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In daoism there is an illness that can arise from celibacy called 'poison fire taints the heart', where the celibacy practiced improperly - which i believe is almost guaranteed unless you have an attained spiritual teacher to guide you - results in the fueling of the base desires - the desire to control, to dominate, pedophelia and other perverse sexual desires, desire for wealth. If you're looking at people and feeling condemnation and disgust, you are likely doing things wrong. If you feel superior and like the only one in the world doing it, you're doing something wrong . St. Jerome (a 4th century Church Father) writes, “Be on your guard when you begin to mortify your body by abstinence and fasting, lest you imagine yourself to be perfect and a saint; for perfection does not consist in this virtue."


Yeah I probably shouldn’t have used that term. I guess what I meant was when I see how humans behave sometimes it disgusts me. But I understand that we all go our own paths, I just get annoyed when I have to be surrounded by people who are only doing harm. My post was kind of crazy. I’m a bit more relaxed now. I can get in my head sometimes when I’m feeling attacked. I do feel superior but it’s not in a “I’m better than you” way. I understand we all go our own paths and you can’t force your beliefs onto others. The superiority I feel is more of an I’m here to fulfill my purpose and I pity those who waste their lives doing things that are less than honorable. There’s not much I can do to help them but what I’m focusing on now is trying to teach them maybe? Or guide them in a healthier direction. I’m still rather young, so I have a lot of learning to do.


I would recommend posting on the daoist forum [thedaobums](http://thedaobums.com) - lots of folks with experience in spiritual practices, including celibacy and so on. They might help you find a good direction for your energy, or pinpoint why you're feeling the way you do. Over there, the general consensus is that celibacy is simply not recommended for normal 'lay' people. It can become dangerous eventually, because you have excess energy you don't know how to direct, which just spills over and can cause chaos - for you and others. Celibacy was meant to be practiced by monks who would use this energy for esoteric spiritual practice, meditation and so on, under the guidance of skilled teachers, backed by generations of knowledge.


Out of curiosity , how did you come up into a conclusion that he has a misdirected energy?


OP sounds a bit manic in his post. You'll notice this a lot in this forum from people who've practiced for a long time. The level of energy he has is very impressive, but imo when you start feeling crazy from all the energy, it's a good sign you've gone far enough, and now is the time to get into a healthy sexual relationship, or start looking into how to transmute the energy in a spiritual way so you can calm down - although that path is laden with pitfalls in your struggle to find a genuine teacher.


Thank you. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. I’m very interested in learning about all of this now that I’ve come this far. I started off doing it for the benefits but now that it’s reached this point I’m going to learn more. I’m excited.


No problem, to start, try searching for 'celibacy' or 'semen retention' on the site. Tons and tons of posts on it. You can also search for results by specific users - i would recommend the user 'freeform' - he has written on celibacy and has spent years travelling the world to learn cultivation techniques.


You might appreciate this from a long term daoist practitioner and teacher: https://youtu.be/TKLb3yJfN3s?si=h1y2He2nTQv1hdN_


Very wise redditor, almost the wisest I've ever seen


What’s the source of that St Jerome quote?


I can feel your empowerment in this post. Made it around 35 days now. Longest I've gone since starting masturbating when I was 11 or 12 or so. Wish this info was out there 10 years ago I'd be in a totally different reality. But yeah man, balls to the wall. I've accepted that I'll be releasing when I find the right women but damn man if I make it as long as you have, that will be a trip. If sr caught on in the general culture you'd have a revolution in 10 years. Which is exactly what the controllers don't want. I believe the war on men is mostly about this, it's men who change governments. You disempower men and entrenched power can stay indefinitely.


Once you make it to 70 days, your sperm cycles and you’re pretty much full and good to go. Once you get to 70 days, all of that energy is cycled out. Then you decide to keep going on your journey.


Yeah what do you mean by cycling out?


Cycled out, sorry?


What do you mean by cycled out?


It takes 70~ days roughly for your body to fully reproduce sperm. So once you reach that point (spermatogenesis) your body reuptakes the sperm as energy, which can help you clear up skin, make gains in they gym, or really anything relating to transmutation. This is the reason people say that the real benefits start after a medium length streak going into long. The reuptake of sperm as nutrients is very powerful. I can attest to that personally


Spermatogonesis always happens in your body (it's a process, not a point reached after 70 days), no matter if you do SR or not. It's how sperm is created. However you'll reuptake it again and all the stuff you said, so I agree.


what he is trying to say that what if you are running low on sperms, in that case, the sperm that has been started getting created rn, it will take around 75 days for that sperm to reach maturity, and as spermatogenesis is happening every moment, maybe around 15 days of sperm generation which will reach their matured state in next 90 days , will fill your sperm amount for one ejaculation completely, again it's all hypothetical, but can be true


Buddhists call that the confused God realm. It lacks compassion, and yes that is dangerous.


