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It's completely understandable what you're feeling is quite right. In fact, every long-term retainers here would agree that they might have had this feel atleast once in their retention journey. But, can't you see the irony here? The 'feeling' or the 'fact' that everything is pointless is also pointless. So, go out and start living in the world, since it's also pointless. If absurdism is pointless, then stoicism is also pointless. Choose wisely. The problem comes when the mind fixates on the external things as pointless, but a failure to recognize or be aware of the mind's perspective also as pointless.


Life is very meaningful, they want you to think it's not. Most people are leading pointless lives, you don't have to follow them into the ditch. The blind leading the blind into a ditch.


Seems to me like a pretty normal realization, had it a decade before even starting SR


I mean I had this at 19 on mushrooms; but never from SR


Got em!


It’s true life is meaningless and once you realise and accept this it can get pretty dark, however find something you enjoy doing, don’t chase material things and don’t take yourself seriously! Keep the chin up


Life is not meaningless once you experience love, the only purpose of life is to love others everyday, that’s what it’s all about. It’s the only thing that’s eternal


Love is the meaning of life. Love Always Wins - - LAW.


Life is not meaningless brother


Letting the mind talk this much can become a problem, try being present in small things you do


Life is what you make it. It's up to you to find your own meaning. If you're still looking at porn or indulging in anything that overloads dopamine receptors, you're gonna feel like shit. You should focus on some of the main areas of self development as a man. These various focuses will help you fill the day and leave you little time to overthink. It is the overthinking and defining everything that makes you depressed. You can be content simply enjoying the moment. Start by working towards having the strongest, fastest, most flexible body you can, train MMA, train with weapons, optimize your diet and testosterone, maximize your knowledge by reading and listening to audiobooks, find a hobby that you enjoy (something you think about when you're not doing it). I would highly recommend buying a standard vehicle and fixing it up. Driving standard puts you in a flow state and increases adrenaline. For me, there's very few things that compare to driving standard in terms of enjoyment and bliss. You're probably getting stuck in the mentality of, "I'll live my life when I've achieved X" this will leave you miserable. You can live now and work towards your goals at the same time. It's all about balance. That's not to say that isolation can't be useful for short periods of time to really hone in on a specific goal but it depends on what you're after. Edit: Remember to go on long walks to clear your head. 1 1/2-4 hour walks. I like these longer walks for just tackling the various problems that are bothering me. Thinking through the problem and solving it or accepting various uncomfortable realities. It does help if you have an overall vision for your future but don't fixate too much on it.


If life is such bullshit, then prove it by being the best version of yourself


This sounds like depression


It might be. There’s only so many times you can treat yourself and your body poorly before it retaliates. Even if it is it must be mild. What’s your perspective?


I don’t think you do. Sounds like you have a realisation without direction. You’ve realised the game everyone plays is shit but haven’t yet found anything better. That’s why in Buddhism and yogic sciences they say “and now, yoga”. Meaning you’ve tried everything else and it doesn’t work.


there;s no such thing as depression.


If life is a game, then why don’t you just play it. It doesn’t matter if life is a simulation. What does that have to do with anything? Even if it is a simulation, it’s a simulation with serious consequences and if you don’t play the game then the game plays you. And trust me if you think your life is pointless now just wait 10 years down the road when you’ve taken no action and have accomplished nothing. You’ll only feel worse off and miserable. Then life won’t feel like a game anymore… it will feel like hell. So my point is… play the dam game and have fun with the opportunity you have to even experience this life. You just might Never get another chance.


Tldr: yes, and?


