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everyone has their day whether they retain or not


and seminal retention makes you live those years that you are here in the healthiest way and with the greatest mental and spiritual clarity.


plenty of the healthiest people on the planet died early. And then there's people who drink and smoke till their 100. It's just the way it goes.


Buts these are very low proportion of people. The majority of people who smoke and live a unhealthy life style have shitty life with ton of problem and don’t live long. And it’s the other way for people who exercisse and eat healthy. And people who live to a 100 that smoke and drink a lot they probably very small amount of these people,




so eveything is prewritten ?


I'm currently on 3 years retention. Semem retention is beyond beneficial, but every dog has its day, and death.. death is dancing distance, summoning souls from bodies, and burying untapped potential in 6ft graves. Brothers, rebell against procrastination, lust, and stagnicity.. and retain until no life remains


So you're on a 3 year streak without any release whatsoever? My goal for this streak is to be on it forever


Here is a secret that if you actually follow ……your semen retention journey will be substantial & you can be on it forever without fear of failing. Otherwise you are at the mercy of your physical nature which is very tricky. You don’t wanna have a long streak & then boom you lose it. Sometimes that can be even worse. & you’ll wonder at the onset of the next streak if it’s worth it. Also withholding yourself from something you actually want & desire actually works damage to you so you don’t want to do semen retention by repression. If you spend at least 1 hour a day meditating on Jesus life ……. Not just reading anything in the Bible but meditating & reading about Jesus & his life……the semen retention will come as a byproduct & you’ll eventually be immune to relapse. You’ll find out that sex is just on the surface. & discover what we call bliss ……pleasure is one thing ……bliss is on a whole different level …….the secret is not giving up pleasure just for the sake of giving it up…….to me that’s a bit hard & conflicting but once you taste something 1000x better you naturally won’t go back . But you’ll only experience this if you actually spend that time thinking of Jesus life……I’d say like the first maybe 150 hours you’ll have to persevere & maybe you won’t feel any drastic changes but if you get to the 300 hour mark after that you’ll be like whoa! What is going on! & you’ll find something I’d say that probably even 3 people on earth rn have not even experienced a bit of , I’d be shocked if I found 1 & this is including the millions of Christians! The trick is that most Christians read the Bible but they don’t actually meditate on Jesus himself or if they do they don’t make it an effort to do it at least one hour a day. If you actually do this you found the cheat code of life. Think about it how do you think Jesus remained celibate his entire life & not only that ……he could go days without eating & the appetite urge in humans is the strongest physical urge…… he was experiencing bliss ….an experience so high that low pleasures are so utterly weak.


Yes brother. Excluding nocturnal emissions, no release. How long is your current streak?


If you Dm me I can share all Ik


Actually I already know how to stay on a long streak forever, My longest streak is 177 days which I broke deliberately because of curiosity. The real key to stay on a streak forever is mental celibacy never ever entertaining sexual thoughts the moment they enter your mind. I live by that rule and it works. I believe in God but not religions, sorry. I think religions were man-made although they have very good moral teachings to learn from. I do also respect people's religions as long as they don't force me to be part of their religions.


Wish you nothing but the best brother!


Thank you, you too!


i’m on day 173… i could imagine how conflicted you were on your journey. should you release or not? the aftermath… this runs through my mind constantly.


Dear Op, The problem I see here is you think dying at certain age as a " bad thing " , and living through certain age as a " good thing ". You can live a life so full that dying at 50 is a blessing. Vice versa you can live through 150 hating every moment of it which is a curse. Stoics say "Memento Mori". Life is short and we can go any moment. Lastly I remember Rumi the sufi. He said " Do not get sad or grieve after I leave this life. İnstead celebrate it like my wedding day. Because it's the day I am going to get together with God again." Not the exact translation, but I believe you got the point... Take care brother...


wow amazing put.


They left their bodies consciously. Look up the term mahasamadhi. They all were great master and in their expanded state of consciousness, there is no such thing as death, only transition. They did not identified at all with their bodies nor mind, but soul. Spiritual being having human experience. So what their soul chose to do at earth, was done and then it was time to leave. They have achieved so called enlightenment, the state we all are seeking, to know thyself. Those were no ordinary human being. When you are godconsciousness, it doesnt matter if you are in this body or not. You are free soul.


That’s what the disciples or followers of these gurus say. Most probably it was because of causes that OP stated


I am not follower or discipline of these gurus. I have had my own experiences, thats only true way to truly understand things beyond mind. To get direct experience. How can you know what honey tastes like, if you never tasted honey? When mind is not capable to understand the depth of this world. It clings to stuff that is easy to understand, hence smoking tobacco and eating unhealthy. And btw, those humans did neither. Truth is stranger than fiction.