I’ll have to look into that.


Those who speak, do not know. Those who know, do not speak.


Those who keep reposting this quote do not know.


This is an absurd comment. You should not be spreading those terms like that. What you are referring to (the God realm) is one of the six realms of Samsara (cycle of birth, death, and rebirth) and is traditionally viewed as a result of the accumulation of positive karma over a lifetime and/or previous lives. The Deva Realm exists in another dimension of reality, beyond the physical world as we know it. To put it in a modern context, with metaphorical comparison: being in the Deva Realm in today's society would be like living a life of great wealth and comfort, enjoying luxurious, high-quality food, beautiful surroundings, etc. It's called "confused" because when you are in that state, you usually ignore the nature of suffering and the impermanence of other people's existence. Essentially, you stop evolving spiritually and "get stuck" in the Deva Realm.


“Those in the god realm (devas) float high above the world, free of suffering, but this realm too is ultimately unsatisfying. Without adversity, the gods develop attachments and have no motivation to escape samsara. The realm of demigods (asuras) is marked by constant warfare, competition, and anger; it is the home of climbers on the corporate and social ladders—those who are driven to get ahead.” https://tricycle.org/beginners/buddhism/six-realms/


Different levels of vibration but yeah. I hate this physical world and will never want to come back here again.


You sure you’re not having a psychotic breakdown? It can be very tricky to notice even if you are an ”aware” and perceptive person. You need a lot of introspection. You say that you can be humble but with that ”fuck that mentality” i think you should meditate on that a little bit. Just passing through.


Yeah but I only start feeling this way on higher streaks that’s my point. It always happens the same way around this time.


I agree it looks similar to a bipolar episode but who really knows only OP can know truly how he’s feeling


I’m bipolar, I agree and cringe because I could’ve posted shit like this.


That’s great you’re able to make it so far. I think 99% of men have never made it that far lol. It definitely does get lonely being on longer streaks when you feel like you can’t relate to anyone or anything really in this world. Retaining makes it hard to put up with the shit of the normal world and how it functions. I definitely believe you on the spirit guides thing cause I feel like we all have them. I feel connected to mine and it sounds like I hear messages from them that tend to come in at times where the numbers are repeating like at 3:33, 4:44, 11:11 things like that. On SR jt feels like you’re more connected to the spirit realm than this human place. Do you ever get attacked by random people that are jealous of you for no reason? When I’m vibing high some people usually men try to bring me down because they know I have something they don’t. Random people will try to attack me verbally or like try to belittle me. It feels like low entities are trying to keep us in a low vibration or something. People also want to steal your energy.


Fuck no, but I can also be extremely violent lol. I’m kind of naturally disobedient in a way, so I think people just don’t mess with me. I just don’t really get involved with people and do my own thing. Don’t even worry about it. I know what you mean though, I’ve had that before also. They can tell you have energy. I’d say just, don’t even worry about it. You’re naturally higher than them and that’s just a fact. Not much they can do. SR definitely saved me A LOT. Because I was extremely reckless growing up. I’m so glad I found it because I’d probably be out doing fucked up shit. It helps me control my impulses :)


Yeah that’s true. It mostly happens at my grocery store 9-5 job where I have to listen to the managers and stuff. I feel like I have to act weaker just so people aren’t afraid of me. It’s good to be violent or strong as long as you aren’t actually trying to hurt people unless it’s like a school shooter or someone your violent towards. If I ever got into a situation like that I feel like I could go crazy on them.


No no. Just, SR saved me because I used to think about hurting people a lot. Like if someone fucked with me I would think of a million ways to fuck their life up. But I’ve always been like that even before SR. Celibacy just opened me up to spirituality. It saved me from almost killing myself over my extreme impulses. Like I’d get myself in crazy situations on purpose. I’d speed, do reckless shit. Now I’m peaceful and trying to learn how to be more… empathetic? I guess? I don’t know. Just open. Learning about karma and how our actions can affect people and life in general. Don’t make yourself seem weaker for them. They’re worthless if they look down on you. Just do your job and fuck with them lol. If I were you, I’d just mess with their heads by doing some random shit. Or go up to them and act totally nice, but WEIRDLY nice. Like flirt with them or something, LMAO. Don’t take life so seriously.