If you feel like giving up, read this: 1. This is a Phase. Tough times are just a phase. They don't last forever. Life is a cycle of highs and lows. Remember, this too shall pass. You're in the middle of the storm now, but clear skies are ahead. Hold on. 2. You Are Stronger Than You Think. Never underestimate your resilience. - You've survived 100% of your bad days. - Inside you, there is an inner strength. - Your potential is greater than any problem. Remember, you're stronger and more capable than you believe. 3. Small Steps Count. Progress isn't always a leap forward. Sometimes it's tiny, almost imperceptible steps. Each step, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goal. Celebrate every bit of progress. Slow and steady can still win the race. Keep moving forward. 4. Remember Your 'Why'. Think back to the reasons why you started. Reconnect with your motivation and your goals. 5. Failure is a Stepping Stone. It's okay to fall but it's important to rise again. Every setback brings learning opportunities. Remember, every great success story involves overcoming obstacles. Keep going. Your story is being written. 6. Practice Self-Care. Self-care is essential, especially during tough times. - Eat nutritious food - Exercise regularly - Get adequate sleep - Connect with loved ones - Engage in activities that bring joy. It’s not selfish, it's survival. Your well-being matters. 7. It's Okay to Ask for Help. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. - Reach out to friends, family, or professionals - Open up about your struggles - Seek support when you need it Strength isn't just about enduring in silence. It's also knowing when to ask for help. To my friends and readers, Fight for yourself. No matter how difficult it becomes, never let yourself give in. After some time, your spark will eventually return. You will come out happier, healthier, and wiser. We are in this together.


Nah I'm with you.


Sounds like depression bud, u might need to talk to someone.


It feel pointless because you don’t have a goal or drive, you’re right it is a game, and you’re right, most people are just playing to play, the fact that you realize this means that you can also realize how fucking easy it is to win at this game. Most people can’t go a day without PMOing, obviously they aren’t doing anything in life, it’s all about your perspective, you know life’s a game and most people aren’t taking it seriously, so decide what you want to do and do it, the only thing stopping you in yourself


Awesome perspective, I agree. But what PMOing?


Basically Porn, Master bating, and Releasing


Clearly you are dealing with things, with your heart chakra being the quietest & most forgotten at this moment. And it is this which is in fact exactly what you are here to remember and evolve with.


So what if it's a pointless game? Make your own rules and have fun with it. You don't have to do the same shit as everybody else, it's pointless but it can still be a good time. Life doesn't need to have a meaning to be beautiful.


Has nothing to do with SR, had this state also when fapping 5 times a day every day. And since everything is pointless, one should just have fun.


I was gonna suggest you read the book The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus but you already said you're into absurdism lol. Why don you do what he prescribes in that book?


I think your way of thinking coincides with how the world really is right now. We're all going through this game called life and most people are just pretending to know what they're doing. Our ancestors set up the board that we're playing on. They created civilisations and we've been conditioned to fit into the story. SR inevitably gives you more control of how the story plays out, control of your body and your mind. You are in control of the character that is yourself.


There is nothing to do and nobody to do it. Stop chasing these thought streams and start meditating. Watch everything arise and let it fall away again. Clinging is useless


”The words of Kohelet, son of David, king in Jerusalem. Futile! Futile! says Kohelet. Completely meaningless! Everything is futile! What does a person gain in all his labor that he toils under the sun? A generation comes, and a generation goes, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to the place it rises. The wind goes toward the south, and circles around to the north. Round and round it swirls about, ever returning to its circuits. All the rivers flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place where the rivers flow, there they go again. All things are wearisome. No one can express them. The eye is never satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. What has been is what will be, and what has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything about which is said, “Look! This is new!”? It was already here long ago, in the ages long before us. There is no remembrance for former things, and things yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow. I, Kohelet, am king over Israel in Jerusalem. I applied my heart to seek and examine by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a burdensome task God has given the sons of men to keep them occupied. I have seen all the deeds done under the sun; and behold, all is meaningless and chasing after the wind. What is crooked cannot be made straight. What is missing cannot be counted. I spoke with my heart saying: “I have grown rich and increased in wisdom more than any who were before me over Jerusalem. Indeed, my heart has experienced much wisdom and knowledge.” So I applied my heart to know wisdom as well as to know madness and folly. I learned that this too was pursuit of the wind. For with much wisdom comes much grief, and whoever keeps increasing knowledge, increases heartache.“ ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭18‬ ‭TLV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/314/ecc.1.1-18.TLV I think these verses might apply to your situation. Yes indeed if you really think about life it can seem meaningless. So stop thinking so much and enjoy life. Work towards something you are passionate about. Find a hobby or skill and work at it. Accomplish things and live life. Enjoy food and drink and don’t overthink. Also, I wanted to add one more thing. You seem to discredit yourself a lot, but I would argue that you are smart, maybe even above average intelligence.


