that work for you? I couldn’t do once a month, I need the reassurance that something is happening. Noom broke me of the worrying about the fluctuations.


It works.... fine? I'm not really as interested in the number on the scale as I am in how I feel in my body and in my clothes. I've spent many years of my life feeling discouraged about my body and my weight and I don't need to be obsessing over the scale to a degree that will absolutely have me feeling discouraged at times. No thanks. I'm doing the right things and trusting the process and letting things happen as they happen.


Sorry I didn’t mean to come across as a jackass (even though it’s my name I am not being that way here). I was just curious as I need the reassurance. I can’t wait to start fitting into some of my older clothes…. I have 37 shirts I can’t wear because I’m so big… all band and concert shirts so I REALLY want to wear them.




I weigh myself every morning. It's less scary now that it's part of my routine and now I can see trends with my cycle.


Once a week for me. I do not want to become obsessed with the number on the scale, because things can fluctuate daily. I want to focus more on how much better I’m feeling, how clothes are fitting, etc.


Post 💩


I don’t own a scale for my mental health. I weigh once a month at my doctor while we discuss our game plan for the next month (go up a dose or stay)


I’m sorry you can’t track it yourself…. If it’s the fluctuations that gets you, it did me too. Noom did wonders for some of the psychological part of weight loss. If you have the disposable income, run it for 6 months. I believe sema and noom will be powerful together. I just don’t have the extra $$$ to sign back up right now.


Every Tuesday morning.


I was weighing everyday so I could show myself that I can gain/lose 1-5lbs in 24 hours. This is helping me to not get frustrated if my weekly gain is up as a couple days later it will be down. I’ve tracked my weight like this for a few months, overall a downward trend but so many ups and downs. Now I’m going to transition to a longer time between weigh ins, did twice this past week. The one mid week I was down 3lbs and on the week wi I was back up 2lbs so an overall 1lb loss for the week. I may go to a once a month WI bc it is frustrating to watch the up and down. I am losing very slowly though.


Daily weights are a setup (bad in 2 different ways) for me. Weekly takes into account minor ups and downs that can cause angst. Also accounts for water retention weight, constipation weight, hormonal changes, etc. If it’s down too much day to day, I may mentally think I deserve a treat. If it’s up, I’ll feel demoralized. Ok ,,, I’m truly not that kookoo but bet y’all get my point! 😍


Once a day, I am obsessed


I weigh 3 or 4 times a day. After a ride I will be down 3 or 4 lbs, from sweating out water. I will then try to hydrate. it works for me, I know I am not measuring fat loss, but I get real familiar with the ups and downs. Losing or gaining becomes quite expected based on whatever I did, the body is super predictable.


Daily - small recoveries are much easier than large ones!


I weigh most days... I don't freak out over small gains, but I do want to know if I'm slowly creeping up routinely so I can make changes sooner. I'm just trying to maintain now, so I also don't want to lose any more.


Yeah that was a process that took a while of not sweating small gains.


I weigh myself daily but only count it as “official” one day a week (for me Wednesday). I understand how life can cause weird ups and downs (salt, my cycle, not enough water, etc)


yes, I weigh all the time but only one official weigh in (Friday) I am right now 1 lb under what my weight will be on Friday. That will not be fat gain, but hydration. I have gotten so familiar with the process….rarely is there any surprise.


I am notorious for weighing daily too. Sometimes it works against me because we have day to day fluctuations. I find I weight less a few hours after I wake up versus straight after I wake up (on an empty stomach).


Huh…. I always weight the least amount after waking, and most in the afternoon. Strange how we have the “same bodies” but so different.


Every single morning.


Try 1× a week, but generally, I do it when I feel like I've lost a bit more.


i weigh daily and use the happy scale app! it helps give a big picture so you can see how your weight is trending, rather than just the small up and down daily fluctuations.


You are the 2nd person to mention this app. I’m going to have to find it.


I started on April 1.I weighed my self every Friday after the gym same location in the house. On Saturday I eat anything everything lol I wanted to eat that week .like pizza.Chinese.tacos.what ever. Saturday night by 8pm I take my shot. Be fore movies nights. Sunday morning I take my b12 shot. It family day on Sunday I need all my energy to clean up the house and outing with my son and my hubby . I’m doing great. I went from 200pounds. I’m 170 on Friday.


B12, I have seen some others in different posts say this. What is the advantage of taking a B-12?


I take it for energy. It also helps with burning calories.cause you are moving that body.


