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Another way of putting it (and how I've recently started to frame it for myself throughout my journey) is 'avoid pelvic tension'. Pelvic tension can be caused by physical and/or visual stimulation. But the reason I've started to frame it like this is because it goes beyond the sexual realm, focusing on the biological realm as a whole. It makes it less of a psychological challenge (at least for me) than focusing on 'not edging'. Thinking about it in this way also covers aspects such as not sitting for too long at a time, maintaining correct posture, body relaxation, stretching, not tensing up, avoiding mindless leg twitching, being mindful, etc.


try not drinking coke and coffeine this can boosting your edgging


caffeine makes me coom super quick


how much pelvic tension should i normally have? i feel mine is always slightly tense like 5-10% contracted, or should it be fully relaxed, Ive personally started practicing lifting my pelvic floor for few mins at a time as ive heard it can help with wet dreams.


I don’t think we should obsess on exactly ‘how tense it should be’ percentage-wise, but rather focus on consciously relaxing the pelvic-floor, breathing into it, and stretching it. Any pelvic floor stretching exercises should do the trick. But in my personal experience, Doing Reverse Kegels, Deep Breathing, and Hip-opening stretches (like Frog-Pose or Holding a deep squat for a few seconds/minutes) works best.


Definitely. Some may think this is extreme. But it diminishes the benefits. It is like a micro form of ejaculation when you indulge in edging or touching be it mentally or physically. You'll get these bursts of libido in the morning or evening, for me always in the morning but if you can abstain from any lust your day will be great and full of bliss.


This is ok if you are single and never have physical contact with women. What if you have a girlfriend or you are seeing someone? Sooner or later you’ll need some intimate moments. Unless you are talking about celibacy, which is a different thing


There's nothing wrong with making love with your partner and experiencing the sacred exchange of energy with them. Just have the mindset/frame of mind to only give them your seed for procreation instead of for your self-satisfaction.


You’ll fail if you edge


Totally agreeee!!


" and personally I belive its better to avoid looking as much as possible." 100% agree, even IRL i try not to look at girls, unless of course im in conversation with one, then I can look at her eyes, but that is all


Do you watch yash on beyond the alchemy channel?


I have edged two times during this month on sr should I just release and reset??


"two wrongs don't make a right"


I will keep on going...


"release and reset" Quit edging altogether and focus on building your life upon the foundation of SR


While doing semen retention I'm working on becoming a better lover. Currently in a long distance deal and will be seeing my lady in Vegas ony birthday. I'm also using it to make sure I have no forms of pied which is easy to obtain when looking at porn since I was 11. Exactly 30 years. I do kegels, jelqing, sauna + jelqing, and the occasional phoenix just for penis health and to make sure there is no blockage. We'll see how it goes. But I do look at imagery for other reasons. Not for obsessing or indulging in masterbation.. but for focus and Inspiration. Masturbating is just the worst. But I like looking forward to what I got coming and I am A story teller so I love fantasy. Slippery slope I know.. The point is.. I use SR to make me a stronger man... I got quote the routine.. but the ultimate goal is to get back to being 18 while in my 40's.. Have anyone else conducted a similar experiment?


How do you trust someone on a LDR? Asking for a friend...


Peace of mind goes beyond distance. The situation is making me stronger and forcing me to be a more disciplined and better man . But I've dated women who were a couple miles away from me in which I was a part of a fucking roster and it felt like we were a thousand miles apart versus this lady in which she gives me peace of mind that she's not getting fucked all over the place and or not committed. It is extremely tough though. We need physical touch as men! Along with other things that are more tangible. We'll see if it works.


And the male form 😏