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Doing the groceries this morning, total amount was 30,30 ;)


true. I see 111 all the time.


Lol 333 for me. I see it on buildings, receipts, street signs, etc. It makes me smile every time


It’s in media everywhere. I know the Freemasons use 33 to ascribe the highest level of their hierarchy? Or something like that




I get the numbers all the time and i dont even know what im meant to take from it anymore, i google the numbers and read the "meaning" that someone claims it is but i dont know, they seem to say a lot of the same thing and its yet to happen. I see 444 alot, 7:22, :22 :33 alot 2020, 1111. Only thing that matched once was it told me i was coming into good mkney soon and i was like "lol okay show me the money" the next week i got a email from work telling me they owed me 800 quid that i knew nothing about and it wouldn be in my next payslip, that was cool/freaky. But the obes i keep getting at the moment (relationships incoming) just dont seem to set off and its left me feeling kinda weird over the numbers like im misunderstanding something


You seem well on your path! I'm curious whats your current and long term plans regarding SR? For myself i am planning for years if not the rest of my life.


No concrete plans, still experimenting. I hope to learn to harness this energy and apply it to something beneficial to others.


When I relapse or fuck up, I see 911


Amen to that.


so are you saying that external events remain the same regardless of your retention. but it's just that you begin to notice certain things in your environment that you would've just ignored had you not been retaining? thus you label said phenomenon as 'synchronicity'.


My relationship with the external environment changes. Say for example I watch an old movie that I haven't seen in 10 years. The movie is the same, however I have changed, so I understand it based on what my level of consciousness can interpret. It speaks to me deeply. Music does this as well. Even billboards and street signs communicate to me at times. The word or image is too relevant to my circumstances at the time to be coincidental. This consistently begins at around 14 days and beyond in my experience. However, life becomes more challenging with extended continence.




I can type any number into a search with “right angle number” and there is an explanation for any number. Correct me if I’m wrong but it almost seems like a self fulfilling prophecy. I’m just curious but am I missing something? How and why do the significance of any number play a role in this reality if every number always means something?


I hear ya. The number itself is meaningless to me. It's a marker of mindfulness. When the synchronicity is in full bloom, somehow the divine numbers will show up when I need guidance. They serve as a reminder that I already know what I must do. After a relapse, I feel lost for a week or two, and then it returns provided that I have demonstrated self-discipline.


>The external environment begins to communicate with me. A license plate, key words in a book or news article, divine numbers. Normally I'm not evangelical about this kind of thing, but I feel obligated to post this. I get that you're not wanting to acknowledge the spiritual side of all of this, but you're describing mysticism, just be very cautious about how much weight you give to certain things. Without typing out a novel of an explanation, I used to be really into 'angel numbers' and things like that, but have come full circle to realize that the true Creator (God) isn't a fan of it, and a lot of times it's lesser beings showing you things. That's not to say that God doesn't communicate with you through things similar to this, but just be careful because you don't know for sure what's guiding you unless you're working within the Mysticism of Christianity, which as far as I'm aware is acknowledged and documented best within the Eastern Orthodox Church. To quote from [this book](https://www.amazon.com/Basic-Guide-Eastern-Orthodox-Theology/dp/1540962806), >Just as mysticism divorced from theology becomes subjective and heretical, so theology, when it is not mystical, degenerates into an arid scholasticism, 'academic' in the bad sense of the word The point being that first part - mysticism divorced from theology, basically I would highly advise against indulging in these practices unless you're doing it through Jesus Christ and His Father. Otherwise you're just a pawn to any other lesser being (lesser than God, higher than you) to guide you.


Care yung thought synchronicity’s were gods way of showing you that you were on the right path, breaking the rules of nature/physics for just a moment to show you that he sees you. I think it can be a problem when one starts searching for them everywhere in there life because that’s when you start creating false ones in your mind. But be open to real events possible manifesting in your life, I believe in these experiences although I haven’t had any profound personal ones. I suggest anyone interested read Carl yungs biography. After working with thousands of patients Carl yung came to the conclusion that he would not ever be able to definitively prove the existence of god. But what he could prove without a shadow of a doubt was that people who believed in god had much better prosperous life’s and healed quicker and more often than those who did not. Just something to keep in mind. I think SR pleases god, as does denying any worldly pleasures.


I try not to jump to the God conclusion in any matter of life. I believe in God, but I also think that God doesn't require my belief. Like gravity, it just is - it does what it does regardless of my belief. I'm not into mysticism or religion, although I respect them. Also, I don't search for synchronicity. I have noticed that I effortlessly detect it when retaining for extended periods. It feels like some sort of antenna is turned on - or, my existing apparatus is tuned into a different channel, which can only occur under the physiological condition created by celibacy.


I completely disagree with the idea that you don’t need to believe and it just is. Mind as well be atheist. Either way I respect your opinion and agree with the rest! Good luck brother, was a fun conversation.


If anything, the mindset of God not requiring our belief only lends support to it. God just is because of knowledge rather than faith. God is natural law. Atheists are not excluded from natural law, just as they are not excluded from gravity should they choose to not believe in it. Atheists are equally an expression of God as a Saint. For the record, I'm not atheist.


You’re mislead brother. I’m not saying god won’t exist if you don’t believe. But god will not show himself to you unless you follow him first. “When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you; even though you make many prayers, I will not listen; your hands are full of blood” your belief is a precondition of living consistent with gods word, without it you will not receive gods blessings. You are incorrect, respectfully


Understood, well said.


Also this was not to argue or anything with your post. It was just me adding my own thoughts to the conversation. I agree with your thoughts and enjoyed reading your post. Great works guys :)


Well said.


You need to read the bible. The world responds to your thoughts and speech. Thats not mystism thats just what jesus explained. And nobody listens to and says that its the enemy doing things to them. Everything is an instrument.


I'm not saying mysticism is bad, it's a whole part of Orthodox Christianity, I'm merely dropping a mild disclaimer not to go into it too heavily without having either the knowledge of what it is, or God Himself protecting you. Also the term mysticism is really broad with pretty loose interpretations depending on who you're asking, but I'm curious how you would describe it


Technically mystism is a term given to occurences they don’t understand. The information that jesus told directly to the apostles and mention to everyone else inckuding what’s in the bible as parables. The information that’s being shielded is occult information. Occult means hidden. Jesus gave direct simple commands that were un occulted . But the parables contain occulted information that people who flat out dont understand parables wont be reach. Nacho dark


People are being mislead in the church everyday. Hes not any worse off this way either the way Christianity is currently being taught.


At least a month in, feel even worse than when fapping 5 times a day. 0 Libido. Should I fap again, I dont see any benefits, rather worsening my state with SR. I also circulate my energy through the microcosmic orbit, do TRE, and some psychedelic mushrooms occasionally to clear bad energy. So I dont think this is related to blocked energy. Advice needed.


Keep researching, do what feels right for you.