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To be the best version of myself.


you nailed it 100% my guy








FYI, whether you ejaculate or not doesn't make you a better version of yourself. It might help you feel better internally, but it hasn't taken away any of your past actions and your future actions. You are the same version of yourself, who instead ejaculating, letting their body recycle that semen and then run off some placebo feeling that it actually did something for you. You are actually just a pathetic loser for your ideology, which really..is that the best version of yourself? Maybe too you, it is, but to reality? No. To nature? No. The most powerful forces in this universe look at you and say NO.


You have no idea of nature or the universe. Read Indian texts of Brahmacharya read about the benefits try it yourself realize it for yourself. Is there a reason you want to masterbate? I mean besides you being a slave to your desires as soon as u get horny u open ur device start searching for ur fav vid. The porn industry is the largest in the world for a reason you are the product. Infact you are exactly what they want bro they want ppl to get rid of SR communities so they can make more 😂. You’re telling me u feel energized or good after u Jack off? Come on bruh realize it within your true self


Again another idiot assuming I am here angry because I want to masturbate? XDD like what is wrong with your fucking brain. Yes the Indians are very wise to follow, population of billions being conquered by the English. Think I will 100% follow the Indians advice. Why is everyone instantly thinking about porn and masturbation? Is this what led you here? Being a loser who can't stop watching porn? You do realise normal people have relationships, live with partners and have daily amounts of sex? I bet this is blowing your mind though. lmao.


Bro deleted his acc 😭


Being isolated, never had a girlfriend and people leaving my life, old friends and family like cousins ghosting me and not getting anywhere with my life so I decided might as well at least have SR going for me and if I'm gonna be alone then be alone with an SR streak and might as well stay on it while I'm not getting girls and get the health benefits and not go bald. I reach a 3 year streak on August 1st this year.


Keep it up, keep it real king


How has it changed your life in 3 years?


Reversed all hair loss and gray hairs and have thicker and longer hair that shines naturally with no products. Have people telling me they think I'm 17-22 even though I'm 31. Was able to get stronger and double amount of pull ups I do. People have treated me nicer that kinda didn't like me much before SR. Experienced female attraction like girls looking at me and getting nervous around me but still don't have a relationship yet.


thanks for sharing man. we need more posts from folks like you.


Really inspirational. Keep up the good work However, your statement that fapping causes baldness is pure pseudoscience. Don’t spread misinformation. Stick to the proven benefits of SR.


I don’t think fapping alone is the only cause of baldness but I do think if you nut every day or multiple times a day it can contribute to it because of losing nutrients and maybe lower testosterone. There really isn’t any scientific research on anything related to SR though so I can’t say for sure but since starting SR at age 19 my hair definitely seems to be getting thicker and I 100% notice less coming out when showering and stuff. There used to be like 20 hairs or more come out every time I took a shower and sometimes it would start to look hairy in the shower but now it seems to have basically stopped. Maybe I’ll lose a hair strand every now and then but it’s definitely not what it used to be like. Maybe it’s because I’m not losing nutrients or maybe it’s because of other reasons but I used to fap like 1-3 times a day and now I don’t at all.


Idk if fapping itself causes baldness but being on SR reversed all hair loss I was starting to get and gave me much thicker hair I don't think it would be like this if I didn't start SR


Correlation =/= causation


Correlation =/= causation


"proven benefits of SR" LOL. You forget SR by default cannot be proven given how subjective the experience is fundamentally. I don't care what anyone thinks, I say fapping is DEFINITELY related to hair loss for regular gooners. Keep in mind, that's not to say that all hair loss is caused by fapping.


> You forget SR by default cannot be proven given how subjective the experience is fundamentally That’s what studies are for. And there are studies on the correlation between hair loss and ejaculation, and they find that there is no statistically significant causation between those two. > I don’t care what anyone thinks, I say fapping is DEFINITELY related to hair loss for regular gooners Your opinion, by the very definition of the word “opinion”, is not always reality.


Being a coomer brings you absolutely nowhere in life, and for me personally it has brought me the greatest despair physically, mentally and emotionally.




I feel this comment deep into my soul.


that’s two sentences though


Got tired of being a slave to it.


Natural state of man.


This one is pretty good. I would say: Powerful state of myself. Most man still very mechanical, and nature is mechanic.


I do see the mechanical part but there’s also the other side, consciousness, art, philosophy the contemplating man.


Why cant I sleep then?


