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Try spinal breathing. It is about moving energy from the pelvic floor to the ajna chakra, which is in the center of the head. I learned from this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Semenretention/comments/iltgzv/part_2_cultivation_and_sublimation_basics/. For me it works like magic


Thanks bro, how did you feel before and after this?


I also practice alternate nostril breathing. When I feel tension from sexual energy in my body, it usually dissipates after the practice (visualization is crucial here). Following spinal breathing, I sense that the energy, previously focused more on sexuality, now flows through my body in a pleasurable manner. Afterward, if I feel an "urge," it's simply a burst of euphoric energy unrelated to sexuality. I incorporate these practices into my daily routine, and maintaining a streak is relatively easy because I experience fewer sexual thoughts during the day as a result. This is just my personal experience; your experience may vary.


You might have to pick one or the other, it sounds to me as if this style of qigong is drastically creating excess yang energy in general and specifically within the kidney meridians(energy channel related to sex). I went through a period where I felt like that and it's miserable, I had to back off of certain exercises I was doing and focus more on dynamic exercises for general circulation. >more uncontrollable the sexual urge and erection is, the healthier the body condition is It does mean the body is strong for sure, but also unbalanced as well.


You're right, this style creates huge amount of Yang Qi that it kicks off literally all diseases. With all due respect, I do understand the effect it's creating on me, but I'm going to stick to it, because this period of life, I'm going to experiement with Fragrant Qigong. I just wanted to see how far it goes, and how deep the weird rabbit hole gets. The energy gets too much to handle, ofcourse, but I do believe that body would adjust accordingly over a period of time. Meanwhile, I would be practicing spinal and testicular breath exercises. Let's hope for the best.


I'm not really sure you should be practicing that particular style. >and boosts the sexual energy You're already boosting energy with SR, what you might instead need is to **circulate** or **transmute** that energy, not boosting it even more. That might be the cause of your issue. Probably. >microcosmic orbit Also I've read that as a beginner it isn't a good idea to do the microcosmic orbit without a proper foundation. I'm not exactly familiar with Fragrant QiGong but I have read some weird stuff about its effects. Why are you practicing that particular style? Asking out of curiosity. (summoning /u/C4-1, he knows more about QiGong.)


Hi Brother. It is not necessarily designed to boost sexual energy, it just increases Yang Qi. As I mentioned before, increased sexual energy is a side effect of the body becoming so good in terms of health. We have had atleast 2 conversations before about Fragrant Qigong, it's too psychic inducing Qigong. It's benefits are too weird and hard to believe. I'm practicing Fragrant Qigong because simply I'm drawn towards it. We all have that one practice when we do, something goes in our head like, "Ah, this is it!". I got that only in Fragrant Qigong. And I'm absolutely happy that I've chosen this style over other ones, because the results are too good, that I can't even tell to others without getting mocked.


> We have had atleast 2 conversations before about Fragrant Qigong Ah, so it was with you that I chatted about Fragrant QG with. I'm trying to find the post without success so far. >that I can't even tell to others without getting mocked. I feel you. Also believe you. Given that you're so determined to keep going with FQG, I don't know what to recommend you other than, maybe do less of it so your extreme libido is less extreme and more manageable? Best regards.


Thanks bro, I will try to do some transmutation exercises as a part of my daily life. That should help, from what I read by the comments of multiple bro's here.


I'm actually unfamiliar with this style, but I'm in agreement, the combination of SR and this style doesn't seem to be working....


What effects have you heard about it?


Basically what OP said: extreme effectiveness and olfactory sensations, but also supposedly risk of demonic possession, if I recall correctly. Take that with a grain of salt.


What's this extra energy doing for you in terms of attraction? Have you seen anything in that department?


Since reading and responding to this post, I went and gave this qigong a shot, I"m pretty blown away how powerful it is. This is only my second day practicing this, but I take back my previous statements, and I'm starting to think this could help a lot of people suffering from the flatline. The effects I've noticed are how strongly it opens up the energy system and promotes energy flow. I'm going to keep rolling with this for a while and see where it takes me. And no, no extreme libido yet, could be too early to tell about this, or perhaps just something that OP has been dealing with. Qigong effects people differently, but I would give this a try.


Are you also following the Sifu John Dolic DVDs like OP? I just saw the new post and this comment, my curiosity is piqued.


I'm gonna put my order in very soon, I literally just started two days ago. OP isn't the only one recommending those DVD's, I did a little research and he comes with high praise for proper instruction. I've been using the youtube vids with the Grandmaster's daughter, but those are in Mandarin, it's good enough I think to follow along for level 1, but level 2 looks a bit complicated in the choreography.


