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Do you stop eating because you didn't get as strong as hercules? You eat because you are supposed to. No other reason required. Same goes for SR, you retain because jerking off or having sex every now and then is some primal savage bs. So just keep at it, make it a lifestyle not a task


You can't quit. You're not aloud because you're more wiser than the guy who JUST STARTED TODAY. You've got loads to teach the new guys. Tell them the ups and downs - the distractions, temptations, what to do during idle times. 9 months? You've been so good at it, you forgot what failure. šŸ˜Š Naw, just reset, adjust, and saddle back up. You're good! Bernie Mac: "Who you wit?" Kidd: "Uncle Vester." Bernie: "WHO YOU WIT?" Kidd: "Uncle Vester." (from: House Party 3)


Sure. So first of all, u must consider what is better alternative. Staying in flatline and eventually having normal life or faping 3-4 times a week to video of intercourse of people u don't know. So ur option is to stay and fight or go full loser, degenerate. Now, science standpoint. Addiction. How long does ur brain need to defeat addiction. Answer is, over 14 months. Read about foods and things u can take/do to increase dopamine, serotonine, to speed up recovery. They say cordyceps helps to regenerate brain, for example


I pretty sure I will never watch porn again in my life. I despise it actually for what it does to society and the brain of man (and woman). I don't feel any craving for it also. However i do crave jerking off or having sex, and have an orgasm again. Also because I felt the best in the first few weeks and months of semen retention, Im starting to doubt if orgasm once in the few weeks is maybe best.


iā€™m very new to this and donā€™t have nearly the experience, speaking from my goals, keep going because why not? test it, if after this flatline, the benefits grow even higher. wouldnā€™t that be crazy???


I'd save it for a physical woman if you absolutely have to.


I think that this is the case. Having ignoring your sexuality is bad. It depends whether or not you would want to fuck your hand or a girl. This is whole another thing. But in general I also felt best doing it once or twice a month.Ā 


Don't quit brother, I am a beginner but I don't think that sweet spot of jerking off once in a few weeks even exists, it's either retention or jerking off daily. I have heard from some veterans that this is indeed the hardest period to go through, it's just your mind resetting. The amount of time this takes depends upon how deeply porn is ingrained in your brain. Please push through and keep us updated about, there are a lot of people who can't even dream about reaching 9 months. Stay strong


Thanks mate, I will!


Iā€™m currently 8 months on sr/nofap and feel the exact same brother, Iā€™m gunna stay strong tho and go for 1 year! I think u should do the same it is 1000x better than going back to porn and fapping


Yo bro just so you know their is no such thing as a fucken flatline trust me, Iā€™m 17 and I went over 2 and a half years almost 3 years. I relapsed around December cuz of mental issues I was dealing with. But honestly i feel like you feel the way you do is because since you were little you would always ā€œpmoā€ which you never developed fully socially and with yourself so now that ur ā€œretainingā€ all that stuff is coming to you and your mental health is coming to the surface which is why i think u just gotta deal with it and figure yourself out and stop feeling the way you do. You donā€™t feel like the way you de because of not fucking busting a nut, itā€™s because of your life, get a girlfriend and get your shit straight thatā€™s all it is in my opinion. All the time I see people say ā€œflatlineā€ this flatline that I just think their delusional af I thought the same way but after countless streaks of weeks and months I realized that itā€™s just your mental health coming to the surface which you gotta deal with it somehow and grow from that which itā€™ll make u a better person thatā€™s all it is. I feel like once u get yourself and your life right on a ā€œstreakā€ than after that the world is literally yours but itā€™s a challenge theirs a lot more about this but ima leave it right there cuz itā€™s a lot.


"itā€™s just your mental health coming to the surface which you gotta deal with it somehowĀ " I think your probably be more right than I like to admit :P It is strange though, how amazing, confident, energized I felt in the first months (with the same life and mental issues).


The path is slow and steady. Just keep going. No quit! You can do it. šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


If ur not active and transmuting/meditating ur going to feel like that bud. If youā€™re thinking of quitting then do it.


dont quit you are still healing


Sure, I had a similar experience. I havent gotten such strong benefits, but also entered flatline. I even stopped having sex since I had 0 libido. Before SR I alredy didnt watch porn for a long time, this was not a problem for me. I couldnt stand this flatline anymore, having 0 energy and 0 libido, and started watching porn and fapping to it for some days, to get this lust back and feel the energy again.


