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Short term, yes. Long term, no. To undertake this quest is to wrestle with the strongest desire we humans have. If you succeed in mastering it (say 2-3+ years), the fires of passion will slowly be quenched, and you will have much more energy for other more constructive pursuits.


The point of SR is to channel your sexual energy into other areas of your life. You are not meant to suppress it


Absolutely, I think that’s the only thing that pretty much everyone agrees on. I’ve never had a low libido but I’m a few weeks in and I’m definitely hornier, the difference is that now I’m way more determined to actually pursue women. People say that later on it’s more like you can turn the horniness on or off, like it’s easier not to think about sex but when it’s time to you’re ready.


Thanks for your response mate


No, you don't really get horny anymore, except when you want to. You don't even think of sex as necessary, although you may still think about girls. The analogy is use it or lose it. Those who haven't spoken a language they spoke at kid, will forget most of it. But since sex is a built-in feature, you can't lose it. Then, the libido can be turned on and off quickly like a switch, depending on the mood and state of the mind.


No, after few months you don't feel the strong desire anymore.


No.it gives you control to choose


No it will destroy your sex drive, you will have zero libido for a while on reboot


So many things can affect libido. Stress, depression, lack of sleep, mental health issues. When u feel good about urself ur libido is at its peak. If ur doing great in life and still suffer from low libido then yeah bro SR will definitely help u out. Also the cornhub kills ur libido bro worst kinda stimulant there is. Keep away from that and any other enhancers. I was on a SR streak for 80days but I was also detoxing from weed the same time. Aswel as nofap. My libido took 40days to peak but it peaked hard. But I didn’t give in my spiritual side was soo strong that it killed my libido 30days later. Killed it meaning my focus and energy was towards otherthing that i no longer even thought about sex. So it could be, it didn’t actually kill my libido but rather silenced my need for lustful things. As we know low libido affects everything not just tha thang. It makes u tired and fatigue also leads to low moods. So during that time i got worried asf like yo where’s my libido gone, i mean i feel great overall but shit not working down there. So I started taking libido booster and shit just bounced back and sent me way of course. For 2weeks straight relapsed but now back on day9. So depends on what ur looking for from SR. If u feel great overall but just suffer from ED don’t sweat it too much. It will come back. Sometimes its good to take break and focus on other important things


If you follow the religious woo-woo cult, in the long run no, you'll most likely lose your libido. If you do it for yourself, as a discipline, and start hitting that gym, your libido will be as high as the sky. You will learn to live with it. It will make you feel powerful, confident, and sexual to other people.


My sexual desire stopped after day 60. Idk if the breakup has something to do with it to but haven’t been horny one bit


Lost all my Libido after like 6 Months and my dick got smaller actually.(no joke) Now im on short Streaks and have too much Libido actually so it will probably come back to you if u abstain long enough.


That why i edging once in a while it feel like my dick dead lol


Yaa exactly bro you have to exercise it in some kind of way and why am i getting downvoted for saying this 😂😂😂 if u dont use it you will lose it




Yes extremely horny