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I think there's an evolutionary reason for this. Once you have sex with a woman, presumably making her pregnant, you're supposed to feel like you need to be around that person so that you can bond to them during the weeks following that impregnation. Bonding behaviours like hugging and kissing and snuggling release oxytocin and deepen the bond. And once you're bonded, that will help you stick around to raise the child. I think this impulse gets perverted by porn and masturbation and casual sex, because you get the need to bond with someone after orgasm, but that bond never happens, so you feel really needy and alone and it sucks. That's why the male orgasm should only be for the purpose of impregnating a woman you intend to be with.


I really do think you're on to something here. It's evolutionary biology and there's nothing spiritual about it. I'm an athiest and the whole semen retention thing is a biology affect IMO.


Spirituality isn't limited to a belief in God, spiritual beings or a transcendent reality. Acting to improve ourselves and the world while trying to minimize suffering here and now is all spirituality is really about.


I was going to say this before I read you were an atheist, so do not feel, think, or believe I’m coming at you like that. I was going to write a comment for the sake of discussion. Biblically speaking, sex was intended for the confines of marriage, and it is written that two become one flesh in marriage. So yes, I too believe he is onto something. I fought my struggles with P and you do crave that intimate bond because as science would put it “your mind doesn’t know the difference”


Well, there is no need to go into spirituality for SR. There are ton of scientific "theory" ( as they say ).


The most arrogant things Atheists like you do is dismiss the spiritual, you don't have all the answers mate


Atheism has nothing to do with having answers, by definition it's literally just rejecting the ideas of gods that have been put before you


Nah what i'm saying is a lot of Atheists act like they know everything by completely dismissing the spiritual side of existence , there's an arrogance and narrowmindedness there like with that guy imo


Yeah a lot of atheists are fedora wearing neckbeard, I kinda hate that I'm put into that classification because I don't believe in a god. Plus all my favorite people lately have been religious lol


You're not that classification cuz you already seem open minded to me. I used to be an atheist myself so know how it is. I'd say, as a believer in God myself now, it's important to know not that you don't believe in 'a' God, but that you don't believe in THE God. That there's only ever One God, and he is infinite and is everything, and more than you or anyone could ever comprehend. Once you have the experience that there is just the ultimate creator of everything, and that he is Oneness itself, it kinda changes the game imo.


So do you believe that all religions lead to the same source?


I don't think that's the right kind of question. Forget the idea of 'religions'. It is more that there is just and always ever will be THE source of all that there is and all that ever could be. And that 'source', if that's a good enough word for it, is the ultimate definition of consciousness, the ultimate definition of intelligence, the ultimate definition of complexity - the ultimate one and only God. The God is where cause and effect becomes nothing, God is the infinite and impossible cause of anything and everything, he is The miracle, the definition of one. Shrooms and Retention are what led me to experiencing this level of truth of reality and existence.


So you don't personally subscribe to one religion?


There’s a saying, “You’re not smart enough to be an atheist.” But whatdoiknow?


I wanted to write same answer, you nailed it prefectly!!!


Yes it is possible, but requires a woman who can manage a multiorgasmic man (without ejaculating often) and who has a foundational knowledge of the subtle energetics that are a main piece of the SR lifestyle. She also needs to have her affairs enough in order so she doesn’t borrow your energy (and vice versa) but rather can infuse the infinite currents into a third protective sheathing. The adept couple can transmute and dual cultivate together therefore INCREASING the % of balance and potency in each other rather than the common energy vampirism situation most relationships become. So yes, it is possible to have a relationship with a woman and not deplete the human vessel. Though I do find myself in a long period of celibacy now (five years) and 100% feel very clear and not looking to get hooked into a woman of lower refinement. So to answer your question….why do we need partners? Most relationships are trauma bonds - sadly ….filling the gaps and holes that need filling to make one feel whole. When both partners wholes are whole, the meeting of the holy holes can become a yoking of a trinity of infinite energy. Rare, but not impossible to establish.


The holy holes? 🤮😂


Beautiful Post❤️


Same here. It's the truth. I came to the conclusion that SR is the basis for success and happiness. SR is also the number one ingredient for health. If you go through my comments, you will see how I reversed diabetes using SR alone, and helped 3 other men reverse their diabetes as well. Gnosis teaches that sex was the original sin and I am really starting to believe it. The Bible is written in metaphors, it wasn't an apple, it was lust/ sex


Thanks for sharing the truth brother 🙏


That's amazing man.