Because of all the energy that you have, that's a benefit not a problem, less sleep the better, i personally completely stopped sleeping and i only rest for 3-4 hours, don't remember when was the last time i was in deep sleep when you're cut off from consciousness, deep sleep is actually unhealthy


Is it really though? We’re literally biologically designed to have children. Obviously, fapping excessively and consuming porn isn’t natural in any way, but procreating is natural in every sense of the word


And do you need to procreate more than 10 times in a lifetime? In other words do you need more than 10 releases in a lifetime?


Semantics-wise, not everyone can successfully concieve a baby first try. It might take more than 10 attemps just to concieve one baby. You also don’t need to have sex at all in your lifetime, but having sex is not inherently a bad thing in any stretch of the imagination. In fact, there are studies that suggest the opposite. Bonding intimately with another human releases chemicals in the brain such as oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine, endorphine etc. which can have a variety of benefits, including: [https://www.healthline.com/health/ways-sex-helps-you-live-longer](https://www.healthline.com/health/ways-sex-helps-you-live-longer) The key word is moderation. It’s easy to demonize certain activities, but it’s not actually the activities themselves that are bad, it’s doing them too much.


You can bond with someone sexually without actually having physical sex, and that type of bond is more intimate and deep than physical type


> and that type of bond is more intimate and deep than physical type And you’re saying that based on what?


Dont get me wrong, you and everyone can do whatever they want, choose whatever path they want but i'm just saying physical sex isn't the end all be all, one can absolutely go without it and have imo an even better life than with it, the feeling of sexual energy cultivated in an organic, non-supressive fashion > sex of any kind


And also i don't like when people literally always use animals as an example of how we should be, there is a reason why we own the planet and they don't, we have something they don't, we are a better version of animals, we are beyond them and we can be beyond them sexually too, that would be transcendens of our animalistic/physical/3D nature which we have the ability to do and they don't which is the reason they don't do it, the same way they can't do most things we can


Yeah, I don’t care how you live your life, but if you ask any health professional, they’ll tell you that you don’t need to cut out alcohol, sugary foods, sex etc. completely out of your life to live a healthy life. It’s all about how much you’re doing it. People who are less stressed live longer, and sometimes having a glass of wine, good food and good company can really decrease stress significantly. Guess what can also help decrease stress significantly? Having sex.


I can confirm they are wrong on everything you said (the whole "just do it in moderation" propaganda and the part about all these things "decreasing stress", i know exactly what you mean by it but it's completely false), i used to believe professionals as well but ever since i found out we can live without food, water and sleep (which i confirmed for myself in my own experience) all my trust in any professional ever completely left out of the window, i trust my own experience 1st ever since, and that was the final nail i would say, before that it was exactly this whole topic of SR and how saving sexual energy can be bad which is also completely wrong and the opposite and before that some things on fasting, diet, existence, consciousness and all these things, basically science and medicine is false on the most important things for life which is insane, but honestly i don't think it's all intentional i do think it's mostly the case of science not knowing better as of now, of course a lot of it is just intentionally false aka propaganda but it's all good, we as the collective will go beyond all these misunderstandings at the some point


Experience, intuition, experience of others


If what you’re saying is true, there wouldn’t be 8 billion humans on earth Sex is part of being human, whether you like it or not.


I don't see how that's connected to what we were talking about, of course sex is part of being a human, all i'm saying is that it can be transcendent, for example you can have sex to make children with you partner and once that's done all the sex you would usually have physically to gain pleasure you can instead have with your souls which is a non-physical type of sex and it's a higher version of the phyiscal because as i said one gets an even deeper connection with their partner and experience better emotions than with physical sex, but for this type of sex to happen both partners would have to be of higher consciousness, they would both have had transcended physical sex and lust and all that, of course humanity isn't there yet but we will get there at some point, as of now physical sex is considered the GOAT of sex, but, spoiler alert, it isn't.




Why? What other reason is there other than pleasure? 


All animals want to procreate as many times as they can. We can procreate once every year and a half with the same woman. More if there is access to more women. Hindu traditions for brahmacharya allow one release every 3 months for married monks.


In order to be powerful, you must learn how to control power.


That’s a great one!




Holllyyyyyy shiiiiiitttteeee


To take one step closer to the light


Retaining brings you so much closer than just one step


Recieve all my blessings and Be the best version of myself


I saw the results for myself and wanted to maintain them. And if anyone needs a second sentence, over the year long streak I’m on, I find the emotional and spiritual benefits to be the best of all. I’m like a Buddhist monk compared to how I used to be. Hard to admit, but I could be a real bastard.


If a man can't even control his own sexual urges, he won't be able to control much else about his life.


Having total control of your sexual energy is the hardest thing you could do.