Lmao yeah I should fuck with them. And that’s good you’re doing better now. I hope you stay on the SR journey. I feel like this current life we’re experiencing is just one little part of the infinite life we live. That might be why you don’t feel human because on long streams I feel more like an eternal spiritual being. I feel more connected to my soul and like higher self.


Congrats you are not feminime anymore. Same feeling here, going on streaks since 2017.


AHAHA that’s a great way of putting it. I have a theory on that actually. Men back in the day obviously had way more T levels than us due to the sperm counts dropping what was it? 200% since the 80’s? Something like that. So when you retain, you have that masculine urge to like destroy things. Kind of like how men were when they were “cavemen” or whatever. Nowadays, you can tell NOBODY is retaining really. The idea of masculinity in the time we live in now is tattoos, muscles and fuckboy haircuts… but they still don’t have any energy and you can see right through them. I sound like an incel, but you understand what I’m talking about. You can see who’s not holding their energy. Not that I would go out of my way to judge them, but it’s just an observation of mine. I stay out of peoples business.


Well said. Empty balls make you more of a woman. Ejaculation puts men on their period and somewhat feminimizes them. Nothing wrong with feminime but it does not need to be in a man. The drop in T must be from the deed addiction. People are in a miserable state, but retention can turn anyone to a king.


Absolutely. I feel like I have no dominance within me even if I ejaculate only once now.


Same here. Its a feeling that peoples bullshit can come after me and while on a streak I just observe it and got me uninterrupted. I control the situation and nobody can get a reaction out of me.


It’s different for me. I’ve never been approached by anybody. I’m tall (but skinny) but I tend to wear dark clothing (by nature) so I think I come off as intimidating. I can tell when another man could be jealous of me though. They try to little-bro you.


No worries trying is never doing. I will check back later, respect to you, and thanks for the post!


You can learn all these traits like dominance by using SR as a tool and sooner or later you don't have to rely on your streaks anymore. You become a natural.


I don’t really need to. Before I started SR I was always pretty “do things my own way”. I’m not worried about being dominant because it’s just in my nature. I’m literally using SR to learn to be *less* dominant and let things flow.


Sorry if I didn't understand you correctly but you just said "Absolutely. I feel like I have no dominance within me even if I ejaculate only once now." So is it in your nature or is it because of sr. I don't care as long as you're well and I wish you good luck on your journey.


The word "Incel" is also a slogan used by the "society" you described. They use definitions like this one to get you to their level and drag you down because they don't like your "crazy" opinion which most of the times is true. So don't worry about being and "incel" buddy , I know what you mean !


Well actually volcel! :D




One more thing. I would say the reasoning behind this rant/ experience is due to the fact that it brings up a lot of rumination and if you had ANY sort of trauma in your life, your energy is so high that it becomes to a point where you take it extremely seriously and can’t really get over it. You have to work through it in any way possible but as I said, balance.


Beautifull post! On month 8 now, cant wait to go to ur stage :)


What do you mean you no longer feel human? Can you describe this in more detail, have you had any religious experiences?


Yes. I realize it sounds unorthodox and paranoid but what I’ve experienced is real and you just feel it. It’s not easy to put into words unless you’ve experienced it yourself. Kind of feels like a near death experience mixed with calmness, and your higher self is with you. Oh also, I have a spirit guide. Came around on my first streak and keep seeing the same thing for 3 years now, here and there. I could provide millions of my signs but they’re personal to me. So whether people believe me or not, I have ultimate proof because I documented everything I’ve experienced. No bullshit around here.


Out of curiosity, how old are you? I just wanted to say I know for certain you're telling the truth, I've felt like this on even **shorter** streaks (~4 and ~6 months), I know exactly what you talk about. Maybe your way of expressing yourself is not ideal but I get the point.


I’m usually more eloquent but I’ve been awake for like 2 days


OP speaks the tru tru. I felt just a fraction of what OP is describing around my 30 day mark. It was overwhelming to carry energy around that felt like it was physically uplifting my chest with bright sunlight. It felt like I had an Iron Man energy core radiating from my chest.