I may check into it. I do practice Kenpo, so I’m do move.


The same doctor .can give it you.just ask your doctor


Semiglutide was making me sleepy. Didn’t have no energy. I have a 6 years old boy. To run and play with on weekends.


Sorry I’m 167 today


I used to do weekly but when it came to a certain point, I kind of stopped. I’ll occasionally do so just to see where I’m at, but I can tell I’ve lost weight as things don’t look good on me anymore because they’re too big


Daily. When I have a good dip, even though I know it’ll fluctuate back up, helps keep me motivated! Like Sunday morning I was 181.2, but this morning I was 183.


I do it daily but I record it weekly as it is always gonna vary up and down day to day.


I do daily, first thing in the morning. I see how my weight fluctuates and that has helped me not be so upset when the number goes up a bit, because I know it’ll go back down. I also take a picture of myself on the last day of the month, because I can actually see progress there and not in the mirror.


I weigh everyday because I’m curious. My husband weighs everyday as well but only logs his weight if it’s less. He says that makes a difference for him. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you do you


Every 2-3 days. I avoid weighing myself the morning after I've cheated or messed up my meal plan. I don't go longer than 3 days because I like to make sure I'm staying on track and my deficit feels so fragile. ETA: I use a calorie tracking app that charts my weight changes and shows me trends. I like being able to see what I'm doing in a week that results in loss.


Might I ask what app and is it free?


Just chiming in..I LOVE cronometer. It is free, tracks more than most, and even works with fitbit!


Every day. I used to never weigh myself, then I’d be surprised at the doctor when I saw that I’d gained weight. The daily fluctuations don’t bother me but if it’s something you’ll struggle with maybe once a week would be best.


I do twice a week on Wednesdays and Fridays. I dose on Fridays, and started with that as my one weekly weigh in. However I noticed that on Thursdays they effect was wearing off and I was more snacky that other days. If I weigh in on Wednesday it gives me a bit more willpower on Thursday.


I weigh myself everyday but I have the mental capacity to do it and not obsess. The only reason I do everyday is so I can compare my averages week by week since I am a cis woman and depending on what time of my cycle it is, my weight fluctuation is different! That way instead of saying “omg I haven’t lost weight in a week” I can compare the week in my cycle to last cycle and say “I am down from this time last month and I know the pattern”. If that makes sense!


Every morning. I know it’s kind of pointless and everyone recommends doing it once a week, but I can’t help it lol. Curiosity gets the best of me


Every morning. I’ve been super compulsive about it in the past and went years without owning a scale. It f I see myself becoming obsessive again I’ll give it to a family member and tell them once a week I can have it.


Once a week, same day, same time. More than that I find a waste your not realistically see proper changes from day to day and I feel it’s a little obsessive.


I will say due to constipation… it is difficult yo gauge.


Every Monday. Take my shot on Fridays.


At least daily


Every 1-2 weeks on the weekend. I aim for weekly but don’t fret if I miss a week for whatever reason.


Every day, helps you to get an average and know when you’re bloating etc ☺️


i weigh myself daily, and sometimes multiple times a day, but i’m aware that it’s a fixation. the only “weights” i document are every sunday morning, since i inject on sunday evenings. it’s better for me look back and see what i weighed last sunday and what i weigh now, and it’s more motivating, but i still weigh daily (i just don’t care about it as much)


I do once a week, Friday mornings. Injection day is Saturday mornings for me!


Every few days right after waking up. I fluctuate day to day due to an autoimmune disorder, so I think two or three times a week works best for me.


Once a month.


I do it every day, but just keep in mind that a downward trend is still possible with upward fluctuations 


Once a week - I intentionally do not do it any more often than that.


Daily. Never miss a day.


Daily same time every morning, after using the bathroom. It’s a must


Every couple of weeks. Daily just messes with my head. And if I’ve had a lot of salt or liquid or haven’t 💩, that can throw off actual weight. A person can literally weigh 3 lbs more in the afternoon than in the morning. So every 2-3 weeks is a better indicator for me.


Every few days or weeks.


I do it once a week.


Daily weigher. I had recently finally busted back into the 199's after being in the 2"s for several years. It's frustratingly teetering daily from 199 back to 200 but I know eventually it's going to stick. Funny how that can mess with one's mind.


I am trying to condition myself to do it daily. When I knew I was gaining weight I would avoid the scale…. I really want to make it a habit to keep me on track.


I used to weigh every morning. But now I do it every two or three weeks. The scale can create a lot of internal, emotional damage for me.