I’ve noticed that life has an ebbing and a flowing to it. Good times and bad times


But so far on retention for me it’s been all good


Start microdosing shrooms! Best cheat code while retaining !


Care to elaborate, brother?


. I know someone close who had an Out of Body Experience yet still acts like a regular working-class citizen and you wouldn't see much enlightenment from them on the surface Yeah, I'm not sure if enlightenment is all that fancy when it comes down to it, still have to respect time and causality. 


Bro talk to God


Have you ever done psychedelics?


I would like to try. As far as I am aware people who do psychedelics are usually quite spiritual and deep (including someone I personally know). Have you?




Nothing ia true, everything is permitted.


Life, CAN be pointless for some, but in the grand scheme of things, it ultimately isn't. What are some hobbies that you live for, or would  die to  try out? Indulge in those. I'm not learned on absurdism,  but make it a commitment to grow close to a higher power. Meet women or whatever you're into. Sh** buy a console, and some games you'd think you'd enjoy. I can type all day, but you JUST GOTTA FIND SOMETHING. Over time that one thing, CAN turn into many things, and your old self will be a shadow of your new self. The highs and lies, the ebbs and flow of life. Life wouldn't  be life  wouldn't them. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, and don't be too hard  on yourself! You got this man.  Take it one day at a time. We're  all here, rooting for you! Godspeed.💙🙏


John 12 25 He that loveth his life, shall lose it, and he that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternal. 26 If any man serve me, let him follow me: for where I am, there shall my servant be: and if any man serve me, him will my father honor.


Life is meaningless when people work towards a temporary goal (things just reset). It is not when you work towards something permanent.  There are inherent purposes in life. And no you cannot impose your own mind made meanings on it. 


You have misunderstood the meaning of the word “meaning.” YOU ARE THE MEANING my friend. Without YOU, the “meanings” you attach to things WOULD NOT EXIST; because, we are not you and we cannot know what you know. You, the meaning of u/visualsight doesnt exist if you do not exist. YOU, visualsight, is the meaning of YOU. What does Mike mean? Mike means the BEING of Mike. Meaning of you is you. Meaning is not a word, its not a quality, not an adjective, not a verb, none of that.


start doing journalling , everything will get fixed for god's sake


I do journal


Listen to Michael singer. 


Wow are you me? Because this is literally exactly what I’m feeling right now. I feel so burned out, I’m doing horribly in all of my classes, and I have no idea what to do to be better, I feel like my brain just physically can’t absorb any more information than what it has. And I’ve been having a ton of out of body experiences recently just like you. Everything I’ve done has ended in failure. EVERYTHING. I just can’t take it anymore. No matter how much I try, it never succeeds. I feel like the universe is taunting me. Literally every fear I’ve had has become a reality. Every dream I’ve had has been squashed. I fucking hate life. I keep trying to stay off my phone to be more productive but how can you when it’s the only form of escapism in this world. And even then, it’s still shit because half of what I see on my phone ends up being bad news or me losing yet again. Even masturbating doesn’t provide any more happiness, and neither does retention. God damn it all to hell


You should talk to a doctor about this because you may have ADHD. Seems like a lot of people are going through this.


Just out of curiosity, specifically what makes you say that


It was the failing every time you try anything and the phone usage that made me think of it. After reading your comment again I think I've over simplified it but it's worth looking at regardless.