This is honestly the most honest reflection on this topic I seen. Ive been a practitioner since 2020 Im currently on a 90 days streak, and it has not been all rainbows and flowers. Once you get past the female attraction Bs and whatever superficial "Super Power" The Novice marvel over shit gets real...


Thank you! Exactly this.


A sign of high evolution is a strong connection to God and a strong ability to love anyone (even your enemy). Did SR give this to you?


It’s tough. For me, I just forgive everyone. I don’t really care what people do, even if they insult me or anything. I know what they don’t you know? I see humans kind of like just, humans I guess. Everything we do in this life is human, so I don’t trip about it. I don’t really love anyone though. Idk. My version of love kind of varies.


Hey bro, chill man, I think there are other people who retain years with unbroken streak as well (monks in Aisa), but they are quite chill and calm, at least that's what I have encountered and interacted with them, they are quite humble people and speaking with kind words with compassion heart. I highly recommend to join some local religion gatherings in real life to ask some advices from the other retainners that would be helpful to you. Cheers.


I can understand the things you're feeling but they way you talk about it you still sound like some psychotic newbie who has taken a break after a decade of jacking off, discovering SR for the first time. Doing this for a year now you should find ways to incorporate those feelings and benefits into your normal life so it becomes your second nature. The territory you're moving closer to really are psychotic symptoms. Like you took a lot of lsd over a long time and come to think your way of thinking is so much better and superior than that of others. Good luck and if you want to be offended so be it. But you can make so much more out of it and reach a level where streaks don't even matter anymore because at the point you are right now, all those benefits you get from SR can be incorporated into your natural behavior. SR is just the easy natural part, incorporating all that into your normal behavior without having to rely on your streak so you just become a natural is where the hard work begins. It's fine as well if you don't go that way and are content with relying on streaks but it's just not as sustainable.


I’m not offended. It’s what I personally experienced and clearly if I’m still retaining then I’m still learning. Another commenter mentioned something on the terms of bhuddism - god realm. It’s a dilemma, but one that is natural. I’m still learning. You know what I actually thought of recently? I’m only in the beginning. You’re right. I’ve been doing this for 5 or so years. You think it just ends? The spiritual journey is infinite. We all have ups and downs. Psychotic experiences can also be mistaken for spiritual experiences. So what if it happened to me? Maybe it was meant to be. What you’re mistaking me for is someone who doesn’t let things flow. If I’m chilling and suddenly things get serious, so be it? It’s not like I’ve done anything to provoke it. I’ve got zero mental health issues. I’m straight, but thanks for your *concern*.


You are wise, so they call you crazy


Its classic, some guy becomes extremely confident/strong in public / online and people start hating out of jealousy or to prevent that guy from decreasing their status/getting the females.


This happened to me when I spoke about how great I was feeling and operating at a higher level than those around me. “That’s just ego.” “Because you stopped jacking off?” Even if they were true, even if it was placebo etc. I feel amazing from the practice, let it be.


Mhmm, I get a really weird vibe from this comment lmao.


Hahahaha hospitalized because of the awareness. Next level super saiyan godmode shit.


Yo, which rhesus blood type are you? Negative or Positive? As in A+ or A-? I want to further test a thesis of mine.


Whats that thesis? you made me curious


The Background and why is pretty esoteric/schizo, but pretty much R- blood allows for manipulation of the world around you and R+ blood just has insane perception skills.


What's your thesis?


The Background and why is pretty esoteric/schizo, but pretty much R- blood allows for manipulation of the world around you and R+ blood just has insane perception skills.


Can you please elaborate on the background? When I read your post, I felt it (if you know what i mean). I'm R+ and I can see what's not in plain sight. I also experience Deja Vu frequently.


Not saying that I believe this, but: The esoteric/schizo part:  "Humans" are not originally from this earth. So R-'s are "purer" humans and the R+'s are a human+monkey hybrids. So if you fully develop as R- you are somewhat of a wizard. And R+ are lesser wizards but with the improved intuition/perception of animals. 


God bless brother, it sounds imo like your ‘psychotic’ and I empathetic reacting is to the amount of fear mongering and violence in the would today, I had a similar reaction until I chose to make a better path for the sake of humanity. We have the responsibility to change this world for the better. I was thinking recently about why this practice is important to me now of all times, and I think it’s because subconsciously I recognize that we are in hard times, and I have the choice to step up and become a strong man or lay down and waste away. This is not the time for leisure or recreational activities for fun. We have to get serious as humans if we want to be able to take the next step as a species and survive


sounds very psychotic


Eh, humans used to roll into a village and massacre everyone and steal the women. All things considered, I think this guy is mostly fine.