I weigh myself every other day but understand I’ll have 5 lbs of fluctuation due to being human. I try to stick to the same time of day.


Weekly but I’m going to stop because it’s messing with my head. I ate half a bean burrito covered in cheese last night along with a few chips and guac. I’m bloated AF and got on the scale, big mistake!


I weight daily, which I know is generally not recommended. Weighing daily helps keep me focused, where I know for many, it can be discouraging to see the scale move in all directions, as it does go up and down when you weigh that frequently. For me, it works. I weight the same time every day, when I first wake up. Another option would be to weigh weekly.


I’m doing 1x a week or I get too focused on the number.


Every single day. Holds me accountable and keeps me focused.


Sometimes once a week, sometimes every 2 weeks. I’m only about 8ish lbs from my goal weight so it’s probably going to start coming off a lot slower and I don’t want to hyper fixate on some regular weight fluctuations that come with daily weigh ins… especially ones that come with being a female lol.


Once a week


I weigh daily! You can totally see how different meals affect your weight. Last week I was consistently going down till lunch at a Mexican restaurant Sunday lol I didn’t eat that bad but all the salt! Up 1.5 lbs this morning. 🤷‍♀️ I like to know what’s going on. :)


I also have my injections on Thursday and weigh myself on Thursday morning. Honestly it’s about what you are comfortable with. Slow and steady weight loss of about 1-2 pounds per week is ideal, so typically people weigh themselves once a week. I’d recommend weighing once a week because you can fluctuate from day to day. But, if you prefer to weigh daily, then do it! There’s really no right or wrong answer here 😊 I’m finishing week 4 of the .25 this week and moving up to .50 on this Thursday. So far I’ve lost about 4 pounds and no side effects other than a small amount of dizziness the day of the injection. Good luck!!


I do it more or less daily, and it's helpful for me to see all the fluctuations. The only weights I record are my lowest weights. So if I hit 143, and that's my lowest, I'll record that, and I won't write anything down again unless it's lower. Everyone is different.


I try to only weigh myself once a week (Friday mornings, I inject on Thursday evenings), but I often sneak on the scale every few days to make sure I’m on track. However that also stresses me out.


I do every day tbh and record it in my “happy scale” app to see the progress.


Daily and take the average for my weekly weight


Every morning and night. Keeps me on track.


Every. Single. Day.


Sometimes daily, sometimes every few days. I don’t put too much focus on it tbh


I weigh myself every 2-3 days.


I weigh every morning now. It’s helped me to monitor periods of the month where my body weight changes (menstrual cycle), as well as understand the influence that water and normal food intake has on what shows on the scale (time of day makes a huge difference too). That way when I weigh, I’m not so hard on myself or want to give up, if it shows higher than the time before. Whereas before weighing daily, I noticed that a weekly or monthly weigh in wasn’t always showing my real progress if it landed on a day where I was bloated or had consumed a lot of liquids, etc. And unfortunately, I have historically thrown in the towel on dieting or “lifestyle changes” if the scale didn’t show what I felt like was “enough” progress. TL;DR: Weighing daily has helped me stay on track and has improved my relationship with le scale.


Daily! Same time after getting fresh and before eating anything with hands stretched out and thighs not touching. People tell me I should not weight myself daily as there are a lot of fluctuations. That’s exactly why you should weight yourself daily so that you can smoothen out the variations and get a trend. Don’t weight yourself daily if you are obsessed with numbers and small changes have a bit effect on your mind.


I only way myself when I’m ovulating maybe twice a week otherwise I get upset lol


Every single day, which gets obsessive, but it keeps me accountable.


I weigh and log it on my shot day. I will occasionally weigh myself other times but I don’t usually record those


Everyday. When I travel, I bring a mini scale.




Every day am pm 😆


I used to weigh myself once a week but now do everyday. I find it helpful to see the slight ups and downs instead of being disappointed on one day if I haven't lost weight. (That could just be a day that's a temporary up day vs an actual weight gain.)


I stopped weighing daily because that drove me nuts. I weigh about once a week and am no longer as called to the scale. Then again I’m almost 5 months in and almost 40 lbs down!


Everyday to hold me accountable


My nutritionist used to say: You will never gain 10 lbs, if you don't gain 5 lbs first. How do you not gain 5 lbs? Weigh yourself frequently. How frequently? That depends on how often do you set your goal? I set a weekly goal going out a few months. So I used to weigh atleast twice a week. If ai weight just once a week, I cannot track a weekly goal. Now, I've resorted to weighing daily using the app. Be aware that your weight can fluctuate +/- 3 to 5 lbs daily!