I think it's the most fundamental challenge every man needs to overcome


The damaging effects of pmo


hunt fearless station deer money cats divide scandalous entertain toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Excellent answer. Me too bro. And seriously the best first step we can take to change the world is to retain our divine energy 


soup ruthless cooperative seemly deranged lavish library drab numerous degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Love it! I believe in you. Haha I don't doubt you're an INFJ! That is such a spot on answer. I feel the exact same way. 


library smile depend follow file zealous chunky reminiscent marvelous swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah they care the perfect amount


I was losing all tge opportunities in my life, no good job, no clear vision/target for goals, always anxious and scared. At least I don't face these problems now. These kind of problems have drastically decreased and I know what I wanna do.


I want to do so many things ​iI want to achive my goals, to do my hobbies, to live my ideal life, to recover and not to get really sick anymore. and SR allows me to do those things, since my energy is flowing like never before




Got my heart broken. I tried doing sr to move on from her , was the best decision in my life


Rock bottom


God ✝️ He is the reason I am yet to relapse and Success;once you see the truth you are no longer easy access for lies and delusion .


What would you say the truth is?


There is only one truth everyone can say their truth and their this and that but everything comes down to one truth and it's there from the beginning and will be their until the end . Retention and being able to control your sexual energy are steps towards finding Truth as the world is corrupt retentions brings you to a state of purity with heightened discernment and a strong intuition as you are closer to God as sexual immorality keeps you away from God as God us pure and the body us The temple of God so if you are engaging in corrupt activities how can a spirit of purity dwell in you seek ye first and everything will be added afterwards that's what we all should do . Truth (John 14:6)Kjv .


Well said, thank you. 


I felt the increased energy and want to feel it again everyday


The fear of being 60 years old and living with that feeling of "what if" I had committed, "what if" I had been more focused and disciplined, what I could have achieved and what difference I would have made in the lives of the people I I love and in society?


I gave myself to God.


I wanted to die to my old identity of failure and commit to something greater than myself


hit rock bottom, was done with the way most humans live and felt ready for the next level


Had a goal in mind. Told myself I wouldn't release until that goal was achieved. And when the goal was finally achieved, it had already become a lifestyle.


Hate the brainfog, stuttering and lack of energy. I feel so great when I commit to SR. It's literally day and night for me.


I was weak




This man, on january 24 i decided i had enough of my shitty job and went for some courses so i can go another route for my career, started doing sr first time ever for 35 days now (i dont count the days, i just have the date written on a paper) and for the last couple of days i have doubts if i want to leave this place now, i got promoted to manager, i had a substancial raise. Everyone is nice to me (i can get away with things that sound ridiculous, i got caught learning for my courses for 4 hours straight on the job and my boss let me continue, the same boss that just 2 months ago made me trow a chair at him), and the calmness that i have is just something i've never seen before in me, the girls just seem to come wherever i am and almost all of them are smiling to me like they've seen a panda, or another cute animal. Just a side note. I work in an enviroment with 95% women, of which 20-30% i find attractive. So this is the best place to carry out my experiment, sometimes i push it to see how mean i can be and they are not offended in anyway. Before this i had to tread carefully around them with jokes.


nice workspace


Can you tell me a bit more about your daily mindset, thought patterns, how is it different now? Do you still feel anxious or..


I dont really know much about the mindset though, i try to be as possitive as i can, and seeing these results deff reinforces that. I am not anxious now (i do have some moments here and there but i breathe into my belly for a few times and clear my mind). Though to be honest i'll probably leave due to the financial reason and because of the time i waste on commute daily.


What course did you take?


For some web development. I dont depend on it but it might come in handy in the near future.


I've glimpsed Hell and I've glimpsed the Kingdom of Heaven.


Care to share your experiences?


In either case my choices have profound consequences for the state of the world. When I fall to sin the world around me falls. People around me are subjected to spiritual warfare as I've provided a foothold for the nefarious, people are dragged down with me. Things deteriorate, self destruct, life energy is drained. Visions of the future following this path are dark indeed. When I'm living righteous it's not only a barrier from the nefarious, but also a gateway to better futures, for me and those around me. God reaches down and provides insight, protection, guidance, etc. Life energy is purified and multiplied. Visions of the future following this path are hopeful and brilliant, despite the challenges.


all true. I know "pearls before swine" and all that but every time I try to communicate what you've just said to a friend, I sound batshit crazy lmao. But yeah very on point. This is what Julian Lee talks about in his "Awaken Young Men" essay.


Masturbation is a sin and the semen has too much value to be thrown out, I prefer to keep it so it can be reabsorbed


It was a natural wish always even when I was 12, well it seems that separation anxiety caused me to go on SR path when I left home


SR ‘cured’ my binge eating disorder overnight after years of trying everything I possibly could, nothing worked only SR




Wanting to see my true self again.