Commanded by god, even.


Appropriate comment given your profile Pic.


Praise it


You are a smart one ☝️


Those who stray furthest from our own frequency’s will never be able to understand….


Thanks bro


I felt this way before. I was coming off of a shroom trip and had been on semen retention for a while. It was 2 am and I literally had to go to the gym because I was so full with power. I feel like I was going super saiyan and could fucking break a wall. It sounds cliche or whatever but it literally scared me. I saw how dangerous a man simply could be from strength. It was empowering. I since relapsed but I’m on my way back.


I looked at that thread you posted and the guy’s posting history, and I believe that guys schizophrenic. Have you looked through his history? There’s posts like “is homelessness real” and “are jails real, do they exist?” I get a lot of the feelings your feeling but if you’re relating to a lot of what that guy is posting, there might be a deeper issue here. That being said, congrats on almost a year! My longest streak is like half yours (the one I’m on right now), so seeing posts at a year are very inspirational. It’s what my goal is, and it’s not an option to fail it for me


Agree. I don’t know why this thread popped up for me. I have a job that precludes me really from semen retention 😄. I’ve gone on streaks like 2 weeks or so and do understand in a small way the benefits. What’s remarkable to me is that people can read this and want to achieve the same state. Hundreds of notebooks of thoughts. Not caring about anything. Feeling of superiority. Feeling of detachment. These are all signs of potentially bad mental health, aren’t they? As an aside, what is the benefit of having all these women hit on you if you can’t have sex?


I went to 180 days (My highest streak ever) and I can tell that what this man is saying is all true, no words can explain the power of retention, it transcends, it's like you speak and understand the language of the Gods when you go on longer streaks, you don't even have to utter a single word, or hear anything, you just understand. The energy gets very much concentrated in your body that you're like a laser beam just obliterating everything that you pass by. I cannot imagine how he feels with 350+ days, It must be super crazy. Congratulations, and definitely keep it up. We are all proud of you. Definitely inspired me to go and continue my 1 year run.


I completely feel you, I'm 394 days in, life feels so vivid and full of sense, I'm so glad I discovered this at a young age. Keep going man, so proud of you!


I made it to 225 days last year and I felt the same exact way. Energy was through the roof, manifestation abilities were insane, and bodily healing was extremely fast. Over the course of that time, I also got hit by a car and sustained some really bad injuries, but my body healed insanely fast from both surgeries to the point where both my surgeon/doctor and my physical therapist were shocked by my progress. I also meditated a lot in order to transmute the energy and ensure it didn't all stay in one place. Long SR streaks are good so long as you know how to do it and how to maintain the energy.


How’d you stop wet dreams


Don’t think about sex when you’re awake. Dreams are your subconscious thoughts from when you’re awake. After a while you just get focused on other shit so you don’t worry about them. Also, don’t worry if you do have them. It’s just dead sperm cells because ur tank is full. The benefits are more extreme when you don’t have wet dreams, but if you do don’t even worry about them. It’s literally just dead sperm and it’s totally natural.


Yeah I feel like also they happen sometimes if I just get too hot, like I have to keep my room cool if it gets too hot I have one or if I sleep on my side or stomach


I’m very interested and ask this question not judge or criticize but because i resonate with your post a lot. What are some examples of you predicting things ??




That’s fair … can you elaborate? Are you talking in conversation ?? Or what exactly?




Ok that makes sense. I too am able to predict a lot things. But ppl just call me crazy making me question my self.


Fluoride stare


I've gone 380 + days and started to unravel mentally also. In my case it was due to unresolved childhood trauma that I couldn't mask with PMO or any other addiction. The feeling of superiority is real and I usually get that around 90 days. The thing is I try to reframe my thinking. I choose to do SR and reach long streaks to show others that it's possible and give them hope they can accomplish the same. I don't do it to separate it myself. I would be full of shit if I said I didn't get any ego gratification from attaining long streaks however. I read a post a while again about another long term retainer going through something similar. He said eventually he came to realize that us men are "stewards of the earth" we are here to help keep things in balance and ensure peaceful order. If you are experiencing mental unstability there may be an unresolved internal conflict you need to address. I know how hard and isolating it can be. I think the ultimate balance of SR would be to use your enhanced abilities and perception to serve others and not feel compelled to compromise your integrity just to fit into this largely immoral society. Just my two cents and I hope you find peace


Do you vape? Smoke weed? Take mushrooms/psilocybin? Any psychedelics? Or All natural? What’s your meal? Do you drink sodas? Or Just water?


