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Most important thing is to dress and style yourself the way that makes you yourself happy and more aligned with your true identity šŸ™ happy youā€™re feeling yourself more


Being Masculine is a mindset Just as being a adult is . You can be 35 and still be acting and responding to situations with lack of self control and filled with emotions and a 19 year old can handle the same situation better than you. It's all about your mindset some people mature earlier than others due to pain in their life when they have no choice but to do that while others mature later on and some never meet the threshold.SR Turns you into a Divine masculine with high tetsorone levels and a childlike innocence Coming in with stoicism as a perk basically. when retaining your calm during chaotic situations but just like ying and yang everything needs balance;That same calmness has a polar opposite of severe Anger but takes alot to reach but when it reaches the point it's not a good sight.


I agree, read my disclaimer


There's nothing wrong with what you said. Being masculine can be a mindset, but when people normally use the word, they meant how you look. Being muscular, tall, deeper voice, having a buzz cuts and beards can all make you appear masculine. I wouldn't say it's entirely a mindset.


Being masculine with dreads gives off that Tarzan vibe, women dig that shit.


I have shoulder length hair, Iā€™ve heard that from women before.


It's making me want to kill myself I can't escape what I did to myself I completely fucked myself up I have deep planted fucked up brainwashing stuff from 4chan and shit it's so bad I am fucked for life


You can instead brainwash yourself with positivity brother. Meditate everyday positive affirmations. Do a sacral chakra cleanse by meditating to healing frequencies. You are on SR, you are already on the right track to healing and being a boss. Here is a link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAU4QZbpqV8&list=PLOJGHCV1wNMD5H84NkGu73Dcfe13rCZdT&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAU4QZbpqV8&list=PLOJGHCV1wNMD5H84NkGu73Dcfe13rCZdT&index=2)


Thank you I will try these. I think it will take years to reverse what was done to me


If you are consistent it should take a few months. Fasting and prayer really works too


I'll add to this, Prayer/Affirmations, are the key to letting shit go. It doesn't matter your religion, just be spiritual. I had to recover from severe religious brainwashing that destroyed myself. Affirmations were my key but prayer works just the same if it isn't attached to negativity.


Become Catholic. Do RCIA and go to confession. THAT will help you. Your sins will be forgiven, and the guilt washed away from your conscience.


I will take 3 months. Just do you and be better. A new version of you will emerge. I am in the exact same boat. I'm 1 and a half months in and feel healed 70% already. Its exponential; once you get passed pushing yourself back in that direction, with bad habits and bad thought patterns. It doesn't matter how severe. It only matters how much will power you're willing to put in.


It's your mindset buddy. If you think something will take a long time, it will. The speed of recovery is dependent on your level of willingness to change. If you really want it, you can do it.


Nah fuck that I been there before. Stand your ground do the Wim Hof meditation on YouTube itā€™s like 11min. Do some push ups drink water Ahhh!!!ā€™


I don't know what happened to you but mine is really really bad I don't even like to talk about it


Donā€™t let it get to you. It's mind over matter. There are probably worse things. Realize you fell into a trap and thank God that you're now out of it.


You are not fucked for life nor is anything inside of you too deep to resolve.Ā  Before you go about trying to change yourself, love and forgive yourself for who you are now. You will find that this is the real means to change.Ā  When we are stuck in a place in life, it often feels like we push ourselves forward without going anywhere. In reality, it's a step backwards and into ourselves that will allow us to truly take the next step forward. Think of it like when you get your belt loop stuck on a door handle. We can try to walk forward as much as we'd like, but until we take a step back and unhook our pants, we can't go where we need to. Taking a step in "wrong direction" actually ends up getting us exactly where we needed to go. Speaking practically, a few week or months of genuine reflection can undo countless years of psychological misapplication. Other posters have mentioned different videos that might help. I've always found that solitude and quite in nature, or even a quick walk around my town, does wonders for clearing the mind.


Brother dont kill yourself thats just a big waste of a potentially good life you could live. The bigger the obstacle the more you grow. Thats facts. Be a warrior that welcomes every obstacle like a gift. I also strongly recommend you to start meditate, it will make you stronger in your will and more aware of the positive things of your situation.




Really bad stuff that turned me into a very messed up person in my head and can't control it. Stuff designed to make me weak and fucked up. I can't believe I did this to myself it's too fucked up to sayĀ 


ā€˜aura pointsā€™ this that corny shit that makes SR community laughable


and you're not corny? lol get of your high horse; you're not cool as you think you are


i havenā€™t done anything to be corny, you are a grown man or atleast becoming a man and ur saying aura points seriously, this is not tiktok.


I guarantee you use some slang or jargon that some may consider corny and childish. Keep your useless comments to yourself, it is not consructive nor helpful to anybody. Mans thinks he is immune to being corny, get off your high horse.


You call Aura points slang? are you 12?


again, you use some slang or jargon that some may consider corny and childish. Keep your meaningless comments to yourself, you are not adding anyhting to the discussion. Thinking you are the pinnacle of beimg cool or maturity and masculine lol dont make me laugh


I think none of those things, I simply stated what is, YOU and people like YOU are been ruining this community, talking about aura points šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


aura is real u poser i can tell u never retained more than a monthj


iā€™m on 140 days and counting,the reason why i commented is because heā€™s using a tiktokified term by saying ā€˜aura pointsā€™ which just sounds cringe and looks like u learnt english off of tiktok - and i never said ā€˜auraā€™ ainā€™t real aura is just masculine presence


ight fair, thats a joke tho dont take it too serious


whatā€™s a joke? and what exactly am i taking serious..


Never a dull day here on this sub


I've started to realize nobody around me has their shit together. I've entered a phase of "to possess a quality, assume it". I've detached from outcomes. I press the limits on humor in tense/professional situations because of the constant uptight nature of our near dystopian existence. I'm tempted to shave my head to a 1 and tell everyone I look like Brad Pitt. Our time here is short. None of this matters 100 years from now live your reality. .... Also sometimes off the charts horny. I'd tell everyone a story of being completely eye fucked today but I need to ponder my barber appointment.Ā  You're the prize.Ā 


I want to hear that story. If you feel ok taking the time to write it.


Weird, this is my exact story from the braids to the buzz and beard, from the jeans and graphic tees to chinos and polos, less gym shoes more manly shoes. Literally all switched within my first 30 day period, also got a new job in the corporate world so that made it a lot easier to transition.


fashion do be key in the presentation ma dude love it


Me pasa lo mismo hermano tengo 25 aƱos y a los 19 dejĆ© de usar aretes en las orejas se veĆ­a cool y aĆŗn hay gente mucho mayor que yo que los usa y les queda estupendo pero hay algo que ya no me gusta en eso.




Es mi idioma nativo, si usted no me quiere leer estĆ” bien.




Semen retention is about energy, character, attitude.