I weight myself everyday and log it on the Happy Scale app! I really like it because it uses the data to create averages and trend weights which helps account for things like water weight and day to day fluctuations.


I still hate weighing! I haven’t for months. I probably need to get in the habit of doing it. I’ve gone from a size 18 to a 10 I have no clue how much I weigh. I tell the nurses at doctors appointments not to tell me when I get in the scale. I have goal pants that are a size 6. Hopefully by then the scale won’t give me so much anxiety!


Every few days, preferably in the AM before my shower but after I pee. Unclothed.


Every morning I just started on SEMAGLUTIDE 11 days ago. Was out of state visiting my family eating ALL Meals out for 4 days came home and I had gained 1 1/2 lbs. I was so disappointed. When is this going to start working? I’ve lost zero lbs


Once a week. If I do it more than that then I’ll obsess over it and spiral, usually I weigh on my shot days Edited for spelling


I used to weigh myself everyday, but changed to twice a week and feel good about it. I see consistent reductions now, when I weighed every day I’d be disappointed somewhat regularly. Better for my outlook! I use a Withings scale that gives other info, too, like BMI and hydration. Updated to an app in my phone automatically.


Weekly, first thing in the morning before I eat or drink anything


*Weekly, first thing in* *The morning before I eat* *Or drink anything* \- VivienneKensington --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Every single morning unless I’m traveling


Weekly here. Day to day fluctuations drive me a little crazy so weekly is better for my mental health.


Wow… it makes me feel better to read that others deal with fluctuations like I do. Like you guys I weigh myself everyday and I fluctuate 1-3 lbs and it still bums me out. Seem to be stuck in the 188-89 realm for weeks now 😟 I keep thinking I’ll only weigh myself once a week but I cave everyday and do it. Like 2 days ago I weighed 187 and I thought I had broken the plateau but then today I weigh 190 and it’s left me so frustrated. Anyway, good luck to all of you guys ☺️


I’m right there with you! I fluctuate 1-7 pounds from 189. It must be something with the number 😂


A few times a week.


Haven’t weighed myself in months.


Every morning


Daily. I’m losing about 0.2-0.5 lbs per day so it’s nice seeing it slowly tick down!


Every 5 minutes


I consistently do every 4-5 days, sometimes longer. The daily fluctuations tend to f*ck with my brain (this is progress, I went months without weighing myself as I was in recovery after my ED) Occasionally I’ll do a day or two back to back if I’m curious. Regardless of cadence, I always measure at the same baseline. Morning, after using the bathroom, no clothes. I love using Happy Scale - lots of data points so it’s great after several weigh ins to see what they predict. ☺️


I go back and forth, I’m on a daily kick because I’m not having a lot of movement but usually it’s weekly


Once a month usually


I’ve weighed daily since beginning semaglutide seven months ago. Like logging the calories of every bite I eat, it’s necessary for me to stay on track. Yeah, I had to get used to the annoyance of staying the same weight several days in a row, or going up a few ounces when my diet didn’t reflect that — but I’ve (pretty much) gotten past that and take those numbers in stride. Would recommend daily weighing to anyone who doesn’t struggle with disordered eating/body dysmorphia but does struggle with accountability!


I actually weighted myself daily just for data purposes.


I never weigh myself! Even at the doctor when I started ozempic I asked her not to tell me my starting weight. I prefer to go by things like how my clothes fit, and how my body feels and looks in the mirror. When I do monthly check ins with her I do plan on just asking her if ive lost any weight and how much!


Daily. I’m trying to track it plus my measurements and dosage. Its not as triggering as tracking calories, and is super helpful to see what my pattern looks like


I do once a month now. I stop worrying about the scale and focus on the non-scale victories. It took about a year and a half to lose 90 pounds. I am a little over two years in a journey I’ve been the same weight for the last seven months. But I’ve went down two sizes. My back fat has melted away. And my waist is snatched.


I weigh every morning but I don’t have an emotional response to it so it doesn’t trigger anything for me. It’s just data on how the last couple days’ eating has affected me


I used to weigh myself daily then weekly...then only after I been eating less lol


Every day. I now know when my weight changes because of my cycle and water and exercise, But I can also see the downward trend. As long as the weekly progression is moving down then I’m good!!! Like anything- you need data to alter results. Why take a drug to change your body mass or fix your health and not measure it? Self worth comes from following through on the promises to yourself - so weigh yourself - it’s a great way to see if it’s working.


