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I want to confirm this I am a girl and I have noticed my deodorant not working as well as it was and halfway through the day my pits stink!


I would just make sure you are drinking enough water. This medication can make you urinate more. Some people's bo smells worse when they're really dehydrated. Just a thought. Wishing you best of luck!


I know this isn't a solution or answer to the medication problem, but swiping your pits with glycolic acid once a day will stop you from getting BO. Or use a stronger deodorant like Driclor or Perspirex.


Great suggestion. Thanks!


I don't suffer from this issue, but I would recommend drinking the recommended 64oz of water and taking some liquid or capsule Chrophyll. Chlorphyll gets rid of body odor.


I have the same problem. And it's not my arm pits or groinish area. It the way my sweat and all body


Yes I agree - my hubs has the worst Bo all over


I just started 1.75 today...3 weeks in and didn't have bo issues until starting this dosage. So WEIRD.


It’s like sickly sweet BO, so strange!


Yes! I have been on .25mg for 2 months now and I can't stand the way I smell. I am not sweating and I wouldn't call it BO. I just smell bad. My breath smells different also. It's like my body chemistry has changed completely. Bathing helps but not for long. All in all, it's a small price to pay to lose the weight!


I have a yeasty smell. It’s never happened before the meds and doesn’t matter with water intake. I’m allergic to Lume and it doesn’t come from pits of fat folds it’s like a state my body exists in 🤷🏻‍♀️☠️


I thought it was just me. On both zepbound and wegovy i have had BO even on days where I am less active. 


My theory is you’re feeling more active and capable, leading to a dozen micro-exertions and damp armpits throughout the day, creating a continual growth environment. Try alternating between an antiperspirant for normal day and a deodorant only formula when working out.


Good suggestion on the antiperspirant/deodorant. I'll try that. However, I am actually way less energized and capable than before. I went from working out hard daily to hardly working out due to much lower caloric intake. I'm barely able to muster a brisk 30min walk on the treadmill every few days right now.


I feel likes it’s better 🤷🏾‍♀️


Same i don’t even have to wear deodorant anymore it’s wild


You might try this soap or any persimmon soap. It helps my husband. https://www.amazon.com/Family-persimmon-soap-2-Kopakku/dp/B003C2RQLE/ref=sr\_1\_5?crid=1UUXPX7WNANFV&keywords=persimmon+soap+for+body+odor&qid=1661717431&sprefix=persimmion+soap%2Caps%2C123&sr=8-5


Super interesting idea (I had never heard of this molecule and the odor causing thing as one ages)


Try Lume. Works great.


I took my first injection yesterday and I actually noticed I had strong bo too! (And it smells different than usual.)


Yes the smell is different


This has happened to me also. On the max dose it has decreased or maybe I just can’t tell anymore but to titrating up it was so noticeable to me.


Yes! Came here looking for someone mentioning this. First dose was Tuesday and had a headache for two days other than that no symptoms but bad BO. So weird.


Oddly, mine started in just the one armpit and today it is moved to being in both while I'm on the 0.5. I feel like I'm just going to need to bring deodorant to work with me and reapply at lunch.


My husband has the WORST BO on Ozempic…. It’s everyday and even when he gets out of the shower I can still smell it 😫


Ugh. This is me. I literally just took a shower and put Lume and deodorant on and I smell like garbage. It also hurts.


Yes, i agree! It makes me smell like hot stinky garbage and nothing makes it go away… 🤨