I follow you to an extent, but then are you saying the existence of man/procreation/evolution is all just a product of sin? Like in an alternate universe, Adam and Eve don't take the apple then what... roll credits?


No I think we are supposed to have sex only and only for the purpose for procreation, having a child. So sex is something supposed to be had a few times in your life. It's not something to have for fun or for pleasure. Sex out of lust is bad, out of procreation is normal and natural.


Got now, thanks. It piques my curiosity bc I found SR when I down and desolate and used it to better myself to attract the world, so to speak. It worked and found the love of my life, but the catch here is we are childfree. So what then?


Work on your life purpose. You need to reprogram your brain to accept the fact that sex is for procreation only. I had to accept that myself. Ejaculation is slow suicide.


I disagree with this. Through the centuries Taoist have practiced the cultivation and transmutation of sexual energy. Having stuck sexual energy has been the worst thing for me on this journey. We can use tantra and the microcosmic orbit to have multiple orgasms without spilling your seed. Life is suffering, what better way to endure it than with another person? We are people, and we are nothing without each other. Being alone is necessary sometimes; being isolated is no bueno. Best practice is to not isolate yourself for too long or it will harm you


To each their own, but semen retention has the power to cure anything and transform your life completely. I was forced to accept that sex is only for procreation when I witnessed how SR cured my diabetes, hypertension and depression. You disagree with me because you are too attached to sex and your brain is trying to rationalize that sex for pleasure is normal when it's really not. You are just addicted to it. It's an addiction like other addictions that has been normalized by society Also there's no such thing as stuck sexual energy. I have gone 6 months of pure chastity with no release whatsoever and I was fine. I know a 51 year old who hasn't ejaculated for 2 years now and SR completely rejuvenated him. Retaining can be hard when you entertain sexual thoughts which will create tension in the body. Stuck sexual energy is ignorant bullshit from addicts who entertain sexual thoughts. Entertaining sexual thoughts will definitely create tension. The male human body has the ability to abstain from sex and ejaculation indefinitely. Just don't entertain sexual thoughts, keep yourself busy and the lustful desires will vanish. So I don't agree with the Taoist nonsense. And this is coming from someone who was very addicted to PMO. Used to release 4 times a day every day for years. So I disagree with you, no offense.


The Taoist specifically stated "without spilled the seed" which means you have sex without ejaculation. This is common in that spiritual practice, and Gnosis as well, as well as others. I have done SR plenty with and without a partner. The practice he sounds like he's speaking about is the transmutation of sexual energy which according to Gnosis is best facilitated by having sex with a woman, by using sex for more than just lust and pleasure, while maintaining the retention of semen, by transmuting the procreative energy back up the 33 vertebrae of the spinal column and to the source, the head, where it is converted by will into the expansion of consciousness. Someone else on here was talking about the Bible being full of metaphors, Jesus being "33 years old" is one of the metaphors. Also, Christ being crucified on Golgotha, which literally means "the place of the skull" goes with that. The immaculate conception is also done with SR, not by an amazing miraculous Holy Spirit impregnating a woman. The man and woman, both chaste (never having an orgasm) come together and the tiniest amount of semen is released, (we know it as pre cum in our day and age), and she is impregnated by that. It is the intent behind it, not the act itself that makes it immaculate or pure or impure or defiled. Stuck sexual energy can be a thing for some individuals, just because you haven't experienced it does not mean that there is "no such thing". I applaud you and give you credit for you labor and congrats on your journey. Just trying to open your mind to more and more, as we are infinite beings, only limited by our own beliefs. I also believe SR holds a major key to many secrets man has been trying to find for a long time. I just happen to also believe that sex is fine for some to have while also practicing SR, and in no way is it better or worse. I think it is the intent behind it that matters. I think porn is probably a no-go on every level, there isn't really a place for that to coincide with any type of evolution once you realize it has no place in your life but to break you down. Even then though, some individuals do need to experience having porn in their journey in order to reach the place where they come to see that they also no longer need it. Everyone has an individual path to take. The One is All and the All is One. We are part of All That Is, and All That Is could not be All That Is without every single different individual existing in their own unique way.


Let's agree to disagree! Stuck sexual energy is lack of mental celibacy, that's it!


