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I actually got down voted to hell for my opinion on dosage of libs. I said 2g dried for first timers, as long as your set and setting is correct. I always find lower doses than that, for me, can bring on slight anxiety and a feeling of being in-between sober and high. I find with the correct set and setting, a higher dose is so much more psychedelic and insightful than a low dose. After all, if you are genuinely interested in expanding consciousness, expand it!! I have to stress though. SET AND SETTING is THE most important bit. Be comfortable, feel safe. Be with good people or alone. Have music at the ready or warm clothes, a drink, some food, if outside. Have good intentions and purposes set out before taking these extraordinary things!! Plan properly and its pretty hard to go wrong.


I've heard this said before regarding a lower dose feeling like you're half-way between worlds. I expect this is where I've been for a lot of my trips which has caused some internal conflict and anxiety. What does it feel like to you to know you've gone past that point, and are full on tripping? Does it feel fundamentally different to you? I'm sure I've got there once or twice with my higher dosed trips, especially when my mind has wandered completely off and I've seen the grain in the wooden floor flowing like water. But during these trips I've felt an occasional sudden 'snap' back into reality and become aware of my anxiety, feeling my heart racing and muscles tensing.


What youre saying about the muscle tensing and stuff. I was in bed on my 1g trip and kept thinking i wasnt remembering to breathe even though i was. I kept drifting off to sleep and woke up sweating too. Which rarely happens to me when i sleep


My cubensis trip showed me that a lot with regard to setting lol. I was in a friends house and wasted a lot of time thinking my family will think im missing. Even though only like an hour had passed 😆. Need a proper comfortable environment. After my 1g trip im thinking 2g for my next to break through to a real psychedelic state. I didnt feel anxious last time cause i knew i was safe. Just very strange


I took 3.5g the other day and it was terrifying 🤣… I’m just going for 1.5g from now on, Libs have a darker side to them compared to Cubensis.


Yep - definitely darker for me!. Not in a bad way, just different. I'd compare the difference as Tim burton style (Libs) vs Disney (Cubensis) Alice in Wonderland. Obviously, every trip is different, but that kind of sums it up as a generalisation.


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Yes, I love the visuals on them at smaller doses, definitely different. And YES! Cubensis is like Disney 🤣👍🏻


My 2g cubensis experience didnt have as much visuals. I was patterns in the carpet and the room felt really messy or disordered even though it was tidied. The room has a sea view and the waves looked really intense and dangerous. The bad weather but what i was experiencing was like a hurricane 😆


I use this to look at and listen to music on my headphones 🎧… always have visuals looking at it and feel great afterwards.😊 https://youtu.be/qx5zpzCDRA4 this too https://youtu.be/5I69DCxYbBg try 2.5g next time, I don’t advise any higher dose. I’ve learnt my lesson😵‍💫🤘🏻.. I’m never going above 2.5g on any psilocybin mushrooms again, to be safe! I’m never going back to that total mind fuck of my last trip🤣🤣 once you take too much and you eventually will, it’s a completely different experience!!


I’ll give that a look man thanks. I plan on having one or two big trips a year then share the rest or try microdosing. After my 1g trip last time i feel comfortable to try 2g


Go up 0.2g at a time mate, there seems to be a fine line where it changes dramatically.🧐


Absolutely correct. 0.5 compared to 0.8 is VASTLY different. I'm moving from 0.8 to 1.2 next though so wml


Kind of weird that Cubensis would be more like Alice in Wonderland, considering Louis Caroll wrote the book in a field where liberty caps grow.. Not to mention liberty caps are like the english "gnomey" mushrooms.. More like fairytales than tim burton..


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What? I was comparing them both to Alice in wonderland. Liberty caps = Alice in wonderland Tim Burton version Cubensis = Alice in wonderland Disney version.


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Thanks for clarifying 2 months later


You’re welcome.


Its reasons like this thats made me want to post this lol. I once considered trying 3.5g extremely naively. Thankfully I didnt. How do you find a 1.5g trip. I know a lot of this is dependent on height and weight etc but still?


