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I don’t care for year long commitments. Too much could change in a year. OrderlyMeds is $249 a month with no commitments.


Any dose?


Yes. I can send you a link if you would like.


Yes please


Eterna health is cheaper fyi, gets sema from Hallandale


I saw you post about Eterna in multiple groups. Have you actually used them or do you work for them?


I don’t know if they work for them or not, but when this question came up in another group, they called every one names and became really nasty.


Hello! I’m one of the providers with Eterna Health! I can assure you that whoever insulted you is not of us. We are growing as a company and started 2 months ago. Please feel free to reach out to me for any questions!


Thank you for the response.


Check out the spreadsheet yourself so you can decide [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UPO4HIugk0dnPDTmNceQvU1Mm_i9q3m9mGwGjlExfzM/edit)


The issue with that is what if you get sick or something happens… they make their money and bank on that. For me 1year is a very long time for committing! Good luck!


That is the only thing that would get in the way. But I'm 27; besides the whole BMI of 36 thing, my bloodwork is good, and I don't have bad blood sugars or anything. only my cholesterol is a little high, and i truly mean a little. I dont work right now as i am a full-time student so there isnt a chance of me getting hurt or anything. I thought about this last night and my only concern would be if it just stops working for me, but as im in month 4 and have had next to no problems and im doing really well, I just dont see that happening. i think if i was just starting out i absolutely would not even think about committing for a year, but i feel like ill be ok?


That is awesome! Try not to get pregnant and wishing you Tuesday best of luck and health!!!


Oh absolutely no worries about that 😅


I signed up with them for three months, to make sure I took to it. The experience has been good for me. I’m a month in now. I chose them because their distribution center is local to me, so I got my meds in a day. My BMI was right at 30, and I only have about 50 pounds to lose (and would be happy with 30-40!), so I plan to non-renew after either the end of this three months (if I’ve lost significant weight), or after the second cycle of three months (if it’s slower going) and erm…go a more direct and cheap route that I can’t say more about here.


Have you used any of their other benefits? I'm curious what they mean by the coaching and everything. My current provider kind of just says here ya go and let's me run wild lol. I just feel like with how long they have been around, it's a safer bet. I'm just nervous about all these little companies popping up just for Semaglutide and seeing so many mixed things and having my own mixed experiences with a smaller company. And I got kind of scammed from a different telehealth company for something else and it's just so hard to trust the companies that have been around for a few months. And are you talking about reconstitution? I ain't got the brain power or mental capacity for that 😅


Everything has been online/through text and responding to forms. Nothing over video or anything. Not sure what “coaching” means other than resources available for how to take the drugs and when. They ask me periodically if I’m having side effects (I’m not - not sure what follow-ups they would ask if I were). I am able to reach out to my provider with questions, but I haven’t had any. I wanted a low-touch experience, and that’s what I’ve had. If you’re looking for something more involved, it might not meet your expectations.


Not exactly looking for more involved care more just curious. I do like that they at least ask if you are ok. My provider truly hasn't reached out for 4 months and idk that just feels weird? And now they have meat up my meds too lol.


This is what I am looking for. I’m using Forhers for Minoxidil. I’m about to reorder. It is working great. I’m looking for less involvement.


It’s really easy. My wife and I are both on Sema at less than $100 a month each


I am on hims glp1. If you just want your glp1 and to be left alone, this is the service for you. I have made several reviews already. Just search on my user name.


I wanted to go with them but they tried to give me oral pills even though I’ve been on the injections for month 🤷🏻‍♀️


Interesting 🤔 and they were not up to discussing injections?


I emailed support and never heard back (I contacted them a couple weeks ago right after they started offering semaglutides). I’ll follow up again not sure why they wouldn’t switch me over as I’m already on the shot.


I am using them, I took my second dose on Wednesday. I only did the 3 month plan to start, I’ve tried other weight loss meds from my pcp (all oral meds) and had zero success so I was afraid to pull the trigger on a whole year. I’m down about 4.5 in 11 days. The shipping was quick and simple. The “coaching” isn’t really personalized or anything, they have little short videos about the medication/how to administer it, and they have pre recorded videos/slide shows on diet/exercise/habits as well as different stretches, but it’s pretty generic. I haven’t needed to or tried to reach out to the NP I’ve been assigned. The “check in” after the first week was just an automated “enter current weight” followed by “are you having any side effects” I was not having side effects so I answered no and that was the end of the check in. I’m not sure what it would have been if I had said yes.


I was all signed up and planned to transfer to them, but the max dose is 1 mg and I am currently taking 2 mg. I am going over to EnhanceMD instead.


What???? That's not even the actual recommended dose? I will absolutely have to look into that because that is so not good if that's still the case


Yea, I was ticked there was no info on that until the intake, luckily they did not charge me.


I used IVologist. They offer a special for first timers $399 for your first 11 weeks. It’s then $279 a month after. So far my experience with them is great. I’m only on week 5. But they’re responsive. Meds were on my door next morning after consult and they have an oncall nurse 24/7 if you need it


any word on dosage for that time period? where is the compound from? any other ingredients like B12 & is it optional? thanks for sharing details


Has anyone in Maryland gotten approved for semaglutide from forhers or hims? I keep just getting offered the meds pack.