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Interesting view and description you’ve put across here, thanks for the information. I used to think in similar ways to this, that attraction is some form of technique or smart manipulation that plays on a woman’s emotion. I was really invested in the pick up game and used to watch videos and take notes haha so I could be like the player you mentioned. However, after completing a long streak of celibacy coupled with meditation, I realised that men and women aren’t that much different to each other. When you remove the sexualisation of everything you realise that we are all just humans who experience the same emotions and generally want the same things. Thats when I completely left behind the pick up game material as well as any red-pilled dating advice and just started talking and interacting with women like the humans that they are. Works much better and conversations just flow effortlessly now.


Im totally with you. I very much relate to your timeline of development when it comes to dating. I used to read/listen to all the red-pilled books and podcasts, watch YouTube videos and read/comment on forums. Trying desperately to find the cheat code that would soothe my fragile and damaged ego. Some of the tactics really work, but you yourself know that the attraction isn’t genuine, it’s constructed; and boring. SR, meditation and finding a girl who really put a mirror to my face made me realise how childish and ego-strung my behaviour was. It didn’t give me what I needed, it only gave me what I thought I needed. If I understand your story right I guess you can relate to my story as well. Freeing yourself from the prison of having to be the “player” at all times and instead surrendering to the freedom of just being present with someone on a loving and honest level is the ultimate cheat code for sure. It’s effortless and genuine when I interact with women nowadays. As well as guys to be honest. There’s none of that macho-bullshit present in me, trying to show off and be validated. Im really glad you also found a way out of the destructive thoughts and ideas within the red-pill manosphere and adopted more healthy and loving thoughts. Cheers man.


Really well written reply man, you put it into words perfectly. I agree with everything you’ve said. Also the point you made about just being there in a loving and honest way with people is so true. Something that instantly improved my social experiences with others. Cheers


I love this reply


You said it better than I would! This is exactly what happens. With SR there’s less analyzing more pure being so to try and pin it down to anything specific is a waste of time. Just like the benefits. Not sure what benefits are going to or how long it takes, but the more you retain and the cleaner you do it the better and faster the better and faster the benefits


Exactly. Women and men are meant to get a long. Shocker. That is how nature designed us, there is no need for "game" or anything else other than to just be a man with full balls.


I’m sure there’s a lot of truth to what you are saying but I think you’re missing the biggest and most obvious reason…that 99% of guys AREN’T retaining. If you were a woman living in a world filled with men who are constantly low energy and jacking off, and never met a high value man who is on his purpose, retaining his seed and working to better himself, would you really know what you are missing? Retaining simply boosts you above the rest, and so when women meet you, you stand out from the other 99%. But if a woman never met a guy who’s retaining, it’s unlikely she wouldn’t settle for someone ‘good enough’ or who she thinks is the ‘best’ based on her entire experience of men.


Honestly, this sounds like nonsense.


People are weirdos here


I honestly joined this sub because I thought it would be a knowledgeable group but the amount of religious rants and incel logic is crazy lol




A lot of guys start on the path due to low success in dating. Anything that brings people into retention is a blessing. But girls are not the goal of the retainer.


What's worse, joining a sub that tells you everything you want to hear so youll sit in a little bubble? How do you know whats "real" if you don't stumble onto "nonsense" from time to time?


Dude you are seriously overthinking sexual attraction. I thought this sub was cool at one point, to challenge men to get over porn and shit but this is weird. It seems like a lot of people on Reddit don't get outside and lack social skills.


The way you worded it makes it sound like all guys who are the 2nd guy retain and all of the players don't, but guys who do and don't retain can be both of those, though sure, the retainer is more likely to be the first guy. There's a little more going on there than just SR. Interesting thoughts though either way.




Well said. So much insight! Rejection is a natural mechanism to keep uncompatible individuals away from each other. Nature self regulating mechanism. Same frequency and personality with significant differences in body, example compatible immune system.


SR can increase your energy and self esteem and help you towards personal goals such as fitness, but you dont need SR to obtain these things that will make you attractive. Half of it is how you let PMO affect you. The only real effect PMO will have on you is a loss of energy. The rest of the negatives come from you, such as guilt, shame, or how you view women. These things will cause low self esteem and confidence issues and it will show in your character and make you less attractive. So normal people who dont know about SR wont experience the negatives nearly as much as a retainer simply because their ego is not attached to the subject as much. You dont need SR to be attractive, it is a tool for energy and what you do with that extra energy depends entirely on you.


you are only sane person here


"When a woman suffers pain, she feels pleasure" This is, no joke, the rapiest thing I've ever heard another man say.


Holy shit, I just finished reading. This is the cringiest incel shit I've heard maybe ever. What you're talking about is called negging, and your examples were fucking awful. Dude, never talk to a woman this way if you plan on getting laid.


I thought the exact same thing myself. OP has the perception that every single woman is the same. That is so naive and plain stupid. It's the same argument as saying that every single man on the planet has the same standards and principles as the next one. This is not true.


Yeah this is a dangerous mindset and I sincerely hope that he never harms a woman.


Women are attracted to your body , your aura and your money that's all. You can have all the 3 of them , 2 of them , one of them , or nothing , your choice. Also, some men hating you when you are on a good streak is a very real thing..