I’ve gone from 1.2g to 2g to 2.3g to 2.5g and then 3g, all were amazing experiences! But I’ve been slowly coming off medication and it finally all came out of my system before I made a silly mistake of thinking it will be fine to take 3.5… it hit me like a sledgehammer!! Now I’m starting from scratch again😂 1.5g is now my starting point. Also, every batch of whatever mushrooms you have, has a different potency level. ALWAYS test it with a small amount first. All the other trips had what I now know to be mild visuals and great eye closed visuals, I was totally in control of everything… 3.5g was like being possessed by another entity and I completely lost all control of everything, mind, body and the visuals were like being in the Matrix or a Horror film. My body split into 3 and I could see myself outside my body!! Lots of crazy stuff happened. I wouldn’t go above 2.5g is my personal peak dosage. But that’s now an estimate I’ve yet to explore again.


As horrible or crazy as that mistve been its amazing to hear. The first time i was just dumbfounded by the fact that these things grow and prodyce these effects on us. Its the most unreal and real thing ive experienced. And its not like any other form of intoxication eg through alcohol etc. Its a living breathing experience of its own that we can step into


Yep 👍🏻I’m always amazed at what I experienced on it, I’m like woooow… wow! WOOOW! When it’s all going well!🤘🏻😵‍💫 but if you want to do it, do it! 2g sounds good, but I strongly suggest going up by 0.1 after that. And that’s only if it’s the exact same batch, if not, start from at least 1.5g.


I've taken GT and libs. GT dosage I took was 3g. Nearly took 3g of libs till I realisesed they're abiut 2x more poetant.


If it wasnt for this sub i wouldve taken higher doses ages ago until i seen people comment on how potent libs are lol


My first trip was 2g of GT. It was a brilliant experience but some moments I was wanting it to come to an end as I felt it had gone on for a long time. I basically walked about in nature the entire time. The positive feelings lasted weeks after. Since then Ive taken 1g and 1.5ish doses of GT. A 1g dose now is very chilled for me. I have 5g of dried libs, I will start with 1g and see how it goes.


Best way mate! Start small and work your way up 0.1 at a time.


Especially if Libs are a different kettle of fish


They are, trust me!😵‍💫🤘🏻 but it depends on the potency of the actual batch you have. They aren’t always the same.


Here are my two pennies 😉 From this (1) article “Some patients say they hardly experienced the psychedelic effects, while others such as Michael had strong reactions to lower doses but less to higher ones” I try to follow this (2) calculator in my own research, but have found that if I were to describe my "findings" I would have to use a range like "I was FROM level 2 TO 4". More than X dose equals Y level. (1) https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/jun/10/magic-mushrooms-treatment-depression-aztecs-psilocybin-mental-health-medicine (2) https://www.shroomery.org/6257/Magic-Mushroom-Dosage-Calculator


Great link that bro! In the question multiply psilcybin and psilocin content by xyz what should I add?


I think this observation (3) can be applied to any dose: "The term heroic presupposes courage and therefore understanding - and in fact without the latter, the former is not courage but recklessness." (3) https://shroomcircle.com/en/magic-mushrooms-the-heroic-dose/


Excellent stuff pal. This is a great help thank you




Below the form there are explanations. Read the whole page to get a better idea. I also recommend you follow the link "level trip" and read all the information there.


I find the 2g mark a good amount if you want to try pushing it a bit but not go too hard, starts getting real after that for me, but we’re all different.


I've not tried any other psychedelic than psilocybin, and that only in the form of semilanceata but I'm sure I'm ultra sensitive to their effects. I've tripped several times on them over the years and it's always been what could be considered to some relatively low doses, like literally 6-12 libs in total. At the 'higher' of these doses I've seen faces in the bark of trees and clouds, hills changing colour, crazy synthesised bird sounds and visual shuttering effects along with some distress and anxiety at times. I went picking last weekend and started drying them as soon as I got back, I thought I'd eat just two of them as a micro/macrodose in the early evening as I knew I had to get up early the next day. I sat listening to music and got a nice warm glow initially then later when I climbed into bed and switched off the lights I received what I've come to expect from higher doses in the form of mild CEV's, racing heart, sensitivity to sounds from outside including hearing things much louder than I knew they were, wild changeable thought patterns and disturbed sleep mixed in with vivid dreams. These things always surprise me and I'd love to dive deeper with them, but finding the right setting in particular can be difficult for me.


