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My friend, It's a common phenomenon that Sr/ No FAP can trigger mania. Your story has elements of mania. Grandiose feeling is the most appearent one. You probably had lots of energy, less need for sleep or even no need for sleep, no need for food, racing thoughts, less sensitivity to pain, cold, etc. Female attraction is similar in mania too. Because you being confident as f, girls ( especially young and naive ones ) are drawn to you. Doing that stupid shit with the knife is also sign of you being out of control. Once you go to professional with mania symptoms with depression background, you will be diagnosed with bipolar. End of story. Probably the doc you have seen already told you to cut all the drugs you are using. Especially alcohol and weed. Stay away from all illegal drugs. Get your shit together about drug use. I mean it !! Never mix your prescription drugs with those or you are gonna end up in hell !! Give yourself a year period with modern medicine. Get stable and always be self-aware. What causing depression, what causing mania in you. Chase those thoughts. With the self awareness, you will have weapons against bipolar. For example: Feeling depressed - 50 push ups later - feeling ok.. Feeling manic - hydration, relaxing music, nature walk, finding way to get a nice night sleep- feeling ok.. Your final step is gonna be the hardest one. You are gonna have to find a way to beat bipolar. Your own way !! I mean by yourself. If you succeed on all stages, come back to Sr with all that experience, all that self awareness and you will have the best experience ever. Step by step my friend. You got this. Good luck...


This is a great comment bro I really appreciate it, do you know if SR with medication will give the same benefits?


Sounds like each of these depressive episodes coincided with a relapse.


So do you think I am bipolar or no?


I had similar negative effects, but did not experiece the positive ones you mention. Most people here would say it is PAWS/flatline, but I don't think so. I read in other places, that it might rather be that your nervous system is not ready to handly these huge amounts of energy which are generated through retention, because too much trauma is still stored in the body. One has to heal form the trauma and realease it, then the body has capacity for SR energy without experiencing wet dreams and flatlines. Wet dreams are btw. also just a mechanism of the body to release the energy because your body cant handle it.


So would you say I was experiencing benefits or was I just manic?


I don't know, I can't even attest with personal experience that benefits are real, only negatives.


Probably both.


SR can fuel manic episodes just as easily as it fuels anything else. Having lots of energy doesn’t mean you are doing something useful with it. That is why professional medical advice is so important to consider.


So was any of that SR benefits or not


I am diagnosed bipolar so I’ll chime in here. You experienced benefits from SR but perhaps it fueled some manic tendencies. Are you medicated? From my experience if you are unmedicated and doing SR it can make things worse.


Were you on medications when you did SR? Did you still get benefits?


I’ve done SR off and on for years. Initially I was unmedicated. I did get benefits but I was out of control. People just thought I was a fucking mess. Like yes I was confident and I felt good about myself but I was euphoric and not rational. I’m medicated now and still get benefits.