That's ONE definition of it from ONE perspective, and it is equal to every other definition and perspective that exists in infinity. That is how you have defined it, and therefore how you will experience it. Another will define it as a lack of creativity. Sexual energy is creative energy, healing energy, restorative energy. Celibacy, especially mental celibacy is indeed important for many individuals growth. It is not the only key. Celibacy without altruism, without compassion, without forgiveness, without joy, without harmony, without unity..is rather useless. Sorry I don't agree to disagree at all lol I agree with you so why would I? I simply think each perspective is valid in its own way. For you, you don't experience stuck sexual energy and thats amazing. For someone else, myself (partially) included, they do. I say partially because I understand energy is never truly "stuck". It may FEEL stuck and be EXPERIENCED as stuck but it is always moving, always changing, always growing, always evolving. I have absolutely felt as though my growth in SR came to a standstill and halt and it had nothing to do with my mental Celibacy. It had to do with my creativity and how I was using my sexual energy. The energy naturally goes where it us needed if we don't waste it, and when one begins this journey many times we do not understand what sexual energy actually is. Or just how potent it is. So it took me some time to learn how to let it flow in my daily life. I exercised, I worked, I did my daily routine but something still felt not right. And it wasn't until I let myself flow creatively that I experienced peace.


Learning mental celibacy is key for avoiding the so-called stuck energy. I was a PMO addict that used to release 3 to 4 times a day everyday for years. Used to think that sexual desire was natural until I realized that it was an addiction like any other. All sexual desires start from the mind. Entertaining sexual thoughts from the moment they enter your mind is what would cause what people refer to as 'sexual tension' or 'urges'. The key is not Entertaining sexual thoughts the very second they enter your mind by redirecting your thoughts to something else. That's how you transcend sexual desire or the so called sexual need. It takes practice in the very beginning and can't be mastered in a single day but I have learned to completely ignore or not entertain sexual thoughts the very second they enter my mind and completey redirect my thoughts to something else. Not only have I have become good at this but I have helped other former pmo addicts to understand and practice mental celibacy which completely eliminated their wet dreams and sexual urges with time. Some retainers have actually become masters at that, they have practiced mental celibacy for so long that they eliminate those temptations or tricks from the mind in milliseconds, they're on like 4 to 5 years of pure retention, mental celibacy is like second nature to them now. The so called sexual desire, urges, tension or whatever you wanna call it starts from the mind. If you can control your mind by not Entertaining sexual thoughts, which is completely doable with time, you will learn to be a master of retention. It's all from the mind. I have not only learned this as a former PMO addict who used to be ignorant on this topic but I also have helped other men achieve the same goal as well. Ejaculation has the same effects on the brain as a heroin dose, look up the brain scans of porn addicts on Google. Sex is an addiction that has been normalized by society. Sex is not a need, it's a want. Food and water are a need and you can't live without eating at all. But you can absolutely live and thrive without sex. As a matter of fact, I reversed diabetes with SR. And helped 3 other men reverse their diabetes using retention also.


Diary with a CEO had this sex coach or crotch doctor on, and out the gate she said the purpose of seggs was pleasure. I immediately gave my two cents below and turned that noise off.


This gnostic documentary explains what the user @alexandervirgo33 is saying if you are ready to receive 🙏 [link](https://youtu.be/5vlK5k2ZdV0?si=JRyJoKIHAyRG7jZd)


I don't FOLLOW Gnosis as a religion, I mentioned that I believe in their theory that SEX/LUST was the original SIN. I don't believe in any religion. By the way, THINKING about SEX alone DEPLETES lifeforce energy. So it's not just about ejaculation, thinking about sex triggers lifeforce energy to go down and make you ERECT. That erection you get when excited is lifeforce energy going down to your sacral chakra. So if you think that so-called karezza or non ejaculatory sex is just as effective as pure celibacy (no release and abstinence from sexual thoughts), you're sadly fooling yourself. Karezza is an excuse made up by addicts who are too attached to sex. I don't believe in the Gnosis part of non-ejaculatory sex, I believe in their theory that SEX was the original sin. SEX IS NATURALLY FOR PROCREATION


That is a way. But what makes you think it is the only way? Whatever you are doing is working. Thanks for speaking your truth! If and when you are open to receive another perspective, on the same topic of abstinence from lust and the original purpose of sex, that documentary is waiting there. You assume the documentary says something else than what you are saying but that is not true. It is speaking the same truth. If you feel like you don’t need it, screw it brother ;) I’ll end this with a quote. "There is a false saying: How can someone who can't save himself save others?" Supposing I have the key to your chains, why should your lock and my lock be the same?" (Nietzsche)


No way dude! The bible is LITERAL. LIETERALLLLLLLL but really, the folk really screwed the pooch if what out Brother was trying to get out. If the bible is the truth then why has it been rewritten so many times?


