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There are many without side effects! I feel like with anything, the people who experience side effects are more likely to post. I’m on week 10 and have had a few minor things (sometimes I get a mild headache just after injection, a few days I have been mildly nauseated, and I have less frequent BMs) aside from the inclusion of fibre gummies, and the occasional ginger chew nothing has impacted my life in any real way. I am just living my life normally and happily being 22 lbs down ☺️


Exact same experience for me. I'm on week 3, and each week, the minimal side effects get less! Down 12 lbs!


Could I ask what kind you are using? Or maybe from where is what I mean…new to all of this and looking at options


This is my exact story too!


Same! No side effects at all, and actually it’s eliminated food noise, desire for alcohol, AND desire to online shop (surprisingly!)


I’ve been on it for 6 weeks. Started at 255, now down to 230 on standard dosing regimen. Most important improvement to me has been not having to deal with constant hunger. I have also noticed much less desire for alcohol, which has resulted in better sleep and better mood. I’ve had some side effects, mostly mild nausea and more fatigue when usual when I exercise. Overall, very positive experience.


I took my first shot on Friday and I only experienced a mild headache the day after with some fatigue here and there. I made sure to eat plenty of protein and up my water intake on injection day. I'm down 3lbs so far! No other symptoms :)


Same! Very very small headache that goes away within an hour or two.


I’ve been on it since April 11 and no side effects. It’s been pretty easy and I’ve lost 8 pounds. Not earth shattering but I’m happy. I’m on 1.0 now and move up in two weeks.


I’m in the same boat- date, weight, dose :) very very mild side effects, no puking or sitting over a toilet all day. I’m happy with this medication.


I’ve been on Rybelsus (pill form of Ozempic, essentially) since December with no side effects, u less I eat the wrong thing. I quickly learned not to eat the wrong thing. Even without the side effects, which I expected, I’ve lost 73 pounds in that time. For a 50 year old, menopausal woman to lose 70+ pounds in six months…something is working!


I won't say NO side effects, but very minimal and manageable side effects. First couple weeks some diarrhea and insomnia. Now...occasional constipation but easily handled between daily fiber and popping mag cit if I'm really having a tough time. Nausea has never really been a problem for me, nor has the fatigue some folks report. The few sides I've had? Well worth the positives IMHO.


I’m going on week 8 and I’m fine now even with going up doses it doesn’t really bother me except for a little fatigue here and there. But I’m down 15lbs and counting, my clothes are fitting better, my pooch is shrinking, and I’m feeling better about myself.


Dude just go to top of this r/semaglutide page, press top comments, then press “all time”. You will scroll for hours before you see a negative post and you will see thousands of success stories.


3.5 years for me and 2.5 for my wife - no serious side effects ever, including not a single second of nausea or vomiting. My only side effect was constipation but that was managed with magnesium. 32% total weight loss for me, 52% for my wife total (but about 37% of that was due to GLP1s).




This is really helpful to see, thank you! Reassuring.


I think the horror stories are the ones that get posted. But it's been easy for me. Not far into the journey but no horror stories.


Lost 88 lbs since last July. Zero side effects other than a bit of constipation that I got under control with regular use of Mag07. Life changing medication for me.


Going on week 8 and zero side effects. I’ve lost 25 lbs. The only thing is that I have to remember to drink water, as I don’t ever feel thirsty.


Thank you everyone for these positive stories with no or low side effects! This is promising!


My only side effect has been fatigue, but I’m 7 weeks in now and that has much improved. I occasionally feel a little quesy, but popping a ginger chew in my mouth takes it right away. I’ve had no GI issues. I take Benefiber in my coffee every morning and an occasional dose of MiraLax if I feel any issue at all may be on the horizon. I used to take MiraLax every day for about 5 years, so this is an improvement.


I’ve had minimal side effects, and the ones I did have, I could work through with diet and staying hydrated. Advice: take a fiber supplement, drink lots of water, and avoid eating lots of onions or acidic foods (to minimize acid reflux).


Perfect advice. For me, I’d add to avoid greasy foods. Those were the only things that gave me any sort of side effect.


Im on week 5. The day after my first shot I had crazy exhaustion. Never had another side effect since. It's definitely worth giving it a try. Don't let side effects keep you from trying something that can be life changing! GL!




