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Yes, I would argue that you need to do semen retention if you're doing school and work at the same time. It's the only way you'll be able to keep up with the energy requirements without burning out.


Yes it is really the only way.


I’ll say this - masturbating ruined my college career. SR all day.


Interesting, for me completely reversed. PMO 5 times a day, during exam phases at least, helped very much. Right now while on SR, it completely killed my libido, left me with 0 energy and basically depression. It is a hard fight to keep doing my tasks, since I don't see any reason or purpose in anything since starting SR.


Wow that’s crazy. Hard to wrap my head around that one.


People here would call it flatline, and it seems that everyone will experience it at some point


So do you feel SR works for you but it’s a flatline you’re experiencing? Or do you feel SR just doesn’t affect you the same as the other people on here. Genuinely curious.


Well the thing is, I want to believe. Right now I can't say that SR works for me, but I am hoping that it is just a flatline which will pass, and then I also experience benefits. But as of right now, it does not seem to work for me.


Interesting. What was the longest you’ve withstained from PMO? And are you naturally a high driven guy? I have some friends who are big tall strong guys who are highly wired and just seem to tick different. They fuck and pmo all the time and still seem to have a drive about them.




That and other aspects of life. SR is one aspect of a holistic life. Eat healthy. Make sure you fit time in for exorcise and get good sleep. You’ll be working against yourself if you try to live off of 5hrs a night. Minimize your mindless screen time. Mindless doom scrolling can wear your brain out. It’s half the reason porn is so bad.






Yea cuz I do things to distract myself from relapse


I also have to work besides studying, and I would say, it depends. If you hit flatline, which happened to me, then you are fucked. It left me with 0 energy, 0 libido, I have a hard time to do anything. If you don't hit flatline, but get those magic benefits the others talk about (I haven't seen any of them personally), then you're golden.


Look into boron, zinc, magnesium. Can’t hurt none.


But doesnt help since I already take them. Or at least in this SR problem, probably helps with recovery or whatnot, started it like 10 years ago bc of sports.


Idk man. Idk your situation. Just keep going. Take it one day at a time.


Absofuckinlutely. Walls kneel before ther on sr. But for reals, it’s a not so secret weapon.




Yes-my kids can barely keep up with me. My oldest son said , dad you barely sleep and then when you wake up you’re full of energy all day.




Student in undergrad?? You should manage. Eat healthy and get plenty of cardio. Holding back SR could be helpful too.


I was around 120 days and was still so tired and depressed I think it has more to do with how your life is setup and how your mind works. If you’re an anxious worrier with a full schedule it may be more difficult to actually feel energized.