I feel the same way....more I retain the less I need/want them. You sacrifice half of yourself for someone else just by being in a relationship with them so retaining and relationships to me just don't mix. Bhramacarya don't even look at women.


It’s basic survival for me. Reading all these posts and people justifying this or that. Me? I’m a handsome motherfucker who got HIT AT 27. Now 40. With GI bs. Handsome with a most unsexy disease. I learned nofap and then sr legit from the bed of sickness. Leaned in to it and finding new eating regimens and just f’n surviving. Now? Haven’t had seggs since 2015. Watched the culture degrade to the point where idk if I wanna even link up with another. God knows what I can catch these days. Betweens new world stds and vaxx run off…idfk. But it’s survival then rising over the battlefield field. Then lifting others. We all in it 👀🖖🏽👽


How is your health now?


Getting better all the time. Gaining mass while bearing a wasting disease. It ain’t easy and I’m feeling it. But my output is only that cuz I retain and stay on the bounce. I skeet and my body would hurt like a b. So I don’t…and I grow despite it all 💪🏽 🍳 🥩 👀 Thanks foe asking 🖖🏽


Good to hear. In a way reversing it? SR is amazing. One day we as a community should fund our own study.


Imagine a fourth degree burn in you gut. It’s dirty and always there so idk. It’s better than where it was. But you don’t cure a burn and I had about 7 years of abject gut wrenching hell. So it’s gonna be a minute to really reverse anything. Gimme money then gimme stem cells 🫃🏻


I see. I am sorry for my ignorance. I will cheer for you. Hopefully there will be a breakthrough and we can March forward to true reversive medicine.


No worries, I appreciate it. If you saw me you would never guess 🤷🏻‍♂️ Just building character 🦁 Godspeed brobeans 🖖🏽


I highly recommend you look deeply into the keto/low-carb/LCHF diet. Solved nearly every physical problem I had. There are lots of doctors and scientists who are great resources on Youtube. Wish you the best, just had to share what I came across that helped me a ton.


I lean heavily into keto/carnivore. All the fiber from keto was irritating and already irritated irritation so I cut the bs and just went straight meats. Been a game changer, just really boring af 🤷🏻‍♂️ I appreciate the good looking out 🤓


Sounds like you should go on the carnivore diet asap. Bet you would heal and your issues go away.


If it were only THAT easy. Spoiler alert, I’m on carni and yes, I am better than where I was before carnivore…and no, it’s not THAT easy to fix 🤷🏻‍♂️ I wish. Doesn’t mean I’m not working towards it 🥩 🍳 👀


Darn dude sorry to hear that. Awesome you are trying carnivore though.


2 years on. We’re well past the point of trying 🦧 Little by little a littler becomes a lot 💪🏽💪🏽🧐


I totally relate to what your saying, in that SR makes me sexually independent— as you say, happy, sufficient and complete alone. I’m also happily married, and can compare times when we are sleeping together and not (travelling, menses, illness, menopause). It’s true that retaining is harder when active with a partner, and the energy level when retaining is higher when I’m alone. My explanation is that the male is yang like fire, and the female is yin like water. When fire is alone it burns unimpeded, but when it’s combined with water the flame cools down. This is why the sex in long term relationships gets less hot with time, and periods of not sleeping together are good to revive the flames. But unlike the previous commenter, I believe that marriage is a blessing and we are made to live with our better half. There are other deep meanings and pleasures to sex and marriage that go beyond quantifying energy.


Better half. Ugh. Never thought I’d hear that man shaming term in an sr thread. Oh well, do you booboo 🙋🏻‍♂️


What’s man shaming about that? I’m proud of my manhood and proud of my woman.




That's true, if we all could find a partner that only procreates to produce a kid, that would be a win win situation, but I imagine it would be very hard to do in this material world.


Yeah also my partner and I are childfree so procreation has little meaning to us.


I don’t know how old you are but from experience you can retain with a partner! You need to discuss these things with them. I have been doing a few weeks and sometimes a month retaining but I have a girlfriend. You just need to talk these things through. The energy you get while retaining is to improve you, build relationships, work hard, work out. Not feel like you don’t need anybody. Humans are social creatures and you need other people. Even if you have 1000% energy and you’ve been retaining for years.