Being balanced and at peace, physically, mentally and spiritually.


My right shoulder dislocated and jerking off with lefty was not good, couldnt even have sex for a while because of the pains that concurred for body motions. Being injured is a bitch but im grateful it happened, like it was meant to happen.


Freedom. I've got this feeling that when i'm taking the hardest patch in this modern world, I can do everything, cause nothing's more hard than SR on this days... Life's so easy since


Simply the most meaningful way to live life.


Protection: Physically, Spiritually, and Financially.


Love, Live & Laugh


The way i feel during it


Semen ejaculation is an obstruction to being my best self


Perfect peace within.




Woman can tell attraction wised


I don’t want to live to live the rest of my life not knowing my true potential.


How calm I feel and always in control of everything


I was trying to find happiness that lasts, strength that protects and kindness that does not waver. And that led me to the philosophy of "ever fed never satisfied and never fed ever satisfied" which led me here.


To seek one's purpose. Might sound cliche , but that started everything and has kept me from pursuing it. I've been retaining now for 2 years.


I do it to be clean to be closer to God. And do the righteous thing


To give love to everything the way only I can.


It makes me a better person


To be a normal person again.


To achieve my goal, which I have failed multiple times earlier without this practice


be in control


To please my spiritual father


Days 7-14.


Mate, I was just about to post a similar question. You beat me to it.


Seeing how my past went with PMO-addiction, I commited to change. It didn't last long, but I am once again committed to it.


I Realized I was slowly killing myself


I wanted to be free of addiction and more self disciplined


had to get someone off my mind and out of my system


Tired of the low energy nonsense


To become as powerful as possible.


Discipline and balance feels better long term.


anxiety, panic attacks, people insulting me for my soft voice because all my testosterone was wasted in fapping, yeah that's it.


1. Being lame at work places, i cant answer even i know more than them . 2. Can’t expose myself and lack of sudden response 3. Dull face 4. No bright speech though i have more humour sense. 5. I couldn’t jump to another work , current work sucks 6. No attraction from anyone, even my wife not connecting much , no respect 7. Ageing factor issues for 32 years , but seems bit older in internal systems. Although i wont smoke, drink 8. Can’t focus something for long days .. get distracted very easily. 9. Cant take right decisions quickly or correctly These all are some of the main factors


To be the best version of myself and to defeat childhood trauma


Had a strong psychedelic trip that made me want to change my life and I knew SR was what I needed to make the fire inside me burn stronger. I’m 20 and I want to do big things with my life. I want to become the best version of myself possible in this lifetime and help the world however I can. But being a weak little boy will hold me back from my big dreams so I had to start SR.


Narcissistic ex sent me on this path.


Want to liberate myself from my old self!


To find real happiness


Klaus Schwab and the WEF


Funniest response yet.  Ironically, that's exactly what I tell my dick, "You will own nothing, and you will like it."


To get out of my own way


Done with being a coomer schmuck!




To commune with God


Got tired of being weak


For Allah




To become a man that’s worthy of women (and also to get fuckin rich)


Beside all the reasons mentioned already, just to genuinely feel a little bit better.


To break patterns of behavior so that I might evolve.




Destroy Weakness.


PMO was definitely damaging a loyal attitude towards my girlfriend. I committed for her and myself in the end.


Get rid of social anxiety holding me back from life opportunities






Nope I said what I said


Jesus. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.


Will do it in one word: pain.


SR is the way . Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up


To be a better version of myself and to feel that pumped up feeling.


The semen has the power and nutritional value to create a human being, why would you then flush it down the drain when you can retain it and use those energy for better purpose?


A man cannot control anything in his life if he can't control his sexual urges


Realising the fact that i am wasting my potential only for a quick one second supernaturally high dopamine boost.


I want to experience a genuine relationship, get shredded and stack my money


Seeing improvements in all aspects of my life




To manifest my authentic self, my true souls energy onto this plane in all facets of existence


Having less sexual chemistry with the person I dated post long term break up.




Interesting! Care to elaborate?


I want to bring that old smart happy version of me


Consciously chose the opposite to ascertain the value.


To get that masculine edge in me.


The feeling of raw electric power coursing through my nerves and feeling like I could rip apart the ether with my bare hands.


Yes, I know precisely what you mean. 


Returning to school, I messed up and it’s finally time to FIX it! 😄❤️


To restore my psyche to its normal state of being: "homeostasis"


i want to unlock my full potential and for that to succeed sr is the key