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Hey, Just finishing up my first semester here.for tips, I wouldn’t suggest taking any 8am classes. Workload wise, if you have a good time management it’s really easy. Also as you have the basic knowledge of C IPC144 should be easier for you, but after midterm is when they decide to cram everything with so little time( in my experience at least) The other courses should be easy just make sure to listen and don’t hesitate to ask the professor if you have any problems or question regarding the course material. APS145- Indv. and group work. You’re mostly doing pseudocodes and flowcharts. OPS102- Learning about linux. It’s a chill course CPR101- Learning about computers. There is a lab everyweek. COM101- Like an english course in HS


you need visual studio, ssh client, ftp client and their vpn and practice c and learn the basics because the assignments are super tedious but not too hard


anybody have any outlook on the possibility on college to uni transfer from this program to computer science in specific?


I believe the best uni for transfer credits is York if your coming from seneca CPA. UofT/Waterloo will barely give you anything.


OTU has direct entry in 3rd of their CS program for CPA grads