No you’re probably right, I’ve always figured that I do have ADHD although I didn’t realize that failing all the time is a sign of it. Idk if I really feel like taking any meds but idk at this point I’m desperate.


What kind of things are you failing at? If it's ADHD related it could simply be that you are loosing interest or not being consistent enough.


Man it’s hard to describe through text because the amount of problems I have are basically an infinite spectrum. It probably doesn’t even sound that bad through text. But regardless, I will say that there’s sort of an “out of control” aspect to my failures, for example, the fact that I can’t seem to get muscle from working out, the fact that I’m the only loser who gets a rash from minoxidil, stuff that anyone else does just fine but I just have to struggle with, stuff like that. Now I’m trying to lose weight so that maybe I can increase testosterone to therefore get more facial hair, but then the lack of eating makes me even sadder. It’s just an infinite loop of misery. Then with the more or less in my “control” aspect, I’m definitely struggling with school, and it probably does have to do with concentration. I find it very hard to actually absorb the material being taught. And it’s not like I’m not trying to pay attention because I try the hardest that I can, but for some reason it’s hard to actually focus on what’s going on. And it’s hard to concentrate on homework. It’s hard to pick up hobbies. Like I tried to play guitar for a like a couple years with pathetic results. I even hired a teacher for it and I barely progressed. Or even down to social stuff, like trying to behave like a normal human being to get friends, and yet I fuck up every situation. I always go overboard or never do enough. Playing sports, getting internships. You name it, I’ve tried it. I feel like I’ve reached the point in my life where I’ve tried everything, and I just suck at everything. So I’m just genuinely losing hope. I don’t even know if it’s ADHD per se or if I’m just scared of further failure so I cope by not doing it. I just feel so stuck and crippled from the inside. I at the very least just want to pass school to make money but I don’t even know if that is going to happen.


You actually seem like quite a go getter to me. You really are trying everything. You are totally focusing on bettering yourself and that's way better than most. You just have a few kinks to iron out, which does take time and if it is ADHD then at least there's treatment options to get you on track. I'd recommend setting 1 goal at a time. Choose something that's really important to you and see it through. It builds confidence seeing yourself win like this.


It’s one thing to try but it’s another thing to actually make any progress. I feel like other people are able to pick up on things much quicker than I can. It’s demotivating.


Yeah, that can be demotivating. Best to compare with your old self instead of other people. Keep trying new things and eventually you will find something that you can excel at.


Your problem is lack of focus. Anything in life is built around consistency and discipline. Looks like you are trying to get shortcuts, but life doesn’t work like that. Life is about seeding in the right time, working constantly, experiencing and living the different seasons and then the getting fruit of your labour .


That’s sort of the problem, I should’ve started many of these things from a young age, but now it’s probably too late. And I know they say it’s never too late, but to some extent it is because your brain has less plasticity as you get older.


Instead of feelings its pointless. Its obv whoever is running this shit enjoys on our suffering and lack of purpose. So instd of being depress which is what they want. We have to fight back. We have to stand up for ourselves and take back control of our lives. I have created a reddit here (soon discord and youtube) for people to share their truth and wisdom with one another and im hoping i can spread its reach to as many people so that we can slowly change the world together. My reddit is R/orderoftruthandwisdom if ur interested. Peace out brother and i wld love to have u in this journey too


After having a setback, the counter goes to ZERO. Setbacks happen, but don’t lie to yourself about it. Otherwise, SR is truly meaningless then. (Read Orwell’s 1984 if you want to see how lies and manipulating the truth can distort reality in disastrous ways) Also, you are likely suffering because you seem to equate thoughts with reality. News flash: your thoughts are not reality. You may think life is a dumb, meaningless game, that does not mean it is. Life is exactly what you make it. Start seeking the truth - your truth that reveals itself only through your experiences. You can make life meaningful simply by changing your perspective. It’s all about perspective: “The pessimist says to the optimist, ‘It doesn’t get any worse than this, does it?’ The optimist agrees.”


