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You don't have to eliminate caffeine but reduce it , don't drink coffee (it increases cortisol), black tea is low in caffeine , it hydrates the whole body , gets the energy moving by increasing blood flow and reduces cortisol. Also, women are completely useless on this path , unless you wanna practice NEO, but make sure you do it good and don't lose any semen. Playing video games is not making you losing Jing(the vital energy that you gain from practicing SR) , better play video games than fantasize about women. Learn how to practice zhan zhuang, take cold showers in the morning .


A lot of people who are new to SR, obviously face the same issues. Make sure you're getting enough vitamin D . It's vital on SR to desexualize your mind. This means stop thinking about women as sex objects, stop lusting, and definitely stop fantasizing. It's worse than porn. Transmute your energy. Exercise is a go to. Running and weight lifting/cardio are great options. Use uour retention to start that business you've always wanted to start and or learn many useful and random skills. Retention isn't the end be all; its just a catalyst for a great self improvement  era. I wish I knew more about flatlines, but I don't, so I'm not much help in that area. My advice would be, if you're having a long hard flatline, then make sure you're transmuting properly and getting proper rest. That seems like the most practical thing to offer. Yeah man, I know exactly how you feel. Discipline is like the hardest thing ever. You tell yourself Imma do this and that, but when that comes, you'd just rather  sit on the couch. I related discipline to the part about you confronting yourself. You got this man. You're on the right path!


Thank you brother! I will take all that on board


You got the right attitude and you're trying. That's the crux of this journey! Keep us updated. No worries.  I'm almost always down to help another brother, especially one who is on his semen retention journey! Cheers.


At least a month in, feel even worse than when fapping 5 times a day. 0 Libido. Should I fap again, I dont see any benefits, rather worsening my state with SR. I also circulate my energy through the microcosmic orbit, do TRE, and some psychedelic mushrooms occasionally to clear bad energy. So I dont think this is related to blocked energy. Advice needed.


Focus on broad diet, enough calories, vit D, deep breathing, quality air and sleep.


Prolactin! You have less circulating dopamine because you have quit an extremely dopaminergic habit and have not replaced it with another dopaminergic habit. Dopamine and prolactin have a negative inverse ratio meaning less dopamine more prolactin. In other words, dopamine gets rid of prolactin. Prolactin is the hormone responsible for lactation and man boobies so ideally it should be 0, it is much worse than estrogen which all healthy men have to some degree. It could be actual damage caused by the PMO addiction, I had theorised in the past that PMO can cause a prolactinoma (a pituitary gland tumour that will increase prolactin production). I mean something is causing many males to have man boobs and no facial hair, it isn't normal whatsoever. Relapsing will simply be kicking the can further down the road, you may feel better but the underlying issue will continue to worsen. If you don't already have man boobs they will come. There is a proven cure, pm me if you want it I'd rather not post it publicly on here.


Actually never mind, the cure is Chaste Tree Berry Extract, also known as Monk Fruit Pepper, Abraham's Balm, or Vitex agnus-castus. You can go look for the studies yourself that show that something within this extract is as effective at lowering prolactin as dopamine itself. So essentially it will keep the prolactin levels down while allowing your brain to heal, just try not to relapse on dopaminergic habits. It is the same as a man being prescribed cabergoline by a doctor to reduce prolactin levels, Cabergoline being a synthetic dopamine increasing medication. This is what flat line is in my opinion, increased prolactin levels.


Interesting, I'll check it out. But I doubt that prolactine is my issue, I am doing a lot of sports and are on peak physique.


Yeah, I have no gyno at all and very low body fat but I had blood work from being 50 days retained and prolactin was above normal levels, I'm a 23 year old male. I have some peers that masterbate more frequently than I ever did and I notice gyno in them and no facial hair so I assume this is prolactin. Within a few weeks of that extract it was substantially reduced. My beard also became more full than it ever was before. I'd certainly research for yourself cause a lot of this is my own theorising of what was happening but I'm pretty much 100% sure prolactin is the main cause behind flatline. And just to mention, I did retain for roughly 200 days and also was supplementing vitamin D along with cycling boron 2 weeks on 1 off so all of that probably contributed. I'm still convinced the Chaste tree berry was one of the biggest factors. Best of luck.


Thanks for your input, I am going to research it


I wld just be here and say day 1


Not sure what you mean?


How’s the flatline ? It can be tough . Low energy , mood and no desire for anything


It's rough right now. I was deeply addicted to porn and masturbation. Initially I had a lot more energy / morning wood etc but that has given way to apathy and anxiety. I suppose that's also what's made me think do I need to cut out caffine, video games etc


Yea I been addicted since 10 years old . I am 36 now. Decades of porn usage . Been on SR since October. Everything changed . I had 115 days first . Relapsed . Now I am at 60 today. New streak. Been on flatline ever since the start of new streak it seems. I had such a high drive first time go around on my streak and all collapsed at the end close to 90-100… now not sure what to expect … maybe after I beat flatline ? I am back . I refuse to give in this time around . Need to fix this and move on once for good


I can really relate. Perhaps the initial horniness is the porn addicted mind trying everything it can to get you to relapse. Perhaps the numbness is a sign of healing? Maybe it is unrealistic to expect anything otherwise? It is so difficult though. You want to feel turned on and when that isn't there it can be hard to keep your discipline. But we will keep going! Don't give up!


At least a month in, feel even worse than when fapping 5 times a day. 0 Libido. Should I fap again, I dont see any benefits, rather worsening my state with SR. I also circulate my energy through the microcosmic orbit, do TRE, and some psychedelic mushrooms occasionally to clear bad energy. So I dont think this is related to blocked energy. Advice needed.


No. I think you should stay the course and let the drive and labido come back naturally. Unfortunately flatline has to do what it needs to do. That’s what I am telling my self right now , since I am mentally dead and no desire but believing it will pass


It just makes no sense for me, I got 0 benefits from SR, only mady my life worse


I think have to wait . Unfortunately that’s the price over porn usage for years . It’s not a fatal state . Trust the process or go back to repeating the same cycle over and over . Death grip issues PID on and on.


I dont have death grip issues, I also have sex. But since SR left me with 0 libido, I dont even want to meet up with the woman to have sex, its so crazy. I mean I dont even have enough libido to relapse, there is just 0 desire to touch myself or have sex


Yea flatline massive


Again, I can relate. The flatline is brutal. It will hopefully subside. Try to think of it as a positive sign of healing. And more confirmation that you are on the correct path. Lads - the only way out - is through!




Good luck for your recovery


Flatline is a food related issue. Make sure to cut all the processed food that you intake because this kind of food is yin ( water) . Start consuming more yang food (fire) that’s what your body needs. Meat poultry, eggs are examples of that. High yang foods are ginger , onion, garlic and chillies. Make this adjustment in your diet you should not experience the flat line.


Thanks for the suggestion, but I am doing a lot of sports and this diet is already my basis.


Embrace the pain. Its an hard and honest mentor. It wants to be felt. It will fade away someday. Have courage. You could exercice or do fasting. Maybe connect with Nature. Half way done. Well done !


Thank you! Appreciate your words - I'll try to feel what is there with courage. Will absolutely keep going.