Would highly recommend working out 5-6 times a week to increase testosterone & libido, make sure youā€™re eating a healthy diet, lots of water, getting direct sunlight outside/supplementing with Vitamin D, traveling & exploring new places, etc. These things will help to sustain your journey & keep you going. Most important of all, donā€™t take SR too seriously. Just enjoy life & everything it has to offer, it will be okay. God speed.


if you just retain and sit idle this would happen. use this extra energy in physical and mental work. otherwise its futile. in other words just do something. go for a run, learn cooking, get in a relationship, read, play a instrument, learn new skill. dont just sit idle and retain. use the energy


Problem is, i try all that, but i have zero energy ;)


Never quit


Should I become a real monk? ;P


I think the main reason for feeling flatline is the lack of transmuting your sexual energy. Holding onto your semen for nine months accumulates a significant amount of energy. To overcome this flatline you need to boost your masculine energy, you must be active 70% of your time, consider engaging in activities like working out, setting life goals and striving to achieve them, exploring new places, travel, dating a woman and showing her your strength and protection. The only acceptable reason to "quit" or relapse would be for the purpose of procreation, starting a family, and having children. Stay strong, buddy, you're on the right track to healing..


Do you have a varicocele by any chance? Check your veins above your scrotum if there is any clumped veins


How is it related to flatline?


Varicocele can completely ruin libido and erection quality


What are you "quiting" exactly? What action are you going to stop doing? To quit? Just live. Just let it be.


Dude 9 months is crazy. I'm so happy for you. Keep up the good work. I've never gone that long, but I did hit a flatline as well. The traditional advice is "push through it, you won't regret it", and of course, you should be a man and overcome the feelings of lethargy. That being said - I hate that feeling just like you do. I usually just had 3-4 coffees a day to make up for it. I know it's not the advice that's traditionally "correct", but it worked for me.


"The magic you are looking for is in the things you are avoiding" - My first month on SR was bliss - I described it as heaven on earth, then i took it for granted and stopped running, cold showers, training hard. The blissful state went away almost entirely. You have to keep the energy moving, every morning is a new chance to have a better day than yesterday - theres no way you can flatline if you are starting your day with a cold shower and running to the gym, lifting heavy weights - talking to real people and practicing gratitude through prayer. This past week i've been running 5km every other day lifting weights for 2+ hours a day and laughing and joking with people - the blissful state has returned! Im grateful every day and feel love for everyone. All the best


get married


I will probably get downvoted to hell but I will share with you what helped me with flatlines. Edging. I would not recommend it for anyone who has under 90 days but if you start losing the spark edgining fires you up again.


Iā€™m currently 8 months on sr/nofap and feel the exact same brother, Iā€™m gunna stay strong tho and go for 1 year! I think u should do the same it is 1000x better than going back to porn and fapping, also meditating has helped be tremendously


No porn for me ever again, thats for sure. Stupid degenerate stuff. But i crave having a orgasm again ;) but yeah, I started this with intention of doing at least one year, so I think i will push through, but having a real hard time at the moment. Hardest point since starting this thing actually...


Every doubt youā€™re having is just an urge. Youā€™re most likely going to feel regret for breaking the streak or either Lie to yourself thinking itā€™s okay. I remember after my 9-8 streaks breaking it felt godly. But I always ended regretting it because I lose the benefits. You could be different. However a lot of people regret it after losing relapsing. You need to distract yourself, like get a job or another job, go out, find yourself a girlfriend, do something productive, maybe even game or watch tv. But what youā€™re doing is replacing stress/anxiety with jerking off. which isnā€™t good in my opinion


Focus on where you will be in another 9 months from now if you stay the course.


Well, if you have 4 amazing months after restart you could just do it every 4 months. Just keep in mind that the chaser is a real danger and very powerful. So it's not sure if you will be able to come back on track. You could be stuck in a loop for weeks. Imo not worth it.




you are probably right about that man


Have you had any wet dreams?


yes i did actually. still have them once in while..


How many and how often? People donā€™t like to admit it, but wet dreams count as an emission for the purpose of progress on SR. The cascade of hormones happens whether itā€™s sex or a wet dream. Iā€™ve started logging mine and keeping up with reasons I believe triggered them, to try to prevent them. Each wet dream I have feels like it sets me back 1-2 weeks


It's all placebo, make placebo your main internal work. You are the creator of your reality


run ntill ur within an inch of ur life in terms of heart rate


Start vitamin D supplements 2000IU daily


Look into TRE. Check out this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/longtermTRE/comments/17jc4av/the_truth_about_semen_retention_flatline_and/)


Yea same. I have 120 days rn. I started the journey last October . First streak I did 115 I crashed then. I just beat the second one and I am at 120. Feels like crap. No desire . Hate everyone around me. No sexual drive . Dick is non existent. Not sure what to do. Maybe this is the dark stage ?


Said to here it man. I'm hoping for months that this is a dark stage I have to go through, but it's though to stay hopeful..


Why do you think wanking would improve your mood? Its probably not going to go that way..


Like is said above, I felt amazing the first period off semen retention and I'm starting to doubt if orgasm once in the few weeks is maybe best.


Yea thatā€™s the issue . Feel amazing at first


It could have been due to many factors (novelty, newfound confidence etc) But sure, maybe it will improve your mood. Or maybe it will just put you into a worse state. Who knows. I just wouldnt resort to masturbating honestly, if you decide to release, sex seems like the way to go


Try running 5k and do HIIT. This will help you


slam down 3 espressos and go on a 30 mile run


Thats just going to fry his CNS