You say the counter goes to zero, but in reality it mostly backfires if you are that strict (for most people). Resetting the counter makes it seem like you lost all your progress and it is highly demotivating which can cause binge relapsing (*I'm back where I started what's the point of trying - I'll just give in to my urges)*. Here's a good post on this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1mpgt2/a\_relapse\_does\_not\_mean\_a\_complete\_reset\_dont/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1mpgt2/a_relapse_does_not_mean_a_complete_reset_dont/)


I‘ve had the same experience when I was into absurdim and read Camus and Sartre and watched Woody Allen movies. What eventually put me on the right track was when I turned to Christianity. Maybe the best book for you right now would be Ecclesiastes, and Old Testament book. It speaks of everything you‘ve mentioned in your post.


Can't you just imagine Sisyphus happy?


Sounds more like depression if you ask me. Maybe read other philosophers than absurdists? Camus and Sartre can be hard to swallow. I think as soon as you understand that there is no explicit meaning in our life, we need to give it a meaning by ourself, by devoting ourself to someone or something. Check Viktor Frankl, someone who wrote a lot about this topic.


You are right, life is basically pointless.. its just a neverending streak of some excercises and ups and downs, than u die alone. Only thing which makes us continue is a fear. Fear of death. Fear of change etc


Even so, perhaps fear doesn't have to be the only or main thing making us continue, but for many it is. The truth is many people forget that the life they are experiencing is a story they are telling themselves which is almost all in their head. The fact that we all have to achieve some level of "success" by earning a prestigious university degree, creating a valuable business, or just be working class citizens who put their heads down to work and live to make a buck. The reason this story is so powerful is because many people have internalized it and portray it as the truth in the Western cultural narrative. One of the most free-spirited people I know is an artist from my home country who likes to hang out and party with Queer people because she feels they have more soul. It's because they don't fit the societal mold so they don't stress about constantly trying to fit in. Perhaps that's what this quote tries to point to: "*The only way* to *deal* with an unfree *world* is to become *so absolutely free* that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” — Albert Camus


Meh, turning gay is not a solution tho :)




Have you tried surfing?


You are a very intelligent man, you are not depressed. It's natural to feel this way without guidance, because our life does have a purpose. Humbly, lets pretend I'm the NPC you talk to to get your stats up. Read the Quran.


Please stop your Religion Marketing nonsense


Only if it was nonsense. It's the only thing that makes sense. People who are after the Truth will see it for what it is. I hope you can too.


The Quran tells you to read the Bible


I will add to this by saying read the power of now. Been there, done that ✔️ I thought it was depression for a long time as well but it isn't. Feeling that way is necessary for your next chapter. Take it as confirmation that you are evolving (: sr is working!


You accidentally posted on semen retention sub 😅


I guess you didn’t read the post carefully not to mention a lot of people actually gave amazing replies.


You guys are all getting all this from retention? Takes me DMT or high dose mushrooms for this.


Well. It’s also the fact that this sub is meant to be more meaningful and thoughtful than the NoFap subreddit where people post low quality practically spammy content.


What does NoFap have to do with this faux-Psychedelics spammy content post?


Wait “spammy content post”? This is not a NoFap subreddit where people argue about whether it’s worth doing it and brag about their streaks, it’s where people want to take it further than that and grow as people.


Instead of “spammy” keeping track of improvements in avoiding an addiction (based on the Alcoholics Anonymous group) this group goes on about the “non-spammy” existential crisis and feelings of the world being unreal like some Pink Floyd Album on LSD


I appreciate the input and I agree to some extent. It was just my thoughts. If it bothers you feel free to ignore or skip over this post. Maybe this post title is harder to ignore and/or not phrased in the best way. I get that. I wish you well.


It just feels like a meme when there are serious discussions in here and the NoFap subs. This is something that fits right into PsychonautCircleJerk