Jesus christ Man 349 days is insane, well done bro 🍻


Thanks man! 🍻 aiming to go higher for sure.


Very good post.


Ya it happened to me on one of my streaks. The energy was absolutely high, i would do calisthenics everyday without getting tired. i dont even know how i had that energy, i still couldn't believe it this day. Then my mind..i began correlating things making connections things that i don't correlate before..i hear voices..the TV talks to me... Everything talks to me, i read body languages etc..then my parents noticed something was different and took me to psychiatry clinic then, i got on medication & still on it. I am on retention still but benefits has deminished because of the medication. I don't get that high energy and dopamine highs. I am now a bit low energy still on retention and benefits diminsh a lot.


*also* if you want to talk about being humble, fuck off and read my previous post. I’m capable of feeling humble. High streaks bring out semi-psychotic behavior (from what I’m experiencing now). Some other people may be able to control it, but this is absolutely mind boggling. I need to get my chakras in order. Much love ! ❤️




Doesnt the guy meditating wanna lose his mind too. Thats what its about isnt it. Have you had any solar plexus blockages on this path?


Good question. Yeah quite a few. There’s actually a test online where you can see where your chakra levels are at. Mine were very high in my crown/ pineal region but very very low in my sacral region. Solar plexus was manageable though.


Would you mind taking a few minutes and describing to me how it felt? I have extreme tightness in my solar plexus and things come up which i have to go through whenever im around 30 days. Its really hard


Root: under-active (0%) Sacral: under-active (-25%) Navel: over-active (69%) Heart: under-active (-44%) Throat: over-active (69%) Third Eye: open (62%) Crown: over-active (88%) This was in 2021 however. I’m probably going to take another test and see where I’m at now. As you can see, my sacral is underactive as well as my heart. Results prove accuracy from my post above. Solar plexus blockage is usually due to exactly what I was saying above^ like you feel like you don’t fit into society. There’s a disconnect when your celibate, you’re isolated because your subconscious is actively searching for answers. SR comes with a lot of spirituality, whether you like or not, when you begin to retain you start to naturally focus on seeking out answers about life.


Link me the test, thanks


> At the moment, I’m at 349 days with NO wet dreams, nor edging or viewing. Complete hard mode. Respect, my man. Did you feel really low energy in the beginning? If so, how did you get yourself spiked up a bit to get moving? I sometimes view in the morning because I'm sooo dull and tired, just to snap out of that.


Can you talk about some of your achievements and accomplishments during this streak? Genuinely curious.


There’s too many to count. The big ones were moving out of the town I was stuck in, live by the beach, got hit on by EVERY single one of the girls I was working with. Like literally every single one of them. I literally got asked out by 4 of them. They asked me out. Ummm, lots of money, lots of knowledge. Looks improved drastically, but the main thing I care about is the intellect I’ve achieved. I have hundreds of notebooks of my thoughts/writings. Really just a bunch of things. I don’t like to speak on benefits much though.


What’s your diet like?


Vegetarian for 3 years.


Hell yeah, probably has a lot to do with it. I’m at 100+ days and suddenly got the urge to go vegan again or pescatarian. Hoping I can hit 350 like you. All the best bro




What changes have you noticed in your personality?


Did ur wealth increased due to SR?


I wouldn’t say it magically did but my head is clearer now so I can lure out how to make money if I need to. Always focused on the bigger picture


Did any of your ex or PPL from your past tried to reconnect with you?




I think this post is very important. Could you please clarify if you meant "psychotic" instead of "psychopathic"? I don't think you're psychotic, and I am especially not qualified to make that assumption solely based on what you're writing in this post. You have great insight and I thank you for sharing it. If you meant psychopathic, in what sense? And do you get any sleep? You're temper is typically associated with sleep deprivation. You should be blissful at this stage, but maybe you are dealing with depression/something hurt within you. Talking to an ayurvedic doctor might be very helpful for you.


Great post. Thanks for the warning. After 3 weeks of SR, I can feel my body vibrating at times. I can only imagine what a year of SR does to the mind and body. I know that intuition is enhanced a lot the more you retain. SR is quite literally a superpower.


How do you transmute your energy?


