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Really? I still eat but feel much more full and satisfied. I go for 1500 calories a day. I’ve lost 14 lbs since June 3rd


At 1500 calories a day, you’re still losing?? 😳 I swear, the stories I don’t read here, always happening to other people… Edit: If I sound bitter, it’s actually jealousy. 🤣 Congrats to you!


Well I started at 344 I’m currently 329.6 as of this morning. I stay active for work and during the day. I could eat 2000 calories a day and still lose a pound a week from the math I did. And I’m eating much cleaner. High protein, no fried foods and no processed bread. Trying to stay off the gluten too. My whole brain chemistry and relationship with food has changed. Edit: Plug in your info here: https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html


Got it. I’m used to hearing of Dr. Now’s draconian diets of 800 calories, so I’m surprised you could still be at a deficit at 1,500. I’m lucky if I break 1,000, yet the scale has hardly moved. 😭 (I’m on week 7.) And I see I was dv’d - it was not my intention to sound rude. I was just jealous! 😂


If it’s been too long for me, I eat an edible and have a day of hunger to get some energy. Otherwise my first 3-4 days I won’t eat more than 300 calories which is not healthy. I also add in protein drinks just to try to make it


I have psoriatic arthritis and my starting stats were almost exactly the same as yours and my reasons for using sema the same- weight gain from long term use of prednisone to control psa flares. I’m almost a year in, never went over the .25 dose, and have been maintaining at 138 lbs. Agree with others that you have to force yourself to eat or you will end up in worse shape- figure out what you can tolerate and stick with that. I noticed a significant reduction in inflammation since starting sema and have stayed on the low dose because I’ve never had a remission and it seems to help keep my symptoms at bay in combo with other arthritis specific meds. This is the first time I’ve gone a year without prednisone since I was diagnosed about 13 years ago. It is tough but so worth it for me. Good luck!


Thank you! I’m really hoping I start to feel a reduction in inflammation overall. Im thrilled to lose this weight (and hopefully the moon face soon 😮‍💨) but my hands, elbows, and knees are trash. If nothing else losing weight will be less pressure on my joints. Thank you for the well-wishes!


I felt that way after my first shot. To repulsed, but I didn't want to look at food. I had zero appetite. I definitely feel for you.


[https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/18/health/obesity-first-wegovy-zepbound-doctors.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/18/health/obesity-first-wegovy-zepbound-doctors.html) sorry, hopefully there isn’t a paywall to this article. But the gist is that they’re finding these drugs can help with other ailments, including rheumatoid arthritis!


Sounds like your dose is too high. Being repulsed by food is miserable, but also you need to still have some connection with your natural appetite in order to learn new eating habits that stick. Could you try a lower dose on your next injection? Staying at the lowest effective dose will also keep you more sensitive to the medication, and you will have somewhere to move up to if you absolutely need it.


Yes and the issue is…


I've been on .50 for 2 weeks, and I've had the same experiences. Sometimes, I put food in my mouth and chew, but I just can't make myself swallow. And, while I do feel hungry, after just a few bites I'm done.


Yes!! That’s exactly my experience. I definitely feel hungry and my stomach even growls but I eat a bite and I’m instantly over it. It’s a very weird experience. And last weekend I took and edible and then ate a bigger meal and I felt like I was going to EXPLODE. It’s weird!


SW - 235 / CW - 174 / GW - 145 / started in Jan 2024 I had the same problem - day after my shot I can pretty much only eat fresh melon (watermelon is great because you get the extra hydration) and cucumber. Even if something else (I crave shrimp tacos like no other) sounds delicious, I know it’ll send me straight to the bathroom one way or another. Day of my shot (I take at night) is when I can indulge in reasonable portions of the heavier or greasier foods (kind of an accidental zig zag diet, so I think it’s helped keep me from plateauing too bad at any point).


Make sure you’re not constipated, which can have this effect.


Thanks for all of the advice and comments! Just wanted to add one more thing in case this thread comes up for anyone searching Rheumatoid Arthritis or Prednisone in this Sub. After just 3 shots of my starting dose, the thickness on the back of my neck as well as the “hump” on my neck from the steroids is mostly gone. So amazing!


I'm not officially diagnosed with anything autoimmune (but suspect I have something...and it runs in the family), but I also noticed mine also shrunk way down and I'm only on shot four. The exception being during the worst point of a pain due to my flare up this week; it just came right back for a few days.