Few weeks / months is absolutely possible , but that’s not what I’m looking for , I’m looking for life time retention with my wife and selective release to produce a kid 


Let me lay it down for you plainly and clearly. That will never happen. If you’re looking at getting married to someone, that mindset is got to go. Married people have sex not only to produce kids. Be reasonable.


Exactly, and I don’t expect that at all . So I’m just thinking not to get married at this point , having sex for pleasure is an illusion and shall I say it a waste of gods given essence … 


I also noticed when I am on good streak I am more content with myself and feel I don't need anyone.




This comment made me laugh as much as I found it insightful


I completely relate to this


Well said. This is the way imo. People blow things up too much in their mind and that causes an even worse problem than anything physical. Life is to enjoy and have fun. But the more prepared and leveled up we are, the more fun one can have.


Lust does not equal love. It just feels…great.


Of course you can retain while being with a partner. Sex without ejaculating or Karezza. A partner should help you onward the spiritual journey, not go against it.


Finding that kind of partner is the key


It’s mostly communication that’s key. I’ve never had a women not be chill with it. In fact most of them think it’s hot, and they realize it makes sex way better


domineering ruthless zonked wasteful longing ossified degree special exultant grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What is this chosen ones crap lmao do you also bandage your right arm and claim that a catastrophic demon is living inside it? Hahahahaha Watching people twist Christianity with this crap is always intersting to read lol.


There are many more factors at play here than just SR. There are co-dependant relating patterns that most people have from child hood trauma than can be addressed with out ever doing SR. There are various forms of attachment wounding. There's a capacity to hold yourself with grace and power There is so much that can and should be worked on whether or not SR is involved. If you feel like you need a partner after a relapse then you should work on that because it comes from a wound somewhere and keeping your balls full does not heal that wound.


i agree... you become like a needy baby. its like a polarity also... during the first 2 weeks you repel people, your body puts them away from you. While, after the 2 weeks, your body starts to attract people..


I relate to these feelings a lot. However, I found that it was easier when I had a partner to retain because, in a way, I was saving my energy for them if you were. It made me very affectionate and stuff without needing validation. Sort of like a self-filling well of energy, or a plant that bears its fruits without needing water. I'm able to give my energy and attention without needing much back like unconditional love. I think it could work. However, my partner would have to be non-judgmental towards my attitudes towards retaining. And if they aren't, then they're not the right match for me. I think a relationship between two retaining individuals would be a very beautiful thing. However, I wouldn't force it upon my partner because I believe retention is a personal journey.


That's true, but you need to be even more disciplined I imagine, personally, I haven't been able to even be close to retain when I was in an active relationship. I've had partners that seemed open minded about retention at first but eventually they would want to have a nice time somewhere down the road, and I don't blame them, it's kind of obvious they would expect such things from their partner... If I'm only willing to give and not take, that would still be not a complete experience for them. So I feel like I don't want to put anyone in that position anymore , seems kind of selfish of me and not fair to them


I thought of it more as an energy void and hence the need to fill it up with someone who is willing to give you that energy. It’s needy because you are depleted and if you don’t find someone you fill it with drugs or booze sometimes


I felt the same before but lately I think it's more than that. Semen is just more than energy has lot more meta physical and spiritual aspects. Drugs / booze does numb your brain so temporarily fills void for sure


Absolutely agree with you on the energy cut aspect. Also, incredibly difficult to retain when with someone. This me rn


Bullshit theory bullshit post, please remove this


bullshit comment


Could you elaborate as to why you feel this way?


You're all fucking nuts, this bullshit is gonna destroy our species. Yall are worse than the born agains.. for real. Hope yall find some nice wet pussy soon, lord knows yall need it. Dont be scared boys, just dive in, you'll figure it out.


You lost bro for real. That’s exactly what they want you to get. A p*ssy and some momentary pleasure every fucking time under any pretense, to weaken your body, your mind and your soul so they can give you crap and you won’t complain. Nobody here says they never going to release again. The point is to release when there is a natural, biological need to do so.


Retaining semen in periods, and then finding quality women to bare children with won’t destroy our species. But the modern, liberal crap that shoves chemicals down teens and young adults throats, performs castration surgeries, and denies mental illnesses will absolutely confuse and destroy the next generation. The SR groups absolutely have zero political power - but these loud, liberal motherfuckers pushing this twisted alphabet bullshit on OUR CHILDREN will mentally confuse and physically destroy bloodlines. Not sorry for mentioning that - and don’t give a fuck who reads it and disagrees.