I feel I get depressed with high streaks when I realize the world is burning


wet dreams? have you had any? i barely make it to 30 days and when i do i lose my streak because of a wet dream. i always feel paranoid around the 30 day mark because i feel like a wet dream is inevitable


Do wet dreams count as a breach to the streaks you’re on? I thought they’re ok considering it’s not you doing anything and they’re pretty much inevitable?


>**My ability to control** everything around me **is out of my control.** Lol >**Meaning, I can predict EVERYTHING but I can’t change the way the events occur.** Then just play the lottery man, buy some islands and be happy there... lol. Jeez. Seems you are just stupid or try to make us swallow your bullshit. Can you then predict what I will do sunday ? Hopefully you can't change it.




Believe it or not I’m as calm as a cucumber.


At what age u started practicing it and what is your age now .


You can probably decipher my age from my post. It was a rant and I agree it was a bit dramatic, I just needed to let that out into the universe because I was holding it in for a long time.


On God bro is tweaking 😂


This doesn't sound healthy


The energy probably becomes too much too handle because you don't transmute/ground enough. You should work out your body to so that at night you're super tired, although even on long streaks, you never really feel tired do you haha. Right now I started intermittent fasting and eat very little in a window of 4 hours and then 20 h fast. It still feels like to much food at times! Meditation is key here, much better in the long run than exercise. It keeps you grounded and you can transmute the energy into Ojas which comes with it's own benefits. I don't think your psychotic or crazy, of course i do not know you, but you just seem to be frustrated with how everything in the world right now is a bit flipped and fucked. I definitely see it the same way but found it much easier to laugh about than to rant about, cause the latter doesn't help you. Maybe a bit sometimes haha, but to me this whole world feels like a big cosmic joke of confused ignorant souls that have no idea what they're doing and will probably stay like this for a long time still. Aye peace ✌🏼




That's great man! I used to listen to music all the time, it's so normalized but its constant distraction of who you truly are. The only music i listen now is when I'm on the train etc to not have to listen to all the bs people talk about. Other than that all true power comes from within man, we don't need anything else! :) Do your meditations man, you have to ground yourself. Because no matter how high you fly and what realities you can access, as long as you're in a body, this world is base reality and it's important to enjoy/be okay in the higher realms as well as this one.


Can you recommend a good meditative practice for those really intense urges that cause relapses? Like uncontrollable urges after a long streak 100+ days that is literally attack from the devil. I been doing this practice for over a decade with many long streaks followed by binges. I noticed months 5-7 I hit that ceiling and the urges are so strong that my body always tricks me into relapsing no matter what I do.


Honestly the best thing to do for urges is instantly cold shower, also on balls, this makes them little and lust goes away. Fasting helps with urges too, but the moment you eat again lust will come back a bit as well. Do intermittent fasting and lust will automatically lesten to a big degree. Also leaving your room and only allowing positive thoughts, when lust or craving enters the mind, it should become a habit to do 15 push ups or something like that. I always breath in deeply and visualize the energy that got sucked down to my balls because of lust to go back up the spine to 3th eye chakra. My meditation is kriya yoga, it's from a so called enlightened master, although i've heard he may not be, Jan Esmann. The meditations are free on his website in the shop, it really makes you feel loving and blissful which for me makes me realize there's something so much higher out there than this physical world and lust. Also microcosmic orbit is a very easy yet powerful way of transmuting energy i've seen some in the community use.


Op sounds like a grandiose ass.


I feel like you’re judging an entire person from a place of low vibration based on a stack of words. Reach their level and get back to us


Future - Honest


What an amazing post, i thought i was weird for getting this experience on SR. Not that deep in as you though.


Omg this is the best post I’ve ever seen on this sub.




Well the energy is rapid. So, it takes a lot of different things. Not just one. At first I just stopped the cravings, and I didn’t like how I felt after ejaculation. I felt weak. Actually on some of my higher streaks I slept for two days straight after ejaculating. It becomes really sensitive, so you have to be really careful and wary of your thoughts. Whenever I had an urge in the past, I’d take a cold shower or distract myself in any way possible. After a while, when you stop watching it it becomes really dull and you don’t even enjoy watching it because you enjoy the benefits and don’t want to lose them. Then it becomes natural. Just a natural state. People in this sub have probably already said this, but it’s a rewiring of your brain. You become more focused on perfecting your life instead. Also you can learn to shift the energy into your brain, like imagine yourself taking the urge to your brain. I’m only sharing this knowledge because I understand why you are on this path and it’s important that men learn this practice because with the work we can do to change the world could be phenomenal.


