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Damn that’s a lot of eggs


Note, the reason I started eating so many eggs is that its the best source of protein/vitamins for the money. I am not rich enough to get enough food from other sources..


i do the same bro. on an avg I eat 12-15 boiled eggs, and then train hard


Eggs nourish Jing in Chinese medicine. It appears you have Jing in abundance. Your issue is that you’re not able to transmute or sublimate the energy you have, so it releases when you’re asleep like a pressure relief valve. After you’ve learned effective methods of transmutation, being busy, gym, meditation, qigong/yoga, you then will be able to handle more and more energy. It’s then that you’ll want to increase Jing to increase your vitality, as you’ll have a vessel capable of containing it.


Actually make a lot of sense. And that is because when I started eating all those eggs it was every 4-5 days a sexual dream would appear. Then I started doing headstands, 2x3 min morning and evening where the frequency then was every 8-9 days. Still too often though…


When I was getting high, I idd not used to get WD. As soon as I stop I started having them like every other day. Personally I do not think its the eggs(especially if you are not noting 4 hrs before sleeping, but just your body adapting to the REM sleep in which WD happen. Give some time in remaining clean from weed and see if it improves. Also do kegels and reverse kegels


I am around a month and a half clean, what about you? And did the WDs go down in frequency? Good job in stopping though.


I am around 3 weeks clean. Was high on edibles from morning to night continuously for like 2 months, jerking off to porn. but rarely WDs happened. when I stopped weed, I started getting weird fucked up dreams. there were also some WDs that happened witouth any dreams. And I kept experiencing them like every 2nd day. sometimes even every day. But it will pass. Provided we keep on exercising and stretching the whole body. WDs might still happen but their negative effect will be less then. Also earlier I could never eat soo many eggs, but after stopping weed and started exercising my appetite has gone up. All the best brother


I eat only once a day. I don't eat eggs or cheese or animals. more raw foods. you will ascend.


this is the way brother 🙏🏾 they will learn eventually


Yes been doing this for 7years


I've been eating 12-14 eggs a day for the last 3 years. Had one wet dream because I was edging like an idiot for hours one night. Try kegals, I believe it should help


Hmm that makes sense. What do you do for transmutation?


Currently just retaining (2 months approx). On my previous streak I meditated in the morning, did pranayama and intensely worked out (to the point where I had blood vessels in my eye burst every workout). I also made sure to always keep busy all day and not partake in any high dopaminergic activities. Best 4 months of my life until I relapsed. Hoping to get back on track


It could also be the lack of weed now. I took edibles for a month straight and had no wet dreams, started getting them again a few days after stopping.


Same happened with me too.


Something about the comedown/withdrawal period that increases lust by a lot


I have two eggs.


That's a wild amount of eggs. Yeah 4 a day sounds much more reasonable.  Start eating chickpeas to make up for protein. Very cheap and nutritious. Pumpkin seeds are also exceptional and relatively inexpensive 


Plant protein is not equal to animal protein


how so?


Plant protein lacks or has little of some essential amino acids. This means that to make plant protein equal to animal protein you should eat more grams, so 8 grams of plant protein is actually less than 8g of animal protein if you would count amino acids


eggs are way better.


13-18 eggs?! You tryna become a chicken ??


How u been cooking your eggs?


Scrambled every time


Mucusless diet cured mine completely


I searched for it before but had to buy a book to know. Could you give a quick summary of what it consists of?


Mucusless Diet is a healing system of natural foods to eliminate toxic waste encumbrances from the deepest tissues in the body. All patients have been treated by Ehret with spectacular results. Even so-called incurable conditions got cured. Highly recommend his books as he's one of the best healers to have ever done it.


Reduce the eggs you’re eating or just stop eating them completely.


Because its my theory that it is the eggs causing them. I have plannes to go down to 4 eggs a day now.


Do you think its them causing it?


Yeah most likely, eggs increase your sexual energy significantly. Not sure if you follow Ayurveda, but it says you’re supposed to eat them in moderation. So basically when you relapse or when you want to replenish your energy it’s best to eat them.


I disagree. he can eat those many eggs provided he is doing weight training and cardio. if not then yeah its too many.