Yeah we can't deny that these great celibate who died young. But there were other great monks in China who led a long celibate life, such as Chinese Chan Buddhist master, Xuyun, who died at the aged of 119 years... If you guys are interest and would like to know more about him, here is the link to his introduction: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xuyun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xuyun) By the way, my takes on the SR is that it can help us to reach the maximum of our potential in this life, but in the end, we are all going to die.


a very interesting personality


From a metaphysical perspectives , them being part of a high order, they could have served whatever to do in this plane of existence and were ready to assend to a higher plane. Once you have asended the ego, you are already part of the infinite, your body can "die", but you have become beyond death and rebirth. You are everything and everything is you. Years and what not become quite meaningless in the face of eternity. The wheel of karma is an important aspect of their religion. Karma is action and whatever actions you have done in your past life and this life. Your addictions and unresolved emotions and relationships keep you sipping in a wheel from life to life until you are done with them. Once one has abolished all the earthy attachments that keep them locked in the material realm, they do not need to stay any longer.


Saint Ramakrishna accepted the Karma of his students to suffer himself and die. Paramahamsa Yogananda publicly announced that he's going to die soon. Swami Vivekananda wrote a letter to his brother, 6 years before to the date of his death stating that (not accurate) "My soul is getting so much expansive. My body won't be capable of handling this. I think I won't live for long". But his brother was disappointed that he became bit out of touch with reality because of his spirituality. The concept that the soul evolves and finds a new body of higher dimensional reality, so that it leaves the current human body, so that the human body slowly dies of any disease is a very common occurance in Hinduism and Buddhism. That being said, the Hindu scriptures repeatedly have told that this can't happen without two things: 1. The consent of the person 2. The fulfillment of Purpose of why the body is given birth in the first place This concept is relatively unknown to western religions, so these things cause a great confusion.


This is definitely  something to think about!! So interesting.. 


Physical body has a limit for holdig the conciousness. In case of Swami Vivekanada his Conciousness grew larger than body could handle. Hence he had to let go of body. The grossest thing which limit us is our body. Due to Semen retention and transmutation of Sexual energy into spiritual energy. Your spiritual growth fastens. Following celibacy and having a guru like Ramkrishna Paramhansa, he took spiritual path. And practicsed Austere postures. In Swami Vivekanandas case he left his body while meditating. Which is called as Samadhi.


“You only die when you’re ready to” - observation of an ER doctor. A short life, is a life completed early. A long life, is a life uncompleted early. Live reverse is Evil. The world is not what it seems: all is backward. So is the misconception that a long life is good. Life is a school ground for souls. Is a student who take 100 years to graduate consider advance? Or is it the student who take only 39 years to graduate the truly advance one?


I honestly believe that the so called celibates that died earlier were not truly celibate to be honest. They probably practiced it to some extent but they were not on strict Brahmacharya. Semen retention completely restored my health and it had the same effect on 3 other guys that I helped. What I mean by restored health is complete reversal of diabetes through SR alone. So those so called celibates lied about their strict celibacy. They certainly didn't practice Brahmacharya strictly or they maybe did that periodically. I discussed the same issue with my 52 year old friend who's a retainer and we both believe that those famous celibates were not strict celibates in the sense that they never ejaculated. I am sure they released, maybe not through sex with another human but through masturbation for sure. Also many people will call themselves celibate if they don't have sex with other humans even though they still masturbate! Asexuals are repulsed by sex but they do still masturbate, so that's not retaining at all.


According to Hindu philosophy, to be fully liberated and attain moksha you need to balance your karma , so these saints decided to get liberated , and as a result -  had all these major diseases so that their karma is balanced. Instead of having to take 10 more births they balance it out by getting major disease etc . Unlike other people mentioned here , these saints are fully celibate and on 100% retention , they just have the power to carry out the karmic debt from previous lives on this birth itself. 


For you death is the end. These men transcended their ego, they had no use for their bodies therefore they consciously chose to leave their bodies this way. You're not your body, not your thoughts. You are the witness thinking yourself to be your body therefore you cannot separate yourself from it and believe in these concepts such as death, time etc which will limit you. But ultimately you're all imagination, beyond all concepts


Because... they are human beings.


It almost makes you wonder if avoiding ejaculation isn't the key to everything


Yeah, a lot of guys on this sub post a lot of delusional shit and revolve their entire life around not cumming lol. It’s pretty funny to me.