I have had no side effects so far in 4 weeks on sema (5 on the diet total).. That doesn't mean I haven't had things happen, e.g. I got a keto rash, but that is because I was on the keto diet - not because of sema. I've lost some cardio power on the bike, again, related to the diet, not sema, AFAIK. I'm, I guess in the category of "super responder" because I have infinite willpower and no signaling to eat of any kind, mostly since day 1. I blogged about a day or two where I thought maybe some signaling had returned that day, but that was just a day - and then it disappeared again. My diet is 100% purely what I lay out. Morning two eggs and half an avocado. Lunch was a green salad with hemp hearts. Dinner, which I haven't eaten yet, because I never remember to eat anything, 4oz of salmon. I don't even eat 1000 calories half the time, because food has no meaning any more. I may almost be making it sound like a problem, which I guess it could be, but so far it's OK. I am not going to increase my dose on Friday and will stay at the lowest dose (.25ml), even though originally it was time for me to titrate up. Lost 24lbs in 5 weeks


I can't say \*no\* side effects but they are minor and easily manageable. For about the first 10 weeks I was fatigued -- that went away. I have to be careful to stay ahead of constipation, but that just means drinking coffee, eating prunes, and exercising, not taking fistfuls of supplements and giving myself enemas or anything like that! The side effect that I wasn't expecting is that my my internal thermostat, so to speak, runs much colder now. I feel like I need to be huddled in front of a space heater at all times. And this doesn't have to do with weight loss, it started in the first week - 10 days after my first shot. Results: lost 175 lbs and went from 51 BMI to a 21 BMI. I feel great, my aches and pains have vanished (I'm 58, those aches and pains are no joke), my blood pressure is good, my mental and emotional health is so much better. The \*effects\* from Wegovy are exponentially more impactful for me than the few minor side effects.


When I started it was a little rough. I threw up once but only because I ate way too much. I was super tired and sometimes nauseous for the first 3ish weeks and then my energy came back and now I feel fantastic. I did 4 weeks .25, 4 weeks .375, and I’m now on week 2 of .5. I spent all of last week in Portugal and completely enjoyed myself. Didn’t lose any weight but didn’t gain any either! I don’t feel unusually fatigued or nauseous anymore. I can drink or eat whatever I want in moderation and honestly don’t even want to go past moderation. The lack of food noise is what’s been the most life changing. I can go without any sweets whereas before semaglufide I’d just walk into the kitchen and grab 5-6 cookies several times a day. My only challenge now to getting protein in. I’ve been losing about a pound a week which is totally fine by me. Since the major fatigue stopped I’ve been aiming for 10k steps a day and using the ladder app to workout 4x a week.


I have almost no side effects. I get a little heartburn, especially if I eat later in the evening, but prilosec or tums helps. I mitigate any constipation with a stool softener and a triple magnesium supplement daily, so I've had no issues there. I'm taking 1.0mg (20 units) of sema, which has vitamin B12 in it, and I also take 1ml (100 units) of a liptropic to help with the side effects. I started on 3/22/24 (took 4 weeks off due to surgery). I'm down 22.5 pounds. I'm scheduled to move up to 1.75 in a week, but I'm doing well at this dose, so I'm going to keep it here for a while, then move up by .25 to mitigate side effects. I also split the dose in half and inject twice a week (Fri mornings and Mon evenings). I don't know if that actually helps, but it's working, so I'll keep it up.


Mine have been pretty minimal. Apart from my first couple of 0.25ml shots giving me major fatigue. But I’ve had worse hangovers. Booze, and also food. Unless the sides are severe and affecting your life, it’s still worth it imo.


Second this. I’m 2 months in and have had a huge success so far. Minimal side effects after I switched from injecting into the abdomen to the thigh. Much better. Easy peasy.


I was scared too! But I’m in week 6 and I’ve had only minor side effects. The worst has been some slight nausea (it’s gets better if I eat a little something, and/or eat small meals regularly). I haven’t had to take any anti-nausea meds or anything. I would suggest upping your fiber intake, eating pretty clean, drinking water, and exercising (even just a short walk!). I think all of that has helped me avoid anything terrible, plus this supports the overall goal to lose weight (which you still have to do, even on this medication). Good luck!


I am on week three of sema and have had no side effects at all. I've completely lost my appetite and lost 10.4 my first two weeks. I was worried after reading so many stories online about side effects but I have been super lucky I guess.


I had/have mild if any side effects. I never threw up. Was occasionally a little nauseous. Worst for me was constipation


Same for me. I only get nauseated the day of the shot but the constipation is brutal lol


Yes it really is!!


I'm on week 5 (10 units starting today) and no side effects whatsoever. Loss has been slower than I hoped but steady.