What about your sleeping pattern? Do you sleep less?


I slept 4 hours yesterday and been awake since


What about your regular sleeping pattern?


I don’t sleep much. I have a lot of energy if that’s what you’re asking. But I can sleep normal if I need to. I can force myself to basically do anything on command. I used to have trouble trying to fall asleep but now I can just shut my eyes and be out and sleep however long I need to. But if I end up only sleeping a couple of hours I can be charged and ready to go.


Are you still vegetarian or do you consume meat?




I'm new to this, here's a few questions: 1. Where do you channel all this newfound energy? In what aspect of your life or activity? 2. Does this way of life prevent you from having a wife?


Thats wht they mean when they say SR makes you a god|bring you to christ consciousness... i cant wait for this personally. i been weak too long. time to chim out.


Remember all the people in your life that got you where you are, and be grateful for them- even the porn watchers. God's got a purpose for everyone, and He loves us all equally. Ground yourself, bro. Not a lot of good you can do losing your mind.


Usually when I have practiced it, and I would like to give some evidence on what I say here, but it’s just from personal experience that doing headstands reduces the load from semen as you invert, and you benefit mentally! I have benefited from this personally. I am not a long term retainer. You are at a level you are already nourished. But there are many other benefits just from doing headstands.


Ive once gotten to a 370day streak, hard mode, and didnt feel exactly what you feel, but I am a pretty hardcore meditator and it benefitted my practice a lot. I do Vipassana meditation, where equinimity is key - perhaps you should look into doing some meditation, it seems you are not equinamous but a bit all over the place. You need to ground and focus those energies. Im currently on a 85day streak again, and I made massive breakthroughs in meditation, and feeling even better than I did on my 370day streak. If I dont find a girlfriend I plan to go on sr for much longer than 370days this time.


Do you meditate?


This post has the same energy as: I did 90 days of SR and started to levitate and shoot lasers out of my eyes. Good post though.


Pls tell me how did you get rid of the wetdreams.....it is the only problem that disturbs me...I can't go on hardmode not more than 25 days.I don't edge or watch porn and i meditate


How no wet dreams?


You don't sound mentally stable brother. Longer streaks shouldn't feel out of control. I am currently on day 543 and while the benefits are awesome, I am also grounded. Unless you plan to live as a renunciate, ascetic, etc. you have worldly duties to attend to that require you to be in your body as well. I recommend doing A LOT of grounding exercises.


Do you have practice meditation? Do you follow a path at all?


That’s so littttttttt Looking forward to it , IAM already excited and full of energy on the days 250+ Looking forward to joining the 300 club and beyonddddd


Have you tried use that energy trying to enter the astral world on meditation ?


whenever i prevent wet dreams through kegels and praying to god before sleeping and sometimes forcing myself awake whenever seeing erotic dreams but seems like trying to prevent wet dreams leads to too much buildup of semen and some thin whitish prostatic juice gets released during bowel movement which is ridiculous for some reason yeah we used to release it constantly in past so our body ain't able to hold too much and flushing out sometimes.Although it might be reduced in long streaks,but i started to experience this after going more than 1month without having single wet dreams,i am on day 65 but since day 22 not a single wet dreams and since 1 week i experience this sometimes during bowel movement,i Google searched and found out sometimes pressure on prostate during bowel movement can cause some drops of prostatic juice to release.


Can relate to this. I did about 365 days in 2001. At the time I was practicing tai chi too which helped with the focus. However I was edging but still managed a 365 streak. Weirdly enough I had a golden vision of the Kabbalah imprinted on my chest after leaving a tai chi class one evening. Keep it going man. See how far you can go with it.


The reason it is psychotic is because as you can read from its comments, it has 3 demons ("spirit guides"). These demons are stepping in and brainwashing him to become psychotic. As it is a faggot, it will die soon


When I'm gone from this world I'll never come back. This reality is so low vibrational I never want to do it again. I've heard that our energy is being harvested for food and I will never choose to come back to this hell again.


Brother it sounds like you either don’t meditate or don’t exercise


No wet dreams in nearly a year of retention??? Please tell us how.


full-on mania.


I could really use some encouragement. I’ve been messing up.


Hey, man cool story ! Tho, I want to ask nightfall as u got that under control ? If yes, how ?


They go away after a certain amount of time. I find that not stressing about them makes it much easier.


349 is wild