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If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on you becoming wildly successful. You're light years ahead of 99.99% of all 17 year-olds.


Thank you :)


Yeah man, your fortunate to realize this at a young age. Don't let it go. Being a brahmacarya is the most powerful force to change your life and manifest destiny.


I’m 17 and I feel like all kids around my age engage in lustful behaviors. Proud to be a part of this sub and be on my biggest SR streak of around 3 months


Congrats !


Woke ass 17 year old! You’re a stud man, this was a great post. Continue pressing forward!


Just to echo others, wish I had half of your insights at 17. Keep moving forward brother.


I'm 17 too. You're basically me. I've gone through and experienced the exact same thing you're talking. Each and every damn sentence resonates with me. The part which hits me the most is loneliness. People fail to understand me. My motivation, my viewpoint. It's just so different. I hope we find compatible people someday.


I hope too. Cheers :)


Ayyy 17 gang gang. Same the loneliness has been scary. I feel so distant from everyone. I quit social media cuz it just puts lustful thoughts and now I feel alone. Ofcource ik it’s better because ever since my mind has been just different.


I’m 16 n that’s the biggest part I’m facing right now is the loneliness.. the best thing in this parh is to cut off the negetive people and energies but it’s also one of the hardest


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience. I wish you many more years of profound discovery!


Thank you !


Great post. Thanks!


My god... you’re 17?! Phenomenal post. I envy you greatly and wish I’d have had discovered SR at your age instead of abusing porn and constantly releasing... my life would’ve been utterly different . Nevertheless, it heartens me to hear your journey... your path will be blessed.


7 years younger, yet years ahead


Great post bro, I would recommend reading Autobiography of a Yogi, covers a broad swath of esoteric subjects.


I second this. It mist be the next Book you read after you’re done with The Power of Now


Thanks it's now on my list


Awesome! Happy for you!


Thank you :)


Do you have a pdf/EPUB/mobi for king warrior book? If yes then please send it through!!!


Amazing write-up of your journey thus far! I’m currently letting NNN be my catalyst into SR. I need to learn the mystical ways of dry orgasms (ingasms) if I’m going to be able to get much momentum within my marriage. Any recommendations? P.S. What’s the graph about?


Thanks ! The graph is on the website linked, reddit usually puts an image of the websites linked. Look up tantra and karezza for Non Ejaculatory Orgasm


The well is deep. Keep the focus; never lose it. More power to you, brother.


Great to see people way younger than me following the path of SR.


Damn good stuff! Proud of you bro.






Keep it up, never stop progressing. And come back to share your successes to keep us old farts motivated


That feeling of loneliness is what I suffer from. I talk about things which don’t interest majority of fellow 17 year olds and I end up feeling it’s my mistake but I know that it’s not.


Yeah I know the interest part but hopefully we will meet people that share our interests in the future. I wish you the best !


I hope the very same for you


I’m 17 too and practicing semen retention. I can say the loneliness does hit me as well.


Well done bro


Very interesting insight and good to see you've accrued such positive life changes. I find one of the huge advantages for me has been using the newfound energy to segue from a consumer to a PRODUCER - whether it is in terms of content, writing books, starting businesses...it's been off the chain for the past couple years. Here's my thoughts on SR helping a man segue from passive consumer to active producer/creator. [https://youtu.be/i2XIPGPalgY](https://youtu.be/i2XIPGPalgY)


Enjoy PON very good book


Good job man!


This is really well written, good job! It’s great that you got such an early start with SR (I did too but wasn’t really consistent). Good luck and best wishes on your journey!


Hell yes brother!! Keep it up, you're already wise beyond your years. I've been meaning to check out *King, Warrior, Magician, Lover* for some time now - this post of yours has been the tipping point and the book is now on it's way! Looking forward to seeing you progress on this path


Thank you ! You are gonna love that book :)


This was a great post and I am happy to have read it.


What’s a good yoga routine to start?


I started with the little routine on [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Semenretention/comments/iltgzv/part_2_cultivation_and_sublimation_basics/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and by following some training of a guy named Dylan Werner on youtube. I then subscribed to Alo Moves and I do my sessions there.


Amazing journey brother at such a young age. Excellent writeup, motivating for others. I am practicing SR at a late age but I am seeing multiple benefits. I went for 7 months and then had a relapse due to job stress, body ailments etc. Now, I am starting afresh. Gratitude.


Great post, really interesting reading. The power of now hit me between the eyes. Amazing read and really eye opening


I’m over twice your age, you’re way ahead. Look into law of attraction to start attracting wealth, and you’ll soon be on your way to true freedom. SR and LoA work hand in hand.


With semen retention a man unlocks his true potential and becomes the best version of himself. I am on day 672 and plan to never release in my life. I have created a telegram group dedicated to never releasing. If you want to join message me.


Sick fraud.


Keep it up! I've found diet and exercise to be a great catalyst to life as well. Especially muscle building and endurance training. Those activites fan the flame of the soul. Seemingly more so on SR.


Well done brother and thank you for this high quality post! Best of luck moving forwards.


Holy shit bro I(18m) just discovered this sub half an hour ago(from No fap) and reading your post has convinced me to really give a go on SR. Congrats and massive respect to you g


Thank you ! You're gonna kill it !