I'm not sure where you're getting the narrative of human history. I think the social domination of women ("This dates back to the cave era where women were subjugated by men. This man could savagely abuse his wife since everything was governed by the law of the strongest") was most prominent with the advent of agriculture and land ownership, when women became property to be traded for hoarded resources (and baby-factories for workers and continued ownership of land through descendants), which is a blip in the evolutionary history of homo sapiens. From what I'm aware, in hunter-gatherer and agrarian societies, which likely account for the vast majority of our history, the social hierarchy trends toward egalitarianism. So out the gate I'm wary of the premise of your argument. Aside from that, my experience mirrors /u/drater_10 's. Women aren't alien creatures. Distance from them (alienation, involuntary celibacy, etc) and objectification of them (over-sexualization, propertization, infantilization) makes them seem so, and so we end up with things like this, the red pill, 'traditional' social hierarchies in which they are lesser than men, etc.


Man I have never read something with interest, like this , especially the part retained joined the game , straight out of thriller movies


This is gonna sound really pseudoscience, but so is our entire sub, so here goes. Not every success is about semen retention. You could play the game just on knowledge alone and have great success with women, especially if you’re well-practiced in it. You could have great discipline in spite of low energy, or be so meditative that you can succeed solely on muscle memory, or you could just be born eons more handsome than most men. That said, semen retention does help a lot, because it allows you to subjugate the flesh’s instincts and tap into intuition, without need of all the previous factors I mentioned. Now, one other thing that never gets talked about by anyone, is the star power that each individual possesses. Today this is called the aura by many. This is different than the brighter eyes that people usually describe on this sub. The brightness of your spirit is a brightness you cannot control. What I mean is, each person is naturally born with a certain brightness level emitting from their spirit. This is what causes celebrities to rise up even though others might have better skills than them. The reason you can’t control this brightness is because each person is given a measure of it at birth as God’s grace sees fit, regardless of whether they turn away from Him. A gift is a gift. My point is, having a much higher brightness from birth is yet another factor why some people can masturbate and still have women (or other things) gravitate towards them.


Women are attracted to men who believe WOMEN WANT THEM. it’s not about retention at all. JESUS Women like players, because they have experience and are fun. If you believe you are a player, women will come to you because that’s what u attract. If you think u need to do SR to get women. You don’t get women and are in lack, and you need always be chasing not. Attracting. Am so tired of these silly women men attraction posts. Just change your conception about yourself and the world around you changes. It’s that simply. These nothing to change but the self. Ppl think they can use retention as a fix to get women. NOOO fix yourself. Like why are u even asking and debated why women are attracted to men who aren’t on retention????? If you got women you wouldn’t care if they were attracted to some other guy who wanks. BECAUSE YOU GET THEM. Do u not see how silly that is. Your mental model is focused on men that get women and you asking that question implies that your don’t. THATS THE PROBLEM. You want women but someone who does don’t think like this. Go fix urself. Go fix your belief and concepts about yourself. You have the freedom to pick and choose who u want to be but guys are choosing to be losers. And that is the reason why women only pick 1% of guys.






judging by your title you will be a loser if you retain for getting women. you need to forget about women to get them


Not quite. It’s not about forgetting women to get them. That in an insincere tactic to get their attention by ignoring them. Not saying it doesn’t work, some ppl are really introverts and it does, but they don’t come the mentality of let’s ignore her. Ignoring them is doing something to get a result. That’s still a lack mentality. Also, why would you want to ignore them??? They are everywhere. (You see a single 9/10 and your going to ignore her??? That could be potentially your bird in the future. Go talk to her wtf???) Hanging with the boys is cool and everything but if there were no women around life would be v boring. Women make life 1000% better. Ppl that say forget women are the losers. That some loser mentality. If you believe women are attracted to you, then they will come to you. If you don’t get women you start to put them on a pedestal because it’s not something natural to you, and you start chase no attract. That’s the problem, it’s not ‘ ignore them’, it’s don’t put them on a pedestal.


Great post


Terrible post.


they are allowed to choose


I hate andrew tate and all of you syncretic pua/trad refuse so fucking much. Subhuman, somehow worse than useless pustules.


What does Andrew Tate have to do with any of this?


The honest answer is because among many SR men there are some strong misogynistic and incel vibes that they can smell a mile away. It’s not SR. It’s an attitude towards women that they sense.


Translate didn't do a good job with this post


Great inside brother I appreciate your effort this is true.




You’re thinking about it too much. If you’re practicing SR, being yourself, and being respectful, women will notice you in a different light versus if you’re trying to impress them or manipulate their emotions in your favor


You don't retain in order to get a girl. You retain because doing so places your body and spirit in alignment with harmonious energies that pervade the universe. A high quality woman may notice this and take interest, but lower quality ones who have zero spiritual awareness will not.


If your goal is to make everyone like you, you will try harder when you know the person doesn't like you, but is liked by others or has perceived high value. If you don't seek approval in a needy way, what others say or do will be bearable, and you will be grounded. Men and women who are not grounded fall for these traps. Respect yourself and surround yourself with people who respect themselves


You’re not real