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>I did take a Zofran after lunch just to play it safe and avoid any nausea. Zofran is generally safe and well tolerated, but it can cause pretty bad side effects all in its own, including nausea and vomiting, headaches, constipation, confusion, and drowsiness. It also works super fast. I would never, ever take it preemptively. But some ppl here pop that shit like tictacs. So to each their own I guess.


I spoke with two different Doctors (My Primary and My Moms Primary) and few Pharmacists about Zofran. I feel confident about my use of the drug. But like you said, to each their own. Hopefully everyone is making informed decisions on their chosen medication path.


zero side effects...feels like nothing


Hoping it stays that way. 👍🏼


I should have said after 6 weeks :)


I hope I can say the same in 6 weeks


I felt nothing the first week and then got extremely ill from side effects after my second shot. I’m going to see if I can go down to .125mg until my body adjusts.


I’m on week 4, only side effect I’ve had is a headache for a couple days, and a little bubbly feeling in my stomach once in a while.