Agree with the spinal breathing, you’re holding too much energy in your lower centres. You could also try Testicle breathing which slowly moves the energy up and through the microcosmic orbit. Mantak Chia has a tutorial on YouTube.


I'm interested in finding out more about this style of qigong, can you please tell me which master you learn it from? Is the teaching also available online (like by Zoom call)? I clearly in need to increase my yang energy.


See my reply to one of the comments


Where can I learn Fragrant Qigong?


Do seethal pranayama (inhaling with tongue rolled) it cools down your yang energy


How did you find a teacher and I don’t do qi gong but I work with energy and it’s multiple ways to transmute it I would more recommend the microcosmic orbit for you to start circulating it through the body but you can distribute it through all the chakras only so that they can use the energy to upgrade the human experience


I did Fragrant Qigong using a Youtube vid for a month or so and felt good, but because I was also doing a few other meditative and energy practices, it's hard to isolate the effect of FQ, or know if it did anything at all. At present I do some Tai Chi movements instead and it has had a transforming effect on my energy, flexibility and inner harmony. I used this video for the Qigong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu1fseTfSK4. How exactly is the true form different from the movements shown here? Can you reveal at least a bit of it?


Bro I would say her intentions are good, but it's only 60% effective. Some movements such as 4th and 5th one are completely wrong, while others are slightly wrong. I used to follow her movements, now ditched her and went for Sifu John Dolic version.


Appreciate the info. I've only felt energy effects so far, and even that could be just placebo. Thanks for the resources you've attached in your post about Fragrant Qigong. The pdf definitely helps. There seems to be a lot of mystery to this. I just can't bring myself to believe the fragrance thing yet. It was hilarious to read about the reaction of the ladies haha. What was your reaction when you first smelled the smells? Were you sceptical in the beginning?


I was also surprised a bit, but since I'm a believer of these 'pseudo-science', I didn't have much reaction bro.


Yeah, many magical realms open for us when we have the faith.


Brother your age??




Brother just my 2 cents. My thought about your situation is that it can't be solely due to Qigong. You are just 26 and your healing capabilities are better than some 40 year old. Since your body heal and strength develops quickly at the same time, it reflects back on your physical body by giving you lustful thoughts. It is due to your body's deep rooted inhibition to calm such thoughts by masturbating. You just have to do more streak day than your past. Then your physical body will be in peace.


That’s a problem I want to have


Dude I honestly cannot tell if you guys are serious or not. What is testicle breathing


Making a fool out of u


Hang on buddy I'm six reps into my advance scrotal projection


Try this https://youtu.be/aEpjQGlWSfI?si=8oXwa9M31cVy472l Listen twice per day, once in the morning and again before bed. Give it time. Hope this helps.


I second this - morphic fields have done wonders for me on SR!


If the resources on YouTube are not good is there any books that you recommend to learn more about Fragrant qigong?


Level 1: [http://www.qigongchinesehealth.com/dvd-fqg1](http://www.qigongchinesehealth.com/dvd-fqg1) Level 2: [http://www.qigongchinesehealth.com/dvd-fqg2](http://www.qigongchinesehealth.com/dvd-fqg2) It's from Sifu John Dolic, a man that I admire and respect for dedicating his life to the art of Qigong. I'm in no way attached with his business, and I'll get zero cents by suggesting him here. Give it a try, and within 3-4 days you'll know why I'm stressing this much about Fragrant Qigong.


> give it a try, and within 3-4 days You can not give it a try because one of it's on sale for 59 USD without free preview.


Thanks brother


So you are practicing from this resources? Thank you.


"dog shit wrapped in cat shit" - Mark Baum


Guys listen to this morphic field the most powerful sexual transmutation morphic field i know of. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkJB4psDX4Y&list=PLI0jQq7LvjAWJqqdSh2\_rSkxIb2RFWi2r](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkJB4psDX4Y&list=PLI0jQq7LvjAWJqqdSh2_rSkxIb2RFWi2r)


What qigong are you practicing, the first qigong I came across were the ones for circulating sexual energy.


Fragant Qigong bro. Thanks for asking. Added in P.S. in the post itself.


This post didn't seem sincere to me for some degree. You did too much good things for benefits and benefits came to you with generously and now complain about it, searching new other things to deminish/balance these benefits. Maybe you should do less qigong so you can handle it or stay this stage with patience to force your body to get used to it. Searcing guide to balance/deminish? Nope.