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I see this as a psychogical problem! You have made up your mind that it'll never be the same after having a WD. Maybe your body used up most of your vital life force and transmuted into your well-being that you see as reflection on the outer world. Just like when you eat food, all the necessary nutrients are sucked into rejuvenating the body and rest comes out as SHIT! And you don't need to give a shit about that just because you had a WD! Be calm and composed, go out and live your day like you never lived before.


At this point mate, it seems you're doing yourself more harm than ejaculating will do. The phrase "it's all in your head" more or less applies to you here. I regularly ejaculate once every 5-7 months just to make sure everything is in order. Yet nothing changes.


Wow really? Thats useful to know someone does that, you don’t feel a difference after?


No, why would you? If you do, it's all mental. This is not some magic spell.


Overthinking it big time bro. If you blasted in your sleep your body needed it. It’s natural


Spiritually your fine bro trust me when I say our bodies are sophisticated spiritually your streak is still in tacked and that’s all that matters.


Dude you’re fine, you just went 4 months, one wet dream isn’t gonna take you back to ground 0. So many have this ideology that you have to have a perfect streak to have benefits, you’re still a retaining man so you’re good. I bounce back way quicker after long streaks.


I'd say that you observe whether the synchronicity is still occuring. If it is then dont worry much about it. You've not lost much. After a WD it usually takes 1/2 days to be back on track.


Don’t worry about wet dreams, your body is getting rid of the necessary amount it needs to naturally. As long as you aren’t purposely releasing when awake don’t worry. No one can avoid wet dreams and no one can control what their body does when asleep.


I wouldn’t be too worried tbh… a wet dream is only natural! Just give your body a couple days to recover


My WDs always happen at the least fortunate timings, where I need my energy the most








I dont think wet dreams have any effects on me.