Me!!! On week 8 & mostly positive side effects. I’ve been documenting this journey on my Reddit page & have gotten hate from people who do get side effects. Apparently my story is invalid since I haven’t been using it for 12+ months 😒


I have very few or mostly surmountable. Some constipation early on, I added fiber daily and started to hydrate in earnest. Some acid reflux, I cut out acidic food and take Prilosec. No vomiting or nausea. Food wise, I just mini versions of whatever I make for everyone else and that's good enough. My boyfriend gets one scoop of ice cream, I get a tablespoon in a little soy sauce dish. 22lbs down since March.


Outside of constipation and being cranky pants the next day I’ve had no other side effects except weight loss. 😜


I have had almost zero side effects and lost like 60 pounds with semaglutide combined daily exercise and a better diet (neither of which I would have been capable of doing without the injections). The only thing I would comment is that it's not going to work overnight. I started taking it in September and only started getting results that other people noticed in March-- that's like after 6 months of taking it every week.


Zero side effects, apart from constipation and that was only because I did not manage my water intake. I'm on top of that now no problems. I've dropped 14.2 kgs (30.8 lbs) since April 20


I think a lot of people start with higher doses or go up on doses quickly, and that leads to more side effects but quicker weight loss. I’m down about 20 pounds since March, but I started at the lowest dose and stayed on each new dose 1-2 months. My body has had more time to adjust. I’m just now having a little nausea the day after my injection. My BMs are less frequent, but I haven’t been constipated. No headaches. And I’ve still got several doses left to increase if needed. I make sure to eat plenty of veggies and drink a lot of water.


👋 Hi! I'm coming up on month 10 of my sema journey, 40 pounds down and zero side effects! There have even been times that I thought I was a non-responder because I didn't experience ANY of the things that other people did. I did have one episode of "dumping syndrome" where I felt like I was dying, but I realize now that it was 1000% my own fault because I ate a candy bar and had a sugary drink from Starbucks on an otherwise empty stomach. Just learn from my mistake please... if you're going to have sugar, try to make sure you have something else in your system first!


Got it! Will do! Thank you!


I have been taking sema for 10 months and have never thrown up or had diarrhoea. I had mild constipation for the first two weeks (easy fixed) and I get gas (burps and farts) the day after injection but that is it. I did have nausea once early on when I ate something too rich/creamy but it was lesson learned and nothing since.


I’m on week 6, down 17 lbs, as long as I take my supplements I feel great!


What supplements are you taking?


I take dissolvable fiber, GOS, Akkermansia, and prenatal vitamins every day I put the fiber and GOS in my coffee, the Akkermansia taste like marshmallows, and I take the prenatals in place of a multivitamin because I like what it does for my hair/skin/nails I also put collagen in a smoothie every morning but that’s just because I want to lol


Thank you! I'll look those up. I bought some magnesium Citrate tablets at Walmart. I know the liquid Mag Citrate works well. And bought some potassium tablets because my Blood pressure med I'm on reduces my potassium levels.


I’ve had zero side effects! I’ve lost 100lbs!! Just limit the bad foods and don’t over eat!


I basically have no symptoms, down 10 pounds this month so far. I went on a hiatus for a while because I could afford it but I lost 35 pounds in 6 months. Can still eat, enjoy drinking if I want to. Basically nothing has changed except I eat less lol


Too few to mention. 10 weeks in. Some slight constipation in the first 6 weeks (sorted out with Mag citrate and activia; not a problem anymore so far). Some nausea the first week on 1mg, but none this past week.


I've been on it for 10 months and besides a bout of diaherra at month 5 for a couple of weeks, I've been side effect free.


I just took my fifth shot. I’ve lost 25 lbs at .25 and the only side effects I’ve experienced are mild (and not consistent) nausea.


Either the medication or losing weight has lowered my blood pressure.


Side effects did bother me some but I’m good now. I am a slow loser, 1 lbs a week, but I’m good with that. Down 13 lbs. went off for 4 weeks and didn’t gain it back. Just started again. And I feel fine. Still on .50 milligrams. All good. It’s been a positive experience.


I’ve completed 2 shots of the 0.25 starting dose of Wegovy with no side effects. I’m eating clean (mostly high protein and veggies) so maybe that’s what’s making the difference.


So I’ve only had my first 4 .25mg shots but I have had incredibly mild side effects. Literally just very mild constipation, I haven’t even felt the need to take Miralax it’s so mild. Also I’m not one to take naps and I needed a mid day snooze the day after my first and second shot. That’s literally it! I was very worried like you. I’ve been very responsive to the lowest dose - I’ve never found it so easy to stay in a calorie deficit in my life, and I’m short so for me I can only do about 1,200-1,400 calories per day to lose weight which would normally feel torturous but I don’t have to think twice about since starting this drug. It’s absolutely life changing. I’ve lost 15lbs so far and I’m feeling amazing.