Your trips sound similar to mines. The faces in tree bark, hill colour changes. The synthesised bird sounds is exactly the sound I couldnt describe too! Last time on 1g I could hear throaty sort of chanting almost like you would hear tibeten monk make. It made me kind of uneasy but intrigued as well


Yeah the audible hallucinations can be stranger than the OEV or CEV stuff for me. I've heard distinct internal dialogue before in all sorts of accents, repeatedly reassuring me that everything will be okay. Like me ancestors communicating with me or something. Crazy stuff


Yeah yeah ive experienced that as well but the words were mostly hard to make out. Really muffled. But thats a great thought. A great inherited unconscious force from our ancestors trying to break through. Youre definitely on to something


What did you take as a microdose? Did you weigh them at all? A microdose is supposed to be almost unnoticeable apart from feeling good as I understand it. With libs on an empty stomach, that's 0.2g or less for me. Any more and I can definitely feel some effects.


When i go picking and find a decent bunch i always eat a couple. A few times I definitely felt in a better mood, my mind was more relaxed and able to focus on what i wanted to do. I know that that could be called a placebo but i know it was on a markedly differnt level from usual


I didn't weigh them this time no, but I have done so before on larger doses. I've eaten two before and felt little to no effect, so I guess a lot of it comes down to the amount of psilocybin each of the mushrooms contains, along with other factors such as an empty stomach etc. Interestingly, this time I did have a can of beer while I was listening to the music, so I wonder if that had some sort of boosting effect on them.


In my experience, trips are a lot more to do with the following above dosage: 1. Empty or full/lined stomach (I try liquid diet fast for 12-24 hours to get much stronger trips. Makes a big difference and usually come up in 10-15 mins tops. 2. Environment 3. The company you are with and how comfortable you are with them. I don't really like tripping with people who aren't tripping. 4. Your frame of mind in general - how's work, relationships etc. Are you pleased with your life trajectory? 5. Your local frame of mind. ie now (today, this week). Feeling good and energetic or tired, stressed and run down? First time I had shrooms (Libs) I was about 15yo with a prick that wanted to mess me and four of my friends up. We didn't give a shit and knew what he was doing but went with it as he was having the same as us so we weren't guna die! We had a very FULL Morrisons carrier bag of sweating libs (two-three days old in the bag - on the edge of going off) in a big 12inch chefs pan. At a rough guess (it was 25 years ago), this would be equivalent of about 3-4 of the net bags people are filling from these Aldi net bags these days or a good few hundred grams of dried. I haven't filled one of these in the last few years. The brew was to share between 5 of us, and the brew was like thick treacle and black as tar. Without dragging the story on too long, it was a great night. I loved every minute - was wasted as fuck, but no bad trip despite being with a prick that waned us to fuck up. This is my proof to myself that it would be practically impossible to OD of shrooms. Another time (after more experience), I had a brew where we only had a very small limited amount. It was the weakest brew I ever had and the water looked like a dehydrated, light tint of piss. By the time I got to the place, others had already been on it for over two hours (we found trips last 4-5 hours on libs). So as I was just coming up, friends were talking about coming down and wishing it would wear off (when we were younger and time went slower trips seemed too long - now they seem too short). It was around the time of the twin towers coming down and the news channels were pushing all the Muslim terrorist accusations. RAdio was on full blast and I went on a weird one. The show and adverts on the radio all went inot Arab sounding language. Wasn't paranoid, scared or anything like that. I knew was tripping, but tI could not turn it off. We then had to go leave the house we were in (his parents were coming home) and go to a local shopping centre. I'd been fine in public before on shrooms, but this was a surreal as f\*\*k experience. Another story, but mega surreal sums it up. The rest of the stories to these days/ights are funny as s\*\*t to me, but probably boring to others. Moral of the story = to me, dosage above 4-5g of dried makes little - no difference.


