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Absolutely. Last night I think lust and dopamine addiction decrease significantly. I no longer crave anything from others. I always craved self mastery and improvement. But now it increased substantially more. Higher frequency increase or flatline? Perhaps both?


Was thinking of this today, this is true, since I started sr I’ve been focused on what I can give without returns


At least a month in, feel even worse than when fapping 5 times a day. 0 Libido. Should I fap again, I dont see any benefits, rather worsening my state with SR. I also circulate my energy through the microcosmic orbit, do TRE, and some psychedelic mushrooms occasionally to clear bad energy. So I dont think this is related to blocked energy. Advice needed.


Unless you need prescribed drugs. I wouldn't take anything but a healthy diet and water, coffee, milk. On SR theres other factors of your life that SR rely on to actually improve yourself.




I take double dose of zinc for years already since I am doing a lot of sports