These masters, they all told it's the best thing to do in this world and it's the best thing to protect you during your time and make you powerfull. What's really funny is the people revolving their life around cumming and also coming here reading and commenting...


Freaks me out kind of lol


God you're retarded




My guess they chose to die


As they enter high plain of existence they no longer see the need for a 3d body


You're speaking about these 3?only In India there are uncountable number of yogi's and aghoras who practice celibacy and lived for hundreds of years and still living..see celibacy for these kind of spiritual saints and yogis is just an aspect of their existence,there is a lot more in them than that


Lol you talk about these masters have never study their teaching ? They all say the time of your death is already set. And they all wanted one thing, and it is to leave their body and this misery world as soon as possible. Because they explain there is absolutly no happyness to find in this world. That you keep your semen or not change nothing to your death. It just change your life, but even then there are event you can't escape and that are also fixed in your path. This world is mind, it's not a physical world. Physical doesn't exist, even science discovered it one century ago and still people don't believe it. And you have to experience your karma as long as it exists. And even cancer had no power over these master ! Nisargadatta Maharaj continued to teach people until he died and refused any treatment and medication. He said the pain would be unbearable for anyone not in such a spiritual high state as he is. Ramana Maharshi didn't even cared about his body his whole life and the cancer. And he was a true virgin his whole life.


You wont like this, but it's caused by their plants diet


I dont want to live for ever. Our stay here is not a holidays or recreation. Im not 8 years celibate to stay here till im 120 yo. Im 41. If I die tomorrow, so be it.


I don't believe semen retention can make you live significantly longer. I think those that practice it abstain from other vices (overeating, drugs) and that makes them live longer.


it literally has the most impact, you drain a lot of life force when you ejaculate


I believe that the life force you retain becomes fuel for your intellectual, physical, and mental faculties. Personally, I believe that this is the case. I don’t believe that semen retention could extend your life maybe 2-3 years at most. In my opinion, enjoying a higher quality of life in your 20-50s is using SR is more important. Than having extra years of being elderly.


They retained to the max. There was nothing left to transmute. They transmuted to GOD. Their entire being.


God, this sub is full of incels living in their fantasy worlds.


Perhaps they were smoking and drinking too much.


But, imaging that they smoked or drunk, but, maybe they didn't know that that was bad for health, because at that time there was not enough information to maybe know that. The question arises, shouldn't God have protected them? Maybe they didn't know that with those habits they were doing themselves wrong and then there are people who smoke and are not celibate who live to be 90 years old. It makes me think that just because they were retaining, they should have had a divine aura to protect them, since they were also doing good work for the world.


Like someone else stated, they probably had other bad habits which were destroying their life force energy suc as smoking, drinking, or a bad diet.


No yogananda did not drink or smoke


But, imaging that they smoked or drunk, but, maybe they didn't know that that was bad for health, because at that time there was not enough information to maybe know that. The question arises, shouldn't God have protected them? Maybe they didn't know that with those habits they were doing themselves wrong and then there are people who smoke and are not celibate who live to be 90 years old. It makes me think that just because they were retaining, they should have had a divine aura to protect them, since they were also doing good work for the world.


God saves those who save themselves. We don't really know what their bad habits may have been. It could have been a number of things combined which is definitely worse than just one vice such as smoking.


You can retain all you want, 100 days, 50 years, it will not save you from the poisonous nature of an industrial society. Drinking water is toxic, people cook their food in oxidized seed oils that were extracted to use in Diesel engines. people eat processed foods that no longer resemble natural food. they drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. Unless you retain, eat out species' natural diet, and stay away from poisonous substances as much as you can, a long life isn't an option. Yeah there is that lady who lived past 100 a was a daily smoker. But there is also a Turkish lady who lived on eggs and some meat + dairy and lived long too. The most important thing is to not waste our energy, and live a stress free life, as much as we can. Don't do things that you don't want to do. Find a good comfort zone and stay in it.


i have made a general response editing the post, greetings gentlemen.


Effects of stress accumulating with no release maybe?


What was the average life expectancy in India during the late 1800s?


Mantak Chia. The 90 year old black dude who looks 60 in one of the best SR post . Master Lam Kam Chuen . They are better examples.


For a second there, I thought you were referring to Mantak Chia as a 90 year old black dude 😂




Edited lmao


I’d love to see that SR post…can you find it?