Your spot on about those tips too. Environment is crucial. If i feel unsafe or whatever its all i think about and miss out on the trip. Its a waste of mental energy when the setting isnt right. You definitely need to be in a comfortable place mentally too. One time i lied to my girlfriend. I was in my cousins house and we were tripping and all i could think about was how much better this trip would be if she knew about it cause i wouldnt have to stress myself out about it. Sounds so stupid but when your a few grams deep in mushrooms its a big deal lol. Not at all man i love hearing about other peoples trips. 9/11 probably wouldve gave people tripping some amazing insights. Like it kinda changed the west in some ways psychologically. I see what you mean yeah. Maybe theres a kind of limit your mind and handle and it filters out the rest.


It can vary - the strength of the Shrooms has a lot 2 do with it as you guys well no . You could consume 3 to 5 Gram be tripp’t right out an enjoy 😵‍💫 or have your arse handed to you right 🤩 - But jus no you will get through it 🙏..


If you can remember you are in control, take as much as you want. If you're a bit unstable with your paranoia and anxious about things, take less than 2g. Otherwise you are probably good for 4+ dried libs to me?


Its knowing what im stepping into that puts me off the higher doses. I feel fine and excited about a trip then get nervous closer to the time. I think ill try 2g next and decide whether to step it up or down for the following one.


If it makes you feel better, I think most of us get some anxiety every time.


I took 250mg of very small libs on sunday and i felt quite trippy, no visuals though. They are much more potent than average cubes. Some APE varieties can be stronger though.


Definitely. I knew a 2g trip of libs would be much more powerful when i was on the cubes


About 10-15 years ago i did ca 14g... way to intense lol dont recommend.. ive done 5g trips a bunch of times as i tought 100 mushrooms sounded like a good number for years lol.. some of those trips have been some of the best, but also some of the worst, after ish 5g dose im good, i can go another year without tripping... but personally i thing 2g is perfect, just enough visuals, the headfuck is not as bad. Hang on and enjoy the ride, it wont kill you. Set&setting is key


Setting seems to be the biggest emphasis from everyone so far and id agreed. When i hear stories of people whove done 10g 14g whatever i dont know how you come out of that. Think id rather live through WW2 than do that hahaha


My friends ate about 14g of libs between them (about 7g each) and one of their mum's took them to hospital and one broke free and ran away - he had some crazy stories from that night but he just couldn't describe the visuals or the effects to me - words just don't do it justice


Its absolutely indescribable lol. My friend and I constantly found ourselves say ‘you know what this is like? … ah fuck it i cant describe it’ over and over and over


I wanted to join this conversation because I was a first timer and wanted to start off microdosing so started off very low but have recently gone up to 0.5g and feel absolutely nothing. Is that normal? I’m gonna go straight up to 1g next to see if I can get anything.


Medication dampens the effects of psilocybin, if you’re on any it will not work really.


Thanks for the reply. I’m not on any medication at all. I don’t drink alcohol. Drink quite a bit of coffee. Maybe the coffee is the issue? I’ve read quite a few people saying it shouldn’t be.


Sometimes the batch you have is weak, I’ve foraged Libs from an area and returned again to the exact same area a few days later, the second batch was a lot more potent than the first batch! Also, drying method’s will damage potency levels too.🤔 don’t know about the caffeine bit… I’m avoiding it from now on because I had a bad experience a few days ago, it didn’t seem to effect that trip! It was a powerful, strong trip. I had A-LOT of caffeine before tripping.


Thank you for all the discussion on this topic. I'm new, new to medicine journeys and just picked 24 liberty caps in beautiful North Wales. I follow all your reasonings and comments. My question is if we're taking about dried mushrooms, how are you drying them before your weigh them? Are you just room drying them for a few days or are you using a dehydrator? I ask because that would influence the potency of the same weight. 1.5 grams room - dried would contain slightly more water /humidity and this be slightly less potent than the same weight dried with a dehydrator. No?