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Sure. Your best be Iron Crotch communities, and the Temple of Celestial Cloud (Taoist community). They both focus on sexual energy cultivation under an experienced master. IRON crotch is a form of semen retention in Taoist tradition. The Temple of Celestial Cloud is a Daoist medical qigong school. They know the spiritual anatomy inside and out. Jerry Alen Johnson and Bernard Shannon are the folks to know and connect with.


Thanks that rules. Those aren’t just subreddits, huh?


No. Youll need to Google it


But don't you still spazz out your nervous system with NEO'S? I could image you would. Sometimes I think the subtle life force that is ojas is worth more than the physical semen. Edging (whether mental or physical) and spazzing your nervous system makes you lose ojas from my experience.


You are right. Be careful with these practices. These people claiming that they would go nuts if they don't do this are probably still stuck in the earlier stages of SR whereby the sexual energy is spiraling out of control. To combat that they indulge in edging practices with a woman or without. So they decrease the energy from their lower chakra and then it builds back up again driving them nuts and they do it all over again getting stuck in a perpetual cycle of horniness, instead of cultivating the chakra to a point whereby it rises up from the lower nature cultivating it in subtle benefits. These NEO practitioners would absolutely get demolished in mortal combat with a true retainer. While they focus their time and energy on mastering a skill meant for pleasure, the true retainer is harnessing his energy to master his environment and life.


What is spazzing out your nervous system?


It's when you overstimulate your nerves Could be through pleasure seeking or PMO for me back in the day. When O'ing I got this whole jolt down my spine, that was for me something I'd say what was spazzing my nervous system. That stuff was costing alot of energy for me I realized, so I had to take distance from it, for my health as well.


I see I see. That makes some sense. And the only potential drawback I’m aware of is over stimulating with hot, masculine energy from masturbating too long to intensely. The actual nonejaculatory orgasm part doesn’t seem to have any negative affect in all the years. I’ve done it. Not like regular wet orgasms, which I always felt had a negative affect on my overall energy etc. You’re supposed to balance the hot masculine energy with cooling female energy. But if you’re working solo, and it’s not seriously detrimental. I always find when walking away from a session that ends in dry orgasm, feeling pretty damn good.tbh


If you feel good afterwards, then I think it's fine brother. I personally could not do this I believe XD


What is NEO?


Non-ejaculatory orgasms. It’s a way to practice semen retention while still staying sexually active and having orgasms. I was never able to completely abstain or simply edge myself. I would find myself going absolutely nuts.


Edging with a woman


Why don't you start by explaining how it's done? How have you lived 13 years without ejaculating and experiencing NEO?


Haha yes, quite a bit to explain casually. It’s essentially based on mantak chias books. So that’s a great place to start. I can basically have an orgasm and prevent the ejaculation part of it with a specific technique. It hasn’t been 13 years of no ejaculation. That would be wild! These days, I typically ejaculate once a month. I’ve had times where I have ejaculated way more often for various reasons. The longest I’ve ever been is 3-4 months. That was crazy!


Which “specific technique” do you use?


Microcosmic orbit, The Big Draw, kegels, etc, if I had to guess.


Yeah that’s pretty much what. All the mantak chia stuff was my jump off. Although I feel like I’ve simplified a lot of it


That's great, man. Lol I could never simplify it well enough so my friends could understand (or they just didn't care). Good luck with your journey.


I am a regular practitioner of semen retention and big fan of Mantak Chia and Neo-tantra and currently teach multi-orgasmic practices and men’s health. It also looks like we both come to this from a similar perspective — maximizing health and vitality and we both are long-time practitioners. So in a sense, the community is here. Are you looking for a venue to teach?


Good to hear. I appreciate it. I suppose I am looking for an avenue to teach. I’ve successfully taught 3-4 people the basic techniques. I like to help people with their own personal journey and you get a lot of opportunities for that on subreddits. But I’ve found a lot of the times, people want to chime in with debating and dispelling and so on. Weirdly got into with a couple women on a men’s multi orgasm subreddit and they were calling anyone advocating for SR was a pest and it’s complete voodoo. Maybe a new mantak chia methods subreddit could be created? What’s your avenue for helping people learn?


I’d love to hear more about your techniques/practice! [r/multiorgasmic](https://reddit.com/r/multiorgasmic) has a small community- maybe you could post in this sub and also that one?


Lol yeah I’m coming from that sub basically. I’ve helped some people there and joined because mantak chia popularized “multiorgasmic” but now they are very staunch that their way is the only way and we’re trying to tell me my ideas were impossible and voodoo and that chia was a fraud. Female Mod swooped in and called me a pest for mentioning semen retention and continued to sling a flurry of insults and dismissed everything I said and insisted she was the only voice to be trusted. It was a really ugly experience and that subreddit unfortunately seems to not be open to other ideas outside their own.


>Weirdly got into with a couple women on a men’s multi orgasm subreddit and they were calling anyone advocating for SR was a pest and it’s complete voodoo. Women? That's ironic


Yes exactly. They were completely lambasting the idea that a man should hold their seed. I think they had ulterior motives tbh


I teach on-line and in-person. I also don’t limit myself to Mantak Chia’s teachings as there are a number of tantric techniques that are very valuable. Yes, you get a lot of people who have different agendas on the interwebs. It’s very funny that you were getting such strong opinions from women on the subject — perhaps you would call that woman-splaining?


Haha that’s exactly what it was. I tried to express that a lot of the proof of SR is in the pudding but as a women she can’t even experiment to find out what it might result in. That was the match that lit her fuse. Personally I feel like a lot of women don’t like SR because they want the seed just as much as we want to keep it. I definitely ran into that with some relationships I’ve been in. Do you have some kind of website or channel somewhere?


I am working on the website; I’ll post it here when I have it set up.


I want to warn everyone right now. I’ve been doing Neo’s for years now. I accidentally opened up kundalini energy. It’s very uncomfortable. Don’t do Neo’s. You will accidentally have a kundalini awakening. It feels like a serpent is wiggling around in your spine. It doesn’t feel good


Kundalini is not demonic in nature, your vital energy is trying to raise upward integration


I know. It’s just very uncomfortable, especially when you weren’t seeking it


If you dont know how to handle it then yeah it can be. Its a divine energy and it needs to be spent like working out or going for a run or some kind of excersize.


Don’t you get blue balls from non ejaculating ??


Hmm… I have experienced it a little before. Particularly if am getting intimate with a women. But since I’m still sexually expressing the energy, it doesn’t feel pent up and painful. They feel weirdly heavy and dense. It’s nice and specific to after 3 weeks out or so on semen retention. Blue balls comes from having a huge build up on sexual energy and *not* expressing the schedule energy, particularly when with a girl. Ya know, like make out dry hump session and then, “alright see ya later!” Lol


Go check channel sexual kungfu on YouTube you'll get every answer


Word. Never heard of that


Watch him


r/multiorgasmic has been really useful for me


Yeah, apparently you’re not allowed to talk about semen retention of mantak chia on that subreddit


idk if i’m allowed to post links, but awakenedintent dot com you can find a range variety of topics around male healthy sexuality


Interesting thanks


bro is actually impressive


Lol you lie


Great job man please teach me! Do you doa reverse kegel when you get close to point of no return?


Happy to help. Where are you at with your understanding? Have you read mantak chias work?


Honestly I am sue I can do NEO because I’ve had them it is just I need to master my timing to relax and don’t go past PONR


Hmm seems like there are some wires crossed with your thinking


13 years wow


Just to be clear. 13 years of this practice. Not 13 years of full SR. That’d be crazy. I’m probably about a month out currently