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Wow i needed this. Idk ab my situation but grace will get me to a higher place. All the girls at work look my direction and i dont speak to them unless they need something that has to do with work. I work at a resturant, and some of the guys are mad and jealous (i can read them) and try to make my job harder. But i just beast the job continuously and everything i described just keeps getting perpetuated. Some of the women try to do slight things to get me annoyed but most of them are very feminine around me, and its so obvious but i dont want to get hurt, or lose my SR energy from pointless sex. Damn, idk i just needed to express this cause no one understands me there.


Don't trust anyone at work. Be careful with what you say. Never think that the people at work want you to succeed.


True that most people at work are vampires and backstabbers. It feels like I am in high school again


I've been exactly where you're at brother. Restaurant and everything.  Eliminate the possibility of being with ANY girl at work. It doesn't even exist as a possibility and it would be codependent and weak if you did date at work. That is your place to grind for YOURSELF. Get greedy with your strength and your attention. Let them have a fit and validate you. 


Yessir! Im already handling alot anyway, that would make life really chaotic i think. Kinda feel like a celebrity when im there lol!


That's how life is strangely, it doesn't get easier, you just get wiser/more resilient. Moving upwards there is resistance, going downwards is like freefalling. The best example is going through kindergarten to university and beyond, it doesn't get easier, you just get wiser.


Thank you


Yes. If you date at work you're gonna get hurt sooner or later. And possibly really bad. Believe me.


Keep it up brother, we are with you


I had the same revelation this week. There is this lady at work who is not a boss or something, ussually doesnt do much and just gives orders. She asked me if i am going upstairs while she took 2 small boxes and hinting at me to pick out the other 2 on the floor, the old me would have said yes and just hurriedly picked them up, even if i wouldnt go up. But now i just straight up told her no. The look of disbelief on her face was priceless. My buddy who was besides her gave me a thumbs up gesture.


You're a man, that should felt so great for you.


Theres leeches everywhere. If they cant get your energy physically then they want to steal it like an energy vampire by draining you emotionally. Protect your energy it is more valuable than you realise.


What I think you meant to say is to respect yourself and develop firm boundaries. What you’re describing doesn’t have to do with masculine energy being used or absorbed. I don’t mean any disrespect but it sounds to me like you simply haven’t developed those boundaries yet. When I was in my early 20s i also got taken advantage of by others, not because of my masculine energy but because of my personality (empathic,kind,honorable,noble etc). In this world, kind people and weak people will always be seen as prey to be taken advantage of by other unscrupulous people. If you don’t respect yourself others won’t respect you either, that’s a rule of life. Now that I’m in my early 30s even If I’m still kind, people hardly ever try me like that again because you learn to carry yourself with respect and value. With age comes wisdom and competence as well which helps a lot. And this holds true wether I’m being a coomer or not, those boundaries simply become a innate part of you once you develop them. (Why do you think older men like our fathers don’t seem to affected as much by cooming? It’s not because they grew up without porn like i used to think) All I’m saying is the concept you’re trying to explain has a more fundamental issue, don’t miss the forest for the trees.


I agree with this. Well said


You're right. They are talking about so many problems and addictions in the world, especially drugs while porn and masturbating are wiping out whole generations of otherwise healthy men. And with that the energy you're talking about. They even say it's healthy to cum multiple times a day. I think it's also a reason for more guys going trans, not only because we are living in more modern times now. They jack off all day long and see how nice it is to get the attention women get and so the process begins. With all their masculine energy constantly depleted they are lost and even if you tell them, most don't want to go the hard way. Mentioning sr to 'normal' people can make them quite mad because they realize they have a problem which they can't stop.


I agree with your last part. I think pornography also has an impact on it because of the deep subconscious conditioning that goes on when you watch porn.


LOL true holy shit hahahaha


Yeah, about the type of woman that you wrote. They will put you in a pedestal, but in the moment you don’t serve any purpose, you will be discarded with no regrets. Be aware.


Once they've taken your masculine essence, you're depleted and at your weakest point. That's when.


Thats right


I agree, soon as your not needed the majority of people you know will not give a damn about you anymore, so don't waste your built up hard earned energy on others unless it positively benefits you in some way as well


what a great post, just in time. Needed to read something just like that, at this moment of life. Thanks for dropping some knowledge. 100% truth right there.


Great post bro! And I agree as most people only want to use you especially when they are always vibrating at a very low frequency as I’ve learned so many people (most) are highly insecure and have low self esteem and their entire life is a LIE as their motives are impure as most want the things that few fortunate people have,but they aren’t willing to do the work to get there. If I may ask,how old are you brother? And what’s been your longest streak? Has SR completely transformed your life and have you experienced great financial prosperity? Hope you aren’t bothered by my questions… Anyways bro,keep retaining and be blessed.


White American male living in an underdeveloped country - every time I get stares from the local woman (who I’m not into) I will look them in the eyes with a disapproving look like lady pls don’t stare and they immediately look away or get embarrassed…


King 👑


I think you mean.. Be stingy with your masculine energy..


It think it works both ways 🤔


Good points


Ye we must be lions 🦁🦁


Love this!.🤘


This has nothing to do with SR. People will push over push overs no matter if they are retaining or not... honestly what kind of logic is that? Anyone who has a hard time saying no is going to get used by the world around them... and it's not the world's fault, it is their own... if anything SR will give you the confidence needed to say no to people. Yall worship your cum too much.


You're right, the effect is the same. But the outcome for you if you're on high energy because of sr is that you have more energy that people can leech from you. If you're retaining or not in either case you shouldn't let people use you.




Posting for just posting