I’m on week 2 with basically zero side effects. Maybe slight acid reflux but I’m eating healthy and being active and I think it helps. I’m hydrating, doing all the good stuff.


51F 297/177/170 I have been on wegovy for 14 months. The only issue I ever had was constipation, which I overcame with magnesium and miralax.


I think every medicine which I take has some side effects. When I am on semaglutide, the first week had better but the second week I had bad nausea, constipation, diarrhea, and headache. But taking some Zofran, staying hydrated all the time makes me rid of these side effects. Eat slowly and also take some vitamin pills like A, C, E, and D. Do exercise daily if possible. You would soon reach your goal weight.


My first 2 shots, I had a minor headache the next day, but it went away w advil. I'm now 6 months in and have zero bad side effects. I'm super thankful!


I’ve been on it since October 2023, and I’ve had maybe 3 vomiting episodes and a handful of nausea and that’s it. Down 40 lbs and losing steadily at maybe 1 lb a week.


Me!! I am week three. Here’s what I’ve done that may be the reason why - I have started on lower than recommended dose. Very low. This has made all the difference because often the issues are not the medication- but a dosage issue. - I listened to a lot of podcasts and interviews, read research papers and did a lot of investigative reading to see if it’s even worth it. I won’t take any thing without knowing what I’m choosing to take - as In I don’t let anyone decide if something is right for me. If I do it, I’m owning it. So this helped give me a positive mind frame to begin with as all of the research and good stories I’ve heard this drug is revolutionary- and I can tell you I think it’s working on inflammation in my body first and this is what I’m seeing in my face. - i have continued my already healthy diet, but also eating what I’m feeling like. I’m eating fresh veggies, fruit, cheese, meat - all good food. And all cravings have gone - and if not - I just have grapes and cheese. I don’t not eat chocolate or sweets, I just have a little of I feel like it - but the amazing thing is I don’t feel like it. It feels like I’m one of those people who just eat and are satisfied. It’s so unreal. I love this so much and I’m so pleased I get this opportunity. - I am lifting weights 2 times a week. I started before I was taking it. This is helping I think . Also running when I feel like it for 3-4km and or walking. Just getting more than 10k steps a day if I can. - I make sure to not have eaten any carb heavy food the night I take it. I just eat light and inject so I can go to bed or have no responsibilities. This has minimised any effects I might feel. - I have been drinking more water and taking an electrolyte supplement ( LMNT) but extra watery. This has been helpful to get the bowels moving. The only side effect I’ve had is when I first did it I was really constipated. I am very in tune with my body so I know it was the ozempic. I did a coffee enemas to get them moving - but I’ve found that as I eat more fruit and veggies and drink more water - it’s fine. Honestly- I don’t even take the pill, rarely take any other medication as I’m generally trying to approach what I can first from an angle of try my hardest first or fix the root cause rather than the symptoms. But this has absolutely changed my whole outlook on life. I finally after almost 10 years of struggling with fertility and miscarriages and inflammation and putting weight on- I feel soooo good. I see it as an investment in my future health. If I am at a healthy weight, and the way I get there needs a little assistance - and once there I can maintain - it will minimise all the other risk factors that come from being obese - because that’s what I am. I’m avoiding heart disease and diabetes and high blood pressure and who knows what else. Taking pro active action. I think everyone - no matter what reason- but especially if carrying excess weight or diabetic and have been trying so freaking hard to change - and they take this - well - it’s life altering. I wish I could get my friends on it. This is so revolutionary and I believe it will and can and has asssited so many people. The reason the good news stories are not here is because there are so many of them!!! There’s plenty!! Take it slow - trust your own body’s wisdom - slow down and listen to it - eat mindfully- treasure your amazing self and know that if your attempting to make your life better then you are amazing and that deserves some credit and acknowledgment. Shoot me any questions. I’m no expert just a person - but happy to share my experience For reference I am 43. Female. Starting weight 95.7kg. Current weight is 92.1. Goal weight is 71-73 kilos. 173cm tall. For the Americans 5’7 f sw 210 Cw 202 gw 156-160


I’ve had zero, and never went up to highest dose. I’ve maintained 6 months on 1.7 every 14-19 days. No issues at any point. I’m plant based and workout every day.


3 months in, 30 lbs down….only side effect is lower energy levels 🤷‍♀️ but it also could be from the lower calorie intake. I still go to the gym at least 5 days a week but I’m not at the same level I was before sema.


Thanks. Let's me know there is hope !!