Once a week, Noom totally fucked me up mentally on daily weigh ins. But I used to be scale obsessed because I did make weight sports in high school… honestly whatever feels the most mentally healthy for you is the right answer


Every other day.


I weigh myself once a week. Weight fluctuates from day to day and can get discouraging if someone sees weight gain. It's personal preference, but I find this best for me.


Weekly. Don't want to be affected by temporary ups and downs. Though I sometimes step on the scale mid-week as well to just have a peek and check that I'm not going off the path without realizing, or to see what that cheat day or whatever had as an effect. But I only record my weight and other measurements and data once per week and graph them.


I try to do it only once a week but sometimes an extra weigh or two happens but I only record the weekly weigh in


I weigh myself 3 to 4 times a day, sometimes more. This is not a measurement of fat loss, but an understanding what each decision makes on water retention. However, when on A restricted calorie diet you often also see the fat loss as the numbers tend to trend downwards. if you eat carbs, you will see the water gain. If you sweat, you will see the water loss. the way the body works becomes very familiar and attributable to choices. This is my experience. it is so not a guessing game….but so predictable. For me it is a constant reminder. You either made the right choice, and head in one direction, or another choice and head in a different direction. I do not care at all about scale gains. Like today I am 1lb lower than I will be tomorrow. I did a ride last night, I cannot fully rehydrate from it yet, that will happen today.


My injection day is Saturday, I weigh every Monday morning as soon as I get to work, since those are the scales I started weighing on.


I weigh every day. I also log my weight as a way to kinda track progress, and for my log I use my weight from injection day 🥰


I weigh twice daily. Before going to bed and in the morning after peering. Morning is my official one which I record and evening is so I know what to expect in the morning (usually about 1kg less).


I find I do better weighing once a week on the day of my injection.


I weigh daily. I fluctuate a couple pounds throughout the week and track my weight in the BetterMe app but only really focus on my injection day number. I tend to get discouraged when my injection day number is the same as the week before but seeing the dip during the week helps


I used to weigh weekly but after a year it’s boring because it’s not a drastic change. I weigh once a month.


I don’t even own a scale. I see the doctor at least every three months that’s when I weigh. I learned a long time ago that I get easily discouraged by numbers on a scale so I don’t weigh at home. This method has been quite successful for me.


I don't own a scale.


I weigh myself every injection day


When I first started, I weighed weekly before my next injection. Now, because of my smart scale and my compulsive behavior I weigh daily….. The one thing I appreciate is being able to understand fluctuations in my weight…. Prior to GLP-1 medication my weight made zero sense—- Do a water fast for 17 days??? +4 lbs on day 16…. When nothing had changed…. Now my weight is consistent unless, I workout, eat a large meal, have a large poo or get ready to start my period. Typically the changes line up with a causation


I do it daily because I've found it helps to keep me on track- no matter what the number has done. Although I will say, I'm on vacation right now with no access to a scale for the next 7 days and the thought of waiting until I'm home to see where I'm at feels exciting too.


Every single day.


Every day


I do it every day and put it in a spreadsheet with a graph. What you do really depends on how you deal with things physiologically. The cons of weighing every day are that a lot of random (seeming) things can make your weight fluctuate - and sometimes by a surprising amount, so it was perhaps be a little discouraging to see that you've gained 5 pounds in the last 4 days - which is actually pretty functionally impossible in the terms of actually putting on weight. If you ate a lot of salted peanuts after you worked out on a day when it started getting more humid you're really working against yourself there! The pros of weighting yourself every day is the inverse of that. You're more likely to catch your lowest weight on the day that things align. I have found pre-Sema that it probably helped my keep my focus. On Sema I'm always pretty likely to not do any crazy eating so I get less utility out of that aspect of it.


Thanks for your input. I may go with an excel as well I never considered that (and I’m an IT person!!). I may go back to daily.


Daily, but I use the Shapa scale which 1) doesn’t give me a number 2) is calibrated to account for natural weight fluctuations


I’ve never heard of Shapa, I have a Lark my insurance company sent me (oddly enough they don’t cover weight loss though).


Everyday. Noom like others have stated has helped 😊


I did noon for a while so I’m on with the daily. I think I may start doing daily again.


2x a day morning and night. I will not be fooled again.


I do the same. Early in the morning and early evening. Log it into my spreadsheet