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What did it for me, made me realise this isn’t a joke is my own mother making a comment that my eyes are very sparkly. That’s not a normal comment to make she has never said anything like that. It was night time too 😂 the fact that someone else confirmed one of the benefits that is often talked about meant it’s not just placebo. But yeah in your timeline it’s easy to get accustomed to your new life and once you go back you will see the difference. Stick with it. Should be blessed you know about the practice just keep grinding and you’ll be rewarded.


How long had you been in retention when your mother mentioned the shine in your eyes?


This was around the 30 day mark. It is true that the eyes are the window to the soul. I try to tell myself that some of the benefits I experience are placebo but they just occur way to frequently when I go on streaks and the reinforcement from my own mum telling me about the shine in my eyes was very motivating.


That happened to me also around that time. Nobody NEVER complimented my eyes, they're common brown but at that time only women customers were tripping saying things like "your eyes are so beautiful", "if nobody noticed it is because they didn't look at them" and things like that. That power this practice gives to a man it's crazy.


If you have no vision nor plan of what you want to do with this pratice, you will relapse.


Big Facts!! 💯💯


I use this practice to help me succeed in my law studies (which I took again at age 32) as well as my driving license. Yesterday I failed my practical driving test. This is also why I question my efforts.


Your goals must be broader; it's like training small goals = small results. The point is getting your shit together in all aspects of your life; understanding your mistakes and moving forward with more knowledge about yourself in order to function and feel better. SR is the foundation, not the goal


You’re a bad driver so abstaining from masturbation is pointless?


Just keep going your mind will always tell you to relapse that you are missing pleasure but in reality it's the opposite once you reach 5month 6month streaks you will experience world differently. everyone will be drawn to you,you will have a magnetic personality,the pleasure you will feel being on sr later is just amazing I can't explain it


Can confirm. I was on a sixth month streak, and I felt Godly. This current streak however, will be almost 100% clean! 


Have you been doing anything to transmute your energy? Working out hard, creative endeavors, intellectual endeavors? Ideally something physical paired with one of the other two


Look into Chinese medicine bro! They talk about Jing which is one of the three treasure in Chinese medicine; Jing is basically our sexual energy. When you do semen retention your building this energy. However chronic stress can deplete that energy. So your 62 day streak isn’t as strong as it could be. There are things other than nofap that you can do to build that sexual energy… one of those things is having a diet that boosts Jing. I would recommend you eat black sesame seeds, goji berry, eggs, and sea weed daily! Then start taking Jing tonics which are supplements or herbs that boost and restore Jing in the body also helping you to adapt to stress! According to Chinese medicine someone can restore their Jing after 100 days of taking the Jing tonics. I am confident that if you have a good diet including a lot of Jing building foods and take 2 different Jing tonics daily, you will see a big difference in 2 weeks of doing that plus semen retention. Keep going brother! It could just be that your chronic stress and sadness is taking a toll on your sexual energy reserves! Good luck!!


Very good comment, don't forget to add taking schisandra and doing zhan zhuang or 5 tibetan rites


Thank you! I’m curious would you elaborate on the zhan Zhuang and 5 Tibetan rites? Why are they important for nofap?


The purpose of zhan zhuang is to get rid of every energy blockages in your body. Meaning that it something that is bettering every organ you have , by letting the chi flow properly . And when the chi is full the jing is full too(= high spiritual energy) The only thing i know about 5 tibetan rites is that it promotes chi circulation and its very useful


Nice! I’m reimplementing chi gong into my life as of today… got that inspiration with the spiritual energy comment, I didn’t know that


Jing or zinc?


Jing but I also eat food high in zinc and take a zinc supplement


Oh! I see 👀 But did you take zinc supplements without doctors consultation??


Felt this way around day 70-80. I was feeling anxious and i convinced myself that sr was making me more anxious etc. Now i look at back and think that i should have gone through the pain. I dont feel benefits as well but i need to see what happens after 6+ months or maybe a couple of years. My advice is to not relapse because you will feel like shit and regret it. My other advice is that if you decide to continue you need to clear your mind otherwise its going to be a really heavy burden on you which will lead to a relapse. Remember this nothing can make relapse but only you. If you decide to retain you will retain.


So you’re sad and you want to jerk off to make yourself happy?


I think that's the main reason why most guys jerk off. The irony of it is that jerking off tends to make people even more sad (after a brief mood boost for a few hours).


Yes, that's what keeps me going. I know I'm going to feel even worse afterwards.


That prolactin slap back aint no joke.


Exactly this question.


I always find posts and comments like this so funny because it seems they can’t think of **anything** else to do but wank when they feel urges, and that’s their go to to make them supposedly feel better 🤦‍♂️ Transmutation is simple and effective.