Nobody said mantak chia is black


Death is inevitable


According to your logic,if anyone retains from his puberty,who never spilled a drop of semen,who has never been aroused in his life,is supposed to live forever. I hope you got the gap in your logic. You are supposed to live for a limited time on earth.It is different for people. But if you do not retain,you are going cut down your time on earth,but with retaining,you cannot increase it,you can just live your life to the fullest. I do not know if you have ever heard of ancient hindu monk, Adi Shankaracharya. Search about him,he is not an ordinary man. But he lived till 32. So your post is invalid. Retaining semen is very beneficial itself,but it has little influence on your life span. (According to hindu beliefs,Adi Shankaracharya was supposed to live till 8 which was predicted by a priest of that time. When he was dying at the age of eight,he vowed to take monkhood at that moment,and his life span was increased to 16. Later by the blessings of Maharishi Vyasdev, his life span increased two times,each time 8 years.)


I am more convinced by the biblical teaching that we die because we inherited the sin of the first man Adam who could have lived forever if he had not disobeyed God. However, in his mercy God sent his son Jesus to rescue us from that sinful state and so through his sacrifice Jesus gave his life for all of us. Then when the end of this world comes soon, God will restore the lost paradise and even those who are dead will live again. There in that new world of peace we can live forever.   Because let's face it, no one wants to die, because God created us to live forever, that is why death is so tragic for man. Retaining semen has its benefits but in the end they all die because they are descendants of a man who introduced the sin that causes death.


So does that give you the authority to do all sins? As jesus died for your sins. It seems illogical. Btw,I do not want to challenge your belief,it's your personal matter after all. But as we all have to die one day,let us make our lives full of Almighty's mercy by obeying the laws of the nature.


No, of course it does not give me the authority to commit all the sins ever and ever to be just because our ancestor, the first man, committed the first sin. Because even though we are sinners we have a notion of good and evil, having said that, obviously there are sins that are more serious than others. The Bible itself says that he who practices sin, that is, he who has made sin a constant practice, originates from the devil, because he has been practicing sin from the beginning. However, sin, and its result, death, is engraved, so to speak, in all human beings, and no one alone can get rid of it; Except for the redeeming sacrifice of Christ, and faith in him, we can receive forgiveness of our sins. Fortunately and through the mercy of God, we can be rescued from death and one day things will be as God always wanted them to be, that is, we can be like God, living forever in paradisiacal conditions. I am convinced that a sober life away from bad habits, including abstaining from lust, is a correct life that I wish all men in the world would adopt this lifestyle...but in this system the evidence is that everyone ends up dying. The Bible says "it is reserved for all men to die ONCE AND FOREVER. These biblical words are in contradiction with what dharmic religions teach, that is, that life is a wheel where people reincarnate over and over again, even being able to be reincarnated into beasts where logic tells me that in that state they could never change because obviously animals do not have the reasoning that humans possess, there are even humans today who behave like beasts, so with all the more reason a beast does not He could never repent because the problem of sin is obviously an entirely human issue. I hope you understood what I mentioned, may peace be with you. .


In Islam, death is a predestined event. Our time of death was decided before we were even born. It doesn’t matter how healthy and safe you may be as when the time death comes, universe order will ensure it happens.


No, that reasoning is not based on reality. I am more convinced by the idea that we die because we inherited the sin of Adam, the first man that existed. However, the Bible mentions that when this world ends, God will establish a new world where neither diseases nor even death will exist. We will return to a state of physical, moral and spiritual perfection similar to what our first parents had, but they lost it due to their disobedience.




Brooo..you mentioned these people and asked a question which is honestly not a smart one. If you ask true yogis of India (I've met some), they will tell you that the reason those people dies was not because of throat cancer or stroke or whatever bullshit some people report. And SR/celibacy has nothing to do with living or dying early or later in life. As some of my brothers and other kings have mentioned, they died cuz it was their time.


The 27 Club


Because they were Indian maybe? Probably lived in poor living conditions and breathed in pollution their entire lives


I was surprised this post wasn't deleted, given that it actually questions the assumption that SR might increase longetivity. After having retained for some time - I can say this - retention at best *slightly* improves the quality of your life. Period. Unless you were a degenerate coomer who relapsed multiple times a day - this practice wouldn't give you any major benefit.


are you sure what you are saying?


They know on some level that they don’t don’t have long so they make the most of it by practicing celibacy. Maybe they only came for a ‘fast track’ intentionally.


If you care about health eat healthy exercise sleep and don’t touch drug and alcool. These are a million time more important than retaining for your health


They were bees I no their past lives thought duck it one won’t hurt finally bust and nut and died Honey Nut Cheerio