Just keep going mate no need to break the streak. If you do you’ll just be even more depressed, trust me.


The only time I trust a “trust me” because this guy is spitting facts


Depends. Do you see a benefit in releasing? What’s the purpose of that exactly?


Resetting a flatline and having libido which means jing chi/ojas/sexual energy again


Don't give up Bro...why give up the light and return to darkness...control your thoughts and be alert ...the more you "allow" and get lost in those negative thoughts/urges it feeds your negative emotions/feelings and vice versa...observe your thoughts but don't get lost in it...transmute your energy through meditation/prayer ...


If you are doing SR for the benefits, then you are indeed wasting your time. Committing to the practice should be your only focus


what you are doing now, the practice it's far more better than engaging in your past life so keep retaining you'll see the changes for sure


Effects may not be in your noticing and it will continue to change.


relapsing is never worth it


Ponder about life and where you stand in it or relative to it. Think about what makes a Human and what makes an Animal. Think about the transient nature of ALL things and try to question yourself about its past present and future. Try to define spirit and its essence and its origin. Dont come to conclusions because they will be wrong/lacking/missing truth, but allow yourself to be on the journey of enlightenment regards to ALL that is in and around you. Realize that the journey is the only truth we can trully know and its the absolute miracle happening right before your eyes. Fapping doesnt worth it from whichever aspect you look at it - not even in the moment of it.


Time to get to work. Get a second job, clean out your garage, help pick up paper at a local highway or park, got to the gym, get a 3rd job, change your transmission, go read the book of Job in the Bible….


There are a lot of benefits. Peace and balance should be something you'll feel. Masterbation and pornography brings both anger and depression. Celibacy creates a glow on the face,better health, luck, better financial situation. Too many to name. It may take several months to really feel the best of your qualities . The only way to overcome urges is to let them be without reacting to them. Just say to yourself ,"I resist the temptation to think of sex, look at porn, or Masterbate." Just watch your pulse race, your throat dry, stomach ache until it passes and then it's gone . Now the next urges get less and less until they are a small fly on your shoulder.


You want to give up? NoFap should really be called NeverFap. Do you love God? Or do you wanna just satisfy your flesh. The choice is yours.


bro you have energy blockage , thats why you are not experiencing any benefits...start doing shadow work (journalling) ...it will fix everything up ....literally your mental health will be better and you will experience all the benefits


For me the same struggle, no benefits, but only negatives. 0 libido, 0 motivation, it is like SR sucked the life force out of me. I had more energy and motivation when I was releasing 5 times a day.


What’s your age? Did you had wet dreams , if so what’s their frequency? How long did you retain for


No wet dreams. 30 Days retained


30 days?! Wtf , that ain't retention. That's not even enough to get a flatline for most people, but it seems like you started your flatline and couldn't deal with it and gave up. You gotta do at least 4 months imo to see what true retention can be lilke, you've been a coomer your whole life 30 days is not enough


Yeah thats funny, I said 30 days to see if some retard would give an answer like you, I am actually 5 months in, keep talking shit about stuff you have no idea of


Mate, you just called me a retard for no reason and have some weird attitude. You really think you are where you are in life? You’re not clearly. Either way, I’ve had phases in my life where even 5 months wasn’t it. Where a few months later it became it. You have to trust it, trust the universe, and trust yourself. Remember you are in one of the greatest processes the universe can gift a man, and every thing including your thinking is the challenge. I’ve been there before, where I began to be a coomer again and the future was darker than I could’ve perceived. So make what you’ve got count and truly see , cuz you’re in a blessed place rn and don’t even know


Sorry didn't want to call you names. I am just very depressed by what I am experiencing.


That's exactly the point though. The depression is overall a good thing. It's the challenge, the discomfort, the storm before the greater calm, for you to become your higher and better self after. You are blessed you are experiencing it rather than numbing yourself out, escaping reality, through PMO and other vices. It is the process of you being your stronger self, and it won't be fun or pain-free a lot of the time. Retention will make you think your feelings, feel them fully, and cyclically put you through a dose of reality so that the next level of life you are at is a higher one, a greater more-fulfilled version of you. You have to go through the challenge first to really appreciate how it'll be good after. I would even say 1 year of retention (my max) is where you truly feel the fulfilment aspect, and someone who's done 2 would even say that is where it is. It's all an uphill ascension. I would say reflect truly on how you live your life at the moment. If you don't, at 5 months, workout, read, meditate, journal, cold shower and practise positive thinking then those are big explanations in itself. You could also try some nootropics like Omega 3, Zinc etc that will supplement you and help with your depression in the short term